Thursday, August 9, 2012

...And These Are The Brakes!

Yesterday after I came home from work, I saw my wife and I started talking about a whole bunch of things. Just straight out the gate, I didn't give her a hug or a kiss, just talking about stuff all at once. My beautiful wife Dionn had to interrupt me during one of my sentences I can't remember now and she said these words to me:

"I'm just looking at you and wondering when you're going to put on the brakes."

Man, that caught my attention. Today, I come into work and there's really nothing for me do. Well, I've done a couple of things here and there but that's about it. Now, I realize, it's time for me to relax. Within the past 8 maybe 9 months, I've had to sacrifice time (with myself, family, keeping balance in my home), money, and more time. Work, church, family, school, trying to stay in touch with my family back home, and keeping up my relationship with God is a lot, man. All of these different things are responsibilities I just can't ignore. As of the first week of September, I'm going back to school to pursue a Master's degree in Business Administration and I better chill before I get started. My wife had to tell me a couple of others I had to sit and take but everything she said was true. Sometimes in life, you've got to put on the brakes. In America, our culture pushes for each of us to be successful in business, education, and in our finances. We have to be a certain way and live a certain way that's acceptable to the majority. We work so hard and those our accolades are vast; it means so little. We're promoting this function, this album, this work, and whatever else our little hearts desires. It's always, go, go, go. Move it, move it, move it (Police Academy voice)! However, at the end of the day, our minds are jacked up and we can't even get a good night's sleep. Last night, I slept like a baby because I heeded the words of my lovely wife (husbands, listen to your wives) to put on the brakes and relax. I was skimming through an article from a recent Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. It had a picture of one lady chilling on the beach while another woman was looking stressed in her office. This is us today. We don't take time off and we feel like we have to stay busy. Especially for people who are in ministry or running businesses. We put so much pressure and man-made (which comes  from ourselves and people stuck in religion instead of having relationship) to get things done. We have to show others in just about every walk of life we're doing this to attain a certain status in man's eyes. However, we become wearied, worn out like track shoes, and fried like a bad-perm (had a steal an old lyric from Method Man-sorry). But at the end of the day, being a busy body ain't nothing but unneeded stress. A lot of the people we see who are rich and famous can't even in sleep at night because they have to continue on the roller-coaster ride of success. A lot of us parents push our kids to hard to be perfect. So when they get older, they don't want to do right in our eyes, they want to do their own thing. But this is when the brakes have to be applied. A lot of us today love to pass stop signs in places where there's not a lot of traffic. But we like to push the envelope a bit. We're in a hurry to get somewhere and the light ahead of us is on the yellow. We know in a millisecond it's going to turn red. Instead of braking, we hit the accelerator to the floor. The light turns red and then we're in a major accident. Lives are broken and maybe ours, too. That place we thought was important enough to blow through a red light is a distant memory. You get the picture now, right? Ambition is dangerous and the pursuit thereof we'll lead us to an early grave. We get consumed and the only ones who can't see it is ourselves. Today, take a deep look into your lives and find our where you need to pump the brakes.

Til next time, dgwo.


Psalms 26:2

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