Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When It's Time To Say Goodbye

Ending long term relationships are never an easy thing to do. It's a gut wrenching, heart aching, abnormal sweating decision that we make from time to time. Business partnerships. BFFs now turn to BFF (best foes forever). Affiliations with organizations null and void. Hell, even family relationships become nonexistent. In certain points in our life, we have to let people go, those same people we've held dear (for those who I still kick it or haven't kicked it with in a while, you know who you are, ole David won't kick you to the curb). This is a decision that I've had to make within the past few weeks. Some people I used to be tight with and see a couple of times a week, well, that situation has changed. Some of these people I used to call friends, brothers, and sisters; today, I don't regard them as such. In my life right now, there's still some unsettled beef between "some other folks" and I. The sad part about it is the people I used to regard as friends and family have sided with those that have lied about me, my family, and other good friends of mine. I used to try and talk with them, reason with them about the "aspects" of this beef the "other party" fails to acknowledge (for the sake of maintaining funds and image). The sad thing about this is that I have to cut them off. Over the weekend, a very good friend of mine expressed her mentality when I was in the same position of these people I'm cutting out of my life. She had to do it because I chose to side and enable the unhealthy nature of people that were (and still) beefing with her. Boy, I took in everything she said that day, thanks "Sims." This conversation solidified the painful decision I had to make, the cutoff. Now a new personal value has arisen. Why should I maintain relationships with people that we have nothing in common? Every time I talk about things that are true in God reality, they want to take things to the "meta-physical" or "spiritual" realm all the time. Every time I want to address some real issues about certain things, here they go condoning evil but demonizing the good. Why in the hell should I continue relationships where I'm on the highway to success and these jokers are still driving on back roads of destruction? Why should I continue being friends with folks who clearly judge me for "seeing the light" on certain issues they are willfully ignorant? Yep, it's time to cut these jokers off because we're no longer compatible like an iPhone 6 power cable to an iPhone 4s phone. It's not going to work. Some people think this decision is extreme but it's got to be done. I may not agree with everything Tyler Perry says but I'm going to quote one of his favorite sayings circa 2001. "Why do we keep things God is tearing apart?" Well, we can pass the offering plate on that one. It's going to hurt them more than it's going to hurt me because I've got goals to reach. How can I achieve them with dead weight in my life? Remember, a lot of times in life, dead weight are people and at times, we need to cast that extra cargo into the sea before our ships sinks. Do you dig the k-nowledge?

Til next time, my friends, Sea Captain Overton......

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