Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Preachers Can Learn From Bullock "The Bullet"

I'm intrigued about the new show, "Preachers In Detroit", very intrigued. This show is covering several preachers in the Detroit area. In case you haven't been reading the news about Detroit since the early 2000's to now, let me point out some headlines to you. The Kilpatricks. High unemployment. Drugs. Violence. Unnecessary murders. Bankruptcies. Political corruption from local to state government. Police corruption.

Need I say more.

The first episode shows Deitrick Haddon (whose had his share of controversy for recent years) bringing a selected group of preachers to perform on a song to "revive" Detroit. To be honest, I think this was a great idea. Music has a way of impacting a mass number of people to begin a revolution. However, Detroit needs a little bit more than a song. It needs, as Bullock says, people on the streets.

Enter Pastor David Bullock, who I refer to as "The Bullet".

Cigar smoker. Maybe a drinker. Maybe has sex with women. Wears some Andre 3000 attire. Outspoken. Educated. Bold. Tactfully Disrespectful. As M.O.P. and Heather B stated back in '96, "That's My Kinda N!%%@."

Enter the scene in Bishop Ellis' (you know, the "presiding bishop of P.A.W.") multi-million dollar mansion with his million dollar building located outside of Detroit. The selected preachers for this show arrive and of course, the last one (as shown) to arrive is "The Bullet."

One of the bishops even stated, "we've got to pray for Bullock." Well, it's more like they need to listen to him.

He doesn't waste time. He mentions the "beautiful houses with the Bentleys parked." He mentions the MLK dream that is in Detroit "failing." He speaks of how churches are too caught up in the third heaven or the spirit realm will 400,000 people in Detroit are suffering. Some people get quiet. Some people try to flame him out. Of course, Bishop Ellis, The HNIC of the "Pow-pow" amongst preachers is offended in his own home. One of the other bishops, Langston, told The Bullet, "you're only concerned with what you want to do." The Bullet busted his Desert Eagle back saying, "No, it's about what the people want."

At the end, Langston faces off with The Bullet. Langston tells Bullock in more ways than one, to bow down when "grown folks" (bishops) are talking. The Bullet fire back:

-People in Detroit don't know you
-Black (church) people are uneducated
-The church wants to talk about the Spirit but don't want to deal with reality
-You're protected in your church on Sunday morning and if someone questions you, you'll put them out of your church
-Walks out and turns his back on the fool who couldn't "dig the k-nowledge"

That's My Kinda N!%%@!

I share the same "sentiments" as Bullock because it's time out for preachers, pastors, prophets, apostles, or whatever they're calling themselves these days for talking on Bible Study, conferences, and Sunday services. As Cypress Hill said back in '91, it's "Time For Some Action."

Putting money into the tithes and offerings bucket aren't being used to create and sustain local community programs to help computer illiterate people. You see ministry teams on the streets and spreading a gospel that is filled with propaganda for people to conform to the church system instead of telling the world God loves them. You see pastors getting richer and the congregants struggling to pay their mortgages (reminds you of how it is with congressman versus the American people).

Bullock, who's in the streets with his "Sgt Slaughter" get-ups, is voicing the minds of Detroit. The rest of these preachers are on some holiness, purity, and power struggle stuff. What's more important, purity and holiness or promoting nonviolence and getting starving families food? I think I'll pick the latter. So has Bullock "The Bullet."

I believe that before this season is over, there's going to be a lot more bullets springing up and taking shots at the church system until common sense (that God created) takes shape. People may not agree with Bullock, but as he stated, "he gives his opinions based on fact more than what's shifting in the atmosphere."

Till Next Time, preachers, I think you need to eat the plate Bullock is giving you......

Friday, February 20, 2015


This week is about closure. It's about reaching a place where enough is enough to destructive habits. It's about coming to the "knowledge of self" ("Back to the one..." as the RZA says in "The Tao Of Wu"). It's about leaving the nest and to fly into the world of the unknown. Some of you that may read this and have spoke recently know what I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure word will spread of my impending "departure" and will have some great "fake church services." As I left a place today I reference as my saving grace ("Waco RO" 8/2012 to 2/2015), it was heartbreaking to leave some good friends, who I consider family, and talking some junk to those "Cowboys." It's going to be crazy in this next phase of my life and for my family as we make the transition to the "Land of Red Clay." We've been here (if you've read my other blogs, you'll know where we're @) for 13 bullets, 11 of them in "Alcatraz." 1 of them was a time of healing. The first bullet was spent deployed. We both made the mutual decision that it's time to venture out and see what this world has to offer. Some religious folks misquote the words of Christ, "what does it profit a man for him to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Where I live at, the religious fundamentalists believe seeking to be rich, settled, and building a good life for yourself in a "secular world" is selling your soul to the devil. That's a lie. What Christ meant is that we shouldn't trade in our soul, our very essence, the knowledge of self, in exchange for something that isn't meant for you (or us), that will only pollute you, and eventually destroy you. That's what he meant and I'd like to hear the rebuttals (sorry, you'll lose, I'm the illest dude when it comes to "The Book"). Now with all this, I've come to closure. It's not easy and it's been a long time coming. The changes and transitions are still occurring within the next few months but that's what adulthood and career is all about. It's reaching you destiny and one day my "seeds" will look at us and say, wow, mom and dad are some OGs, triple OGs. Haha. It's hard though because I'm leaving some people behind in body but still connected in spirit.

So what's the point I'm trying to make here?

The point is, whatever issues, problems, or beefs you got in your life, bring them to a closure. After watching one of my favorite shows, a conversation on there was about bring closure to a situation. So, that's what I'm doing.

We all need closure, no matter our race, culture, or creed. Closure is the stepping stone to our success. It is the platform to our stake of life in this crazy world.

Till next time, my friends........Get Closure.........

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Learning To Live With Regret

One of the best songs Jay-Z ever released to the masses was off his first album Reasonable Doubt called Regrets.

On one of the hooks to the song, he states, " order to survive you got to learn to live with regrets."

This is a 26-27 year old dude who had many street shootouts, childhood let downs, and misgivings about the music industry per Jaz-O's rap career. Regrets affect everyone and I don't give a damn who says it doesn't. 

It doesn't matter who or what you are, the wrecking ball of regrets will come banging on our houses from time to time.

Now it's time for me to get personal....

I just found out a very close relative of mine is in the hospital due to health complications. Throughout his life, he's been dealt with a somewhat decent to shitty hand. Family secrets. His abrupt departure from his own family. Sexuality. Loss of loved ones. It's been hard on dude and as he lies on his hospital bed, regrets are beating him down. No matter what people say to him to uplift his spirits, regrets got him walking through the valley of death. No bullshit. The should, would, and could cliche utters in his brain. He thinks about the mistakes he's made as he tries to go to sleep, which lead to sleepless nights. Thoughts of his mistakes further destroys the hope of "salvation" or a better day. Hell, scriptures from the Bible/Koran or New Age terms aren't working. He's in trouble.

And so are many of us. For many of us, regrets disbar us from the forgiveness of others given. Regrets keep our vision stuck on the past; negating opportunities of the present to make a better tomorrow. Regrets are just the results of owing up to our mistakes and adulthood. Some of us succeed while many of us are stuck on the farm of horse shit. Many of who live in regret hide behind of financial successes and religious dogmas but are prisoners of regrets. We never take to the time to address them to survive to thrive. We just survive. 

I struggle with regrets and the best thing I can do is look ahead. All I can do is learn the hard lessons of the past to make me a better person. Man, I've got a lot of work to do. Hopefully, this in some way is applicable to you. Plus, it doesn't hurt to let our armor down and talk with trustworthy friends to explain how we feel. The struggle is real. And it'll last for a lifetime.....

I wish my relative the best and hope he finds the will to fight.

Till next time, my friends.......

Oh yes, Jay-Z's classic "Regrets":

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What Is Love?

I've been thinking a lot for a few days now. My beautiful wife Dionn and I had a very honest conversation. I admitted to her last night some things she didn't like but understood. Of course, it was about my old and new religious beliefs. I believe in a higher power many of us call God. I no longer believe in the Christian and its flawed philosophy of how to get closer to God. Maybe from all I've been through for the 24 years of my 33 and half year life, church has changed the way I believe. I told her basically, I'm no longer a Christian (thank God) and more of an agnostic, or just a plain ole theist. Now there is a "differences of opinion" yet I had to tell her this. We have something that exceed relgion, money, politics, and racism. What we have caused men of various races, cultures, and creeds to help bringing hope and healing after the September 11th tragedy. What we have pushes teachers working in a pathetic school system to ensure their students get quality education. It's the force that pushes a rape victim to forgive his or her rapist. It's called love. In Central Texas, a lot of people say they love God and go to church faithfully every Sunday. They read their Bible, speak in tongues, and pray long pretensive prayers. They willingly give large offerings hoping to gain the mothers or fathers love from their pastors and forgiveness from God. However, they can't even love people who leave church from being hurt. Ministers beat on their wives. Pastors take their members' money. The poor, destitute, and homeless become scapegoats of a one time mission session on Thanksgiving to make a church feel good (-Maslows Theory). They say they love God but hate on the "people of the wolrd" due to their abundance of wealth, fame, and accolades. That's not love. That's hate. So, what is love? Love is being genuine, even when you don't like somebody. Love is sticking with those down people, especially during the hard times. Love is forgiveness toward your enemies. Love is taking care of your family first before trying to save the world. Love isn't holy living, love isn't people pleasing, love isn't lying. Love damn sure isn't faking. Love is a force that's transferred and felt. It changes people. It makes people put aside their differences and come to one point of saying, I love you.

That's what love is. It transcends religion, evil, and time. Love is God, God is love, and love benefits the human race.

Til next time my friends.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Sorry Nucca$ Association of America

I've been trying to hold this one in for the past couple of days but I need to release the pressure. I am so tired of these sorry niggas or nucca$ (as some say it), I really am. I can't stand the way they lie. I can't stand the way they talk. I can't stand the way they avoid confrontation. I can't stand the way they cut you off for no hot damn reason. I can't stand the way they try to shift blame on others when the blame is on them. I just can't stand it. Thankfully, there's a God in heaven that love these nucca$ unconditionally because I can't (or maybe just won't). You see, I used to be a sorry nucca long ago until I learned a thing or two about being real to self (the good, the bad, the butt ugly). However, the traits of sorry nucca$ disallows them from being real, only fake. It's like, they live in their own fairy tale world or island and won't get out of it. That's why I've titled this blog "The Sorry Nucca$ Association of America" because these joker$ are everywhere we go. Compton. Newark. Chi-Town. Minneapolis. Fargo. San Diego. Miami. Dallas. They reside in all 50 states. They are located on our jobs, in our schools, in our families, and probably some of our best friends. Sorry nucca$ are in a league of their own and care less about the opinions, thoughts, and uncontested truths found in the books of higher learning. They don't care, they only care about getting ahead. They will do whatever it takes to move forward in their lives and step all over you and your dreams to get there. I see this a lot in the Central Texas Area and some of these sorry nucca$ got the nerve to act dignified with it. They act like their poo poo doesn't stink. As "PYT" and The Miz would say, "Really?" Yes, really. It's like they have no conscience about how they treat others, how they manipulate the truth, and how they twist truth that gains a following. These are the same people The Treacherous Three talked about in one of the most famous hooks in hip-hop, "Friends, how many of us have them....someone to depend on?" Mobb Deep came out with "Shook Ones Pt. II" because these sorry nucca$ are really scared of God reality. Jay-Z and Too Short said "It was all good just a week ago" but that's as far (sometime less) a good time with sorry nucca$ last. Hell, Beyonce told these sorry nucca$ to "Listen" but of course, they never do. It would be hard to name the President/CEO of the SNAA because there's so many of them, black, white, Latino, Asian, and Arabian. Rich and poor. Educated and uneducated. I'll tell you this though, SNAA has been around for a long time and the main thing they have in common is their the nonexistence of lack thereof for common sense. In the almost famous sigh of Mr. Walter Lee Hampton II, "huuuuuuuhhhhhh......" No matter how many people tell them their attitude is off, they just don't get it. My hypothesis is this, they never will. Only the test of time will judge me if I'm right or wrong.

I need to drink of water and some lasagna to calm my nerves, my friends....

Till next time, coming to you live from The Un-Sorry Brother$ & Sister$ Association of America........

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Are We Our Brother's Keeper?

I reintroduced myself to one of my top five rappers of all time, O.C. I haven't heard his music for over 14 years (yeah, that's a long time). I just finished listening to about every album he's put out. One of my favorites is 2005's Smoke and Mirrors. My favorite joint on there is Brothers Keeper. This song is real to me because I've been a betrayer of friends/family and been betrayed by friends/family. It's one of the deepest daggers to the heart you can ever feel. People you regard as loved ones from friends to family members can turn on you in a second. Some for cash, some for opportunities, others out of jealousy, and others out of confusion. One of the most famous phrases in world history is, "Am I My Brothers Keeper?" Some will say yes I am from a pure heart and others say it to mask their wicked heart. I guess what sparked me to write this post was a documentary I watched on showing how Rich Porter's uncle killed his nephew for the love of money. That's foul man how he dismembered the kid and dumped his body. People are turning on each other like never before for the love of cash, power, and social status. Innocent lives are being screwed from one's reckless ambition. While they live the high life, the victims are paying the price for their abusers mistakes (I hope you caught that). In the Gospels, Jesus talked about how people will turn on one another for selfish gains. Selfish gains are the results of a hateful heart. People will see their brother or sister doing well and out of envy and intimidation tear them down. They'll spit lies to others who know them and make them turn on the person, too. Years down the line, people see the envious soul for who they really are but by that time, it's too late. The damage has been done. Cain killed Abel not because he "worship of God" was better, he killed him because of intimidation and jealousy. That's what people are doing to others today. Some "repent" and make it right to those they hurt, others say they "repent" and keeping screwing up more people's lives. But karma is a "beyotch" and when she needs to be fed, she goes after the people who need to pay for their selfish crimes. I've learned and still learning to be my brothers keeper. That doesn't mean I become a yes man and let people use abuse me. That doesn't mean every time someone asks for help I'll be like God and save them. I hope that you all hear what I'm saying in this message to heart. Stay loyal to those who've been loyal to you. No matter how thick things gets, no matter what lies the outsiders say about those you've ran with for years and stay true to the game, don't turn on them. Remember what happened to Judas? After seeing the errors of his ways, he ended up killing himself. So if you aren't your brothers keeper, check yourself. If you are your brothers keeper, spread this discipline to others that need it.

Til next time, my friends, ISWTFIF (you'll figure out what this means....)

And a special treat from Omar Credle's very slept on "Brother's Keeper"