Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Price Of Stupid Decisions

Looking within my own life and observing everything around, I've come to a conclusion. We all have to pay a steep price when we make stupid decisions. It's one thing to not know but it's another thing to know when we give into making bad decisions. Back in the mid 90s, my dad told me these word, "think before you act." It's taken some time but now these very words have been etched in my fabric. I'm starting to think twice about my actions. Don't get it twisted, just because I'm a Christian, very educated, climbing up the professional ladder, and a veteran doesn't mean I don't (and will make) bad decisions. Bad decisions are a part of our innate nature. This is within the nature of man. One thing God wants us to learn is how to adapt and overcome. He wants us to "consider our ways" and start making changes. We are impulsive creatures, for more animalistic than the cruelest lion within a pride. However, we don't get waivers like them because we have a soul, a conscience, the innate part of us that helps us determine right from wrong. Although the old saying goes that we are "born in sin and shaped in iniquity", we know what is right and what is wrong. But what keeps us from making the right decisions especially when the rubber is meeting the road? A hard head and a hard heart. Like the old schools used to say, "a hard head makes for a soft tail." Man, isn't that the truth?! Stupid decisions have a high price, man. You need proof? I'll give you proof. My lack of control over my anger led to holes in the wall of my house God blessed my family with. My lack of trust in God has continued an road of financial irresponsibility and lack. My love for people has allowed their word of stupidity leave me and my loved ones in a hole called stuck. My lack of humility has caused me to not listen to my wife on how to wash clothes properly. I'll admit it, I'm a meat head. Guess what, I'm not the only one, so that's a bit comforting. Stupid decisions. What are they? When we know to do right and still do wrong. When we know to pay that bill but cop the new $350 Jordan's instead. Now our car is being repossessed. Or we go out and run up our credit cards to the limit. Now we can't pay our bills and our credit is ruined. Or what about us meat heads who gossip about another person but when he or she finds out we're missing some front teeth. Stupid decisions cost big time dude. There's a part of a lyric that Kirk Franklin says that stings to the bone, "I made decisions that I had to pay..." And man, that's the truth. David made a stupid decision of killing a man by sending him to the frontline to be killed to canoodle with his wife. Well, that plan backfired. Later on after marrying the dead man's wife and getting her pregnant, one of his advisors exposed him. He later repented but his baby died. Later on, his daughter was raped by her brother. One of his own sons tried to kill David a d take over his kingdom. All from one stupid decision after another. I can relate to what he went and so do many of us. So how to do lessen the amount of our stupid decisions? Discipline and knowing when to run from ourselves. Solomon said it best, a wise man will see trouble and hide himself from it but a foolish man will pass on and get riddled by it. Let's get wise through God's grace.

Til next time, dgwo

Proverbs 22:3

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The New Sound

Music is one of the most powerful forms of art if not the most powerful. Nowadays, I'm hearing a change of chorus, of lyricism, of style, and melody from heaven. Hell has a lot of sounds coming from it, too but can never compare to the force of God's songs to mankind. A lot of music we hear from our iPods to th radio station to the television moves our souls but damages our spirit. A lot of it influences us to be prideful, greedy, promiscuous, and rude. If you don't agree, listen to the latest hits and see if they don't have you thinking certain ways that ain't right. Now, before some of you start saying I'm pointing at he secular music industry alone, don't trip. There's a lot of garbage in the gospel music industry too that damages the spirit, too (yep, I said it). But my friends, there is a new sound, one that changes the spirit of man from corruption to incorruption. There's a sound that influences people to halt actions of suicide. There's a sound that's makes crooked politicians actually become representatives of and for the people. A new sound. One that speaks truth boldly when lies are more receptive. This new sound uses simple melodies to soothe the soul rather than imperfectly placed chord progressions. This sound is fresh and draws mankind to seek a relationship with he Savior. If you really notice most of music nowadays, it stinks. Clinging cymbals loud music and unfulfilling; meaning it doesn't lead people to their true destiny. But there is a sound, a pure, soaking, healing, and melodic sound from heaven. According the will of God, this sound must come from His true Church from India, to Japan, to Russia, to South America (to name a few). It's full of freedom because Jesus is not religion, He's freedom. What is a better tool to gain the hearts of men to Him that music? And yes, He is using rock n roll, hip hop and even classical to get the job done. King David talked about the new song and that's what it is. To my people out there, you'll hear it and it'll draw you to where and who you're supposed to be. To the church especially in the US, let's loose the traditional and soulish levels we're in tune with. Get with the new sound or those we feel aren't on our level will and do more for Christ than we ever will (Matthew 21-23).

Til next time, gdow

The Book of Psalms

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Price Of Being Removed

Currently, I'm in another state for the next couple of weeks due to job training. But deep inside, I know this is a vacation for me. Now, the place where I am isn't Hawaii but back in one of my beloved stomping grounds, Baltimore MD. It's cold, it's windy but it's good. Oh how I wish my beautiful wife Dionn was here with me to enjoy the spoils, too. But everything happens for a reason and the reason is me getting rooted and grounded in my faith in Christ. I'm having to experience a process Wes's Morgan some years ago sung about called "Love My Hurt Away." There's an old saying, "Sticks and stone can break my bones but words will never hurt me." Well, whoever came out with that phrase was smoking on a street pharmaceutical. But for real though, they did. But God is healing me from many of my light afflictions. He had to take me away from the battlefield literally to get refocused on Him. Paul shared a saying with the Galatians how he marveled the ways they were soon removed from the truth they were. When I read that for myself, I felt bad. Instead of pleasing God, I was pleasing people. Instead of praying and I was staying frustrated. Instead of me being real I was turning into a Pharisee, spiritually dead but knew a lot about God but lost touch with Him. My bitterness, anxiety, and responsibilities were coming before my relationship with Jesus and being a sound husband for my wife. That's bad. That's really bad. The teachings, all the praying, and the reading was becoming garbage because my roots were drying out, no water was hitting them. Even after a tree is planted, it still needs to get water. Even if it receives water on its limbs, if the water doesn't trickle down to the roots, eventually it's going to die (although it has the appearance of a tree standing). Soon removed and I'm not the only one going through this. But here's the good news, it's a new day and there's a freshness He wants to give to us. God is able to replant us back into Him it just takes us submitting ourselves to Him admitting that we are removed. Once we take the first step forward watch Him go to work. If you're planted, stay planted by the rivers of water and share what you have with others removed with realness and love. Don't judge. I know this a lot but the truth of the gospel is setting us in God's reality of love and purpose for us. Well, that's my two cents. If this sounds a little weird it's the evidence of my faith in God is getting worked on slowly but steadily.

Much luv, dgwo

Galatians 1:6
Psalms 1
Romans 11

Monday, November 19, 2012

When Bitterness Goes Away

Man, I won't lie, I did an honest introspection of my life this year and most of it was feelings of bitterness. As human beings, we have the tendency to get bitter when life doesn't go the way we planned. Sometimes, we beat ourselves up because we made a big mistake here and there and can't learn to forgive ourselves. At times, we tend to blame others for our own shortcomings never taking responsibility for the choices we made. That's us and I'm a part of that pool, too. Bitterness just like any other human flaw or emotion can lead to various other problems resulting in living in darkness (sin). I recall a part in the Bible about a woman named Hannah. She was married to a man named Elkanah, who also had another wife by the name of Penninah. Hannah was childless but Penninah had a lot of them. To bring it up to speed in 2012, some of us are broke, tired, weary, childless, homeless, friendless, and the list goes on. There may be others in your life that everything is flowing for them easily. Hmmmm. What makes it worse, just like Penninah did, they throw their successes in your face mocking you. May e it's not one person or people around, maybe it's society in general. You've got to have a lot of money, an iPhone 5, a nice car, and nice clothes to be somebody and if you don't you're nothing. So these type of these can leave us bitter. But one thing I admire about Hannah is that she didn't stay in the place of bitterness where it led her to do something stupid. Her used her bitterness as a stepping stone in her prayer life. One part of The Lord's Prayer says "Give us this day our daily bread." She not only wanted God to bless her with a child, she also wanted the bitterness of soul to go away. She didn't stop praying until God blessed. The same thing happened for Jacob. He got tired of running from his past, falling over his mistakes. He wanted a new lease on life and wanted the bitterness of his life to go away. Job lost everything he had and talked about how bitter he was to his judgmental friends. But these people have one thing in common, they prayed to God and He heard their cry. And just as He did then He is still doing now. God doesn't want us to. Live our lives in bitterness. He wants us to live free from it and all the other evils that come with it. All we have to do is come boly before His throne of grace that we may get favor and help in our time of need (Hebrew 4:16). Lately, my friends, I picked my prayer life back up and begin to come clean about my pent up bitterness. It was leading to a life of unforgiveness, hatred, irritability, and lifelessness. But when I began to cry out and reveal myself before Him that's when things in my life started happening. That's when hope was birthed through my place of pain. And today my friends, I encourage you to pray to The Lord Jesus, for He knows the impact of bitterness. Don't let it break you, you allow God to break it when you come before Him in prayer. But if we don't, the kids that bitterness produces are catastrophic.

Til next time, gdow.

Ephesians 4:31
Hebrews 4:16
Matthew 6:9-13
1st Samuel 1

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Rolling Stone

My, my, my. I woke up this morning with a thought in my mind. There's a song by a rapper named Shabach called "The Rolling Stone." It says, "the Rock, roll, rolling stone, we gonna represent y'all for the King on the throne." This thought is in my head because that is what God is doing across the globe. Whenever it seems death has its final grip, when Satan (and yes he does exist, don't be fooled) has the tightest grip in this world, and when the love of most of us has become cold, that's when God (whose name is Jesus) steps in. Throughout world history and in the Bible, we have seen Him move in great ways. From the time Cain killed Abel, to Europe surviving the Bubonic Plague, to slavery being abolished in America, God has orchestrated hope out of these hopeless situations. The key word my friends is hope and hope makes no man, woman, or child feel ashamed. In the four gospels, Jesus continuously told His disciples that He's would be killed by the religious folks but would rise up again im three days. They heard but didn't understand (sound familiar=us). After suffering being beaten beyond recognition, crucified, and buried, His disciples scattered (except John). On the 3rd day, the women who ran hard with Him during His earthly services to mankind came to visit the grace but the stone was rolled away. The angels and later on in two or three of the gospels show Jesus appears to one of the women later. They said to them, why do you look for the Savior? He's living, He's not among the dead! They ran to the disciples who were and proclaimed (yes God uses women to preach the gospel as pastors, prophets, etc, too!) and told them the Master is alive. So some of you are like, this is talking to heavy. Not really but here's the focus point. A lot of us are in a dead situation. Some of have been married for years but no kids, and the doctors say its impossible for this to ever happen. Some of us are in the bring of suicide because life has turned for this worse. Some of us may even have AIDS or cancer that is into to death. Some of us have lost faith and become atheists or turned to itself religions that has no life but only the form of it. But now it's time for us to let God's power roll the great stone away in our lives today. This great stone can be anything. Lies, deception, extortion, poverty, adultery, pornography, doubt, fear, abandonment, homosexuality, abortion, new age thinking, unforgiveness, hatred, business deals gone bad, political corruption, and the list goes on. If we read the latter parts of each of the four gospels, we should realize that it was the life giving force of God that made to stone roll away. This was the same resurrecting Jesus from the grave. And this power is available to whosoever will believe in Him. It's time for us to be released from the grave. It's time for the barriers of life keeping us in grave situations. It's time for freedom only found in Jesus Christ. Simple, isn't? That's because God is simple because He is the epitome of everlasting love. Well, I reckon this is all I have for today. I encourage you all to read Matthew 28, Mark 16, Like 24, and John 20 about the stole being rolled away. Slightly different but all says one thing, at the right moment, let God roll stones in our lives away so life can begin today.

Til next time, gdow

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Willingness Effect

We are in the day and age of persistence, productivity, innovation, and growth. According to economic analysts, whenever we experience a time of trough or recession, a time of growth will occur. During low points, this is when we get down to the basics of things to make things happen. In the early 1970s, The Rolling Stones had to leave England because of financial woes concerning unpaid taxes. They rented an old French chateau in South France ( I think I be wrong), came together, and made one of the most groundbreaking albums in music history. This came to fruition because they were of a willing mind. They understood the willingness effect, meaning the dedication it would take to make this happen. Downstairs in the basement where it was murky, dark, and hot as a seat after on sits on it a long time. Great things don't occur when we do a lot of talking but no action. Great things occur when we say yes to whatever God has put in our hands to do and do it (or at least try). The problem I'm finding these days is that they're aren't a lot of people who are willing to be journeymen, people of excellence, risk takers. These type of people are rare and might I add transcendent and resilient. They make things happen, might I add, they are proactive. They pray about it, read the instruction manual (you should which one), get the ok from their leaders, and make it happen. They are about production with the hands not just production of great ideas never cultivated. Paul praised the church of Corinth because they learned how business ought to be handled. They learned after all their years of giving Paul severe headaches to become a people of readiness of mind. They didn't play with God's business. They pursued it and worked it. But this cannot happen within our lives today if we don't have first a willing mind. A willing mind will do whatever it takes to get it done, not to be a show off, but to manufacture God's glory in our loves for the world to see. If  it had not been for this, Moses would have never stopped at the backside of the mountain to be called into God's grace. Willingness of mind produces results of God's excellence in our lives. Whether it's pursuing a degree, starting a business, publishing a book, reaching the youth, or writing blogs to share what God has put in you, these are results of a willing mind. All we
Have to do is say yes and keep our vows to do what God has created us to do; that is to show off His glory in a dark world wherever He has planted us. As the old saying goes, "Bloom wherever you are planted."  I know this is a lot to be taking in but take it in. If The Rolling Stones made a great product, don't you think God wants to top that to reach a dying world today? Think about as these words deals with us and causes us to be about our Father's business.

Til next time, gdow (i.e. exit David Overton, enter Gabe Williams)

Reference: 2nd Corinthians 8:7-12

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Blessing of Outsiders

My wife and I just got finished with a conversation a few minutes. She was telling me certain things Momma Rachel (my mom-in-law) was sharing about life. Then I told her my dad (Daddy Overton) was sharing with me things that I tried to shun but now find true. Just a couple of weeks ago when I was getting my car serviced, an older white man said these powerful words, "not everybody gets an opportunity to be successful but when you do, you better take it." Most of my adult life has been impacted by people who I've regarded as outsiders, people that aren't in my weekly schedule. These people somehow are linked very close to me. We talk about stupid stuff and then the conversation changes. Now they're telling me this and that and what I need to do. No matter how hurtful it feels, on the end it's worth taking it in. A man by the name of Moses had to sit an listen to an outsider, who was his own father in law about how to pastor Israel. He saw how Moses was getting wore out so he learned the powerful tool of delegation. When Moses applied it, his life ran much smoother (it took him a while though). Balaam had to listen to a donkey and he stopped his crusade to curse a bunch of good people. An outsider by the name of William Mayo came to my office and instructed into the music theory applying musician that I am today. A wise talking builder by the name of Bob my pastors church for them out of the kindness of his hear. What are you saying David? God doesn't want us stuck in our little prisms of ordinary life. He wants us to be free and part of that freedom is not closing our ears from wisdom, sound wisdom wherever whenever and however it comes. Wisdom can come from anywhere and anyone. Even Jesus taught the disciples such words found in Luke 16:9. Paul stated in Hebrews 13:2 that we should treat with outsiders with the upmost respect even the rudest ones because they could be your blessing you've been waiting on. Trust. Don't be so holier than thou or so obnoxious in character that you shun outsiders. Keep your eyes open. Keep your ears open. God will bless u through outsiders so don't be quick to judge in outside appearance, look at the root of things. You'll see it. It'll bless our businesses, families, the whole nine yards.

Til next time, dgwo

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stop Thinking Like A Slave, Start Thinking Like A King

Today, I made a declaration to myself. I said to self, "self, it's time to stop living like a slave, it's time for you to start thinking like a king." As one wise man said thousands of years ago, "so as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." A popular saying but how many of us really knows what he really meant? I'll tell you what he really meant. He meant it's time for us to prioritize our way of thinking. We tend to think on those things are a negative, repulsive, lustful, bitter, and unproductive. Many of us (I hate to say this) are stuck in the same rut. Year after year, it's the same thing. Every time things get hard, we revert to victims instead of being victors. We play the blame on those who raised us and those we thought were supposed to help us. But as I've learned within my 31 anos on this planet, life ain't fair. Things don't go our way all the time, it doesn't matter who we are. From the President of the United States, to the smartest chess player in the known world. But what makes us special is the way we think. To throw a nugget at you, what determines the way we live? It's the way we think. Jesus talked about three types of soil that received seed from the farmer. One soil received it but the seed bounced off of it because it was so hard. The other soil received it but thorns and briers choked out the seed from the ground. Another soil gladly received the seed and produced a great harvest. 1 out of 3 us are going to be that good soil. Think about it. Look around you. Look at the world. Many of us, even after reading this will still live like slaves because we'll continue to think as slaves. Willie Lynch's words still are prevalent in American society. His words still have reduced the opportunity of living as royalty insurmountably. But this is where Jesus' promises come in.....If we take hold of His words, dudes and dudettes, we'll never fail. No matter, our minds are fixed to live as royalty, gladly, boldly, smartly, and humbly. One of the reasons why we see certain people in society being fruitful, they've made their minds up to make it happen. When we read about the life of Jesus, we should see He walked, talked, and thought like a king. He wasn't a slave to sin, the ways of this world, or to what people wanted Him to do. He was a king who lived for only one purpose. And we need to take on His mind set, to live as kings and not as slaves. Slaves are blind, dumb, dumb-founded, and naive. They are easily tricked into doing things that will keep them chained. But kings see afar off. They rule well. They take care of the people God has put in their lives. They make wise decisions. They think ahead. One thing I can't stand is seeing people live below their means as far as life goes but never be the royalty they are supposed to be. This goes for the ladies who feel their only way of income is on the pole to the dudes who think a life of crime is the only way to go. Our kids are slaves to fashion instead of excelling in their studies. All this potential wasted on foolishness. Think higher. Reach higher. Don't like the surroundings, be different. Na'mean? (NY style). Seek the mind of Christ and follow His examples He's left behind for us to observe.

Til next time, dgwo

Proverbs 23:7
1st Corinthians 2:9-16

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Get Your Mind Right

Since beginning my journey in an MBA program, my mind has been through heavy rearranging. The time I used to mess off is now being used to get things accomplished. My vision is getting much clearer and my senses are heightened. I'm no longer down with the ship of mediocrity. I'm down with getting things handled, getting reproved, and moving forward. I've realized this is the perfect time for me to get my mind right. You know what else? It's time for you to get your mind right, too. Over a decade ago, a "Brooklyn-ite" by the name of Memphis Bleek came out with a song called "Get Your Mind Right." I guess it's safe to say the essence of that song was to get your mind focused on being the best that you can be. To be honest my friend, the blote has a valid point. When our mind is focused on accomplishing goals, we get it done. No excuses (fancy lies - Peace to Mandryum Moore). We become proactive instead of reactive. Getting our mind right is being productive and leaving all that high school/middle school chatterboxes in the gutter where they stand. Getting our mind right is all about moving forward and not looking back. Of course, the only way to move forward is when we have the mind of Christ. What is the mind of Christ? It's the type of mind that gives us the power to have the exact nature and character of God Himself. It causes us to pray when we see trouble coming from afar off. It's the type of mindset that causes us to speak blessings when cursings is seemingly overtaking our life. The mind of Christ helps us get our minds right and ready to roll. It's the mind regulator.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trouble Is Good

I know some of you may be wondering why I named today's blog, Trouble Is Good. Well, it is. I can't say nothing for nobody else but this year by far has been one of the most troublesome years of my entire life. 1990 was bad because my mom went through a great deal of medical issues. The same year, we moved to a hick town where people made fun of me all the time. Late 2000, the year my grandfather died and I almost lost my right mind. 2004, growing in God and seeing a lot of what Pastor C (Pastor Claudette) had to go through took care of the flock. Late 2005 and most of 2006, a period when my beautiful wife Dionn went through a bad depression after her birth mother died (and she never got to talk to her since she was a teenager). Enter 2012, a year I thought would be a utopia but for most of the year, I experienced mental, spiritual, physical, financial, career, family, and psychological torment. When one thing came, 5 other things came. Things got to the point when I just had to put the mask on so people wouldn't be too concerned about me. This is one of those years when I've felt the loneliest even when you've got a lot of people you can lean on. Entering this year, my faith was in things and people but now my faith has grown more in God. There's a verse in Psalms by David where it says some trust in horses, some in chariots, but some choose to trust in God. This is has been one of the hardest tests I've had to take and I believe in His eyes I'm passing. I may not be a straight A student but I'm not barely making it either. I've learned one valuable lesson, my friends, Trouble is good. A lot of us hate trouble because its inconvenient. We always want things and people to work for us 100%. But that's not how life is designed for us on earth, matter of fact, this was never God's intention. His original intent for us was to be in a close relationship with Him but we allowed our selfishness to keep that goal from being accomplished. So He allows trouble to enter into our lives that we may find our way towards Him. Some of us do and some of us don't. This is a fact of life. But one thing I can say is that I'm making the decision for follow after Him because He holds the key to my true purpose in life. Therefore, I know to attain this prize, I've got to go through trouble. When I worship with the Shiloh band, it's war time because unseen enemies don't want people to be free in Christ. When I'm going through financial troubles, not only should I cut back on wants, it's just time to restructure my spending habits and learn to put my money in better investments. When I'm going through regrets in the mind, I've got to pull those thoughts down before I go back into doing things I've got no business doing. Troubles come to test us, refine us, and strengthen us for the next phase in our lives. If troubles never come, we never get stronger. We have no testimony. We have no compassion for others who go through the same things or worse. Trouble is good because its importance is to get us to be thankful to God for life. What's the need of a superhero if there's no super-villian? What's the need for sports if there aren't any opposing teams? So it is with life. Troubles are needed. Trouble is good. If we would just stop the complaining, the bickering, and blaming God, we would learn the valuable joys of trouble's treasures. Diamonds can't shine without pressure. Gold can't be refined without heat. Muscles can't grow without tension. Champions aren't champions unless they face difficult opponents. Think about it. Think about it real hard. Stop blaming everyone, everything, and God about our troubles. Let them come to help mold our character. Stop trying to make straight what God has made crooked. Trouble is good. If He went through, then who are to think we won't go through troubles too?

Til next time, dgwo

Romans 8:28-39

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why God Created Hip-Hop/Rap

I know today's blog is different from the norm but it's a topic that's been in my thoughts for a while. If we would take a look around, we will see that the music industry and our culture in general is ran by three art forms, pop, R&B, blues, country, and hip-hop. The most popular, especially in urban culture is hip-hop. This art form has made great lengths in reaching the entire globe since the mid-80s, which was the golden age of rap music. Throughout recent years though, this art form has declined morally and spiritually. However, the glitz, glamor, fame, and supposed wealth has increased. Many rap artists are experiencing much success on the Billboard charts and people of every state know their name. But one thing no one wants to discuss is how far this art form is pulling many people from God. God's true intent for man is for us to have a relationship with Him and to honor Him. One of the best ways we can honor Him is create lyrics and melodies dedicated to Him. But just with every art form, including a lot of gospel music right now, God is getting nothing from His creation. With hip-hop, which has been around way longer than the late 1960s-mid 1970s (Grandmaster Cash, Kool Herc, etc.), this art form is a needed tool for God right now. Why did God create rap/hip-hop? Some people including famous American preachers question if God created hip-hop. Well my friends, God did create rap/hip-hop just like every other art form of music. In the Book of James, this writer talks about how every good and perfect gift comes from God, who is the Father of lights. Paul mentions how God made creation, that everything and everyone consists by Him, and how He is reconciling all back to Him (saying He is the center of it all). Hip-hop is one of those good and perfect gifts given to men to reach other men; drawing them back to the Father of lights. Some people argue that Satan created hip-hop. Hmmm....I disagree. Jesus refers to Satan as the father of lies, meaning, his main job is to pervert everything God creates through the sinful nature of mankind. Anything not submitted to God, from preaching, to finances, to politics is going to be subject to Satan anyhow. My friends, God created hip-hop to being Humself glory, just like everything else. This was his original intent until we allowed sin to run rampant. How can you day this, David? I remember when I was around 7 or 8 years old, Bobby Jones had this rap group come up and do thee thing. I can't remember one thing they said but I knew it was different from what was going down at that time. These people were saved and showed their enthusiasm for God. But what did the church do? They shunned. To this day, many churches in America call hip-hop Satan's work. But I beg to defer. God has raised up modern day Jeremiah's, Ezekiel's, Elijah's, Deborah's, and John the Baptists to turn the hearts of a messed up generation back to God. God had equipped them with His word and empowered them by His Spirit to
Speak truth. They are doing what 99.9% of rappers in the industry aren't doing, that's blessing the name of Jesus in a dark world. These are the repairers of the breach. To te church, if you think you're going to reach the younger generation just throughout the arts of choirs and yelling preaching, you're sadly mistaken. The youth need something that reaches them, something that speaks ther language. Hip-hop right now is their language. Wemust pray for those Christian rappers that God will open doors to reach them. Like Lecrae said, the youth arent going to sit down to listen to some screaming preachers. My friends,  hip-hop is just like every other tool or hook or gift. It's to be used to reel the sheep into the Shepherd's flock. Now, I know this blog is long and some of you super spirituals and dudes in the industry may not agree with these words. But I only say what God inspires me to say. To those in the industry reconsider, God didn't give you the gift of rap to talk about money cars and broads. He gave you that gift to give Him honor, to teach the youth to get their education, and expound on the Word of God. Some of you know this and youre being a hardhead (ask
Eshon Burgundy, he tell you). To the church, God is using this art form as a tool for mass evangelism and should have been accepted over 20 years ago. For this cause, we're back logged millions and millions of youth to reach for God. Support Christian hip-hop; to be honest it's the only true form of this genre. Before I close this out, let me quote these words from Ezekiel:
"...son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words into them.
For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech, and a hard language, but to the house of Israel(the lost and found)." - Ezekiel 3:4-5

Till next time, dgwo

Ezekiel 3:1-7
Colossians 1:16-22

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Be Honest With Your Predilections

Some of you may look at this word predilections and are saying, what the? But, I'll break it down for you. It means a favoritism, a liking, a fondness, a proclivity, an appetite. No matter who we are, we've all got them. We all have a knack for something that feels good to us. Truth be told, we have a liking for so many things, we don't care what harm they may bring us. It's like that one song from the old school, "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right." That seems to be the lingo (the language, lifestyle) for many of us today. We don't care who we hurt, we don't think first before we act, and the list goes on. A lot of us don't admit we're struggling with things until they rise to the surface. Whether it's us being fed up with our spouse, frustrated about our job, unforgiveness towards an enemy, or dealing with pornography, we all deal with our predilections. The only thing that keeps us from dealing with them is our pride, which is the veil of our ego blinding us from the truth about us. Sometimes, we let the praises of men keep us from dealing with these predilections and we never get free from them. We just a bunch of human chains from the rooter to the tooter. Now that's a "holy pig feet" shame. I see it all the time, especially within myself. We love to play the part of the mask; saving face in front of everybody else around. We're the go to people when others need advice. We're the people who others know we'll get certain tasks done. Deep inside, past all of our awards, accomplishments, talents, and fame, there's something abominable crawling inside of us. It's that predilection. That one predilection leading us to keep sleeping with married men. It's those predilections of rappers selling their souls to gain fame in the music industry, becoming an industry puppet. It's those predilections that has many of us sexually abusing a minor that a part of our family or a kid of a neighborhood. It's those predilections that some pastors have using the word of God to fill up their own fantasy world of luxury and fame. It's those predilections that religious leaders use to start wars to see how much influence they have over another person's mind. I could go on but I think you guys get the picture now. Unchecked predilections lead to death of ourselves and others. David said it right, that we are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity. The life we live outside of Jesus Christ is going to allow predilections to have free reign in our lives. The goes for the lady who wears the longest dress in the church in COGIC to the hardest thug running the streets of Viz Valley, California. My friends, we've got to come to grips our the innate issues we are dealing with inside of us. It's better to expose and deal with them now before they destroy everything later. I know for a fact. Pornography, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, and regrets are my predilections. But through the power of God's word and His Spirit, I overcome them. This doesn't mean that everyday I wake up they're not knocking at my front door. Actually, they're knocking on my door everyday but I don't let them come in. My prayer for us is that we get real with ourselves and that we allow Jesus to come into lives to help us with our issues. Remember this, we can try Allah, Buddha, New Age Theories, Meditation, weed, and sex all we want to. They all have one thing in common, they are temporary highs to get us from dealing with our issues head on. Jesus is the only force that drives us to places where we have to meet face-to-face with our issues and overcome them. Jesus said it best, that the only way we're going to have power over our predilections is through His word. Think about it as you throughout your day. Don't take my word for it. Study it.

Til next time, dgwo

Psalms 51:5
Matthew 4:4

Friday, September 28, 2012

How To Cut Foolishness Out Of Your Life

It's a new day in this life for me. I'm not kidding my friends. I've had it with the foolishness. Pettiness. Childishness. Ignorance and ignorant people. I'm not saying I'm about to be like those people from the FLDS, by a ranch in the middle of nowhere, and isolate myself. What I am saying is that we as mature adults need to learn how to kick out the foolishness in our lives. You know, I can't stand foolishness because it slows me down every time. I've learned to ask God to raise me up in discernment so I won't go down the road of shame. I've been down that road too many times in my life and I don't want to go back. I think my man Paul was referring to those "weights" he was talking about in Hebrews 12:1. Foolish situations and foolish people cause great men and women to never reach their place of destiny. Samson made the terrible mistake of fooling around with Delilah and look what happened to him in the end. I mean, man, foolish is deadly emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually, and financially. I know this for myself. My beautiful wife Dionn and I have gone through these 5 occurrences this year. Foolishness and foolish people have caused us much pain because we allowed it. Boy, we've learned our lesson. Now, here's a little list I've learned from the better part of 2012:

1. Avoid foolish people
2. Avoid foolish situations
3. Don't be a friend to foolish people
4. Cut the hang nail off before it gives you pain
5. Don't entertain foolish talk
6. Don't be foolish with money/credit
7. Don't be foolish with your time
8. Think before you act - Daddy Tony '94
9. Learn not to try changing foolish people
10. Foolish people will hate you for whatever you do

I've learned these things are true. If you're about something, run far from it when you see foolishness. Listen, Jesus didn't always entertain and stay long in the presence of foolish people (Pharisees). He said what He needed to say and disappeared like Japan's greatest ninja. He "politiced" with the people the "civilized world" called grimy. He poured into people who honored Him and received what He had to say. He spent His money and time wisely. He thought before He spoke and healed those around Him. Before He saw foolishness about to get a foothold in His life, He stopped it dead in His tracks. He didn't try to change foolish people because they were already set in their ways. He just laid the truth on them and brushed off His shoulders. He knew no matter what He did, from restoring little girls to supplying condiments for a wedding, people hated Him to the core. He didn't become friends with foolish people, He just gave them wisdom and let it deal with them. He didn't get into situations that would keep Him from doing what He was purposed to do. He walked in wisdom. Do you hear me now? Good!
Let me leave you with these words and meditate on it:

Proverbs 9:6:

"Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding."

Look unto Jesus' life through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Learn how the Master of all masters manuvered His way to fulfilling His purpose in life so that He is now the perfect example to walking in wisdom and not in foolishness.

Now that's how we all cut the foolishness out of our lives.

Til next time, dgwo alias gdow....


2nd Timothy 2:23
Ecclesiastes 4:13
Proverbs 29:9

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Faithful People Are Hard To Find

As the years have passed by, it's been harder to trust in people. Some of us in society have heard the only One we can trust is God. But recently I heard a wise man say that God works through people. Now, I have to agree with that! He does work through people; however, we have to take note of the characteristics of God we must learn. One particular attribute I continually find in God is faithfulness. No matter how bad things get, God is forever faithful. He doesn't allow His kids to beg for bread nor alone. We can truly spend on Jesus because He is our friend as well as our lord. But I've noticed another thing in life, it's hard to find faithful people you can trust with personal issues, business processes, and to gain strength from when your weak. From time to time, I see what burdens my pastors go through week in and week out. Counting on people to help build Gods kingdom is the toughest business going right now. Daily, thousands of pastors across the world quit! People owning corporations have to look over their shoulder because they can't trust people on their executive to do the right thing. Even in friendships, we can be there for people when theyre down but when we need help where are they? This is the story of our present lives, finding and knowing faithful people. People who will support, who won't judge you when you fall, and who'll be there no matter. This is agape love but in these times it's become an endangered species. Where are the faithful people in thisworld? I'll tell you my friends. It's those folks who may look like a hot mess now but when it comes down to the heat of the battle they are right beside you. It's those folks who are humble in sport and selfless. Their yes is there yes. Jonathan was a faithful friend to David. Timothy was a faithful son to Paul. John was a faithful student to Jesus. Ruth was a faithful daughter to Naomi. Joshua was a faithful apprentice to Mises. Faithfulness? Are you a faithful person or are you one of those folks who nobody can trust; just useless. Today, I want to strive to be more like Jesus; that is to be faithful to the end. He didnt stop until He completed the assignment on avid life to full. He is a perfect example of faithfulness in everything in life that is good and acceptable. So take heed to theses words from Solomon:

Proverbs 20:6
"Most men proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man proclaim his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Ouch! Til next time,dgwo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

American Hate Mail

I've been holding this blog in my heart for almost 2 weeks. Given the snippets of what's going on in the world, I've come to one conclusion. When someone touches something that is dear to you, you will in some form or fashion retaliate. Something has touched me. Not my beautiful wife Dionn, not my parents, not my bank account, not my cars. Something, some people, some forces has touched my Jesus. I'm very laid back about things but concerning this issue, I can't be quiet. My friends, there's a lot of hate mail going on against Him but since the days of Genesis, mankind has hated on Him since the beginning. Looking into my own life, I've sent Him hate mail many times. I've come to realize that America has grown a bitter distaste against Jesus Christ, which is similar to the Jews in the time of His earthly ministry. People have been successful in taking prayers out of school. I remember back in '94 when the Feds were determining too remove prayer from school. For about 3 or 4 days, these group of white kids would gather around the U.S. flag,  join hands, bow their heads, and prayed for this national. They didn't do that to be seen nor were they forced by their parents to do so. They did this because they knew times were changing and knew somebody had to start praying for America. I knew from that moment on my country was making a bad decision. Shortly after, prayer was taken away. In '99, school shootings were rampant. Today, my generation and those after mine don't even know who Jesus is or hates Him worse than Redskins fans hate the Cowboys. Hate mail. Now, people of high-ranking positions are trying to create more laws to make it a crime to even mention the Bible or Jesus's Name. Various figure heads in the music industry, who have a "ghostwriter", blatantly disrespect the God who died so they can live. The whole entertainment industry is taking shots at Him from inordinate lifestyles to saying ---------- Jesus. Even people who claim to be Christian hate Jesus, too. How can you say that guy? Look at how Christians treat other Christians. Extortion, pre-marital sex, saying they can be a part of "speciality groups" like FreeMasonry and still serve the Lord (remember light and dark can never mix). Now we got a whole bunch of teachings saying it's ok to be this or that but blatantly go against the teachings of Jesus Himself and through His apostles and prophets by His inspiration. Hate mail. America, we love say for Him to bless us but when is the last time we blessed Him? We want to go to heaven. We want to be blessed. But why are we hating on Him? Why are we saying He doesn't exist? Why do we hate Him because some out of whack self professing Christian did us wrong then try to use that as an excuse to live how we want to? Why are we making songs and doing these shows to influence other people to hate Jesus? What has He ever done to us? A lot of us love to say this quote:
why did He allow this or that to happen? The answer is simple, for us to feel our way towards Him, to know Him, His love, and His ultimate purpose for us. However, the biggest price we have to pay is to be changed into His image and likeness as we allow Him to mold us. But America, we've learned not to want to hear that so we hate Him with all our mind, soul, and heart. If millions of people in the Arab world can cry about a "prophet" of old then why can't I say God's heart is hurt that His creation is sending Him hate mail every milli-second of the day? But the more I read His word, the more I pray, the more I begin to immerse myself in His wisdom, I see what David meant in these words:

Psalms 2:1-3:
"Why do the heathen (us) rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth (because we call ourselves the masters of our own destiny) set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,

against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us (let's burn down any form of truth that we won't be held accountable to it)."

Some of you may disagree and may write me off. That's cool, my friends are less than all of my fingers on both hands anyhow. But what I'm saying is truth and nothing but. America, God has done a lot for us but look at how things have been for us these past 4-6 years. It's been awful because we've done our best to shut His influence down in our lives. Now, we're paying the price. When the branch is cut off from the tree, eventually the fruit it once bore will be no more. A branch can't produce of its own, it's got to be connected to the tree. We are the branches, Jesus Christ is the tree; simple and plain. So let's stop sending Him hate mail. Let's take the time to learn who He wants to be for us and with us. Most importantly, get away from those haters of God; they're charlatans on the strings (dance, monkey, dance) on Satan's time clock.

Til next time, dgwo.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Happy Friday to everyone. I know it's been a while since I've written a blog. I've been through an internal and external battle. It's crazy. Sometimes when you go through things, they don't come to you unexpectedly. They come to you through time of build up and if not dealt with they will consume you. I was almost consumed until I received some much needed help and I'm still working to get my house square. Some of you may be asking, did David sin? Did he cheat on his beautiful wife Dionn? Did he get strung out on drugs? Was he a part of a prostitution ring? Did he rob a bank? To all of those questions, heavens no. I will say this, I'm on a search. My life long goal is to seek balance in my life. Lately, my life has been disorganized, not prioritized, unmanageable, withered, broken (and I mean literally), and jacked up. Here was my priority list:

1. me 2. church 3. work. 4. hussle for the dollar 4. worry about the dollar 5. myself.........

Through much needed prayer and meditating on the readings of Solomon; mostly the book of Proverbs, I am "re-prioritized."

1. Jesus Christ 2. family 3. church 4. work/school 5. me..........

My friends, I've been searching to achieve the unachievable, to attain the unattainable. Only wise men who lay their lives down before the Father will achieve this goal because it takes much work. No, I haven't arrived to the state of perfection, but I'm trying to be who God has called me to be. That means a man of integrity, honesty, compassion, action, forgiveness, love, standards, statutes, and helping others. Most importantly, keeping Jesus at the center of it all. Now, some of you may not like my views and that's ok. But once you've experienced the literal, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical Hades I've been through, you won't understand why I do this. I do this to praise the Savior who's given me another chance to get it right before I close my eyes forever. My prayer for all of us today, is that we begin to make a diligent search of God, His ways, His purpose, and how He wants us to live. Now, it's going to cost us losing things to attain the better. That's what He is all about, what separates Him from the kings we've set up from all these little gods in the world. He allows and even conducts things in our lives to point to Him so we may search after Him (Romans 1:20). So I encourage you to take heed to these words from my good friend Solomon:

Proverbs 18:1:
"Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom."

In order to attain those good things from our search for wisdom, we have to soak ourselves into God through His word and seeking fellowship with Him; thereby separating ourselves from things that will bring us down.

Til Next Time, dgwo

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stop Holding Back!!!!

Mediocre ain't cutting it anymore. Last night, I took some time away from my studies and the issues that I'm facing to hear a real-time Rapzilla interview featuring Lecrae. For all of those who don't know this guy, go to Amazon, go to ITunes, go to Google Play, and get it "Gravity." Right now, he's on the ride of controversy from those who are religious to the top guys in the rap game. He's learned to be comfortable in the God who has brought him to this point. He doesn't care what man says, only what God says, and stays in the kitchen (prayer, fellowship, the Word) to be productive in God's kingdom. As I was listening, I was convicted not because of his accolades but from what God has called me to do. Around late 2006, I made a promise to God that I would feed His lambs and feed His sheep. Now, I'm not saying I'm seeking to be somebody's pastor, heaven's no!!!!! (I'm praying for all you pastors out there). What I am saying is that God has placed in me a lot that I need to do. My dad even reminded me a couple of months ago, to whom much is given much is required. Straight from the mind of Jesus. What have I done since then? Excuses, distractions, pettiness from immature people around me, blockages in my faith in God to do the impossible in my life, selfishness, and regret. These and much more I've allowed to hold me back; as some scholars would say, dead weight. Every year, we see inspiration movies that show people getting knocked but then making a decision to stop holding back to become they best they can be. I truly believe this is the time we need to stop holding back and do what God has put in our hearts to do. Over the weekend, my mom told me that God is like a counselor. He won't say much, just let us wine, cry, and complain about our situation. During the counseling session, we begin to do some introspection of ourselves and begin to pull out the answers from within ourselves. You see, God's word ain't far, it's right here in us, if we would just take heed (Deuteronomy 30:11-16). The word is so powerful that once we begin to apply it, every chain, every yoke, every bad habit, and every bad association is getting taken from us. Within these past 3 days, I have experienced much conviction from the word I haven't felt in a long time. I hear Him saying to me, stop holding back. If people misunderstand you, know they always misunderstand me. I and probably all of you reading this need to wake up and smell the coffee. Jesus is coming back soon and we can't have our works undone. We can't be like that one guy who hid his talent because he was afraid. God hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2nd Timothy 1:6-7). It's time for us stir up the gift(s) of God in us and stop holding back. As rapper Mark J would say, the purpose of going to church is for a re-up and to stay accountable (so we don't get above ourselves). I'm not just talking to one group of people, I'm talking to all groups of people because God made all people. Stop holding back. Seek God for your purpose, get strong counselors in your life to instruct as well as correct you. Most importantly, don't let nothing or nobody hold you back. Jesus Christ went all the way from the cross to the throne. Keep that in mind (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Til Next Time, dgwo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Diligent Vs The Sluggard

For anyone who's talked with the old schools about life, one of the main things they'll tell us is the importance of hard work. As one historic hip-hop quotable from the mid-90's said, "...everything you get you got to work hard for it..." I have to say that's true. We have to put in work, time, and effort to obtain success in life. No matter what type of employment we found ourselves in from handling pro- bono cases in the courtroom to being a single parent raising kids, it takes hard work and dedication. Budgeting our money, managing our time, studying to become the best at our alter maters takes work. It takes diligence and only the diligent are going to see results. Being a diligent individual causes us to be single minded, focused, and loosing ourselves from the distraction this world will throw at us. Diligence does come with a price as we have to let of pleasures, habits, and viewpoints that will keep us in the cycle of failure and nothingness. It's sort of like a professional athlete, he or she has to work out everyday, master their skills, and humble themselves to help the rest of the team obtain a world championship. A diligent man or woman is somebody a boss, an executive, their siblings, their pastor, their enemies can depend on to do the right thing. They don't just start something, they finish it all the way through. They're not half steppers and many people won't like them because it seems they do things for recognition. But that's beside the point. They are an example of diligence, hard work, and excellence. To be the best, we have to be diligent. But many of us are being or becoming sluggards, lazy, prideful, inconsistent, troublesome, complacent. Our boss wants to see us go to the next level and gives us tasks to complete. However, we fail the test time after time giving them our excuse to why things are completed. We share our dreams and hopes for the future to do this, to go to this place, and make a certain amount. However, we're seen wasting our time, spending rather than saving, and can't even come on time to work. We wonder why things in our lives aren't going the way we planned them. Instead taking on the diligent mind, who knows it's going to suffer a lot for the glory, the sluggard takes "the easy way out" and only find themselves in greater turmoils later. My question to us today is this, if God isn't a sluggard (slacker), why are we? What if He slacked off when He created the universe, perfectly placing every atom and molecular structure in our cosmos? Things would be a bit chaotic, right? What if He slept in and didn't hear none of our cries of distress, we would never receive much needed blessings to carry us on, would we? What if He knowing the pain He would endure through the death of cross, just stayed on His throne and let us die in our sins and experience eternal torture? If He's diligence, so should we be diligent. If we want to see our kids become upstanding citizens, we've got to be diligent in raising them. If we want to have investments for the future, we've got to save aggressively (help me Lord). I won't lie to you all, these past couple of months, I haven't been that diligent. But through a lot of introspection and conviction, I'm working to be a diligent man. Not only for myself but for my family, friends, and people I know I will have to help along the way. It's time we become diligent and set a great and honorable legacy of diligence for others to follow (remixed from Muze One from Redeemed Thought, '06). Man, I can take this a bit further but let me leave you with some words from my good friend Jedidiah (research it...)

Proverbs 10:4: (this is a one size fits all, try it out, you'll see)

"He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand:but the hand of the diligent maketh rich."


Proverbs 6:6-11

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Eat Right, Your Mind & Body Will Thank You

My friends, I'm changing the way I eat. I really mean it because I'm not 18 years old anymore. I'm 31, I may not look like it but I am. One of the first things I need to start doing is taking care of myself. I need to make sure I'm eating right and let go of Taco Bell/McDonalds ("Help Me, Jesus -Jimmy Early from Dreamgirls"). I remember coming up hearing the old schools say to us, "you are what you eat." I'm beginning to learn that's true, that's very true! We continue to eat junk food we're going to turn into a trash can. I remember back in the 80s, my grandma used to say to me, you don't want no real food, you just want dead cows. You're going to turn into a dead cow. Boy, was and still is ever right. As Americans, we're always on the go, texting, e-mailing, downloading, blogging, vlogging, and surfing the web. Instead taking time out at night or waking up early in the morning, we continuously spend much of our paychecks at the drive thru windows. Number 3 please, Supersize! I know I'm not the only one. Most of us (including myself) don't even cook a full course meal with meat, vegetables, some good ol' sweat tea with some bread on the side. We say to ourselves, me want burger, me want pizza, me want tacos. Some of us wondering why we can't stay off the toilet (did I say that, yes you did David). You want to know why? We're eating the wrong stuff! Somebody was telling me a day or two ago that certain food chains process their foods with so much junk, it's polluting our body systems. Infertility, blindness, obesity, and the list goes on. Our bodies are crying for nutrients and some water for crying out loud. But the food chains are like crack and getting us to be like Pookie from New Jack City (what you young whipper-snappers know 'bout that) saying, "it keeps calling me and calling me." It's true. I've got to wean myself from all these years of junk I've been eating and indulging in. From the food I eat to what I read to the conversations I found myself in, to what I watch, to what I hear, to what I see, and so on. It's time for us to get disciplined and put things, as my friend Paul says, under subjection (1st Corinthians 9:24-27). God (whose name is Jesus Christ- nope the message ain't changing) wants to us to be like athletes who are competing for the gold. We can't get better unless we re-prioritize our eating habits, you know what I mean? So I guess this is an open challenge to all of us (including myself, I'm not exempt). When we begin to eat the right things and take our time when we eat (when we rush eating, our bodies can't digest the food properly-Google it), our bodies and minds will thank us. We'll sleep better. Our attitudes are better. Our days will go smoother. We'll feel lighter. More energy to do those things God predestined us to do. It's the small things like these we take for granted or misuse. Ask Adam and Eve, Cain, Solomon, .........

Til Next Time, dgwo


1st Corinthians 9:24-27

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do The Right Thing When It Comes To Business

There is the scent of change in the air in the business world. For the past 5 years, we as the American people who endured shady business practices in the financial, educational, religious, and political systems. It's pretty sad when you think about it because a lot of the "executives" and middle men are thinking they are getting away with murder. But as the old saying goes, we've all got to pay the piper. Here are a couple of notes that I wrote in my journal a couple of days ago. Enjoy:
August 28, 2012

James 5:1-8:
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. 

Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. 

Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. 

Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. 

Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. 

 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."

This doesn't only address the rich in money but also addresses people rich in knowledge, giftings, callings, owners of property, and wisdom. Paul made it clear, don't pull all of our trust in uncertain riches (1st Timothy 6:7). Paul says that knowledge puffs up but love edifies (1st Corinthians 8:1). Solomon said his heart left from the loving God to loving things (Ecclesiastes 1). Ahab held a prestigious position among his own people but killed the just ones. Herod committed an atrocious act against his own people by killing toddlers in the fear of a prophesied kingship. Doesn't history repeat itself? James was on point when he wrote this. I think this is very compelling. When I first read this, I automatically think of people i Congress, the Illuminati, etc; but this goes deeper. This goes to every political figure increasing taxes and watching millions of families suffer needlessly to increase their own gain. This goes to every self professing spiritual leader who manipulate people to build them houses, lands, and other resources of wealth on the backs of their flocks they say they love. This goes to every person who is rich in knowledge but keeps it all to themselves; therefore leaving those who need it to walk in the dark. This is a very long list of types James talks about. For those staying consecrated before God, they hear God talking like what is found in this writing. It's powerful and call us back to our first love. God's Spirit is going throughout the land saying, "it's payback time for the righteous, the poor in spirit, the persecuted, the meek, the lowly, and the pure in heart." This is a business principle the Lord has shown me not only concerning my new job (Veterans Service Representative for the VA) but life in general. I want to be on God's good side. At the 6th verse, it talks about ho people are condemning and killing the just. Those receiving this persecution aren't resisting their enemies, they turn the other cheek. They don't seek revenge; they only seek to intercede on their enemies' behalf because they know not what they do. This is the other side Pastor C (Co-Pastor of Shiloh Worship Center,, was talking abou. We are very rich from finances, to wisdom, knowledge, experiences, fortitude, strength, and favor. This is why we've got to tithe and offer these things back to God. This means building His kingdom in the lives of other people. This is a very deep and interesting subject I must say. There's so much more to this that I will definitely meditate for a long time.

Well to end this, no matter what sector of business we're in, let's do it right because we're supposed to help others along the way. Remember this, God is watching us, no matter if we believe Him, hate Him, or love Him. Consider...

Til Next Time, dgwo


Proverbs 14:31
James 5:1-8

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Stretching Game

We are in a new season and a new day. Some pastors, prophets, and wise men in the business world would call this the 7th day also known as the day of rest. But to enter in this rest, we have to live, speak, think, and walk, by faith and not by sight. I'm learning this y'all, and the more I yearn to walk in faith more of my "stinking thinking" has to go. The more of me has to go, the more my "fleshly nature" has to be burnt up in the sight of God. Now, I'm not trying to get all spiritual, I'm just being real. These past 8 to 9 months, maybe even longer has been a stretch for me. It hasn't been easy. From my days of just being spoiled by Momma Royal to being a snot nosed punk in the Army, to being born again, to having to mature in many levels of my life, it's been a stretch. Right now, having a new job (and will be in training for the next 6 months), to going back to school this Tuesday for an MBA, to family duties, to ministerial duties, and most importantly keeping my relationship with God fresh is a stretch. Even now, one of my good friends has asked me to work on a musical project for him (not boasting but just giving an example) because he saw something in me that I've been afraid of. Maybe because I didn't want to disappoint him or maybe I was afraid of failure (of facing good criticism). It must be the latter, I tell you. But the good thing is that I'm learning to allow God to stretch me. To be stretched is have the willing mind and heart to go through change, a transformation, a metamorphosis. This is what life is all about and for us to reach our full potential, our manifest destiny, we have to be willing to be stretched. I've been listening to a "purple tape (hip-hop heads, you know the lingo)" by Bishop Tudor Bismark about a wise saying from Solomon.

Proverbs 22:13:

The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.

This is saying that some of us are stuck in our place of comfort because we don't want to grow up. We don't want to go to that next level in life because we know it requires many sacrifices. It requires maturity. It requires us to lean on God instead of our own crazy man understandings. I'm just saying. God wants to enlarge our territory but are we willing allow Him to do so? We're so happy with a thousand bones (dollars) but when we just go ahead and get stretched we can gain so much more. So many of us are frustrated and weary but don't want the Lord to stretch us. Time out for that cuzo. It's time enlarge our territories and strengthen our stakes (Isaiah 54:2). Jesus did and be as successful as He, we've got to be stretched. That's what I love about Him, He don't give me know rest until I've yielded and let Him have His way in me. It's not easy but like CeCe Winans sang a long time ago, it's worth it.

Til Next Time, dgwo.

Proverbs 22:13
Isaiah 54:2-5

Friday, August 31, 2012

Press On

This morning I am sitting outside my job, I'm listening to a song called Pressing On by James Hall. Although the music is wonderful I tuned my ears to the words. As they were singing the song, they mentioned every mode of survival to ensure they press on. Pressing on is probably the most tedious and at times loneliness capers of all. There are very few of us who have hat onward soldier mentality. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances, no matter the tests, I'm still going to press on. This should be the mind of us but many of us have given up. It's a shame because many of us have great purpose in God. But we let the distractions, regrets, misgivings, and people bring us down. Today, I know what my purpose is and it seems bigger than me. This is the opportunity God has been waiting on to do what He wants to do in me. This same principle goes for each of us. We have to allow God to be God. His life, death, and resurrection shows His determination to finish what was started in Him. This is why Paul refers to Jesus as being the author and finisher of our faith because He is the perfect example of faith unwavering. This is the hour for God to show out in our lives when we give up the ghost (our lives), stop doing things our way, and let Him carry us on this journey called. To be honest, Christianity is the only belief system that makes God tangible, tells us we are born jacked up, gives us principles to live by for a life eternal, exposes the true enemy of our lives, and tells us we are in need of a Savior who is Jesus Christ. Many people are falling away but I'm saying us get up, try again, let God into our lives, and then we will press on.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Philippians 3:12-14
Hebrews 12:1-2

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Proverbs Is Some Good Reading!

I apologize for this blog coming so late. I just started a new job and will be in training for the next 6 months. But today's blog is something I've been thinking about. This morning I was listening to Bishop Tudor Bismark's message The Wealth Generation. It was pretty thought provoking because it'd dealing doing business by the good book, which is the Holy Bible. So many people always discredits the Bible because it was written by men and women. Many people say so many other things about it but it produced so many principled that set us up for success. However, it warns us of things that'll lead us to failure. One thing that has happened is that we have forgotten God and this is the 1st step to the recession occurring in America. It's sad but true. I think that any of us who are looking into business ventures or have businesses should read the Book of Proverbs and really digest what Solomon was saying. Matter fact, let's make a pact together to read a Proverb a day and apply his words in our lives. He's just a byproduct of God's eternal wisdom.

Til Next Time, dgwo


The Book of Proverbs

Friday, August 24, 2012

Moving Forward: The Ascension

For me, today is the closing of one door and the opening of another. I know today that I am changing and shifting to another place in my life. I know that I'm not the only one going through such changes. Change is good and rocks your entire world. Time,  money, character, the whole nine yards. This is what ascension is all about. It's not a place where pride should dwell (though it can happen if not careful of ourselves) but where humility and opportunities dwell. It's pressing towards a higher mark and leaving behind things are of no use to us. As I've said in past blogs, we're in a time of change and transition. A lot of us are faced with tough decisions, what to take on, what to go after, and what to leave behind. Today, I have no other choice but to leave behind selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, pornography, anger, bitterness, frustration, doubt, unbelief, temper tantrums, which are the forms of adolescence, not the characteristics of maturity. Maturity is adulthood, not a state of perfection (that is free from making mistakes or having faults) but being complete, thorough, and strong to handle whatever situation we find ourselves in. I remember my dad used to tell me, that we should consider our lives as an airplane. To reach to higher heights in the air, the airplane has to be at a certain weight. If a plane has exceeding weight in its carrier, then that plane can't go to the level of height to reach it's destination. Can you imagine a plane flying low to the ground near a interstate highway because those in charge allowed excess baggage to be carried in its cargo area? A lot of us including myself are carrying too much weight yet we expect to ascend to newer heights in life. Homie, that's not how ascension is designed. It's designed for people who are willing to let go of whatever it is to get to that next level. Ascension is for people who are willing to change whatever it is in their life to move forward. This is why the Bible says that we are to lay aside every weight (distractions whether it is people, places, or things) and every sin (bondage, etc.) that will keep us back from moving forward (Hebrews 12:1). Think about it. Professional athletes can't be the best unless they rid themselves of regimens that will keep them from being champions. The same applies to us, especially to those who profess they have faith in Christ. What I'm sharing is applicable; that's the whole purpose of the Bible. It's not made to control us but to instruct us as well as convict us to be better people pleasing only to God's eyes (I'm saying this to everyone, believing or unbelieving). Today, I truly believe God is doing some miraculous for those who take heed to His word and allows Him to order their steps by His word (Psalms 119:133). He's freeing us from all this mess we've picked up in this journey called life so we can experience the richness of abundant life in Him (John 10:10). This is the purpose Jesus Christ came and died for. It's simple if we would only just believe. So please, take heed to these words from this 31 year old scrawny scruffy faced war-torn yet getting healed day by day dude from Raleigh, North Carolina (go N.C. State Wolfpack). Much luv to everyone.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Psalms 24:3-5
Psalms 119:132-133
Philippians 3:4-14
Hebrews 12:1-2

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Many Faces of News Media

For the past couple of years, I come to work, log into my employee account, and surf the web to check out what's going on in the news. I really don't have a favorite source of news media so I jump from Fox News, to ABC News, to CNN, to Yahoo News, and then to the Daily Beast. All of them provide messages of current events around the world. Today, there are so many things being covered by the news media from the Prince Harry incident (OMG), to the Syrian conflict, to Republican Representative Akin's comments concerning rape and abortion. It's crazy because there are so many views proceeding and sometimes it's hard to make a distinction from the truth and lies. It's crazy, homie. While attending University of Phoenix for my now attained B.S. in Communications, one of my college professors dealt with the topic of news media. He discussed how news media from the journalists, editors, and company executives gather their information, compile the data, and produce it for all the world to see. What are their motives? Are the motives based to thoroughly inform the reader with impartiality? Or are the motive based to manipulate the reader to think a certain way to support a certain agenda? Now this is something to think about. One thing I've learned to understand is that news media can be very "flashy" at times because certain individuals are trying to manipulate readers in how they think about certain topics. For example, a lot of people don't know there are actually three candidates in the presidential race, Barack Obama (Democrat), Mitt Romney (Republican), and Ron Paul (Independent/Republican-not even recognized by the media). Right now, the push is for Romeny/Ryan as they "talk about" the failures of the Obama Administration instead of an epic failure of Congress as a whole. Hmm, interesting, isn't it? There are various other events within the world news media is covering. Some news media are trying to give the people the right information so they will be thoroughly informed. Others have agendas, basically to keep the masses in a box; to make them gullible. As readers, we need to make sure we do research ourselves, don't take every word you hear or read as gold. Search it out. The news media has many faces. Look at what the news media has done to the likes of Pastor Creflo Dollar, Kristen Stewart, and Whitney Houston. The media was almost successful in crucifying Pastor Dollar for his recent parenting incident. The man had to go on national television to clarify what really happened to dispel any rumors, lies, or other manipulative measures by the news media. Kristen Stewart hasn't been so fortunate as she has gone into a cave over the recent revelations of her affair with Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders. Although what she did was wrong, the director has faced little scrutiny from the news media and now in the process of directing the sequel (while Kristen Stewart becomes the "seemingly" scourge of Hollywood). Whitney Houston's legacy is still in question because of the way the news media has tried to destroy her character as a person, which includes a mother, an artist, a friend, and a wife. Now, there are testimonies from Jordin Sparks, Tamela Mann, and her road dogs the Winans concerning the life and times of Whitney Houston. They talk about her struggles but show she was about investing into other's lives that they may be more successful than she. As Americans, it's time we take time to read, do research, and start to call out the news media when they go off tangents about event or people in the wrong way. We'll delve in the realms of manipulation and hate people or misinterpret events without even recognizing Reading and research is fundamental and is a God given gift. I just wanted to share some nuggets of wisdom with you all and hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from with all this. It's the honor of kings (us) to search out matters and the affairs of the world. Check it out for yourself. Learn to decipher the truth from the lies the various facets of news media tries to feed us. The truth will hurt about some things once the lies and manipulations are exposed but we'll be built up in wisdom. God wants us to walk in wisdom not in ignorance. Got it? Good.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Proverbs 25:2
Ecclesiastes 1:13

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Risk Takers

Today, I wasn't going to do a blog today but my boss was spitting some knowledge on to me today. She said this,
"I love humanity in this world because there is so much diversity among us. We have two types of people I see, the risk takers and the cautious ones. The risk takers are those who push pass their fears and venture out. They are ready for the journey before them and are the trendsetters. The cautious ones are those who don't like situations being out of their control. They are planners and think first before they act."

Usually, I'm always talking about us humans being cautious but today, this blog is about us taking risks. Risk takers are those who take chances to become successful no matter what the cost may be. They ride on the hills of hope and faith, not in themselves or their own abilities, but in the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. They allow the hand of God to pull them to fresh and new dimensions and will give up whatever and whoever to achieve this plateau. Risk takers go down in history as people who change the very course of mankind. There are many risk takers today but very few who are taking risks in the name of Jesus Christ. Even Himself was a risk taker and did all the Father had put in His heart to do. He was determined, motivated, and only had desire to see His Father's will accomplished (John 4:34). However, most of us aren't there yet. We're very reserved and worry about what other people will think of us once we step out on the boat. To become successful in this life, we're going to have to be like Peter and we will fall at times, but Jesus is right there to pick us back up. The beautiful thing about taking risks is that it pulls us out of our comfort zone. We learn not to be satisfied with the condiments of complacency and normalcy. We get tired of the same ole same searching the very heart and mind of God for what's new on His horizon. This is the beautiful thing about the Lord and what separates Him from every one and everything else. He pushes us to go forward and not backwards; to do great exploits that will honor Him as well as accomplish His perfect will in our lives. When we purpose in our hearts to become risk takers, we won't half step but we will give it all we've got. Paul is probably one of the most exhilarating men in world history. No matter what he faced or what challenges came his way, he take risks. When people said he would be chained and even die for what he purposed in his heart to do, he just said bring it on. This is the beautiful thing about being a risk taker. Risk takers go all the way in. They place their lives in God's hands and go for the gold. Even if they don't accomplish what they seek after, they have made the path straight for those after them to walk in the path and do what they couldn't (Moses to Joshua). As risk taker, we have to be wise in every decision we make but we don't let the fear of tomorrow nor the regrets of our past hold us down. Oh no, we've got to keep moving (sorry, I'm an 80's baby!). I hope these words of our good friend Paul stirs something within us to what God has called us to do:

Philippians 3:14:

I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

No turning back my friends, it's time for us to move forward.

Til Next Time, dgwo


2nd Samuel 7:3
John 4:34
Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ain't No Half-Steppin'

Some of you who see the title of today's blog we'll see that I have to bite off of Big Daddy Kane's hit song in the mid-80's. The title says a lot and I just want to break it down in various terms that come to mind. Some of you (maybe the young-whipper snappers) may not know what half-stepping means. Half-stepping means not putting our best foot forward when it comes to personal, professional, educational, or spiritual business. It means being lackadaisical, sloppy, lazy, inconsistent, unreliable, or just to simply put, just getting by. In times past, this attitude worked pretty well when we were spoiled or in other terms spoon-fed. Nowadays, we've got to work for what we want; meaning, we have to show ourselves faithful as well as diligent. The other side of grace is that we have to live these two characteristics, faithfulness and diligence. Solomon shares with us in Proverbs 12:24 that the hand of the diligent will bear rule but the slacker will always be under tribute (slavery, poverty, unsuccessful, unfulfilled). Unfortunately, this is the case for many of us, young and old. A lot of feel like the world is supposed to revolve around us, that is, to cater to needs, desires, and lifestyle. But here is a little lesson I need to share with us all. If the Lord Jesus Christ had to suffer and show Himself faithful as well as diligent in what He had to accomplish in His life on earth, why not us? Who are we to put our frame of mind about His? Think about it. Why are we half-stepping? Why are we always starting something or some things but never see them through? Why are we always dropping the ball? Why do we always step out of the house not dressing like our best but to regress ourselves? Why do we feel we deserve to make straight A's but don't study for only 15 minute to pass a mid-term exam? Why do feel like we always have to speak a word or prophesy but never take at least 30 minutes to an hour to be broken in God's presence let alone His word? Why do we feel like our businesses are going to bloom but we never put in the time, money, and efforts to get it going the ways we've envisioned? Half-stepping is leading to the next full step but never makes it there. Therefore, we are like slaves or people with much promise yet never reach our full potential. Dudes and dudettes, this isn't God's plan for us to be half-steppers but to be overcomers. Just as He is, we must learn to become the diligent, the faithful, the starters and finishers. For example, the reason why Big Daddy Kane in the 80s, was probably at the top of the rap game was from his diligence. He made sure his lines, flow, delivery, style, appearance, and stature was opulent. He wanted to stand above the rest of the rappers of his time. Now, I'm not talking about us doing things that will displease the Lord Jesus through our own ideologies and ways, but we've got to take on the nature of being the best of what God "pre-expects" in our lives. I've learned within the past couple of months, that if I'm not going to do my best or do things right; it doesn't make much since to do it all. I can't half-step. I can't just get by and ask God to give me grace when I'm not showing Him some type of effort (faith without works is dead-James 2:20). I've got to do the best and He will empower me to go for the gold. Our human nature, especially in these days, we only settle for less. God is saying, No baby, aim higher, get smarter, and push yourself as an a great athlete to do better. So my friends, let's not leave behind a legacy for this current and future generations a pathway of half-stepping. Let's leave behind a legacy of excellence in everything we do. This is just one facet of innumerable facets of giving glory to God.

Til Next Time, dgwo.


Proverbs 12:24
Daniel 6:1-3

Friday, August 17, 2012

For The Men: Happy Wife, Happy Life

I'm so in love with my beautiful wife Dionn aka Mrs. Williams. She has been there for me through the thick and thin. She's been there to understand me all the way through when no one else does. I know that we are one in spirit, soul, and body. I know that she is a gift from God I must cherish for the rest of my days. This weekend, we will have the opportunity to reconnect and cherish one another. One thing I've learned in our almost 9 years of being together is to make sure my wife is happy. When she's happy life is happy and vice versa. One thing that makes my wife happy is when I listen to what she has to say. I know that I have a virtuous woman in my house. She always gives it to me straight. Whether it's telling me how to fold clothes, how to wash clothes, how to present her plate to her at dinner time, how to dress for success, and just plain old manners. I have to listen to her because she has wisdom within her that will take me far if I would just listen. I actually learned this from a good friend of mine, Mr. Dirk Bailey. Back in 2008, he shared with me this phrase, "Happy Wife, Happy Life." It's true. Now he and his wife Mrs. Bailey have a beautiful family, in fact one is in college now (Congrats Bria, represent!). Many of my close friends have great marriages resurrected from painful memories, indiscretions, turmoil, and other issues. Many of them have told me, David, you better take care of your wife. Not only is she your best friend, she is your wife, your rib, the one who will keep your together. So some of you guys are like, what is Ol' Dave talking about now? I'm noticing dudes that we take our wives for granted. We treat them any ol' type of way. Most of us only show our wives respect and love when we want to get them in between the sheets like Ron Isley (it's true, don't front). A lot of us think we're supposed to be the man's man, meaning we control everything including our wives as we treat them like government property. We treat their opinions, thoughts, and actions as sub-human from taking the title "head of the household" too far. We suffocate our wives from being who they are supposed to be, heirs with us of the same inheritance in Christ (1st Peter 3:7). We believe our wives are supposed to walk behind us when in God's eyes they are supposed to walk beside us. We're physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abusive to our wives because we have little patience and compassion with them. Shoot, half of us don't even have a heart to heart talk with our wives, showing our weaknesses before them. We're not even best friends with our wives. That's not what God intended marriage between husbands and wives to be. He wants us to be the best of friends. My dad always tells me that he wouldn't be who he is today without my mom. He knows the power of unity between a husband and wife. So where did all this mess we as husbands come from concerning how we look at our wives? Why do we always blame our wives when all Hades breaks loose in our lives? We get it from Adam. Instead of taking the wrap for his family's hang-ups, he blames Eve, his wife. But it was he who allowed certain things in his life to take place. Just recently, I've had to own up to lot of things happening in my home and stop trying to put my wife at fault (I'm just being honest). My behavior, my treatment of her, my ideologies, my selfishness, my short temper, me, me, it's been me. But thank God for the new me and he is going to love and cherish his wife more and more. When she smiles, when she feels secure, when she feels loved, when she feels she is reaching her purpose in life, then I've done my job as a husband. So take not brothers, stop looking at our wives as just somebody holding you down from being successful. That's a bunch of garbage. Our wives elevate us but when we tear our good women down, then we are definitely going down. Another thing, stop looking at her faults. She's not perfect, shoot, we're probably worse off because of our pride issues. Love them with God's love, which sees past the faults to take care of the needs. Rub their feet, take them to a movie. Talk with them. Sometimes, we got to our busy lives down and spend time with our wives. If they want to get a job, let them get a job. Let them get their education. Let them preach if God has called them to preach (more than just singing, doing testimony services, & looking pretty). Mistreatment of our wives will cause us to lose our favor with God and with men. There are many men I know personally that have made the terrible mistake of throwing away their virtuous women. They lost their favor and now someone else has them. It's a shame but it's true. Why I wrote this blog, it must be God working on this wretched heart. Remember these words from Solomon. The grass ain't greener on the other side. It's better to learn to love our wives as God loves us.

Proverbs 18:22:

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord."

Say this with me, My wife is my favor. I treat my favor wrong I might lose it (ask Nabal - 1st Samuel 25).

Til Next Time, dgwo.


1st Samuel 25
Songs of Solomon
Proverbs 31
Ephesians 5:25-33

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grace Is Given Not Earned

Today, I'm speaking from one who knows how life is when it's at the bottom of the barrel. Broke, busted, and disgusted, and trying to do things his way to make life better for him. That's what I've been doing for a long, long time. I've been trying to earn something that's a gift, a free gift from God because of His generosity. It's like a man trying to earn the heart of a woman he loves dearly through buying expensive gifts and other things. However, the woman just wants the man to love her for her and not to earn her love through his "works." It's like a daughter-in-law trying to earn the love of her mother-in-law by showing how perfect she can be. However, she's showing herself not to be true and doing all this extra that isn't earned but given. This is how we are with God, my friends. We show up to every church function. Every day, we go out our way to help everybody or to be at everyone's celebration. We're always having to prove ourselves of being this or that. Inside, we hope that God will bless us because of our works. But when the bank account is about empty, when your family's home life is disparaging compared to your family's public life, when your thinking crazy thoughts in your head, those works done ain't worth nothing. We have all of these accolades, achievements, outings, and schedules, and we think that this makes us worthy of God's grace. But in all actuality, this makes God laugh not because He's happy with this in humorous terms. He's laughing at us because we're silly to think that we can earn His grace and favor with our works. If that's the case, we would boast, I did this and made God give me His favor. What time of mess is that? It is what it is, mess? I'm beginning to realize as I learn to trust God, reconstructing my life to become more balanced, and to be real that I still fight with unbelief (I'm just being honest but I have victory in the midst of it), that nothing I say or do earns me His favor. His grace is unmerited favor meaning a gift given freely not earned. It's given to those who are humble and think nothing of themselves. Grace is given to those who others deem as dirty, filthy, and unworthy to become anything productive in their lives. Look at Rahab, a prostitute. Look at the publican who came to the temple of said to God he's nothing but a wrench. Look at David, a scrawny yet handsome field boy tending to the sheep. Look at Joseph, a young man stripped of royalty to become a slave. Look at Abraham, a man who tested God's patience when the going got tough when his wife wasn't getting pregnant. All of these people were recipients of God's grace. They believed God and in various times of their hang-ups, God's grace was still on them to be and do what He predestined for them. The beauty of God's grace is that we take our hands off of God's business; that is to take care of us. He says in His word in the latter part of Matthew 6 that He's more thoughtful of us than the animals. He says how much more will He take care of us. The animals don't worry because they know their Creator is going to take care of them. We who have children and pets, they don't worry about nothing because they know their "source" is going to take care of them. This is how we need to look at God today and stop trying to earn His grace. He isn't concerned about our accolades, our titles, our degrees, or our works. He's concerned about the heart and mind of His people. Every day, He's loading us with benefits (Psalms 68:19) but many of us including myself miss out because we're working ourselves half to death. We're out here trying to appease everybody when we should be lamping (Philly term for resting) in God's arms. We worried and bothered about everything and trying to figure everything out. But when is the last time we took our masks off and came clean with God about our doubts and unbelief. Trying to earn God's grace is a form of unbelief and doubt. But laying it all before Him is the moment we experience His grace. No longer will we have to prove to others, to ourselves, or even to God who we are because He's already validated us. His grace is experiencing the love that surpasses fear, healing in our spirit, soul, and body, financial blessings that we didn't have to work for, time restored that we thought we lost due to circumstances of life, our lives covered by His blood when death is looking to knock on somebody's door, and relationships mended that were once torn apart. As many are saying now, the heavens are open for His people. Let's stop working in the boundaries of unbelief, doubts, and being busybodies. Let's love on God as we study His word, worship Him, and thank Him. When we do that, the grace of God moves in our lives and the unexpected, the miraculous, and the abundant will be released. People of God, it's our time to experience the free gift of God called grace.

Til Next Time, dgwo (and pray for me that I learn to experience His grace every day in every area of my life as I do the same for you)

Ephesians 2:7-9
Hebrews 4:1-11