Friday, September 26, 2014

An Ever-Changing World

What's happening? I know, it's been a while again. Sometimes as a blogger, you begin to feel like you're "reinventing the wheel" when talking about certain topics. Since late 2013, there's been distinct "shift" in my thought process, belief system, and "spirit." That what happens when your "world is turned upside down." However, it's a good thing because my once "tunneled perception" on life has changed dramatically. In the "world" I was a part of (now renounced), change was spoken yet hardly performed and encouraged. I've learned that change is a total thing, not a "one aspect" thing. I'm proud to say my life has totally changed but I'm still going through changes. I recently had a conversation with a "former" constituent of mine and he didn't like some of the "views" I spoke about. Knowing me, I refuted everything he was talking about purposely because I used to have that same train of thought. You want to know why? The type of thinking he's "proclaiming" is outdated, a travesty to the human race, and is the machine raging against the currents of an ever-changing world. It has no place in our society because it justifies hypocrisy, condones crimes in the name of God, and causes divisions among the human race. Now, I'm a "literary spokesman" against and have regained my footing again. I'm not only coming from speaking at a "commonwealth"  level but also at a personal level. Everyday, I'm learning about myself and coming to terms of my strengths, successes, proclivities, and shortcomings. All these make up who I am as a man, husband, son, friend, cousin, employee,musician, writer, fan, and researcher/explorer. I'm becoming more of the latter because through a "diligent search", I'm coming closer to knowing my present status in my destiny at this point in my life. One of my favorite songs now is by Andre Cymone "It's Alright" on the new "The Stone" LP (spectacular album by the way). It's more like an autobiography of his life and in certain points of this song, I can relate. More so, the focal point of this song is Andre walking through a cycle of maturation. This is the ever-changing world. Just as technology (and hackers) is changing every 6-9 months, so should we as people. It's not easy but it's for damn sure, necessary. I've still got a couple of screws loose but life, God, enemies, and loved one are helping me tighten them up. 

Til next time, my friends, dgwo.....

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