Friday, August 31, 2012

Press On

This morning I am sitting outside my job, I'm listening to a song called Pressing On by James Hall. Although the music is wonderful I tuned my ears to the words. As they were singing the song, they mentioned every mode of survival to ensure they press on. Pressing on is probably the most tedious and at times loneliness capers of all. There are very few of us who have hat onward soldier mentality. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, no matter the tests, I'm still going to press on. This should be the mind of us but many of us have given up. It's a shame because many of us have great purpose in God. But we let the distractions, regrets, misgivings, and people bring us down. Today, I know what my purpose is and it seems bigger than me. This is the opportunity God has been waiting on to do what He wants to do in me. This same principle goes for each of us. We have to allow God to be God. His life, death, and resurrection shows His determination to finish what was started in Him. This is why Paul refers to Jesus as being the author and finisher of our faith because He is the perfect example of faith unwavering. This is the hour for God to show out in our lives when we give up the ghost (our lives), stop doing things our way, and let Him carry us on this journey called. To be honest, Christianity is the only belief system that makes God tangible, tells us we are born jacked up, gives us principles to live by for a life eternal, exposes the true enemy of our lives, and tells us we are in need of a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Many people are falling away but I'm saying us get up, try again, let God into our lives, and then we will press on.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Philippians 3:12-14
Hebrews 12:1-2

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Proverbs Is Some Good Reading!

I apologize for this blog coming so late. I just started a new job and will be in training for the next 6 months. But today's blog is something I've been thinking about. This morning I was listening to Bishop Tudor Bismark's message The Wealth Generation. It was pretty thought provoking because it'd dealing doing business by the good book, which is the Holy Bible. So many people always discredits the Bible because it was written by men and women. Many people say so many other things about it but it produced so many principled that set us up for success. However, it warns us of things that'll lead us to failure. One thing that has happened is that we have forgotten God and this is the 1st step to the recession occurring in America. It's sad but true. I think that any of us who are looking into business ventures or have businesses should read the Book of Proverbs and really digest what Solomon was saying. Matter fact, let's make a pact together to read a Proverb a day and apply his words in our lives. He's just a byproduct of God's eternal wisdom.

Til Next Time, dgwo


The Book of Proverbs

Friday, August 24, 2012

Moving Forward: The Ascension

For me, today is the closing of one door and the opening of another. I know today that I am changing and shifting to another place in my life. I know that I'm not the only one going through such changes. Change is good and rocks your entire world. Time,  money, character, the whole nine yards. This is what ascension is all about. It's not a place where pride should dwell (though it can happen if not careful of ourselves) but where humility and opportunities dwell. It's pressing towards a higher mark and leaving behind things are of no use to us. As I've said in past blogs, we're in a time of change and transition. A lot of us are faced with tough decisions, what to take on, what to go after, and what to leave behind. Today, I have no other choice but to leave behind selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, pornography, anger, bitterness, frustration, doubt, unbelief, temper tantrums, which are the forms of adolescence, not the characteristics of maturity. Maturity is adulthood, not a state of perfection (that is free from making mistakes or having faults) but being complete, thorough, and strong to handle whatever situation we find ourselves in. I remember my dad used to tell me, that we should consider our lives as an airplane. To reach to higher heights in the air, the airplane has to be at a certain weight. If a plane has exceeding weight in its carrier, then that plane can't go to the level of height to reach it's destination. Can you imagine a plane flying low to the ground near a interstate highway because those in charge allowed excess baggage to be carried in its cargo area? A lot of us including myself are carrying too much weight yet we expect to ascend to newer heights in life. Homie, that's not how ascension is designed. It's designed for people who are willing to let go of whatever it is to get to that next level. Ascension is for people who are willing to change whatever it is in their life to move forward. This is why the Bible says that we are to lay aside every weight (distractions whether it is people, places, or things) and every sin (bondage, etc.) that will keep us back from moving forward (Hebrews 12:1). Think about it. Professional athletes can't be the best unless they rid themselves of regimens that will keep them from being champions. The same applies to us, especially to those who profess they have faith in Christ. What I'm sharing is applicable; that's the whole purpose of the Bible. It's not made to control us but to instruct us as well as convict us to be better people pleasing only to God's eyes (I'm saying this to everyone, believing or unbelieving). Today, I truly believe God is doing some miraculous for those who take heed to His word and allows Him to order their steps by His word (Psalms 119:133). He's freeing us from all this mess we've picked up in this journey called life so we can experience the richness of abundant life in Him (John 10:10). This is the purpose Jesus Christ came and died for. It's simple if we would only just believe. So please, take heed to these words from this 31 year old scrawny scruffy faced war-torn yet getting healed day by day dude from Raleigh, North Carolina (go N.C. State Wolfpack). Much luv to everyone.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 119:132-133
Philippians 3:4-14
Hebrews 12:1-2

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Many Faces of News Media

For the past couple of years, I come to work, log into my employee account, and surf the web to check out what's going on in the news. I really don't have a favorite source of news media so I jump from Fox News, to ABC News, to CNN, to Yahoo News, and then to the Daily Beast. All of them provide messages of current events around the world. Today, there are so many things being covered by the news media from the Prince Harry incident (OMG), to the Syrian conflict, to Republican Representative Akin's comments concerning rape and abortion. It's crazy because there are so many views proceeding and sometimes it's hard to make a distinction from the truth and lies. It's crazy, homie. While attending University of Phoenix for my now attained B.S. in Communications, one of my college professors dealt with the topic of news media. He discussed how news media from the journalists, editors, and company executives gather their information, compile the data, and produce it for all the world to see. What are their motives? Are the motives based to thoroughly inform the reader with impartiality? Or are the motive based to manipulate the reader to think a certain way to support a certain agenda? Now this is something to think about. One thing I've learned to understand is that news media can be very "flashy" at times because certain individuals are trying to manipulate readers in how they think about certain topics. For example, a lot of people don't know there are actually three candidates in the presidential race, Barack Obama (Democrat), Mitt Romney (Republican), and Ron Paul (Independent/Republican-not even recognized by the media). Right now, the push is for Romeny/Ryan as they "talk about" the failures of the Obama Administration instead of an epic failure of Congress as a whole. Hmm, interesting, isn't it? There are various other events within the world news media is covering. Some news media are trying to give the people the right information so they will be thoroughly informed. Others have agendas, basically to keep the masses in a box; to make them gullible. As readers, we need to make sure we do research ourselves, don't take every word you hear or read as gold. Search it out. The news media has many faces. Look at what the news media has done to the likes of Pastor Creflo Dollar, Kristen Stewart, and Whitney Houston. The media was almost successful in crucifying Pastor Dollar for his recent parenting incident. The man had to go on national television to clarify what really happened to dispel any rumors, lies, or other manipulative measures by the news media. Kristen Stewart hasn't been so fortunate as she has gone into a cave over the recent revelations of her affair with Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders. Although what she did was wrong, the director has faced little scrutiny from the news media and now in the process of directing the sequel (while Kristen Stewart becomes the "seemingly" scourge of Hollywood). Whitney Houston's legacy is still in question because of the way the news media has tried to destroy her character as a person, which includes a mother, an artist, a friend, and a wife. Now, there are testimonies from Jordin Sparks, Tamela Mann, and her road dogs the Winans concerning the life and times of Whitney Houston. They talk about her struggles but show she was about investing into other's lives that they may be more successful than she. As Americans, it's time we take time to read, do research, and start to call out the news media when they go off tangents about event or people in the wrong way. We'll delve in the realms of manipulation and hate people or misinterpret events without even recognizing Reading and research is fundamental and is a God given gift. I just wanted to share some nuggets of wisdom with you all and hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from with all this. It's the honor of kings (us) to search out matters and the affairs of the world. Check it out for yourself. Learn to decipher the truth from the lies the various facets of news media tries to feed us. The truth will hurt about some things once the lies and manipulations are exposed but we'll be built up in wisdom. God wants us to walk in wisdom not in ignorance. Got it? Good.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Proverbs 25:2
Ecclesiastes 1:13

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Risk Takers

Today, I wasn't going to do a blog today but my boss was spitting some knowledge on to me today. She said this,
"I love humanity in this world because there is so much diversity among us. We have two types of people I see, the risk takers and the cautious ones. The risk takers are those who push pass their fears and venture out. They are ready for the journey before them and are the trendsetters. The cautious ones are those who don't like situations being out of their control. They are planners and think first before they act."

Usually, I'm always talking about us humans being cautious but today, this blog is about us taking risks. Risk takers are those who take chances to become successful no matter what the cost may be. They ride on the hills of hope and faith, not in themselves or their own abilities, but in the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. They allow the hand of God to pull them to fresh and new dimensions and will give up whatever and whoever to achieve this plateau. Risk takers go down in history as people who change the very course of mankind. There are many risk takers today but very few who are taking risks in the name of Jesus Christ. Even Himself was a risk taker and did all the Father had put in His heart to do. He was determined, motivated, and only had desire to see His Father's will accomplished (John 4:34). However, most of us aren't there yet. We're very reserved and worry about what other people will think of us once we step out on the boat. To become successful in this life, we're going to have to be like Peter and we will fall at times, but Jesus is right there to pick us back up. The beautiful thing about taking risks is that it pulls us out of our comfort zone. We learn not to be satisfied with the condiments of complacency and normalcy. We get tired of the same ole same searching the very heart and mind of God for what's new on His horizon. This is the beautiful thing about the Lord and what separates Him from every one and everything else. He pushes us to go forward and not backwards; to do great exploits that will honor Him as well as accomplish His perfect will in our lives. When we purpose in our hearts to become risk takers, we won't half step but we will give it all we've got. Paul is probably one of the most exhilarating men in world history. No matter what he faced or what challenges came his way, he take risks. When people said he would be chained and even die for what he purposed in his heart to do, he just said bring it on. This is the beautiful thing about being a risk taker. Risk takers go all the way in. They place their lives in God's hands and go for the gold. Even if they don't accomplish what they seek after, they have made the path straight for those after them to walk in the path and do what they couldn't (Moses to Joshua). As risk taker, we have to be wise in every decision we make but we don't let the fear of tomorrow nor the regrets of our past hold us down. Oh no, we've got to keep moving (sorry, I'm an 80's baby!). I hope these words of our good friend Paul stirs something within us to what God has called us to do:

Philippians 3:14:

I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

No turning back my friends, it's time for us to move forward.

Til Next Time, dgwo


2nd Samuel 7:3
John 4:34
Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ain't No Half-Steppin'

Some of you who see the title of today's blog we'll see that I have to bite off of Big Daddy Kane's hit song in the mid-80's. The title says a lot and I just want to break it down in various terms that come to mind. Some of you (maybe the young-whipper snappers) may not know what half-stepping means. Half-stepping means not putting our best foot forward when it comes to personal, professional, educational, or spiritual business. It means being lackadaisical, sloppy, lazy, inconsistent, unreliable, or just to simply put, just getting by. In times past, this attitude worked pretty well when we were spoiled or in other terms spoon-fed. Nowadays, we've got to work for what we want; meaning, we have to show ourselves faithful as well as diligent. The other side of grace is that we have to live these two characteristics, faithfulness and diligence. Solomon shares with us in Proverbs 12:24 that the hand of the diligent will bear rule but the slacker will always be under tribute (slavery, poverty, unsuccessful, unfulfilled). Unfortunately, this is the case for many of us, young and old. A lot of feel like the world is supposed to revolve around us, that is, to cater to needs, desires, and lifestyle. But here is a little lesson I need to share with us all. If the Lord Jesus Christ had to suffer and show Himself faithful as well as diligent in what He had to accomplish in His life on earth, why not us? Who are we to put our frame of mind about His? Think about it. Why are we half-stepping? Why are we always starting something or some things but never see them through? Why are we always dropping the ball? Why do we always step out of the house not dressing like our best but to regress ourselves? Why do we feel we deserve to make straight A's but don't study for only 15 minute to pass a mid-term exam? Why do feel like we always have to speak a word or prophesy but never take at least 30 minutes to an hour to be broken in God's presence let alone His word? Why do we feel like our businesses are going to bloom but we never put in the time, money, and efforts to get it going the ways we've envisioned? Half-stepping is leading to the next full step but never makes it there. Therefore, we are like slaves or people with much promise yet never reach our full potential. Dudes and dudettes, this isn't God's plan for us to be half-steppers but to be overcomers. Just as He is, we must learn to become the diligent, the faithful, the starters and finishers. For example, the reason why Big Daddy Kane in the 80s, was probably at the top of the rap game was from his diligence. He made sure his lines, flow, delivery, style, appearance, and stature was opulent. He wanted to stand above the rest of the rappers of his time. Now, I'm not talking about us doing things that will displease the Lord Jesus through our own ideologies and ways, but we've got to take on the nature of being the best of what God "pre-expects" in our lives. I've learned within the past couple of months, that if I'm not going to do my best or do things right; it doesn't make much since to do it all. I can't half-step. I can't just get by and ask God to give me grace when I'm not showing Him some type of effort (faith without works is dead-James 2:20). I've got to do the best and He will empower me to go for the gold. Our human nature, especially in these days, we only settle for less. God is saying, No baby, aim higher, get smarter, and push yourself as an a great athlete to do better. So my friends, let's not leave behind a legacy for this current and future generations a pathway of half-stepping. Let's leave behind a legacy of excellence in everything we do. This is just one facet of innumerable facets of giving glory to God.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Proverbs 12:24
Daniel 6:1-3

Friday, August 17, 2012

For The Men: Happy Wife, Happy Life

I'm so in love with my beautiful wife Dionn aka Mrs. Williams. She has been there for me through the thick and thin. She's been there to understand me all the way through when no one else does. I know that we are one in spirit, soul, and body. I know that she is a gift from God I must cherish for the rest of my days. This weekend, we will have the opportunity to reconnect and cherish one another. One thing I've learned in our almost 9 years of being together is to make sure my wife is happy. When she's happy life is happy and vice versa. One thing that makes my wife happy is when I listen to what she has to say. I know that I have a virtuous woman in my house. She always gives it to me straight. Whether it's telling me how to fold clothes, how to wash clothes, how to present her plate to her at dinner time, how to dress for success, and just plain old manners. I have to listen to her because she has wisdom within her that will take me far if I would just listen. I actually learned this from a good friend of mine, Mr. Dirk Bailey. Back in 2008, he shared with me this phrase, "Happy Wife, Happy Life." It's true. Now he and his wife Mrs. Bailey have a beautiful family, in fact one is in college now (Congrats Bria, represent!). Many of my close friends have great marriages resurrected from painful memories, indiscretions, turmoil, and other issues. Many of them have told me, David, you better take care of your wife. Not only is she your best friend, she is your wife, your rib, the one who will keep your together. So some of you guys are like, what is Ol' Dave talking about now? I'm noticing dudes that we take our wives for granted. We treat them any ol' type of way. Most of us only show our wives respect and love when we want to get them in between the sheets like Ron Isley (it's true, don't front). A lot of us think we're supposed to be the man's man, meaning we control everything including our wives as we treat them like government property. We treat their opinions, thoughts, and actions as sub-human from taking the title "head of the household" too far. We suffocate our wives from being who they are supposed to be, heirs with us of the same inheritance in Christ (1st Peter 3:7). We believe our wives are supposed to walk behind us when in God's eyes they are supposed to walk beside us. We're physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abusive to our wives because we have little patience and compassion with them. Shoot, half of us don't even have a heart to heart talk with our wives, showing our weaknesses before them. We're not even best friends with our wives. That's not what God intended marriage between husbands and wives to be. He wants us to be the best of friends. My dad always tells me that he wouldn't be who he is today without my mom. He knows the power of unity between a husband and wife. So where did all this mess we as husbands come from concerning how we look at our wives? Why do we always blame our wives when all Hades breaks loose in our lives? We get it from Adam. Instead of taking the wrap for his family's hang-ups, he blames Eve, his wife. But it was he who allowed certain things in his life to take place. Just recently, I've had to own up to lot of things happening in my home and stop trying to put my wife at fault (I'm just being honest). My behavior, my treatment of her, my ideologies, my selfishness, my short temper, me, me, it's been me. But thank God for the new me and he is going to love and cherish his wife more and more. When she smiles, when she feels secure, when she feels loved, when she feels she is reaching her purpose in life, then I've done my job as a husband. So take not brothers, stop looking at our wives as just somebody holding you down from being successful. That's a bunch of garbage. Our wives elevate us but when we tear our good women down, then we are definitely going down. Another thing, stop looking at her faults. She's not perfect, shoot, we're probably worse off because of our pride issues. Love them with God's love, which sees past the faults to take care of the needs. Rub their feet, take them to a movie. Talk with them. Sometimes, we got to our busy lives down and spend time with our wives. If they want to get a job, let them get a job. Let them get their education. Let them preach if God has called them to preach (more than just singing, doing testimony services, & looking pretty). Mistreatment of our wives will cause us to lose our favor with God and with men. There are many men I know personally that have made the terrible mistake of throwing away their virtuous women. They lost their favor and now someone else has them. It's a shame but it's true. Why I wrote this blog, it must be God working on this wretched heart. Remember these words from Solomon. The grass ain't greener on the other side. It's better to learn to love our wives as God loves us.

Proverbs 18:22:

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord."

Say this with me, My wife is my favor. I treat my favor wrong I might lose it (ask Nabal - 1st Samuel 25).

Til Next Time, dgwo.


1st Samuel 25
Songs of Solomon
Proverbs 31
Ephesians 5:25-33

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grace Is Given Not Earned

Today, I'm speaking from one who knows how life is when it's at the bottom of the barrel. Broke, busted, and disgusted, and trying to do things his way to make life better for him. That's what I've been doing for a long, long time. I've been trying to earn something that's a gift, a free gift from God because of His generosity. It's like a man trying to earn the heart of a woman he loves dearly through buying expensive gifts and other things. However, the woman just wants the man to love her for her and not to earn her love through his "works." It's like a daughter-in-law trying to earn the love of her mother-in-law by showing how perfect she can be. However, she's showing herself not to be true and doing all this extra that isn't earned but given. This is how we are with God, my friends. We show up to every church function. Every day, we go out our way to help everybody or to be at everyone's celebration. We're always having to prove ourselves of being this or that. Inside, we hope that God will bless us because of our works. But when the bank account is about empty, when your family's home life is disparaging compared to your family's public life, when your thinking crazy thoughts in your head, those works done ain't worth nothing. We have all of these accolades, achievements, outings, and schedules, and we think that this makes us worthy of God's grace. But in all actuality, this makes God laugh not because He's happy with this in humorous terms. He's laughing at us because we're silly to think that we can earn His grace and favor with our works. If that's the case, we would boast, I did this and made God give me His favor. What time of mess is that? It is what it is, mess? I'm beginning to realize as I learn to trust God, reconstructing my life to become more balanced, and to be real that I still fight with unbelief (I'm just being honest but I have victory in the midst of it), that nothing I say or do earns me His favor. His grace is unmerited favor meaning a gift given freely not earned. It's given to those who are humble and think nothing of themselves. Grace is given to those who others deem as dirty, filthy, and unworthy to become anything productive in their lives. Look at Rahab, a prostitute. Look at the publican who came to the temple of said to God he's nothing but a wrench. Look at David, a scrawny yet handsome field boy tending to the sheep. Look at Joseph, a young man stripped of royalty to become a slave. Look at Abraham, a man who tested God's patience when the going got tough when his wife wasn't getting pregnant. All of these people were recipients of God's grace. They believed God and in various times of their hang-ups, God's grace was still on them to be and do what He predestined for them. The beauty of God's grace is that we take our hands off of God's business; that is to take care of us. He says in His word in the latter part of Matthew 6 that He's more thoughtful of us than the animals. He says how much more will He take care of us. The animals don't worry because they know their Creator is going to take care of them. We who have children and pets, they don't worry about nothing because they know their "source" is going to take care of them. This is how we need to look at God today and stop trying to earn His grace. He isn't concerned about our accolades, our titles, our degrees, or our works. He's concerned about the heart and mind of His people. Every day, He's loading us with benefits (Psalms 68:19) but many of us including myself miss out because we're working ourselves half to death. We're out here trying to appease everybody when we should be lamping (Philly term for resting) in God's arms. We worried and bothered about everything and trying to figure everything out. But when is the last time we took our masks off and came clean with God about our doubts and unbelief. Trying to earn God's grace is a form of unbelief and doubt. But laying it all before Him is the moment we experience His grace. No longer will we have to prove to others, to ourselves, or even to God who we are because He's already validated us. His grace is experiencing the love that surpasses fear, healing in our spirit, soul, and body, financial blessings that we didn't have to work for, time restored that we thought we lost due to circumstances of life, our lives covered by His blood when death is looking to knock on somebody's door, and relationships mended that were once torn apart. As many are saying now, the heavens are open for His people. Let's stop working in the boundaries of unbelief, doubts, and being busybodies. Let's love on God as we study His word, worship Him, and thank Him. When we do that, the grace of God moves in our lives and the unexpected, the miraculous, and the abundant will be released. People of God, it's our time to experience the free gift of God called grace.

Til Next Time, dgwo (and pray for me that I learn to experience His grace every day in every area of my life as I do the same for you)

Ephesians 2:7-9
Hebrews 4:1-11

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Make A Difference

A lot of us are wasting time worrying when God is pushing us to make a difference where we are. I've been one of the millions (and millions-The Rock voice) of people around the world caught up with "I." I'm tired of people on my job. I'm tired of these bad kids in my neighborhood. I'm tired of people in my church being lazy. I'm tired of these politicians raising taxes when they get to take 5 week vacations. That's us, most to all of us. Complain, complain, complain. But when is the last time we turned our pain into power? When was the time we got the focus off of us and helped someone else make it in life? When was the last time we were good examples on how to maintain a respectable character in the midst of turmoil? We all go through things not just because or by happenstance. We don't go through things because God is evil and doesn't care about us. In all actuality, He does and once we get our heads out the oven, we should tune our ears to His voice and listen. You see, we all have the potential to make a difference. The key is we must now lend (give, submit) our lives to Jesus Christ because He will exponentially increase our potential to positively impact the lives of others. In order to get to this place, something has to give way. A silver cord must be loosed. Someone has to be crucified. Something has to die. If you look at history alone, many men and women laid down their lives to save others and helped change their lives. They had to put themselves aside to make a difference. It doesn't take a lot of money, or a lot of people support, or even our own abilities. It takes people who are submitted to God and empowered by Him to make a difference. Daniel was one of the three top ranking presidents of Babylon. Joseph ruled well as the ruler of Egypt governing the affairs of Pharaoh. Esther made a plea before her husband the king and spared the Jewish nation. Deborah accepted the role of a warrior woman and saved her people from slavery. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us that we may have a life and that more abundantly. Making a difference is needed in today's world, especially in America. My friends, we're in a bad times but this is the perfect time to make a difference. It's time now we seek God the more, put away childish things, remove ourselves from stifling people, plug into the Word, fellowship with the eagles (saints), and walk in our purpose. When we walk in our purpose then we're making a difference. We may never see the accomplishments but it's all to God's glory. We have been given power to effect change in our governments, schools, families, jobs, communities, and churches! Lives will hear, see, experience, and share the awesomeness of Jesus Christ in their lives. But we have to get in place and do what God has called us to do to make that difference. Let's make it happen, captain! Well, I could go on and on but I'll leave you all with this from Jude 1:21-22-23:

"Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
And of some have compassion, making a difference: 
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."

Til Next Time, dgwo

A New Chapter

Following a lot of recent as well as turbulent events in my life, I have entered to a new chapter in my life. It's more than just turning 31 this year, or being ordained as an elder, or achieved a Bachelor's of Science in Communications. It's more than learning the art of balancing my life (and still learning), or not taking my beautiful wife Dionn for granted, or changing from a bass guitar player to a piano player. It's becoming a more mature adult, setting real goals and reaching them, not forgetting where I come from, and moving forward to where I'm going. I know that I am a Joseph (just like my daddy and mommy) and called to be a blessing to all types of people. I know that I have been betrayed, lied on, and sent to serve many prison terms in my 31 years on planet Earth. But God is taking out from the dark pits and mold prison cell into a "wealthy place." A lot of us think that we can jump from the introduction of the book called life to conclusion. But life doesn't work that way. God has designed life to walk through things instead of avoiding them or trying to bypass them with some kind of gold ticket. Some of us get mad at God because we've had to lose so much. But that's the price of the call once we accept it. He did it Himself. Why do we think we're not going to go through the same things? Think about it. In order for Him to sit on the right hand of God (meaning He sits on the throne with all power and authority in heaven and earth) He had to walk through the stairs and pitfalls of life. He couldn't walk into the new chapter of life until He completed walking out the "it is written" parts of previous chapters. Jesus has given us all a book, a life, a purpose, and it's up to our hard-head selves to walk through it. Many times, we're going to go through seasons of our lives when things are crazy. Take it from me. Lately, I've gone through problems when I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills. I didn't know how I was going to eat. And now I've got to get rid of my bed I've had since 2004. It's crazy, but these trials I have to walk out because "it is written." Like my momma told me earlier, "you must go through the trials before the morning joy comes." That's true and the sun is rising in my life. Praise God. And this isn't just for me nor is it about me. It's about God's story, allowing us to go through the valley to go forth to the mountain top. I'm going up yonder like Walter Hawkins. So my friends, walk out the trials of this current chapter. People around you won't understand but God and those who are there to encourage you will. In this chapter of hardness, you will feel stripped, persecuted, dealt with, and hurt. But God is molding you for the new chapter about to unfold in your life. It's like a race or for those who've been in the military, a 2 mile P.T. test. Just when you're at the end, the body wants to give out. We get shortness of breath and thoughts of quitting comes to mind. But something from within, that 5th gear, that Holy Ghost (something about it!-Tommy Ellison R.I.P. & The Singing Stars) kicks in, that hope, that "killer instinct." We make it to the finish line and from our diligence we receive our reward. Don't lose hope. Hope in God against the hope of the enemies in our lives. That's all we got in these days and times of darkness. I hope this helps. It's helping me.

Til Next Time, dgwo


Psalms 23

Friday, August 10, 2012

Do You Hear The Sound Of Change?

My friends, my question for you today is, do you hear the sound of change? As being the homo-sapiens that we are, we are born with resistant measures to change. We don't like one bit especially when we have to mature in our character and thought process. Change is a part of our lives and we can go through it happily or grudgingly. Life, as the fictional character Forrest Gump says, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." I've found this saying to be very true. We don't always have the answers about tomorrow. A lot of us make plans about the future but when they don't come to pass, we feel disappointed. We expect things and people to be a certain way all the time. A lot of us who are quote on quote traditional are very resistant to change. We love to say, back in the day, this was this and that was that. Face it, those days are long gone. The root principles of things are the same but the implementations of them have changed dramatically. Look at how we're paying our bills or doing a job search. Mostly everything is performed online. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on billboards for advertising, we can post videos and other media to promote our businesses. Things around us are changing everyday. The one true change that I'm alluding to is how God (whose name is Jesus Christ-ya heard) is moving throughout this planet. He's not moving through just a sect or a denomination anymore, He's moving through people who hear the sound of change. Only those who walk in faith, have His Spirit, and study His word is hearing the trumpet sound. This sound isn't going to be recognized by anyone who's resistant to change. People who are still stuck on women not being called to preach and teach, men should have three piece suits, the saints staying at church all day, judging people who aren't saved, and unwilling to help others isn't welcome in this change. I really do believe there is a "rapture" going on because only those who hear the voice of God, saint or sinner, once they hear, will be changed. They'll be caught away to a place they've never been before, a place of destiny, purpose, and position. Those who are resistant will miss the mark like so many people as the older generation of Israel did. They refused to obey God and let Him guide them by the hand. They were swallowed up because they kept looking back instead of going forward. As human beings, when faced with the challenge of change, we tend to look back instead of look forward. We don't like to mature.  A lot of us are adults well into our 20s, 30s, 40s, and above and still want to wild out in the club. We still bed hopping, coke sniffing, and hanging out with people more than half our age like we're still in high school. Shoot, I'm looking at my closet now and it's time to let all of those baggy jeans go because I'm not a thug (well, God is still working on my "Peter-ish" ways, pray for me). A lot of stay wearing  the same winter clothes when it's summer and summer clothes when it's winter. When the season changes, we have to change. Why don't we get that? The animals do. Listening and responding to the sound of change is scary, frightening, exciting, and adventurous all at the same time. Embrace what God wants to do in your life. Yeah, there are definitely going to be some ways, thoughts, lifestyles, and habits we'll have to give up. But that's what separates Jesus from all of these "teachers" and idols. He changes the whole person from the inside out that will last for eternity. Hear the sound of change and walk in it as Christ desires us to.

Til next time, dgwo.


1st Corinthians 13:12
2nd Corinthians 4:15-17

Thursday, August 9, 2012

...And These Are The Brakes!

Yesterday after I came home from work, I saw my wife and I started talking about a whole bunch of things. Just straight out the gate, I didn't give her a hug or a kiss, just talking about stuff all at once. My beautiful wife Dionn had to interrupt me during one of my sentences I can't remember now and she said these words to me:

"I'm just looking at you and wondering when you're going to put on the brakes."

Man, that caught my attention. Today, I come into work and there's really nothing for me do. Well, I've done a couple of things here and there but that's about it. Now, I realize, it's time for me to relax. Within the past 8 maybe 9 months, I've had to sacrifice time (with myself, family, keeping balance in my home), money, and more time. Work, church, family, school, trying to stay in touch with my family back home, and keeping up my relationship with God is a lot, man. All of these different things are responsibilities I just can't ignore. As of the first week of September, I'm going back to school to pursue a Master's degree in Business Administration and I better chill before I get started. My wife had to tell me a couple of others I had to sit and take but everything she said was true. Sometimes in life, you've got to put on the brakes. In America, our culture pushes for each of us to be successful in business, education, and in our finances. We have to be a certain way and live a certain way that's acceptable to the majority. We work so hard and those our accolades are vast; it means so little. We're promoting this function, this album, this work, and whatever else our little hearts desires. It's always, go, go, go. Move it, move it, move it (Police Academy voice)! However, at the end of the day, our minds are jacked up and we can't even get a good night's sleep. Last night, I slept like a baby because I heeded the words of my lovely wife (husbands, listen to your wives) to put on the brakes and relax. I was skimming through an article from a recent Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. It had a picture of one lady chilling on the beach while another woman was looking stressed in her office. This is us today. We don't take time off and we feel like we have to stay busy. Especially for people who are in ministry or running businesses. We put so much pressure and man-made (which comes  from ourselves and people stuck in religion instead of having relationship) to get things done. We have to show others in just about every walk of life we're doing this to attain a certain status in man's eyes. However, we become wearied, worn out like track shoes, and fried like a bad-perm (had a steal an old lyric from Method Man-sorry). But at the end of the day, being a busy body ain't nothing but unneeded stress. A lot of the people we see who are rich and famous can't even in sleep at night because they have to continue on the roller-coaster ride of success. A lot of us parents push our kids to hard to be perfect. So when they get older, they don't want to do right in our eyes, they want to do their own thing. But this is when the brakes have to be applied. A lot of us today love to pass stop signs in places where there's not a lot of traffic. But we like to push the envelope a bit. We're in a hurry to get somewhere and the light ahead of us is on the yellow. We know in a millisecond it's going to turn red. Instead of braking, we hit the accelerator to the floor. The light turns red and then we're in a major accident. Lives are broken and maybe ours, too. That place we thought was important enough to blow through a red light is a distant memory. You get the picture now, right? Ambition is dangerous and the pursuit thereof we'll lead us to an early grave. We get consumed and the only ones who can't see it is ourselves. Today, take a deep look into your lives and find our where you need to pump the brakes.

Til next time, dgwo.


Psalms 26:2

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wake Up: Racism Is Still Prevalent In America

My heart really goes out to the families of the people slain by the late Wade Michael Page, a white supremacist. I started to think about this very hard and came to the realization that racism is still prevalent in America. Racism is a belief held by an individual or group hating another individual or group based on color, religion, creed, age, appearance, or background. I hate to say this but I need to say this. Racism is still prevalent in America today. Just a couple of weeks ago, a black couple's wedding had to be held at another church because the predominantly white church were mortified to have another race on it's premises. During my days of living in North Carolina, I remember going to a school in Princeton where the staff including teachers and principals were racists. I remember people of my own race shared racist comments about Caucasians and Mexicans (oh yeah, African American can be just as racist as the most hateful KKK member). Shoot, I've made various racist comments in my time in the Army and thereafter ("I ain't lying, I ain't lying"-Madea voice). Racism has been here since the beginning of time and the beginning of the U.S.A. Over years, we've experienced slavery, Jim Crow laws, laws against the Native Americans, American concentration camps of the Asian population during World War II, and of course the civil rights movement. In the late 20th century to this present time, it "seems" racism is nonexistent. Various people from all walks of life are working together in the workplace, studying in the universities, playing in professional sports, and chat with each other on social networking sites. We think that it's all good and we've learned from the late Rodney King, "to all get along." However, this recent shooting should raise a red flag for us today. Has racism really gone away? I say that it hasn't. Yeah, some of you may say, Dave, you're entitled to your own opinion. But here are the facts I see in everyday life. Matter of fact, let me pose some questions to you and then let them marinate in your conscience for a while:

  • Why are there still white supremacist groups still hateful against other races?
  • Why are there still "black power" movements still taking aim at the white man for what happened to their ancestors centuries ago?
  • Why are black people still thinking all white people are "the man" and blame them for all that's wrong in their lives?
  • Why do Americas look at all Mexican workers as robbers of jobs in the marketplace?
  • Why are churches who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and God still separated based on race, color, creeds, worship styles, and background?
  • Why are there stigmata between the various groups of the Latino culture such as dialects, country, etc.?
  • Why do us"native" (anyone born in the US) Americans hate on other races/cultures coming here to the US to attain a better life?
  • Why are there many cities across the US still "silently" promoting divisions for different races to live?
  • Why is there a prevalence of injustice toward Native Americans?
  • Why are people still systematically teaching racism to the up and coming generations?
Why, Oh why, my friends? What happened to the community in Wisconsin should be a reminder and wake up call that racism is still prevalent in America. People are going to various extremes like mass-murder, monetary corruption, gang activity, political corruption, and fanatical religious crusades to destroy another who they deem as impure. This is what happens when our hearts aren't congruent with the heart of God. God loves all people. He doesn't like our sin (as many try to justify) but loves us all the same. When He came and died, He did it for all mankind. The great write Paul said in his testimony to the Greek philosophers in Athens that God made us from one blood all nations of the earth (Acts 17:26). Because of sin and just human nature (as Michael Jackson perfect examined), we hate each other. My thing is, everyone from the atheist to the Buddhist envision a life after this, some sort of heavenly place. No more crying, no more sickness, and for us who hate working everyday, no more bills ( smile). But we're still on this racism tip, which is mostly now undercover (hello). This is a point I must get across to  us all. Who do you think is going to be in heaven? Is it going to be God, the angels, and one particular number or race? I think not. John who had a vision in the isle of Patmos had a vision of heaven and the constituents living there. He saw God, the angels, and an innumerable amount of people of all nations, kindred, and languages there whose lives were washed in the blood of Lamb (Revelation 7:9). They all were seen worshipping the King together in harmony and in unity. Racism isn't a thought of love or maybe constructive criticism, it's a thought of hate, separation, and evil. Believe you me, God ain't down with it. My friends, I'm just as guilty of racism as Wade Michael Page because I've done some racist stuff in my 31 years on earth. But thank God for massaging my heart and to raise awareness of racism in the US. 

Til next time, dgwo.


Acts 17:22-33
Revelation 7:1-9

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To The Veterans: You Are Not Forgotten!

I've been wanting to write a post about this matter for a long time now. This is a sticky subject but someone has to stand up and say something. This one is dedicated to my brothers and sisters who've served time in the Armed Forces. Whether you did 30 years, 15 years, or 5, you served your country. Whether you retired, were discharged for medical reasons, regularly ETS'd, or put out on a dishonorable discharge, you served your country! I myself have been out the Army for almost 9 years now and I'm grateful for all I experienced. From the 12 plus hour days of working in a post office in Germany, to getting my behind burnt in the Middle East, I'm grateful. I wasn't the best soldier and yes I caused a lot of problems, but I did serve my country for 4 and a half years. My wife did 5 years in the Army and did a way better job of being a soldier than I did. Many of my friends are military vets and served their country faithful for whatever time they did. However, I see something a lot of people don't want to touch. A lot of times, especially within the Central Texas area (except for Memorial Day/Labor Day), veterans no longer in the military are forgotten. What do you mean they are forgotten, David? Listen here sonny boy and fair lady. I see more veterans coming out the military having more mental trauma than every before from all the deployments they've had to go on. Now, I'm not talking about vets from other eras (Nam, Desert Storm: they're forgotten, too), I'm talking about the young heads from 22-26 coming out the military. Some of them have had to go on 2-5 (maybe 6) deployments within their military careers. From the years 2003-2010, some vets had to go on two or more deployments within a 1 and a half to 3 year time span. They've had to leave their families to take the brunt of raising their kids. At times, I've seen the military make both parents of children get deployed and saw families disintegrate like flames to paper. I'm seeing more people battle with addictions like drugs, alcohol, and sex because of the trauma they experienced in the military or sometimes intensifying underlying problems before entering into the military. I see more vets coming out these days not being given the full 180 day ACAP process because superiors staying in the military consider them as traitors to wars without cause (you know what I'm talking about). Even the ACAP process doesn't fully prepare you for what's to come (especially in the biggest military post in the world -hint, hint). I'm seeing veterans who've fought with the VA to get their pension for years and still get denied. They have legitimate reasons and documentation to be compensated but it doesn't happen. I see much more than I can comment about but I will say this with encouraging words. You are not forgotten. There are various avenues of opportunities to help you make it through this thing most vets called "the outside world." You have been given benefits such as Post 9/11 GI-Bill, which pays for your educational costs plus gives you BAH. If you need assistance in getting your compensation and pension process, organizations like DAV and American Legion will help you in this feat. Most importantly, there are every day people who haven't taken your labors in vain. They remember your sacrifices and are raising cane in Washington D.C. on your behalf to help life outside of the military better. If this sounds like a rant, well it is. Not just a personal rant but a rant for the men and women who had to sacrifice a lot to everything for America. It's time America gives honor where it's due. I'm not saying the world should revolve around vets. I'm not saying baby us vets to make our lives easier. At least give the vets respect. To the military personnel in the Armed services, if you know soldiers are getting out, support them. Don't treat them like traitors. They made the decision to get out so it's your obligation to make sure their ACAP process is smooth, comfortable (if that's possible), and helpful for them. Getting out the military is not an easy process and the future is definitely uncertain. As the economic woes continue to occur, veterans and those contemplating leaving the military are faced with hard decisions. Job market. Bills. The whole nine yards. America, especially those in high level positions in the military and political realms; even the average American, be considerate about us vets. Let's not treat veterans as scrap metal, used up, then beat up, and then thrown away. Most importantly, when you feel no one understand your frustration, the agony of remembering the deaths of fellow soldiers, the addictions, and the hardships of making it out here in the outside world, remember God hasn't forgotten you. David said it best when he said how God was mindful of him. We just got to know the same God who makes sure to feed the animals will much more make sure we eat and have a place to stay. I know it's hard, especially in times of foreclosure, eviction, and homelessness (I've been near homeless myself when I first got out in 2003). But trust God. He hasn't forgotten us. Well, that's all I've got to say about that. I hope these words help you along this arduous road of life. To the veterans, you are not forgotten!


Psalms 8:4
Matthew 6:25-26 (Main VA website) (DAV website) (American Legion website) (federal entitlements for veterans-Title 38) (GI Bill) (vast info on veteran benefits such as job leads, etc.)

Pride Is A Dangerous Thing

Sometimes in life, you've got to come straight from the heart about what you're truly dealing with. One of my main issues in my life is pride and I know I'm not the only one who has to fight against it daily (that's right I said daily!). Pride is a sneaky little devil that enters the heart and mind of man influencing us to "exalt ourselves above measure." We attain knowledge and wisdom allowing ourselves to get puffed up. We get rich from successful business ventures and discontinue our need to rely on God. People with abundance of wealth (money, education, health care, laws, religion) are coming together to make life unbearable for the increasing masses unable to have the necessities of life (the 1%=N.W.O.). The masses stuff feeling our writings or music and we start to get the big head when it should be about God.  We know we have issues we need help with but figure we can handle things all by ourselves. Hmmm... Well, enter into the mind of David G.W. Overton for a second while I expose what I wrote in my journal ("the type of stuff that'll in-jure you" - Da' T.R.U.T.H - Price Tag-'07).

August 7, 2012, 7:05 am:

This morning, I woke up repenting to God for not repenting every day I should. Last night, I felt this urge to truly lay down my life for God. I started to feel like I didn't need to repent because of my title, my giftings, and labors for Him. I realized a stumbling block in my life and it's called pride. Pride is a dangerous thing. It'll make you think you're up there when you're really down there. Pride will have you believe you don't need God. Pride will make you trust in things instead of the One who made those things. I've found myself trusting more in resources than in the Source. It's gonna take discipline and hard work to break this attitude down. The true success is coming to God naked and unashamed. In pride, we cloak ourselves to hide our weaknesses, short comings, and dirty work. Pride is a partition separating us from God. Pride is as simple as not asking others for help in times of need. That's a big problem of mine nowadays. Pride closes you off from giving and receiving love. Pride dilutes the true power of knowledge, which is to first humble ourselves before God. Pride is believing in self-sufficiency. Pride is looking down on others based on their appearance, age, race, problems, culture, and current living arrangements. Pride is withholding help for others when they need it. Pride is thinking our own ways are right but in God's sight is wrong. Pride is not acknowledging God at all, which sort of gives us a liquor licenses to stay in various sins. Solomon was well acquainted with pride and he shared these words in Proverbs 16:18:

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

Pride is what caused Lucifer, Adam and Eve, and many of us today to fall from grace. Pride is the fast track to destruction. Ask many world renown drug pushers, musicians, singers, rappers, preachers, and politicians. They thought themselves to be something when they were really nothing without God. Take heed to Proverbs 16:18. It was written by a man who was inspired by God to tell on himself as well as show the effects of walking in pride. It has many shapes, attitudes, forms, and actions. None of us should say we have no faults, mistakes, imperfections, sin, or pride in our lives. If we do, then we're deceiving our own selves and the truth (according to Jesus Christ) ain't in us (1st John 1:8). We're just a bunch of successful liars. Let's search ourselves, it's ugly head is there. When we find it, take it's head and throw it in the fire. The root of all sin is pride and if left unchecked, the consequences are horrendous.

Til next time, dgwo


Proverbs 16:18
Isaiah 14:12-15
1st John 1:8

Monday, August 6, 2012

The True Meaning of Respect

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that's what this means to me (sorry, ppl, I had to do -it: Aretha Franklin)." She made a valid point when she sang those lyrics. Respect is key to our livelihood, welfare, and being. Showing respect and being respected (for the right things) will take us a long way. Showing disrespect and being disrespected is just a pathway way to a whole bunch of nonsense. This is a trait the Lord Jesus Christ implemented in His thoughts, words, and actions. No matter how many people hated Him and wanted Him dead, He stood up for truth. He didn't compromise. No matter how much His enemies hated Him, they respected Him because He stood for what was right. Respect is the other side of walking in truth. It's about integrity and honesty. The great Machiavelli wrote, "it's better to be feared than loved." I have a better quote. "It's better to be hated than respected than to be liked and not respected." These days we're living in, the word respect is losing it's value. We have turned into a people who thrive on disrespect, other each other and God Himself. So today, I've a list little list concerning what respect really is:

Respect is giving honor to where honor's due. Respect is being on time for our jobs or being at an event we tell others we're going to be a part of. Respect is saying yes sir or no ma'am, no matter a person's age, background, religion, or creed. Respect is children not sticking their nose in grown folks' business. Respect is being polite to those who are destitute; be it may that they are homeless, on an addiction, or going through hard times. Respect is still being hospitable to our enemies through sincere acts of love for their well-being and not to get back at them. Respect is training people, whether it's an incoming employee or a high school thorough the various pearls of wisdom the right way. This way, they are set up for a great platform of success. Respect are husbands stopping their chauvinism of being a "man's man" and listening to their wives when they warn of making bad decisions (better ask Pontius Pilate-Matthew 27:19). Respect is men ceasing the exploitation women's chest size, waistline, and backsides in their lyrics, videos, and whatever forms of media being used. Respect is not busting into someone else's personal space, especially if their in a time of re-prioritizing their lives. Respect is politicians being representatives of the people, which includes speaking on various topics negatively affecting them, instead of fulfilling their own personal agendas. Respect is parents telling their kids the good, the bad, and the ugly to help their kids understand life rather than build a perfection example; which damages their kids' future. Respect is controlling our language (cursing) because it degrades us , others, and creates a hostile environment. Respect is holding rallies outside of some body's business because they made a statement concerning about our lifestyle that is wrong in God's sight (Chick-Fil-A vs. LGBT movements: yeah, I said it!). Respect is this nation as a whole remembering those who served this country and instead of throwing them away in memory because they no longer serve in the Armed Forces (vets, I got you!). Respect is listening when the elders talk to us about how we should handle things through sharing hard lessons they experienced in their past instead of ignoring them! Respect is praying for others who may be in a bad state in their lives instead of gossiping about them. Respect is being concerned for the less fortunate instead of waving around our material possessions in their face. Respect is thinking twice about ruining or ending someone else's life over something that's temporal. Respect is telling people how you really feel about them instead of smiling in their face but stabbing them in their back. Respect is supporting those who are doing a good work instead of tearing them down. Respect is knowing you are telling the truth and not backing down because a group of people (who know what they're doing is wrong) state otherwise.  Respect is still performing a task and treating others with respect when we are going through tough times in our lives.  Respect, which is the ultimate form, is thanking God for everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly instead of dissing Him because He doesn't do the following:

-agree with a lifestyle that is dead wrong
-bless us with things instantly like a microwaveable meal
-allows bad things to happen in life, which are allowed to turn our attention to Him

I truly hope this is a help to all of us. We've got to get back to respect, my friends. Without it, we aren't going anywhere. In closing, my cuzo Gabe Williams said this to me a couple of weeks ago:

"Respect takes us a long way but disrespect closes the doors of success and favor."

Amen to that. Til next time, dgwo.


Study the life of Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John)

Friday, August 3, 2012

You Got To Hear It Before You Can See It

I woke up this morning with the word sound in my head. For the past couple of days, I've heard this word taught, I've read this word in my study time, and then I experienced it again. This morning, I was reading about a time when Israel was going through a bad famine. Ahab, the king of Israel at the time was trying to find a way to get water and other necessities to survive. Three and some change years ago, Elijah had prayed for the rain to cease because of Ahab's evil ways; causing the whole nation to disobey God. Fast forward, Elijah heard a sound and it was the abundance of rain coming to nourish the ground. Then I was reading about Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus about being born again. He told Nicodemus that the Spirit of God is like a wind he hears but can't tell where it comes from; so is everyone born again of the Spirit. My friends, we're living in a time of great dearth throughout the nations of the world. Financial crises, droughts, famines, unemployment, divorces, government shutdowns, and lack of quality education. But in times of great depression, recession, regression, and oppression, around the corner is a blessing. Now, David, how can you say that? To be honest, my friends, I have no clue. Right now, I'm experiencing famines in my life and fight everyday to renew my hope in God. But lately, I've been hearing a sound. This sound has been the voice of God telling me every thing's going to be alright. A lot of us, including myself, are like Thomas. He had to see and feel Jesus to know He had arose from the grave. But God is looking for a people of faith who will believe Him when He speaks. I truly believe that God is speaking expressly (openly) at all times but are we willing to hear and receive His words? In the midst of famines, questions, and doubts, God is always speaking of solutions that will make life more meaningful. Right now, we're not in a comfortable situation; sort of like the 4th quarter in the final 5 minutes of the game and we're down 10 points. But we have to slow down and when we hear that sound, we better stay put and listen. We have to be perfectly positioned to clearly hear the voice of God. We have to be set in place. The reason why Elijah and Nicodemus received what they received is because their ears were open. They let go of the pride and the trends of their times. There are so many trends and movements going on in America and many of us are off course in our lives. The only way we're going to get back on track is hearing the voice of God. So many of you are asking, how do I know it's God's voice? What will it sound like? To our own understanding, we won't understand it. This is why Solomon admonishes us to trust God with our whole heart, lean not to our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge and He'll direct our goings (Proverbs 3:5-7). We will know it's God because it'll sound out of line of what we're used to. When Sarah heard she would have a kid in her 90s, she laughed at him. When Jesus told Peter to cast his net on the other side, Peter looked at Him crazy. When Balaam was about to do something crazy, God spoke through a donkey to stop him. His voice is sweet, sort of similar to ours, and speaks nothing but the truth. We'll know it because deep inside, we'll try to ignore us when He's telling us we need to straighten up. Many times, He tell us things are being worked out when our present situation is getting more jacked up. But that's how He works. He set order when the world and the people in it was wilding out during the beginning stages of creation. His voice gives us specific instructions and directions to follow. Once we learn to obey it, dudes and dudettes, we'll on the fast track to success. Like my aunt told me years ago, the more we obey, the more we'll recognize His voice. Before we can see signs of success and pitfalls waiting to bring us down, we've got to hear God's voice. The voice of the other(s) that won't tell us truth we'll set us up for failure every time. Now, I'm saying all this because I'm perfect or reached a level of pure perfection. I'm still learning to get this sound thing myself. But I just wanted to share with everybody what I experienced today. Not a million dollars, not a new job, just  a new understanding of how this thing called life works. So this weekend, find you a good church with good teaching that won't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear even if it hurts. If you do belong somewhere but ain't been awhile, and it's a good church, you need to go back there because God is definitely got great things in store for His people. If you belong to a church that doesn't present the truth the way Jesus intends it to be, throw the deuces and allow God to lead you to a place that will teach the truth. To those who may not be in the faith but you've been hearing signs from different people from places and venues, God is calling you for a specific purpose. You'll never know what it is until you allow yourself to hear what He's saying. I know this for myself and keep my mind there so I don't get above myself. Don't listen to these other sounds found in the media and bad company, which calls evil good and good evil. Listen to the voice of God, which makes us wise to what's good and simple to what's evil (Romans 16:19). In the words of a reputed murderer turned expositor:

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." - Romans 10:17

To all of us, understand God is always saying something, we just need to have an ear; open ear. The truth hurts but it heals, saves, delivers, directs, instructs, reassures, and blesses us tremendously. Then we believe what we hear, in due time, we're going to see it. We've got to walk by faith and not by sight.

Til next time, dgwo.


1st Kings 18
John 3:7-8
Habakkuk 3:1-4

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Don't Be A Slouch, Be Productive!

I was starting to write something else earlier but it looks like I'll be making a book out of it (stay tuned). But I guess today's blog will focus on being diligent. Solomon says this to us from Proverbs 12:24:

"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute."

So, what is diligence?  Here is the definition of diligence:

diligence: careful and persistent work or effort. 

Diligence is not only starting a project but seeing it through until finished. Diligence is moving forward no matter what comes against us. Diligence is always seeking innovative ways to make things happen. Diligence is keeping tuned to what's going on around us and maneuvering through the channels of life. 
When we are diligent, we will be presented before people of great status and given opportunities before many people. One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Joseph. He was a man betrayed, lied on, and cheated out his latter teenage years and his twenties due to slavery and prison. During these times, Joseph learned to be diligent where we was placed. He could have  been like us these days in American society who shut down every time things get rough. He could have been like us blaming people who did us wrong and left us to die in our situation. He could have hated God for allowing all those things to happen to him. But He bloomed where He was planted. One of two things are going to happen. We're either going to sink or swim. We're going to sit on the couch and let life pass us by or make the best out of every situation. He chose to suffer and be productive. He made it happen and was given leadership positions in his master's house as well as in the prison. He diligence led him to become ruler of all Egypt and fed many nations. In this time of recession, emotional depression, and moral regression, this is the hour God is calling us His people to be about their Father's business. He's calling the prodigal sons and even those who don't believe in God to become a part of the greatest revolution of change the world has ever seen. However, there's the end of the bargain we must fulfill and it requires us to be diligent. Hard work pays off. If Jesus never put in work in working miracles and dying on the cross for the eternal salvation of mankind, this world would be worse than what it is now. If Joseph became a slouch, all those nations during the famine would've died of hunger. What if I don't write these blogs everyday? I would increase the process of internal frustrations and miss the blessing for me that will bless countless others around the corner. Diligence is more than just us, it's about others who God wants to insert in His perfect plan. Well, I guess that says it all. To all those who've been diligent for what Jesus has called them to do, keep doing it. Just hold tight, your time is coming and coming very soon. To all who've given up, it's time for you to dream again and ask God to restore your hope in Him and to do what He's called you to do. To all who are diligent but whatever it is not pleasing God, consider Him and His ways. Change your will over to His and learn to be diligent in the things He has for you to do. 

Til next time, dgwo.


Proverbs 12:24

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time To Take Care Of Ourselves

Us American's our addicted to being busy. It's true there are other nations whose people work way more than Americans do. However, our work atmosphere is always busy, chaotic, confusing, and downright stressful. We've got a lot going on and we rarely take the time to sit back and relax. I can say within the past six months, my life has been all these things I've mentioned and more. Just this past Saturday, I had the opportunity for the first time in a month to get my car washed and vacuumed. Just two weeks ago, I finally had the opportunity to thoroughly clean the house, which wasn't cleaned in almost 3 months (oh yeah, it was bad). I won't lie, y'all. It felt like the walls of life had crumbled on top of me and there was no way I was getting out. But I recently found out that I had to pull the plug on some things in life. I had to learn to say no. I had to learn not to show up for every little thing going on around me. I had to learn how to step back and get recharged again. I'm learning now to make sure the fire in my own marriage is still burning bright. For 5 days a week, I push myself to write these blogs just to air out concerns we all are going through. Plus, I got my first haircut within three weeks time this past Saturday. I became addicted to being busy; doing this and doing that. However, I was neglecting taking care of myself. I along with my wife was paying for the foolish mistake of not stepping back and getting a breather. For all those who have to carry various heavy weights of responsibilities, you relate to these symptoms of stress:

  • Frustration
  • Short Temperament
  • Anger
  • Bitterness
  •  Sleeplessness/Restlessness
  • Isolation
  • Loss of Focus/Purpose
  • Feelings of Hopelessness
I won't lie to you all, this is what I've felt for the past 6 months but thank God He showed me; "son, it's time to hit the breaks." I found myself dealing with these things in more ways than one. My prayer life was suffering dramatically. My tolerance for crazy people who were out to hurt my loved ones became less yet my anger growing stronger. I got tired of coming to a job I felt was useless and paid me less than what I felt like I was worth. I felt disconnected from my wife because the closeness we used to have was being severed by responsibilities and the problems of life. Some of you, even some of you who may know me very personally are probably dumfounded that I'm cleaning out my closet. To be honest, I'm not ashamed because I'm not the only one who feels, have felt, or will feel this way. When we don't take care of ourselves, we're on the fast track to destruction. Before we can put on the breaks, it's way too late. When we don't take care of ourselves, we become ineffective as husbands, as wives, as employees, as employers, as pastors, as leaders, as businessmen, and as a friend. Our minds are filled with negativity, our bodies are worn, and our soul is vexed. But one thing comes to mind. Jesus Christ, who is our most perfect example, dealt with these things, too. He dealt with frustration, anger, resentment, isolation, restlessness, and tiredness. However, He resorted Himself to going into a solitary place and praying to God for restoration and renewal. He got away from the craziness and responsibilities of life just for a small time to get Himself together. He prayed for so many people, had to patiently teach His disciples things over and over again. He had to run from people who were out to kill him all the time. He had to deal with Satan always using people to tear Him down. He constantly fought against those mind wars sent His way to discourage Him. He needed time to relax. Why would God do this? How could He have dealt with all this? It's simple, He had to leave us a path to follow when we start to feel the effects of not taking care of ourselves. We've got to know our limits, my friends. We've got to learn how to stop being so busy trying to please people and take care of ourselves. I remember a "love talk" I  saw on YouTube with Stephen Hurd. He talked about this subject and now almost a year later, I see what he was saying. We've care to cater to our needs, learn to rest and relax. Laugh more than we do. Pray more for God to restore us. Get away from the negativity of people, places, and things. Study the Word of God to give us rest for our souls. Go to diner somewhere you like (even if it's Burger King) and break the monotony of the week. Go walking. Get a manicure, your hair did, a pedicure. Go to the mall, get a affordable massage. Chill out. Put some leave time in at the job. That job was there before you got there and probably we'll be right there when you. Those jokers will be alright. The feeling of taking care of yourself will do wonders. So if Jesus took moments when He needed to take care of Himself, who are we not to do the same? Right now, I'm in the mode of taking care of myself because I know me. I'll explode. But now, I'm in relax mode, trusting in God He'll handle my issues, and grab me a cup of sweet iced tea (or free ice water). 

Til next time, learn to relax, take care of yourselves, chill, dgwo.


Matthew 11:28-30
Mark 1:35