Friday, September 26, 2014

An Ever-Changing World

What's happening? I know, it's been a while again. Sometimes as a blogger, you begin to feel like you're "reinventing the wheel" when talking about certain topics. Since late 2013, there's been distinct "shift" in my thought process, belief system, and "spirit." That what happens when your "world is turned upside down." However, it's a good thing because my once "tunneled perception" on life has changed dramatically. In the "world" I was a part of (now renounced), change was spoken yet hardly performed and encouraged. I've learned that change is a total thing, not a "one aspect" thing. I'm proud to say my life has totally changed but I'm still going through changes. I recently had a conversation with a "former" constituent of mine and he didn't like some of the "views" I spoke about. Knowing me, I refuted everything he was talking about purposely because I used to have that same train of thought. You want to know why? The type of thinking he's "proclaiming" is outdated, a travesty to the human race, and is the machine raging against the currents of an ever-changing world. It has no place in our society because it justifies hypocrisy, condones crimes in the name of God, and causes divisions among the human race. Now, I'm a "literary spokesman" against and have regained my footing again. I'm not only coming from speaking at a "commonwealth"  level but also at a personal level. Everyday, I'm learning about myself and coming to terms of my strengths, successes, proclivities, and shortcomings. All these make up who I am as a man, husband, son, friend, cousin, employee,musician, writer, fan, and researcher/explorer. I'm becoming more of the latter because through a "diligent search", I'm coming closer to knowing my present status in my destiny at this point in my life. One of my favorite songs now is by Andre Cymone "It's Alright" on the new "The Stone" LP (spectacular album by the way). It's more like an autobiography of his life and in certain points of this song, I can relate. More so, the focal point of this song is Andre walking through a cycle of maturation. This is the ever-changing world. Just as technology (and hackers) is changing every 6-9 months, so should we as people. It's not easy but it's for damn sure, necessary. I've still got a couple of screws loose but life, God, enemies, and loved one are helping me tighten them up. 

Til next time, my friends, dgwo.....

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Agree Or Disagree, That Is The Question?

People older and younger can attest that we can't stand mess, foolery, and drama. We live in a society and time when things are moving at a fast pace everyday. When unnecessary mess occurs in your life, it slows you down, distracts you, hinders you, and takes up space in your thoughts. The plans you once had are now nullified because you get caught up with middle school age minded people who can't be adults about things. You know, healthy conversation. Excuse me as I go on a tangent. Within the past 5 years, I've dealt with more crap from people than u should have to. Arguments about nothing, misunderstandings, and rushes to judgment. It's like on "White Men Can't Jump", people I try to hold a conversation with are just "hearing" and not "listening." It's ridiculous. Oh what about those people who try to correct every time you say something that's contrary to how they think or believe? Someone at a music shop (who just met me) was coming at my neck for something I said that's a common saying where I'm from (n---a, one of my favorite words, thanks Aunt Edna for those funny moments with you and Uncle Jimmy God rest his soul). I was like dude, what the hell is your problem? Why can't we talk and not you coming at my neck about stuff I already know about our storied history in America. Gee wiz, Batman!!!! I didn't blow up because I understood where he was at mentally. He's just a lackey, a boy in a man's body at 30 something years old taking orders from his puppet-master (pastor/spiritual leader). And one thing I learned about him within 7 minutes is that he believes that if someone doesn't agree with him on anything, he has to become as a pestering insect until that person breaks down to agree with him. I know, I used to be one (without the crap from a pastor, still a debater, especially when it comes to how much the Cowboys suck and music). I've said all that to ask a question, "To Agree or Disagree?" The American society is filled with competition, various ideologies, belief systems, and various trains of thought. But there's something that's been lurking for the past few decades, conformity and the degradation of individuality. I've been reading this book called "Black Gods of The Metropolis" by Albert Faucett and it's pretty good. One thing I learned is that in different groups of society, agreement is like God and if you don't agree or comply with everything said or done around you, you're out. You're considered a heathen, troublemaker, a rebel. We see this in the workplace, school, sororities, clubs, religious organizations, and gangs. People that don't agree are shunned and their opportunities for success in whatever goal they are set on become slim. It's a sad thing that happens. This is the type of thing people lose friends and family over. My thing is, it's good "to agree to disagree." Why not? Why must we agree on everything? The reason why my marriage is still running is from my wife and I disagreeing on a lot of things. However, we've learned to agree to disagree on many things and through this, we grow into better people individually and as a married couple. Look at different organizations like Apple and Ford, each experiencing various problems and "scandals" in recent times but still are successful in their perspective industries because they believe in the "agree to disagree doctrine." When we agree within everything, we're setting ourselves up for failure. We won't know how to handle ourselves in conflicts (some of us play the "hiding game" when they happen). We never get promoted and if we do, we lose the respect of those in the workplace. Disagreements are necessary, differences are a part of life. Get used to it. Within recent months, people have disagreed with many of my blogs and I've disagreed with other people's thoughts. However, when the smoke clears, we've got to agree to disagree. That's life. Deal with it.

Til next time, The Agreeing to Disagree Overton.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What We Can Learn From Kids

I'm learning that as we grow up from children to adults, our hearts overtime become hard, cold, and callous. It's a hard truth I've been trying to avoid but is something that I must face. Some people (such as myself) sometimes veer off into space, dreaming of a world that is different, more peaceful, maybe envisioning a world where people better treat each other. However, we must snap out of those pipe dreams and face God reality that this "utopia" doesn't exist. I mentioned in a previous blog that I had to go "old school" on some people I've known for years I haven't seen in months and confront them on some issues that's "disrespected my friends and family." Of course, they took the punk route. Not saying hello when they saw me (that's just good southern hospitality). Looking at me like I'm the one who did them wrong when it's the total opposite. People who want the beef/drama to continue when all they have to do is 'fess up, apologize, and maybe begin the process of reconciling our relationship. But these people are borderline sociopaths, one of them said, "I'll never apologize." As much as a cold hearted mo-fo I can be, that hurt me deep to the core of my very being. Inside, I'm crying because my family helped these people so many times but they "lifted up their heels against us." A common Judas punk move. My mind has been reflecting on a thought one of my best friends shared with me a couple of months ago (whose also going through a similar situation). He told me, "Dave, why can't we be like kids, fight one day, maybe argue, but at the end of the day, be friends again?" That's a good question, my friend. I'm afraid the answer is found in the first sentence of this blog post. It's true. As children (not for every child), the heart is "tender", the spirit is pure, the bigger picture of treating people the right way is locked in front of eyes. Then comes the abuses, the fights, the embarrassment, the bad habits, the rapes, the robberies, etc. Hard times. Rough times. Hard lessons. Selfish intentions. Impure motives. Overtime, we become something we never would've dreamed of as kids and the kid inside of us doesn't like what he or she sees. I think that the greatest gift on this earth is human life. It's God's greatest creation. Overtime, this earth been a 1st hand witness of the hearts of men and what a hard, cold, and calloused heart will lead one to do to another. We can learn a lot from kids if we just sit back and see how they enter act with each other. Most times I've seen interactions, there's a little fussing and fighting but there's a reconciliation and bonds that aren't broken. Us adults, we think because we're making money in our perspective careers, kids of our owns, college degrees, etc., we're God's gift to the world. I think you need to look in the mirror. I wish at the moment, when the "demonic" part of me came out, those moments would've been different. Them seeing me, at least saying hello and not looking at me with disgust because I don't "fit the bill" of what a 33 year old black male should look like in their "book of perfection." I wish that an open door of honest conversation would've taken place and them just admitting to themselves and myself, "hey, I screwed up" for whatever reason. Wishful thinking, huh? It's ok to dream but it's necessary to snap your mind back to reality. I can this is what kids sooner or later are going to have to learn from us "wicked adults", right? But the main lesson we need to learn from kids, is to be friendly, to cherish good friendships, and make it right with those you've hurt with a simple gesture. There I go wishful thinking again.....

Til next time..........