Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Laughing Last

I can say this year has been one hell of a ride. One of the most climatically weird, aggressive, and life-altering years I've had since 2003. Today's date marks a full year I've been free from religion (Christianity). I can finally say I'm done with it and have no regrets about the decision I've made. As one wise man recently told me, "you've got to do what's best for you." You're damn right. With leaving behind religion for good, I'm no longer bound by its precepts:
-serving a "man/woman of God"
-"faithfully" going to a assembly to "worship" God in a building every week
-paying my way to heaven through tithes and offerings making leaders of an organization but never given to the poor and needy
-thinking one religion is better than another (when they're all the same just using different names/titles to things)
-saying "I love God" not out of genuine love but a fear of "going to hell"

I can go on but you get the picture. Just a year ago, a pimp preacher (The whole truth series explains it more) told me I'll be back. Back to graveling "at the horns the altar" of "church" looking for the mercy of God for turning on the will of "His prophets."
You know that's bs, right? They said that me and my gorgeous wife would be cursed; becoming "scourges of the earth." Hell, they even tried to dirty our name and history to keep their fledging church together. Well, after a year later, The Overtons, who are still healing from separating from religiosity and cultism are better, wiser, and stronger than ever. Meaning, we don't take nobody's ----. Word on the street is, she's facing some troubles of her own at a "educational facility" she's running. Her marriage is a farce and the word is out about her "psychopath" ways. Now, I'm not saying all this in from a bitter or angry place. I'm saying all this because the tables are turning. Many preachers in the Central Texas area live by Psalms 105:15, for people not to touch God's anointed (can't even correct them when they're doing wrong). Looks like I'm a growing number of "vagabonds" living their dreams and lives once held captive by religion. Now these "monsters" are facing and experiencing "a falling away"
because people are ready to live and make their mark in this life. The tithes and offerings are getting less and less. People find other means to maintain their spiritual enlightenment. And thank God people are using the Internet to understand the true nature of religion, to divide the peoples from each other and to control the mind. More and more people who've been screwed by this system called Babylon (including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc) are coming out. The powers that be say we're nothing and won't survive. They laughed first but we the people will laugh last. For every woman abused by their spouse and told they are nothing, don't worry. The time will come when you will be laughing last. For every employee who's been fired for not conforming to a wrong system, don't worry. You'll be laughing last. Life is funny and filled with karma. The same people you see on top will be on bottom and will be asking you for mercy. I've learned  that God loves avenging innocent and in due time, the wrongful parties will face the rain. 

To all those who said and thought I was going to die without you, I'm still here. You couldn't destroy me yet you tried. You still flap you gums about me to keep loved ones away from me. You have parties celebrating my sufferings and demise. But know this, he who laughs first will not laugh last. 

Bet on that jack.....

Til next time......

Monday, December 8, 2014

Handling Conflicts Pt. 1

I can't say anything about any other culture or race, but I do believe in American culture, especially in the Bible belt states of the US, some people don't know how to handle conflicts. What is conflict? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Conflict- a struggle for power, property, etc.
: strong disagreement between people, groups, etc., that results in often angry argument
: a difference that prevents agreement : disagreement between ideas, feelings, etc.

For some of us who are still leaving in a fantasy world, closed off "from the world" like hermits, monks, nuns, and the FLDS, conflicts are inevitable in life. We can't run away from them. We can't avoid them. As the late great rapper Guru (RIP) of Gangster said in the classic "Moment Of Truth" 1998 LP, we must "...meet life head on, no holds barred..." Well said my friend. I can honestly say I've gone through this my whole, just like anyone else in the world. I've been the legitimate cause of problems in relationships, workplaces, etc. and been the party wronged by others. What I learned from the old school who I used to shoot ball with back in the days is that you have to handle conflicts.  Some methods of handling conflicts or even handling conflicts all together won't be well received by those who are around you. Some will say, let it go, pray about it, walk away, blah, blah, blah. But it's a tried and true method from science, to history, to english, to communications, sociology, psychology, and in various religions that you must handle conflicts. You must meet it head on, bringing yourself and the other party or parties to the table and hash these conflicts out. Handling conflicts, for some of us, are just terrible in handling conflicts. People get defensive real quick when they've been outed with information from the other party that's been hurt by them. People start to lose their cool when they can't get their point across. Some people in our society end the conflict with a bullet or some other sadistic way to shut the other party up. But I've learned that avoiding conflict and thinking you just have to let it go and pray about things, just doesn't work. It goes against the very order of how God wants us to handle conflict. In the Bible, it details a teaching from Christ about how he says if we have an issue with another person, put down whatever you're doing, and take the time out to go to them. Tell them about this issue that's killing you inside instead of talking to others about the situation (gossip only makes things worse and spread "venom" in the others' lives). In other words, confront them, tell them the issue, and whatever outcome, you've given yourself freedom from the pain, hurt, anger, and confusion you experienced. I recently had to do this. I was dealing with some really tough emotions (if you haven't read my past blogs, you should, and trust, I was doing some whistleblowing-hello somebody). I kind of heard some bad advice and "teachings" that taught me to pray about things, let it go, this that and the third. But that's wrong. Even rape victims, families of murder victims, and characters from the House of Cards had to address some issues (it's on Netflix, riveting). These different types of people didn't handle conflicts to set the other party straight (but at times can be the reason) but to free themselves from the thoughts they have from others. 9 times out of 10, the other party isn't going to receive the information with a receptive heart. They'll denied it to the tee (unless it deals with numbers aka money- "show me the receipts"-Whitney Houston LOL). They'll even say certain comments to get you riled up to discredit the intent of your conversation. But never ever let conflict fester because you will be the one who can't sleep at night or have peace in your heart. To be honest, after handling some conflicts, I feel a lot better, a whole lot better and was able to share with you all that you must handle conflicts. Never avoid them. Handling conflicts allows the truth to prevail even if we or the other parties won't admit to it. My next blog will discuss more on this issue.

Til next time, dgwo AKA Happy Man.....

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Diallo Reloaded

Over 15 years ago (February 4, 1999) in Bronx, NY, an unarmed African man named Amadou Diallo was shot 19 times by four NY policemen from a clear case of racial profiling. Unlike the police officers related to the Michael Brown and Eric Garner (two of many police brutality incidents occurring in a racially charged year of 2014-so far), these officers went to trial. However, these NY police officers have something in common with the two noted "cases", all of them have gotten off. Whether they sleep at night for all that's happened and knowing the actions they performed expired the lives of these men, is something only themselves know for sure. I can say for sure that the United States of America hasn't learned anything from the senseless "murder" of Amadou Diallo. For the most part, some of us don't know about the stories of the post Civil War until the turn of the new millennium from Emmet Till (other young boys have been "executed" without a court judgement) to Rodney King (some guys have had batons inserted where the sun doesn't shine). Well, as I've said before from the topics of religion (which is doing none of us any damn good whether we realize it or not) to racism, "history repeats itself." And I'd like to add something to that effect in the words of my old 9th grade history, Mr. Eddie King, "If you don't know your history, you're bound to repeat." This goes from a local level to a national level. I mentioned in a post or two previously that marches, prayer summits, and rioting won't change anything. One thing I remember from Mr. King's "mild" tangents is in order for change to occur, we must meet with the powers that be to change things. It's great now we have YouTube and press conferences (if we didn't need it now, we surely need Piers Morgan to give his two cents on this matter...); it's awesome of all that technology has given us. However, it's time we take these comments, thoughts, and experiences to Capitol Hill (with the exception Rep. Peter King-who agree with Eric Garner's slaying, Congress and the White House have either side stepped or been silent about this whole matter) and the Justice Department (which is utterly f---ed up). Now the latter part of my previous sentence makes a lot of sense to me now from what I learned from Mr. King, we're taking this fight in the wrong places. Yes, we're speaking out and showing support to show our distrust of the system, but now it's time to go head to head and toe to toe with the people running the system. Since Diallo's fatal shooting (before the turn of the new millennium), there have been no changes in the law to protect us, black, white, red, blue, and yellow. I was reading something about 4 days ago, an innocent white woman was killed by police and those dudes didn't get indicted. Yes, a black woman in Cali was beaten to a pulp by police, was awarded a nice settlement, and those cops are getting handled by LAPD; but nation wide, police brutality is getting out of hand. Just last weekend, I saw a Harker Heights PD an armored humvee (a military vehicle) driving right outside Barnes and Noble. I know what it was. Although it's been said police aren't turning into "military minded" tactics to "protect and serve", I'm seeing something "conspiracy theorists" are saying is a step into "martial law" (Google it). Will this end? Will police brutality continue? Yes. Will the laws change to penalize those who willful treat their fellow Americans wrongfully? No. Not until we get a group of people well versed in the law, another group of people with strong knowledge in history, and another group of people who've been victims or the family members of victims to get in the Supreme Court's face. Easier said than done, right? But "nothing's impossible to anyone who believes." Clearly, I'm frustrated with this whole thing. As a young 33 year old Black dude living in Bible Belt society that keeps secrets, looks the other way, says nothing, and a playground for racism/prejudice to parade in the minds of people in powerful place, both eyes and ears are open. I hope to never go through what these other men and women experienced, some losing their lives or livelihood. But if it does, don't riot. Don't pray. Don't march. Find a way to go to the heart and mind of this nation and effect change through using your mind, opening your mouth, and writing the solutions down. Hopefully, these words will reach somebody who feels where I'm coming from. It's time we stop allowing "the system of things" reload Diallo. It's time for some damn changes. As the Preamble says, "We The People." We have the power and it's time to remind the powers that be what time it is.

Til next time, my friends.......

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Truth About Entitlement

Entitlement is a big issue happening with our younger generation (or today's generation in general). They're loaded with all the gadgets, cars, and quality lifestyle they can ever think of (that's what I see here in Central Texas). When I was a teen, most of the kids I knew had to work for what they wanted; very few were "privileged." Most of the kids I knew who worked were hustlers, saving their money, and in some cases, had to help their parents out with the bills. I on the other hand was a spoiled rotten kid that had to join the Army to break my thoughts of being "entitled." I would have a job and screw it off. I didn't save a dime. Hell, I didn't have any aspirations in life. My dad would get on me but I always bucked against him. Almost 20 years later, my thoughts and feelings of entitlement are mostly gone (my wife spoils me sometimes...☺️). But now, as I go to local malls, I see kids these days from toddlers, to preteens, teenagers, and young adults, throwing tantrums, hissy fits, and disrespectful gestures when they can't get what they want. This generation, some call it Generation Y, feel they are entitled when the new iPhone or smartphone comes out. They're entitled to shopping sprees every time their parents get paid. They feel entitled to hang out all night and do whatever because they're "passing school." Some of them believe their parents are supposed to give them what they want when they're doing good at school. However, many of these kids in my area don't know the value of hard work and dedication (most of the kids are military kids....). There are some going above and beyond right now to make their mark and to set for themselves pathways of success. They understand that entitlement cannot come without the blood, sweat, and tears of hard work. To be entitled, you have to earn it. The same goes for a lot of us adults, too, thinking that prayer, knowing somebody who knows somebody, and "getting by" will grant us entitlements of success. That's bull---- and we're carrying that some bull---- into the lives of the next generation. We have to work for what we want. Can veterans use their GI Bill without serving a certain period of honorable service in the military? Can a person attain a college degree without completing a certain amount of hours? Can a person become a successful manger at a job without developing the necessary leadership qualities? Can a person get a weekly paycheck without coming to work? You should know the answer. I'm trying to bury that little teenaged spoiled boy everyday to becoming a hard working man for the sake of my family. Putting money away that I can't touch. Developing other skills outside of my first line of income. Hell, getting an increase for my VA compensation benefits. All of this requires work. I'm not "there" yet but I'm working with the cards I've been dealt rather than waiting for a miracle to fall from heaven to make life easier for me. Each time we run into these young whipper snappers, we need to drop some gems on them about how entitlement really works. It requires work. Hard work and dedication.

Til next time, Mr. "Still on Leave Until Next Tuesday Overton....

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Black Folks, It's Time For Something New

Before I get to it with today's blog, I'd like to say RIP to another activist and politician, Marion Barry. Second, I'd like to wish my brother James a happy 20th b-day. Now, let's get to the issues at hand. I mentioned these two men (I see now) for person. During the heyday of the Civil Rights Movement, Marion Barry was one of those dudes who was a "mover and shaker" in this process. Among various other people who I can't name all, he made a lot of contributions to the Black community. Of course, this is over 30-40 years ago. Fast forward to the 21st century, there has been more happening in the Black community. AIDS is still an epidemic. Men on the "Down Low" and still with their women. Young black men and boys getting caught up in the penal system. Violence. The rocky foundation of installing the desire for education. Hip hop of today is uninspiring (sucks). Black churches (religion as a whole no matter what it is) are killing the comprehension and common sense of a super religious people. Financial freedom is becoming a harder thing to achieve when family members are stealing your SSN. The list goes on. One more thing is "igging" me like my name is Chico Debarge, the riots happening in Ferguson, Missouri. It's a damn shame the grand jury has decided to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for killing Mike Brown. If this was anyone else in our society (well, politicians get off all the time for dirty deeds against other citizens), trial proceedings would've been underway. Did they use the dash cam video as evidence to confirm testimonies that are in line with the evidence (well, that's if it was on....or "deleted"). The biggest point, why didn't he tase him than shoot him? < I truly believe common sense and comprehension is leaving American culture do to the "microwave age" we're living in> My thing is, black folks, is this, did you not see this coming? Do you not read the news and see that other happenings in our society within the past 3 years, it takes less than 3 months for a grand jury to decide whether or not to indict someone (if the case isn't a federal case against someone)? Why in the hell are you rioting and holding prayer vigils? Is rioting and prayer to God going to bring some clearly washed away principles of justice to light? While you're rioting, plundering your neighbors' hard earned business, the powers that be are laughing at you saying, "just like black people...." Where are supposed black leaders in this entire situation? Hell, where were you during thr LA riots when two (or three, I can't remember) black dudes pulled out an innocent truck driver and beat hm to death? Does this need to happen again? Does history have to continually repeat itself over and over again until as a black community learn that marches, prayer vigils, and loud talking will change nothing? Don't you think it's time to hold forums on political TV shows and programs to discuss matter on a legal nature? Don't you think it's time to hold all these black preachers of the Christian and Isalmic faiths accountable for not speaking up for the fatherless, impoverished, and poor outside of their four walls, multi-acted kingdoms? Like "Da Revolutionary With Tattoos" (a fellow Carolinian with a blog series on YouTube), I'm not trying to be like Batman, one seeking the spotlight. Oh no, I like my behind the scenes job very well. All I'm saying is, as I've learned from my job, it's time to update our processes of doing things to create a better life. Hopefully by the time my brother, James reaches my age in about 13 years, the black community as a majority will see the light and free itself from the Willie Lynch mentality. Hopefully, his generation will be the change we need in the black community as a whole. It's not time to be rich in material sense, but rich in the mind, soul, and spirit. Only this will excrete positive change. This means us, the X generation (born in the '80s) need to wake up from Facebook talking about bull---- and start sharing our thoughts on matters that will help those after us. Like my 9th grade history said to us then, "we are going to the see the foundations of change in every aspect of American society. We are ones holding the keys are change." Of course, I'm no saint by any means. I'm just as mad as those folks in Ferguson but there's a better way to address this issue than rioting and marching. That BS is sooooooo 1960-1995. Like The Roots said back in '99, " it's time for something new."

Til next time, "The Westbury Bully...."

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Reflections Are Eternal

Today, I've had a "damn" moment. Not a moment of admiring one of Lebron's dunks, or winning the Texas Lottery (wishful thinking again), it was a time of reflection. Just a year ago, my life chained to the murky cell of religion. Today, I'm taking a load off from a very fast paced week at work, where I found out yesterday, I'll be working on a new team starting Monday. As I writing this blog in my place of refuge, Barnes and Noble, I'm in a place of reflection. For the better part of 2014, I've wasted a lot time, money, and energy numbing myself to the pain of betrayal, dishonesty, lies, corruption, abandonment, depression, anger, frustration, revenge, and hatred after 10 years of "spiritual abuse." People like my main man "Big Joe" reached out and said something very key that I wake up to and sleep on, "during this process, don't become like them." The very nature of a sociopath has been eating away at my soul all year but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm beginning to feel certain destructive emotions, thoughts, and actions lose their grip on my soul. Some Christian folks will say, it's God and there's no doubt that it is. But maybe, just maybe, the gift of free will and tenacity is now becoming stronger. Deep inside, I want to live, I don't want to die. For the past three weeks, I've been on a "Bobby Womack binge", listening mostly to him and Andre Cymone's (Prince's first bass player and childhood friend) The Stone. They have helped through this moment of clarity, see through the smoke and mirrors of the pain. I have come to the conclusion, it's time for me to live and be all that I'm supposed to be. Create music and share my gift to the world by my wife's side. Continue to be the voice of the voiceless, especially the "spiritually ignorant" who continue to place all their bets on the "set man/woman of God" to lead them into a better life. I've come to the conclusion, as the second to the last of the Overtons, it's time to live with a mentality to not only survive, but thrive in this crazy world, "To Be Frutiful or Die Trying." I'm the master of my own destiny by the choices that I make here and now. What happened in the past is nothing to live in as if it is happening in the present. It's there to teach me lessons and to tell me, you ole battle axe, you're still swinging. Today or whenever you read this blog, take time to reflect on your life. Until you say the d word, the power of reflection has occurred yet, my friends. 

Til next time.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Time To Come Out And Live

Now, David is not trying to get more views or attention for this post (mostly for the title). If you give me about 5-8 minutes, I will explain myself. More and more people from young to old are "coming out" (as the great song sang by Diana Ross, written by "Nard" and Nile Rodgers) as being gay. In my "religious days" I was preaching and teaching against homosexuality, just as any other "Christian minister" should do in his or her monologue in prison (oh sorry, church). Now, after my break out, my views have changed. No longer do I judge them, I love them, I accept them.
Better than that, I respect them. Why do I respect them? Because they are open and honest about who they are as a people. That's more than I say for myself and the millions (and millions-in The Rock's voice) of people on this planet. They're in Austin, in San Francisco, in the Big Easy, in Germany, they're everywhere giving the bird to stuck up, religious, judgmental, prideful, and masquerading humans pointing their fingers, shivering,and staring at them. Do I still cringe inside when I see two dudes kissing? Yes. Do I still have conflicting thoughts seeing girls looking like dudes? Yes. I'm still detoxing from the lavish American version of hypocritical Christianity. But I accept those people because they're human just like me. Each of us have a road we have to travel. I know mine in this point of my life is living that "vagabond life." Wandering, trying different things, researching different views, in search of the real David "Ruffin" Overton. I now believe God is in everything, everywhere, and in everyone. As I said before, who am I to judge someone else's "orientation?" I believe the point I'm trying to make here is that we all have "tendencies" about ourselves that are "frowned upon" in society. The question is, are we living our lives the way others are "telling us to live?" Or are we "stepping out on faith" to be what we are supposd to be? That's why I respect  the people "living out loud" as they can in the LGBT community. Now let me say this too, David ain't gay, I loooovee my chocolate delight by the name of Mrs. Overton. < I guess the whole scene with that man at the annual bull---- Cogic conference sparked this one off. > Be who you're supposed to be. Do what you're supposed to be doing. Only God can judge each of us and you'll be amazed at how many "religious" (judge mental) folks won't be joining the rest of us at the everlasting wedding party in heaven (Matthew 21:23-32-my favorite I used to shut religious folks up). -I'll be talking about this subject another time....

Well my friends, I've ran out of gas. I hope you enjoyed my tangent for today. 

Til next time.....

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Praise Paul, Screw Jesus

Well, it's Sunday and I've been mulling as to, "should I write this, should I not?" Well, since we're all entitled to our opinions on any subject matter, I might as well talk about an issue that many people don't think about. For any scholar in the literary field across the world, and for any practicing "minister" (which I think they need to change to servant due to the over-abundance of pimping in the American church system), Paul of Tarsus known as the probably the greatest apostle ever, wrote the majority of the New Testament. This is true. The man wrote a lot of stuff dealing with various issues. Adultery, the true characteristics/qualifications of being a leader (in any field/career in life), money (but discouraged the blasphemous notion of tithing), and the list goes on. Many preachers, especially in the Bible and in overall Christian music love quoting Paul. From Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews (especially 10:26-which by no means is about anyone going to a stupid building faithfully every week to get spoon fed "word of faith" teachings that have nothing to do with reality), Corinthians, Colossians, and Philippians (I picked these because they're the most used). Why do people always talk about the writings of Paul than the writing Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote about every one's "supposed" Lord and Saviour" Jesus the Christ? Why do we hear and see people quote more about Paul than about the Christ himself? Better yet, why do people love to quote the old testament and Paul most of the time than the stories about Jesus and the other writers of the new testament? Hmmmm.... I want you people to think about this and let this lil' dude from Raleigh North Carolina "take you on a voyage." Many people who are "saved" or "go to church" regularly say they love Jesus. You see there lil' statuses on Facebook, Twitter. You see their lil' videos on YouTube giving thanks to God for all their blessings or fan favorite, "I love Jesus" quotes. You see these people in the malls, outside of Walmart (selling plates of course, well that's what they do in Central Texas) "witnessing" to people on "the God they serve." Yeah, they might use John 3 in their little witnessing (hustling) campaigns, but guess who's quoted the most, especially in the "tracks" they give to people? Paul of Tarsus; probably the less used words from the "man of Galilee." Now, here's where the heart of my opinion is expressed. I believe the reason why Paul, the old testament, and other writers are quoted more than the words of Jesus is from people using these words to solidify themselves in the eyes of men. We see with a lot of big named and local preachers. They do this to pimp the people out of knowing what "salvation" is all about. They twist and tangle these writers to control and manipulate the minds of the people; common sense and the use of comprehension be damned. They claim this is the "work of the Holy Spirit" but the last time I read, this supernatural force "opens the eyes of the blind." Yes, people talk about Jesus all the time but nobody really knows the guy. Yes, they quote stories like the Gethsemane, the trip on the lake during a tempest, spooky "revelations" of the last days, sometimes the stories of him feeding thousands of people (mostly to subvert the true principle of the story to solidify the notion of tithes/offerings), and a few other stories. But if you really ask these people about some of the most fundamental things found in "the gospels" that shaped the writings and opinions (oh yes, there are a lot of opinions in Paul's writings although he was "divinely inspired") of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and John, these people couldn't tell you. The story Jesus told about the widow with the last mite that destroys the notion of tithes and offerings. The multiple chapter escapade found (primarily) in Matthew and Luke destroying Pharisee/Sadducee (church) leadership and "soul pimping." Or what about the teaching He alone is the Good shepherd, not these self pronounced pastors, bishops, and apostles.... What about divorce, the true nature of angels, and my favorite, how the "sinners" of the world like Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, and Perez Hilton have a 90 to 100% chance of beating 90 to 100% self proclaimed "christians" to heaven? Paul is used as a tool to "pump up" christian ideologies. Jesus is the scapegoat to draw the people into a life filled with delusions, confusion, and lies. To correctly quote Paul, to be damned (condemned for they don't believe in Christ but men), never coming to the knowledge of the real truth (which is a exposition of John 3-how you like me now?). Before I close this blog full of "sacrilege", I'd like to mention another favorite people love to talk about, Matthew 7 and 24. These two are giving us the same principle, "know the truth and it'll set you free" (one also quoted by Mr. Farrakhan) from the current "intellectual black plague" infecting the "spiritually redeemed." As I said before, as Peter said about Paul's writings, people use them to lie to imprison the minds of men because they are "unlearned and unstable" themselves. They are, in principle, continuing the "apostolic and prophetic" left by Paul and the old testament, only using Jesus to make it "a holy work of God" (to all my history buffs, doesn't this remind you of the Catholic Church before, during, and after the dark ages?). In the meanwhile, Jesus isn't getting "the short end of the stick" but in Mr. Vincent K. McMahon's term, "getting screwed." Who else gets it? The people following these "christian movements" of lies. Thank God I'm not about of it. So, this will probably be one of the few times in my blogs I'll quote Paul but only to show Paul's true intent, which many of these people preaching, teaching, dancing, singing, and rapping don't share (of course, in my very own instigating way), knowing God for yourself:

Paul asked a question, "why are you people bickering about who or who not has the truth about God? Don't you idiot see this is causing confusion, envying, strife? Some of you are saying, I'm of Paul or this other guys. Don't see we are just men doing are part, not to have you follow us like we're gods ourselves, but to know God for yourself?" - you look it up yourself and as Jesus said, "see if you really have this eternal life you say you have?

All I'm saying is, read the writings about the accounts of Jesus than move on to Paul and the others. But I warn you, you won't be the same again because your blood will be boiling every time you people speak from a twisted form of "God."

Well my friends, if I haven't made this clear enough, I tried. Plus, I'm only one man, there are millions of people who probably have a better opinion than I do on this. Hell, probably an atheist does...only God knows. Hahaha....

Til next time, Mr. dGWo........

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I'm No Saint

You see the title and I don't want to be one, either.

Matter of fact, what does a saint mean?

one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness

one of God's chosen and usually Christian people

one eminent for piety or virtue

Well, I'm not a "holy man, nor a "chosen man of God", nor one eminent for piety or virtue (in a religious sense)", I'm just me. A hot headed (when people rub me the wrong way), intelligent, three-tiered degree, son, husband, "VSR", friend, brother, writer, "criminal-minded", and the list goes on; homo-sapien. I'm no saint and I'm glad about it. Why? I'm being who I want to be and still, (sort of like Common), becoming a better person. I'm no longer seeking "holiness", I'm seeking wholeness. Holiness is for people to walk around town impressing people of how righteous and deep (revelatory) they are (just my opinion). It's not to give glory to God, it's to impress others just like high school kids do on the first day in school. No better way for people to feel special, blessed, and confident than taking the "holy-roller" road. I'm seeking the path of wholeness, the continual growth and maturation of self, and to make a lil' money along the way (legally of course). I believe that I have a good yet damaged heart. I believe there are good traits about me, hell, maybe like "the salt of the earth." But I'm not living my life to attain some higher level of spiritual purity. I believe that I can reach a higher level of consciousness in making better choices. But this whole spiritual purity thing, I'm not down with. I truly believe that the worst of the worst, those who lead their lives mostly like hell will beat "the righteous, holy; the saints" into heaven. Jesus said himself said (ppl love quoting Paul but never quote Jesus about this particular issue....). Remember, it's not about what you do, it's about the heart....I've tried "living right" and it only had me betray the essence of who and what I was originally intended to be. Bold, wise, loving, adventurous, inquisitive, and my favorite, crazy. These traits and various others exclude me from the "Fully Developed Saint Program" when I'm processed under strict rules of how i can talk, think, act, eat, associate with, and places to go. I'm no saint, I'm a sinner and I like it very, very much, my friends. Sainthood makes ppl believe they are something they're not. Sinner-hood bows the heart to understand God's mercy.

Til next time, David "The Big O Sinner" Womack....

Be Free To Speak

The 1st amendment of the United States of America Constitution reads:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

To break it down Barney style, we have been given the privilege and right to speak freely on issues of any sort. I believe that in American society, there's a catch 22 or a double standard when it comes to free speech. Whenever people have addressed serious issues in our society it's frowned upon but we support a bunch of rich women on television cuss each out every Sunday night. It makes no sense. We would rather hear somebody use their free speech on some crap that has no value. However, we disdain one who's trying to address important issues that are at times swept under the rug. I believe the intention of the founding fathers in the late 1700s was to give people a voice. A voice of reason, accountability, comedy, seriousness, and thoughtfulness. So I'd like to raise that issue and say this to all those who want to express themselves (with ethical and legal behaviors) should do so. If you've got a story to tell, tell it. If you've got grievances with certain things (and people), please voice your concerns. Always be mindful of the presentation because to get somebody's attention is all about how we present it (i.e., look at how thedailybeast.com does it, it's amazing). It doesn't have to always be sophisticated, it just needs to be sincere. Use your 1st amendment right to the fullest. If the federal government can't touch you, then you shouldn't have to worry about anyone else doing anything to you. We have the liberty to write blogs, release music to the masses, record video documentaries, and write books to talk about things that matter to us. Will everybody like it? Nope but you took the chance; so you should pat yourself on the back. Anybody who knows me knows I'm not biting my tongue for nobody (and yes, dude has been demonized but that's cool, it comes with the territory). If there's something I believe in, then I will speak on it. Of course, be prepared to get crucified when people disagree with you but that's all a part of the game. Let you be you and don't change your stance for nobody, especially when it's about the unbiased truth on a matter. Don't lower your voice if people don't agree with you (we all need to learn to agree to disagree - hello somebody). It's our 1st amendment right. There are so many countries that stifle their people from speaking on social issues through imprisonment and death. We must choose this liberty and should not put to death the right to speak on things that need to be addressed. Not for fame, money, or honor (if it is, I'm like Pac, I ain't mad atcha), just to have good conversations through whatever medium of communication we use.

Til next time, dgwo...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Don't Be Perfect, Be You

For the past couple of months, I've been going through a deprogramming or detox period from religion, from my perspective, Christianity. I've always had problems with church, religion, even with the Nation of Islam of some of its racist antics (if you live in the "Piedmont" area of N.C., you know what I'm talking about). I just could never see why people gave themselves the right to judge others in the lifestyles they chose without seeing why, when, how, and why. There are others things that I can go on tangents on but we don't have all day for that, do we? One of things that I'm deprogramming from is the "perfection" complex. In my ten plus years in the religious world, I've the following cliches:

- "Mark the perfect man" (which actually comes from the Bible but is primarily twisted)
- "Fake it 'til you make it"
- You have dominion over the place you are in your life
- Being broke or wallowing in your emotions is a sin
-The emotions or sins you do are caused by "a spirit"

All this is BULLS---......

Can I get a witness for those who've heard this or seen this?

I've learned that we were not born perfect and as long as we live on planet earth, we will never be perfect. I think people use the word "perfect", which is actually listed in the Bible, in the wrong context. Men like Luke, Mark, Peter, and Paul didn't say, you have to live a sinless life. Or you must be spotless and without wrinkle (which is a passage used out of context). What these men meant was for humans to mature as life goes on. Our mind and the way we see things should always change due to an ever-changing world. And yes, to achieve this, we have to make mistakes in life. We will screw some people, even our friends and loved ones over from time to time (hopefully unintentionally). Some mistakes cost us money, time, and relationships but look at the experiences and lessons we pick up along the way. Hell, Jesus Himself, God in the flesh, didn't have a perfect life, He lived a sinless life (I know I've started a debate right there but it's the truth). Obama in all of his accomplishments is a man he himself said in his speech before starting his first term said, "I'm a just a man, I'm going to make mistakes" (I hope you heard me clear black people, how soon did we forget, very quick). George Wallace had a change of heart after a traumatic incident and admitted his views on race was "flawed." Do you get the point I'm trying to make? We are fallible, flawed, in many way, weak human beings. We are not God. Let me say it again for some of religious, narcissistic, self-reliant, rich/poor, or snooty mo-fos. We are not God. He alone is perfect, we are and will forever be imperfect. I'm sort of happy that I'm not perfect. I'm starting to relish in my weaknesses, flaws, excuses, and shortcomings I'm glad that I'm a human being, that I'm me. Why should I render my emotions to a shell to make myself look perfect? To never check somebody else when they need to be checked? When I'm feeling giddy about something that's awesome? That's stupid. God made me to have emotions, to be angry, to be sad, to be depressed, to be forgiven, to be happy, to tell weird jokes,  to be thoughtful of others. He doesn't want me to be perfect and neither does He want you to be perfect. Now, don't take my words as gold because I'm just a man, I'm just entitled to my opinion. Be you, the angel or demon that you are (it's up to you). Always look for times to mature, to become a better person, to be a solution into our society that is full of problems. The only way to do that or be that solution is to be you, with your imperfect self. Love yourself and all your flaws. In someone else's life, you might show strength and help them along away. I believe that's how God intended life to be.

Til next time, my friends......

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why Forgiveness Is Hard?

Since I can remember, I've heard many people tell me, "if somebody hurts you, you've got to let it go, pray for them, and move on." Well, to quote a "true and faithful saying" in American culture, this process is easier said than done. The amount of b.s. going on in the world and the level of people's foolish actions towards others are becoming the breeding ground for cold hearts. Not the type of cold heart that will go out and hurt other people but will do whatever in this life to never feel again. Never trust again. Never love "everyone" with open arms again. A lot of times, the wound is so deep, forgiveness is hard. In American Christian culture, a lot of people are lying to other people saying that "if God forgave you, you ought to forgive others." Wrong, dead wrong. In the Bible and in other cultures, God sometimes lost his cool when people were just screwing up and had no sorrow about it. Not saying God is like us but as I write this blog, I see where we, well I, get my short temper from (of course, when dealing with sociopaths and idiots who love to screw people). Over the past weekend while hanging with "My Honey" and friends in "Chi-Town", I got a chance to really confront these ideologies, which clearly doesn't work for me. I'm sorry, this is not the time or place in my life to put on "super intelligent and meta-physical (the other phrase for spirituality)" fronts to appease desire others want for my life. I can honestly say, forgiveness is hard, it's brutal, and it's an everyday thing. Some people super "spiritualize" Jesus' words to Peter when he asked, "Say man, how many times do I need to forgive this ----- (you fill in the blank)?" Jesus says, " Say man, 70 times 70." What did he mean by that? Every time you want to jump in the car, load up your desert eagle, and find that person that did you wrong with a bullet readily available, you may want to think about the consequences of revenge. Now, I do believe in getting revenge but as the old school crew love to say, "it's what you do it's how you do it" (ok, that's a line from Bahamadia, so work with me, work with me, my friends). What I get from this conversation is that every time those thoughts come up, the anger, the rage, the frustration, the perplexity of combined emotions, we've got to start the process of forgiveness. For some, it only takes a second. For others, years. I don't care what any preacher, monk, politician, or musical artist has to say, forgiveness is hard. Seeing those who hurt you still going on with their lives, still "jerking people", still living the same prettied up evil lives, stirs anger and unforgiveness. Every time your mind goes back to that time when you were hurt, there it is. Despite popular belief, this is going to happen until the day you die. I "receive that." My only thing is that we shouldn't live our lives in unforgiveness. I believe forgiveness is a hard road that requires the will to do it and making the time to get to that place. Now, let me say something else before I close this one out. This doesn't mean we shouldn't confront those who've done us wrong. That's condoning somebody's behavior. Well, I believe that it's for me tonite, my friends.

Til next time. "Trying To Make A Dollar Out Of 15 Cents" Overton...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When It's Time To Say Goodbye

Ending long term relationships are never an easy thing to do. It's a gut wrenching, heart aching, abnormal sweating decision that we make from time to time. Business partnerships. BFFs now turn to BFF (best foes forever). Affiliations with organizations null and void. Hell, even family relationships become nonexistent. In certain points in our life, we have to let people go, those same people we've held dear (for those who I still kick it or haven't kicked it with in a while, you know who you are, ole David won't kick you to the curb). This is a decision that I've had to make within the past few weeks. Some people I used to be tight with and see a couple of times a week, well, that situation has changed. Some of these people I used to call friends, brothers, and sisters; today, I don't regard them as such. In my life right now, there's still some unsettled beef between "some other folks" and I. The sad part about it is the people I used to regard as friends and family have sided with those that have lied about me, my family, and other good friends of mine. I used to try and talk with them, reason with them about the "aspects" of this beef the "other party" fails to acknowledge (for the sake of maintaining funds and image). The sad thing about this is that I have to cut them off. Over the weekend, a very good friend of mine expressed her mentality when I was in the same position of these people I'm cutting out of my life. She had to do it because I chose to side and enable the unhealthy nature of people that were (and still) beefing with her. Boy, I took in everything she said that day, thanks "Sims." This conversation solidified the painful decision I had to make, the cutoff. Now a new personal value has arisen. Why should I maintain relationships with people that we have nothing in common? Every time I talk about things that are true in God reality, they want to take things to the "meta-physical" or "spiritual" realm all the time. Every time I want to address some real issues about certain things, here they go condoning evil but demonizing the good. Why in the hell should I continue relationships where I'm on the highway to success and these jokers are still driving on back roads of destruction? Why should I continue being friends with folks who clearly judge me for "seeing the light" on certain issues they are willfully ignorant? Yep, it's time to cut these jokers off because we're no longer compatible like an iPhone 6 power cable to an iPhone 4s phone. It's not going to work. Some people think this decision is extreme but it's got to be done. I may not agree with everything Tyler Perry says but I'm going to quote one of his favorite sayings circa 2001. "Why do we keep things God is tearing apart?" Well, we can pass the offering plate on that one. It's going to hurt them more than it's going to hurt me because I've got goals to reach. How can I achieve them with dead weight in my life? Remember, a lot of times in life, dead weight are people and at times, we need to cast that extra cargo into the sea before our ships sinks. Do you dig the k-nowledge?

Til next time, my friends, Sea Captain Overton......

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

So, What's Been The Hold Up?

Well, why in the hell did I make this post's name this way, this time around? Well, for good reason. I've been having it hard for the past 3 plus weeks. Work has been almost unbearable. Still getting help and working through depression, anxiety, and anger conditions (thanks to the rampant cultish aspects of Christianity), and just life in general. Nevertheless, all of these noted (and undisclosed aspects of my life) have in various ways, kept me away from the blog scene. This has always been in the case since December 2013, which was a time I gave the verbal FU to the church system (a decision I will never regret). But there's one aspect I'd like tap on I think other blog writers and video bloggers can relate to.  Each of us has a niche. Some it's fashion, cars, technology, pranks (ie- Jack Vale), music reviews, culture, etc. I know my niche is sharing my different experiences and of course condemning the overall church system in the Black/African American community. Sometimes, we catch a lot of flack on our views and perspective takes on the topics we cover. I know within the past 10 months, I've caught a lot of flack. Sometimes, I don't care and other times, I get my cage rattled. Sometimes, some of may feel, man, I just keep talking about the same stuff over and over again. Sometimes, we may receive comments from people who say, "can't you talk about something else? Why are you being so critical other such and such? Or, the get over already in more ways than one talk." I can't speak for everyone else but these things really hold me up from writing blogs, especially about certain things that I really important to me I want to share with others. So, I 'm going to try my best step by step, day by day to post blogs. Hopefully in the future, I'd like to do video blogs, mostly to cover the mess that's going on in American cults that call themselves churches (not all of them, just most of them). There are so many topics that I'd like to discuss and yes, they're going to offend some people but hey, we live in a country that gives us the right of freedom of speech. Plus, writing blogs are therapeutic for me, a way to turn the negative energy within me into positive energy. We all need an outlet, right? Well, this is one of mine and I'm going to actively use is it for purpose. Hopefully, my friends, this post will reignite passion for something you know you're good at but have allow "life" get hold you up. I know the feeling and I'm here with you.

Well, that's all I have for tonite but stay tuned, more thoughts are sure to come.

Til next time, Recovering "Life" Addict Overton......

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ex-Ministries' War On The Hip Hop Culture

I need to write this to get some pressure off my chest. Actually, this has been a long time coming, since 2004 when a guy by the name of Craig Lewis, who I believe, is the lead pastor of Ex Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas. From 2004 (maybe earlier) to present, dude has been on a rampage against the hip hop culture, even going after Christian artists like Cross Movement and Reach Records. Now, before I get started on my tangent, I'm going to let you know, I do not listen to Christian music and to be quite honest, I don't listen to hip hop music much, either. But when I saw a post from Ex-Ministries concerning the hip hop culture, "Christian rappers", and rap in general, I got a bit heated. Now, I do agree with some of the points he shared. Yes, it is true that God can use any form of art to reach people in this crazy world. Yes, I do believe that the majority of hip hop right now (mainstream of course) is out of control in certain aspects. Yes, we shouldn't look at ourselves as gods (although a lot of Christians do! Due to their belief in the word of faith doctrine). However, I do not believe hip hop is demonic or came from the devil. Okay, so he lists "The Zulu Nation" created hip hop and says it comes from demonic roots. Well, he failed to forget about Kool Herc, Grandmaster Flash, and a lot if unnamed guys who honed/began this art form and different "sect" of world culture sometime within the 1970s (those from NYC, will have more of an accurate time period). The thing that really pissed me off is Lewis' insistent use of demonizing the hip hop culture. This includes speech, dialect, dress, trains of thought, identity, values, beliefs, codes, relationships, and many more aspects of this culture. This also includes the different sects within the hip hop culture, which is mostly split between two categories (and within these categories innummerable categories), underground (independent) and mainstream (industry puppets). Well, this can go for every other culture in our world today from Islam, rock n roll, blues, Christian, atheism, science, sports, politics, you name it. So let me "expose" Craig Lewis' hypocritical bull---- he's been spewing for years and have led much of the younger generation he's indoctrinated to lose who they are and where they are from (as the Revolutionary a With Tattoos says, "creating another generation of coons-people who forget who they are and where they're from"). If the hip hop culture is demonic, then I guess Satan created it, matter of fact, created all cultures and the music found within them. Wrong. The last time I read the bible, it says that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights (it's always been humans who "perverts it" -Phanatik of Corss Movement). To break it down, everything, even some of us a-holes/bigots in the world, are created by God. This includes hip hop. You see, Mr. Lewis fails to forget, it was hip hop from the 80s to the 90s that brought out a lot of topics the church distanced itself from. Teen pregnancy, abortion, rape, the drug game, political corruption, speaking on sex protection (AIDS/HIV), pursuing education, "fighting the powers that be" oppression towards the African American community, "friends", and even enjoying the "summertime." The list goes on. But what was the church doing? Speaking in tongues, passing the offering plates taking away hard earned money from the poor, keeping people in church 7 days a week to keep themselves from "the world", condoning child, sex, spiritual, emotional, and financial abuses/scandals, and it's favorite pastime, condemning the world (Lewis' pedigree). Mr. Lewis and all those riding his jock of his erroneous teachings, I've got two questions for you:

How can you separate rap from hip hip when they are synonymous (the same)?
If you condemn or judge one sect of culture, shouldn't we condemn ALL world cultures?

The last time I've heard, only God can judge, not us, for we have the ability to discern from the good and the bad. Mr. Lewis, stop hating on hip hop, because you're actually hating on other forms of art and life, too. Let me explain:

For hip hop comes from rock n roll, bebop, jazz, blues, country, reggae, and of the grandfather of them all is classical. I wonder what music your music ministry plays in your services, hmmmm, maybe all the musical forms I just mentioned, especially in your worship sessions. Hypocrite. And I can only say that because from time to time, I'm one too. At least I admit it. 

I'll admit, hip hop isn't what it should be, but revolution is coming again and those a part of it are going to pick you a part, line by line. As Paul states in Colossians 1:16-17 in Barney style, God will use any and everything for His purpose. I've got couple of NEW TESTAMENT scrips on deck, too about the NEW COVENANT (since you're stuck on the old, as most pimp preachers are....). 

Til next time, my friends.....

Friday, September 26, 2014

An Ever-Changing World

What's happening? I know, it's been a while again. Sometimes as a blogger, you begin to feel like you're "reinventing the wheel" when talking about certain topics. Since late 2013, there's been distinct "shift" in my thought process, belief system, and "spirit." That what happens when your "world is turned upside down." However, it's a good thing because my once "tunneled perception" on life has changed dramatically. In the "world" I was a part of (now renounced), change was spoken yet hardly performed and encouraged. I've learned that change is a total thing, not a "one aspect" thing. I'm proud to say my life has totally changed but I'm still going through changes. I recently had a conversation with a "former" constituent of mine and he didn't like some of the "views" I spoke about. Knowing me, I refuted everything he was talking about purposely because I used to have that same train of thought. You want to know why? The type of thinking he's "proclaiming" is outdated, a travesty to the human race, and is the machine raging against the currents of an ever-changing world. It has no place in our society because it justifies hypocrisy, condones crimes in the name of God, and causes divisions among the human race. Now, I'm a "literary spokesman" against and have regained my footing again. I'm not only coming from speaking at a "commonwealth"  level but also at a personal level. Everyday, I'm learning about myself and coming to terms of my strengths, successes, proclivities, and shortcomings. All these make up who I am as a man, husband, son, friend, cousin, employee,musician, writer, fan, and researcher/explorer. I'm becoming more of the latter because through a "diligent search", I'm coming closer to knowing my present status in my destiny at this point in my life. One of my favorite songs now is by Andre Cymone "It's Alright" on the new "The Stone" LP (spectacular album by the way). It's more like an autobiography of his life and in certain points of this song, I can relate. More so, the focal point of this song is Andre walking through a cycle of maturation. This is the ever-changing world. Just as technology (and hackers) is changing every 6-9 months, so should we as people. It's not easy but it's for damn sure, necessary. I've still got a couple of screws loose but life, God, enemies, and loved one are helping me tighten them up. 

Til next time, my friends, dgwo.....

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Agree Or Disagree, That Is The Question?

People older and younger can attest that we can't stand mess, foolery, and drama. We live in a society and time when things are moving at a fast pace everyday. When unnecessary mess occurs in your life, it slows you down, distracts you, hinders you, and takes up space in your thoughts. The plans you once had are now nullified because you get caught up with middle school age minded people who can't be adults about things. You know, healthy conversation. Excuse me as I go on a tangent. Within the past 5 years, I've dealt with more crap from people than u should have to. Arguments about nothing, misunderstandings, and rushes to judgment. It's like on "White Men Can't Jump", people I try to hold a conversation with are just "hearing" and not "listening." It's ridiculous. Oh what about those people who try to correct every time you say something that's contrary to how they think or believe? Someone at a music shop (who just met me) was coming at my neck for something I said that's a common saying where I'm from (n---a, one of my favorite words, thanks Aunt Edna for those funny moments with you and Uncle Jimmy God rest his soul). I was like dude, what the hell is your problem? Why can't we talk and not you coming at my neck about stuff I already know about our storied history in America. Gee wiz, Batman!!!! I didn't blow up because I understood where he was at mentally. He's just a lackey, a boy in a man's body at 30 something years old taking orders from his puppet-master (pastor/spiritual leader). And one thing I learned about him within 7 minutes is that he believes that if someone doesn't agree with him on anything, he has to become as a pestering insect until that person breaks down to agree with him. I know, I used to be one (without the crap from a pastor, still a debater, especially when it comes to how much the Cowboys suck and music). I've said all that to ask a question, "To Agree or Disagree?" The American society is filled with competition, various ideologies, belief systems, and various trains of thought. But there's something that's been lurking for the past few decades, conformity and the degradation of individuality. I've been reading this book called "Black Gods of The Metropolis" by Albert Faucett and it's pretty good. One thing I learned is that in different groups of society, agreement is like God and if you don't agree or comply with everything said or done around you, you're out. You're considered a heathen, troublemaker, a rebel. We see this in the workplace, school, sororities, clubs, religious organizations, and gangs. People that don't agree are shunned and their opportunities for success in whatever goal they are set on become slim. It's a sad thing that happens. This is the type of thing people lose friends and family over. My thing is, it's good "to agree to disagree." Why not? Why must we agree on everything? The reason why my marriage is still running is from my wife and I disagreeing on a lot of things. However, we've learned to agree to disagree on many things and through this, we grow into better people individually and as a married couple. Look at different organizations like Apple and Ford, each experiencing various problems and "scandals" in recent times but still are successful in their perspective industries because they believe in the "agree to disagree doctrine." When we agree within everything, we're setting ourselves up for failure. We won't know how to handle ourselves in conflicts (some of us play the "hiding game" when they happen). We never get promoted and if we do, we lose the respect of those in the workplace. Disagreements are necessary, differences are a part of life. Get used to it. Within recent months, people have disagreed with many of my blogs and I've disagreed with other people's thoughts. However, when the smoke clears, we've got to agree to disagree. That's life. Deal with it.

Til next time, The Agreeing to Disagree Overton.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What We Can Learn From Kids

I'm learning that as we grow up from children to adults, our hearts overtime become hard, cold, and callous. It's a hard truth I've been trying to avoid but is something that I must face. Some people (such as myself) sometimes veer off into space, dreaming of a world that is different, more peaceful, maybe envisioning a world where people better treat each other. However, we must snap out of those pipe dreams and face God reality that this "utopia" doesn't exist. I mentioned in a previous blog that I had to go "old school" on some people I've known for years I haven't seen in months and confront them on some issues that's "disrespected my friends and family." Of course, they took the punk route. Not saying hello when they saw me (that's just good southern hospitality). Looking at me like I'm the one who did them wrong when it's the total opposite. People who want the beef/drama to continue when all they have to do is 'fess up, apologize, and maybe begin the process of reconciling our relationship. But these people are borderline sociopaths, one of them said, "I'll never apologize." As much as a cold hearted mo-fo I can be, that hurt me deep to the core of my very being. Inside, I'm crying because my family helped these people so many times but they "lifted up their heels against us." A common Judas punk move. My mind has been reflecting on a thought one of my best friends shared with me a couple of months ago (whose also going through a similar situation). He told me, "Dave, why can't we be like kids, fight one day, maybe argue, but at the end of the day, be friends again?" That's a good question, my friend. I'm afraid the answer is found in the first sentence of this blog post. It's true. As children (not for every child), the heart is "tender", the spirit is pure, the bigger picture of treating people the right way is locked in front of eyes. Then comes the abuses, the fights, the embarrassment, the bad habits, the rapes, the robberies, etc. Hard times. Rough times. Hard lessons. Selfish intentions. Impure motives. Overtime, we become something we never would've dreamed of as kids and the kid inside of us doesn't like what he or she sees. I think that the greatest gift on this earth is human life. It's God's greatest creation. Overtime, this earth been a 1st hand witness of the hearts of men and what a hard, cold, and calloused heart will lead one to do to another. We can learn a lot from kids if we just sit back and see how they enter act with each other. Most times I've seen interactions, there's a little fussing and fighting but there's a reconciliation and bonds that aren't broken. Us adults, we think because we're making money in our perspective careers, kids of our owns, college degrees, etc., we're God's gift to the world. I think you need to look in the mirror. I wish at the moment, when the "demonic" part of me came out, those moments would've been different. Them seeing me, at least saying hello and not looking at me with disgust because I don't "fit the bill" of what a 33 year old black male should look like in their "book of perfection." I wish that an open door of honest conversation would've taken place and them just admitting to themselves and myself, "hey, I screwed up" for whatever reason. Wishful thinking, huh? It's ok to dream but it's necessary to snap your mind back to reality. I can this is what kids sooner or later are going to have to learn from us "wicked adults", right? But the main lesson we need to learn from kids, is to be friendly, to cherish good friendships, and make it right with those you've hurt with a simple gesture. There I go wishful thinking again.....

Til next time..........

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Erroneous Use of Hebrews 10:25

I've been wanting to write about this scripture for a while since I've left the crack epidemic called "church." Since I've been in the "detox program",  I've ran into many people who've heard our story and the first thing they say to me is, "You should come to my church. I think you'll really like it. You know what the Bible says in Hebrews, 'Forsake not the assembly..." I've heard this, in a percentage rate, of 95.7% of my conversations with people who are obviously suffering from CTSD (Church Traumatic Stress Disorder). For some of us who don't know what Hebrews 10:25 says, let me help you:

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Of course, a lot of these people forget what Hebrews 10:23-24 and Matthew 18:20 (the words of Jesus by the way) say but that's neither here or there. Throughout the 20th and 21st century (thanks to the Azuza Street Revival that unleashed the plague of religion), people have used this scripture to "guilt" people from missing church or to attend church if they are "fellowshipping with the Lord" on their own (i.e. - at home reading the Bible, etc.). When people use this scripture as they talk to me (not with me), the mind frame they are coming from is that their pastor "has what I need." I know, I used to the same thing to others. They believe the "level of the their pastor's anointing" will free me from whatever I'm going through and what I'm thinking. They believe "fellowshipping with saints" is restricted to coming to a church building "whenever the doors of the church are open." They believe that people should be an open book (i.e.-accountable to "leadership), in various parts for their life. People live others who are not attending church aren't growing in God or if they are doing things in "ministry" that they are moving "illegally in the spirit" without a "covering (a pastor)." It's funny how people are so seduced by these points and many more I can't put in one blog. These points I've mentioned and more are just regurgitated bull---- statements made by people throughout the ages to keep people locked up in the penitentiary of religion (which people call a part of the grace of God). Let me tell you people what Paul meant when he wrote Hebrews 10:25. He was referring to Matthew 18:20. He was referring to Proverbs 18:24. The relationships between David and Jonathan, Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Naomi, Peter and Silas, and the list goes on. Did any of these people gather in a building all the time to hear the middle man give them a word? Or to be encouraged? Or to worship God? Even with the worship of God, do we have to go to certain place to meet God and to hear him speak to us? If that's the truth, then why in the hell did Jesus die for to "break down the middle wall of partition between us and God (Ephesians 2:14/Matthew 27:51)?" I recently read Ja Rule's new book "Unruly" and in one of the chapters about his mother, he notes seeing how to this very day how his mother won't attend church. You want to know why? Why should we have to go to church to hear the middle man (the pastor) give you a word when you can open up your Bible and get one for yourself.... Some of these people (I think most of 'em) are lazy and go to church for their weekly fixes of word and worship that have nothing to do with how we should live our daily lives (notice how much of these powerful words from God are always about the spiritual realm instead of how to treat your fellow man). Here's my take on Hebrews 10:25, especially to you folks who keep quoting that scripture incorrectly. It's about maintaining relationships with people who believe in the same God as you do. Not always agreeing with each other (for it's common for people in God reality to agree to disagree) but helping each other stay on the "right path" in this thing we call life. So, when the next person tells me I "need to come to their church" and uses Hebrews 10:25 to "guilt me into going back to church", I'm just going to say hell no. Keep your church. To all those who are taking this approach on people who don't go to church, let me give you something, matter of fact someone better to reference them to instead of referencing them to church, Jesus.

Well, that's going to piss some people. Good.

Til next time.......

Saturday, August 30, 2014

What Goes Around Come Around

Last night was one of the most liberating moments of my life. As I pushed through the fast pumping heart in my chest, the fear in my mind, and the anxiety in my body, I confronted some people who did my family wrong (including my friends and family back in North Carolina). As they say in the old movie flicks from the 1930s and 1940s, I "let them have it." Yep, I could have cussed them out but I didn't. I gave them what us Williams-Overtons-Royals do best, we strip you down with "the sword of our mouths." I didn't relent. I didn't hesitate. I negated the "soft-spoken" scriptures I was indoctrinated for years telling me to "turn the other cheek." Hell no. I got in their faces and confronted with the truth. Of course, they all ran like a bunch of b-----s but that's what they are to the core. They look shooting at people but don't like getting shot. It felt good, an action I haven't done in over a decade. As they peeled off in their expensive European car, I told them what the old schools used to tell us on Fisher St. in Raleigh NC, "what goes around comes around. The same way you do people is what's gonna be done to you." In their arrogance, they scoffed at my words but anyone who knows David Overton, they'll tell you, when I mark you, that mark doesn't wear off. I'm not talking about people curses on people, roots, and all that other voodoo-like stuff like these people have been doing to my loved ones, I'm talking opening a path for God's vengeance to pour down on them like acid rain. A lot of Christian people hold onto this teaching that's actually in the Bible, "Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I shall repay." Indeed that's true but how is God turning the tables on one of his creations doing is other creations knowingly wrong? He uses other people to exact his revenge on them. For the first time ever, I was used as "instrument" of judgment and boy, it felt good (there's still one more person I've got to make their pay day turn into a no pay due day). You see, my friends (I haven't said that in a while, apologies), as I've shared before, karma is real. When we do people dirty, dirt is coming right back into your life to bury you. Sometimes it'll come from other people used to make your life a living s----y hell. Sometimes, the same people you s-----d on in the past may become your boss one day to stop your gravy train of laziness at work. Karma is real and if you're not careful, it'll come back to haunt you. It may last a few minutes. For some people I know, it's gonna last for them until they breathe their last breath. People love to dish out but can't take s---t. Look at what the people of Babylon did to Daniel. They lie on him, falsely accuse him, and change laws to get him executed. But Daniel was vindicated once King Darius saw what was really going on. The same people that tried to s--t on Daniel got a chance to make their first and last visit to the lion's den. Not only them but their families as well (one thing we must remember is that people who're connected to us will suffer the same fate when karma strikes). Or what about Haman punk a$$ plot against Mordecai? This dude set up gallows for this dude but ended up visiting his rat trap himself. This is the perfect time of the year when people you see s----ing on people are the ones getting s----ed on. They are reaping what they sow. And God ain't doing a dog on thing to stop no matter how much people praying and fasting to stop it. When you mess with His kids, retribution shall be ordered and served. I just wanted to let whoever is out there reading this blog to know that. You're not forgotten and the blood that was spilled swiftly by the actions of evil people; know that you will be avenged. Hell, God might use you to be the instrument of judgement to get them back (I'm not talking through violence but verbal and literary advocacy).

Til next time.........."The Wolverine"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Great DeCommission

In yesterday's blog, I mentioned that I had an interesting conversation with a 20 year old "young buck", who I believe was trying to "witness" to me. Of course, I know the rhetoric, what to say, how to say it, and continue to get on someone's nerves until they break. Well, I didn't "kill" him but dropped some knowledge on him. One thing that really frazzled me was him asking me, "Do you know what the Great Commission is?" Of course, I told him the root principle of Matthew 28:18-20 on top of other relating scriptures that it was a way for God to show His love for people. I guess he didn't like the answer. After the third time he asked me, I told him that everything he's talking about I already knew. I used to be a preacher, teacher, and was being "shaped and molded" to become a pastor (which I have vacated all these things because it's a bunch of bull----). To the average person, that's a signal, to stop asking the question. Of course, he didn't stop. Since this past Saturday, I've been doing a lot of thinking about this so called "Great Commission (operation)." Since I've been on planet Earth for the past 33 years, I've seen this "move of God" turn into a big balloon of hot air that's redundant. People are "witnessing, preaching, prophesying, and teaching' this but more people are being scattered, hurt, and brainwashed. I was one of them who was captured by it, taught it, and now refute. The "Great Commission" is more about inviting people to come to their church instead of taking this "message" to the hood (probably because they can't take rejection or their rep is stained by unrepentant past deeds). This mission is as weak as a fart in the cool and breezy winds of California's spectacular beach fronts. Okay, so the music's gotten better, the dress codes haven't lightened up a little bit, and maybe the speeches are more breathtaking than ever before. However, it creating the "Great DeCommission", that is, putting the minds, souls, and lives of people to become inoperable (halted, jaded, out of service, out of order). I can testify to that and I'm not ashamed to say it. I'm seeing more and more people in my local community becoming agnostics, twice the devils in hell than the ones that made them that way, and atheists. It's a sad sight. Thanks to those created the slogan "The Great Commission." You turned a business plan into a working nightmare for the souls of the innocent and pimp stroll for the pimp preachers and their hoes a like. But there's another side of the "Great DeCommission"; that side consist of people like me and millions of others who see the "Great Harlot" for what it is. We do videos, write books, make music, talk shows, and post blogs to call bull---- alerts. Many will hear and won't listen, some will hear and listen. Only time will tell. Some of you who love to say the slogan and scripture, you may fill a bit of fulfillment, like you're doing God a favor. Maybe seeing a few people come to God in your little convocations, conferences, and Sunday services boosts your egos in God. However, you're actually enabling the problem that God hates very much. And I hate it to and resent everyday I enabled the "Great Harlot's" system (and still going through certain "areas" of my life that need to cleaned out). Hopefully, you get what I'm saying, it's a bit street. That's where I'm at now.

Til next time, my friends.......

Monday, August 25, 2014

Judge and Jury

I've come to the conclusion about my surrounding pseudo "Bible-belt" community; a lot of people love to rush to judgement. If someone makes a mistake or does something socially unacceptable, people love to give their "two cents " on the matter. When someone shares their thoughts on life as they see it, people rush to comment with their "logic and objective truths." Someone decides to start a business or begin dating somebody that others don't approve of; here comes those ignoramuses again running off at the mouth. By the time they finish with their "sermonette", the individual's path has been detoured to a more arduous and unpleasant road. Let's say how thousands of innocent Americans are sent to prison every year for crime they didn't do. A D.A. plans on becoming a judge and needs enough jail sentences to expand their portfolio. Petty drug deals, warrants that's been dropped for over a decade , or a snitch has to pay back a debt by ratting on a friend. Their mind is that these people he or she is targeting is guilty, unworthy of freedom and even a "means to an end" (mostly to boost their fragile self esteem/ego). This is what we call a "rush to judgement." Now I haven't read the bible in a while but one thing that still keeps me in check from becoming a judge and jury to my family (although i still do at times, I'm such a hypocrite, i.e. Lebron jumping ship back to Cleveland), is something Paul says, "judge nothing before it's time." People love to shoot first but most of the time wound or even kill the wrong target. In other words, they try to preside over the courtroom of other people's lives, then as a jury, deliberate and reach a judgement. After the finding has been rendered, they step back into the stead of a judge and sentence people to hard time. These hard times include f-ing up their rep, helping expand the fiery problems they're already experiencing, and criminalizing someone without love or consolation. This is a common occurrence in the area I live in. There are a lot of open minded people who adapt to an ever changing world. However, you have those who are "indoctrinated" into a closed minded lifestyle that are trained to be judge and jury. I believe if there was a lack of judge and jury in our society, our world would be a better place (not a utopia). Well, I couldn't say all i needed to say but I'll have some more thoughts tomorrow.

Til next time.....

An Understanding

Wow, I've had some interesting conversations over the past weekend. One was with a "young buck" (a 20 year old dude in the Army) who "eavesdropped" in a conversation I was having with a friend. Of course, it was about how 99.9% of churches are just a places where people scam others with their teachings and doctrines in the name of God. Of course, the kid was coming at me with the same bulls--- I gave to others years prior yet I understood where he was coming. Maybe good intentions but a bad move into messing with one of the illest dude in the Bible, DGWO. No, I didn't "crucify" him but was "dropping some jewels" on him (there I go with Mobb Deep quotes again). Some things I was saying made sense to him, other things, it's going to take this thing we call life to take him through some hard lessons. The end result of that conversation was this, he's gotta lot of "knowledge" but no understanding. Understanding is the application of knowledge, to see through the bulls--- that's around you, to see when it's time to say something and when it's time to shut your d---- mouth. And understanding doesn't happen at a one time event of enlightenment, it occurs until the say we die. However, I'm learning as the times have gone by from the 80s to present day planet Earth, more and more people are waning in understanding. Let me break it down. When someone you know is going through, not by the mistakes they've made, just life, that's the time to show compassion, empathy, and be that shoulder to cry on. That's the time to provide wisdom, not with judgement but with love. Understanding will cause people in management positions in our society to make decisions that will benefit the commonwealth (everyone) in one way or another not for their own benefit. In times, when things are going wrong because of bad management decisions, that's the time to implement understanding, which includes hearing the voice of the people who are making them look good, and make the necessary changes. However, we live in the "New Dark Ages" (hint, hint....) where understanding is blinded and condoned. I'm trying y'all to keep my understanding about the world and people around me. It's not easy but it's so necessary. We just need to have some understanding, a third eye, a world wide view. Understanding doesn't see black and white, it gives us both of those plus the gray area people believe doesn't exist (Catch 22s). We need understanding, all we have to do is ask and search for it. I do warn you, people around you aren't going to "dig the knowledge" you'll be dropping but as long as you got it to navigate through this rough terrain of life, then you're good. Understanding will help you halt you from rushing to judgments about things and people. Understanding will slow you down, stop, look, and listen (I guess Vanilla Ice had some good insight too, lol). Well, I'm done with my tangent for today.....

Til next time.......

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hello, My Name Is Depression

First, I'd like to dedicate this to Robin Williams, who was one hell of comedian, actor, and human being. You will be missed.

Now, let's investigate this situation more as more people in America are dealing with called depression.

depression -  a state of feeling sad
: a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way
: a period of time in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs

I'd like to focus on the first two tabs of the definition. It's definitely a state of sadness, a serious medical condition, unshakable feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair, guilt, and shame. It's something that's becoming an epidemic in American society from Hollywood stars, to famous recording artists, to teachers, to parents, to children. It's real and it's something we can't ignore any longer. Self help books, long winded sermons, and famous quotes may be good for a short span of time, but their effects don't last. Depression is a "thorn in the side" that will "buffet" you until the day you die. To be bluntly honest, I've battled depression since I was 8-9 years old, maybe even younger, who's to say, only God knows. Depression makes our vision on life look black (referring to "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stone) and as soon as you can feel it's full effect, you may breathe your last breath. Anger, bitterness, aggression, infidelity, various forms of abuse, and rage are included with the depression when it's delivered to your door. I've heard from many "Christians" and spiritualists that you can speak to depression, pray it away, fast it away, or use quotes from "holy books" to defeat depression. Guess what, those don't work. They only deal with the outside (saving face) part of ourselves but in due time, it'll fade away and you're back in the pit again. All you're doing is suppressing what's really going on inside. One thing that I admit about Robin, DMX, and others is that they are real about the war that's raging in their mind. I think we need to start doing the same. We need to start dealing with ourselves when we look in the mirror in the morning. Not only that, we need to seek professional help, either through a local licensed counselor (psychologist, sociologist), therapy groups, etc., and whatever medication is available to you to help you. Talk with understanding and nonjudgmental friends who will listen to you wholeheartedly and be a comfort in your hard bouts with depression. Write a blog (a part of the reason why I write to this very day), a journal, video blogs, chat rooms, find a hobby, whatever you can get your sticky fingers into (that's healthy for your condition and legal). When depression is left unchecked, it leads to the destruction of this thing we call life. Suicide or homicide are the end results of unchecked depression. I know I've fought with suicide many times but I'm surviving thus far. Don't listen to these n----s who say "you need to come out of it right now", no. You need to realize this condition is going to knock on your door through your life and you will open the door, too. However, we've got to adapt and overcome to win against depression through: 1. identify it 2. find out what's causing it 3. look for a solution 4. apply the solution 5. repeat (similar to Brock Lesnar's "Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat regimen). Well, I think I'm finished with this. Hopefully, this will help somebody today.

It's time to speak out and let the world know, "depression is real and it can happen to anyone."

Til next time, Mr. "I'm still fighting depression" Overton.....

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Whole Truth: I Pity U

It looks like this will be my final blog in this series and I'm going to end it with a bang. In most "ministries" in America, they are ran by a married power couple, the husband and wife. The staple and cornerstone of the church with a family image portraying perfection, royalty, splendor, honor, and financial wealth. Out of their members or flock, they have the best of things, houses, cars, jobs, full bank accounts, business savvy, and the list goes on. They are of eloquent speech and walk with the grace not an "ordinary Christian" can obtain. They are the leaders of leaders, the angels of the house, the shepherds of the flock, the anointed ones, the "little Christs" on the earth (more like the vicars of Christ). Their children also show forth the image of their parents, perfection, honor, splendor, beauty, royalty, and financial wealth. When you see advertisements, who do you see? You see them. Who do you see on a television promotional? You see them. Who do you hear or watch on the church's website, TV broadcast, or YouTube channel? You see and hear them. It's all about them. That's how Quane and Claudette are. When they left a neighboring church, they sought to become the focal point of the "ministry", not Christ, themselves. They are just a representation of many other "pastors" who've broken away from other churches to start their own. I can give a rough estimate that in the Central Texas area alone, there's got to be a the least 950 churches, big, medium, and small. The Scotts "opened" Shiloh Worship Center sometime in 2001 and for 13/14 years, they've done what 99.9% of church leadership has done, caught the sheep, abused the sheep, and scattered the sheep. When the sheep leave, they curse them and tell them, "since you're not a part of this ministry, you won't survive out there on your own." Some people prove them wrong using their freed up time, talents, and money to do the things they want to do. Others feel they are out of the will of God because they aren't doing ministry or going to church to "sit under" someone to get closer to God (which is atrocious and goes against Ephesian 2:13-18). Many of these pastors I see (however there are some who are actually doing what they are supposed to do....) are just pimps and if there's a power couple running that ministry, you can bet they are Ahab and Jezebel. Recently, two of the current Shiloh members (one of the elders and one of the musicians) contacted me. I was pissed. My train of thought was, "how in the hell are you going to call/text me and act like nothing is wrong? Are you that naive or dumb to act like you're trying to show me love when you're actually trying to keep access in my life that you don't deserve?" Those who know me know I've got a short temper and now that I'm in my 30s, my short temper is more directed towards foolishness. I texted one of them back and let them have it. I called the other one and let them have to. Heck, I saw another one of them at the VA and guess what I did? (I-L-T-H-I) They are just Quane (Ahab) and Claudette (Jezebel)'s "lackies" who have been "castrated" or "emasculated" and now become like the prophets of Baal. They cut themselves (giving their tithes and offerings that's not going to feed the poor, educate the illiterate but pays for their cars, expensive lifestyles, etc.) and believe the God of Heaven is listening to them when they are really worshiping and praising "Ahab and Jezebel." So how is Quane like Ahab? It's simple. Every time he wants something, whether it's a car, a piece of land (which they have "purchased through lies"), or some clothes, he cries like a little baby to his wife. The wife, Claudette who is very similar to Jezebel, does whatever it takes to get the job done. As I said before, she's a smooth and maniacal hustler with a silver tongue. Just as Jezebel in the Bible, if she has to lie to get someone out of the way to get what he wants, she'll do it. Just as the evil power couple in the Bible in the 1st and 2nd Kings, they reigned terror. Every true Christian or strong individual that came to Shiloh they killed with their words, their prophecies, their lies to get other preachers to curse people, and their force on the congregation to shun those people. People like my mentor who first taught me a lot in my early months of being a Christian, a singer who was trying to move on with her life but they talked about her like a dog. Or what about a visitor and his family who came looking for a place to rest but once he stated that his boys didn't need to follow a leader who's a bit (but in my opinion a lot), as Red Foxxx would say, "sweet", his whole family the whole church demonized (since then I've apologized to him and his family). Let's talk about those who set up methods to help them financially but after some truths got out, Quane, Claudette, Elder A, and the "intercessory team" (who's got no power at all to even move a piece of lint from a shirt) ganged up on them like they were criminals. For all you Bible, sounds a lot like how the king and queen were "killing the prophets" and many of them had to go into hiding (most of you who've been hurt by the church have kept silence and instead of fighting back, you hide because of the erroneous use of Psalms 105:15). Even I went against them (over a telephone conversation) and had those two wolves barking (they can't take correction). Just as Elijah, I told them some things they didn't and now they release the hounds from their congregation to visit my house unannounced, calling and texting, sending me messages on Facebook, and probably trying to put roots on me (a curse/voodoo spell that's big in NC and Caribbean countries). Just like Elijah, I went into a deep depression, almost suicidal, and a heart filled with bitterness. Hell, even certain people were telling me, man, you are changing for the worst. I was and some people were telling me, I was proving them right that I couldn't make it without me being under their "covering." Then my trip to Kinston came, then more thoughts ran through my head, and then I started this series. Now I'm like Elijah going back and tearing these negroes out the frame with confidence, boldness, and not worrying about some curse comes in my life. So to Quane, Claudette, the preachers I saw growing up fleecing the people, who tried to destroy my family (grandparents and parents), and you pimps in the Killeen, Belton, Copperas Cove, Harker Heights, Waco, and Temple, you will pay the price (and if you keep playing around, you may pay the ultimate price-your lifestyle in exchange with a prison sentence or under the ground). Ahab died because he tried to get a just man killed but got killed himself. Jezebel's "lackies" soon turned on her when a man by the name of Jehu basically told them to stop letting this lady lie to you and throw out of that window. As her lifeless body laid on the ground, dogs licked up what was left. Hmmm.....Quane and Claudette, I pity u because you have no idea who you've messed with. From all your friends who stuck with you in Korea, those who helped you with your financial portfolio, who helped (physically) build your church, deal with your snooty, low life, hateful, and uncaring daughters, to those who helped you build your ministry (which sucks accept "the boys" on the drums and piano who you said weren't anointed), to all those seasoned ministers sent to you to straighten you out and you demonized them because of your fear, and the list goes on. You know and I pray to God your consciences will cause you to become more paranoid, fearful, and agitated until you repent and make it right with every last person you've swindled. After the hard childhoods both of you been through, to seeing one of your former members die of a literal broken heart, I would think you both would change?! You didn't change but that's ok. God uses a little tool called karma (i.e. the reap what you sow method) to get human beings' attention. Yeah, Quane and Claudette, you made a mockery of my wife and I, my parents, and every friend I held dear. But you may have laughed first, but we all are going to have the last laugh. To all former members, the Ex-Shiloh and all surrounding ex-members of your perspective churches, stop being silent. Stop thinking God's going to get you because they are men and women of God. Men and women of God don't steal, cheat, lie, plunder, plot, coerce, control, or manipulate. They are demons who've turned themselves into angels of light (2nd Corinthians 11:12-15) and harmed God's people. It's time to put Ephesian 5:8-15 to work, just as Jesus exposed those heretics the Pharisees in His day (like Prodigy of Mobb Deep said, "...Torture these n----s, water board these n----s - with the truth). These wolves won't stop until the end comes but until then, tell your story, be bold, be honest, for you'll be helping someone else who's trapped in Babylon and preventing others from making a visits there that could forever hinder their lives. Quane and Claudette, I pity u and I hope you change but in my heart of hearts, you never will and you both my die at an old age miserable, poor, blind, and naked just like the rest of these pimp preachers in the world.

Now, David GW Overton can move on with his life. Thanks God, for giving me an opportunity to do what I do best......

Go Ham, Tell the Truth, and in the old Williams/Overton/Royal family tradition, M.ake P.eople M.ad


Til Next Time, Mr. David "Survivor" Williams......