Sunday, November 9, 2014

Praise Paul, Screw Jesus

Well, it's Sunday and I've been mulling as to, "should I write this, should I not?" Well, since we're all entitled to our opinions on any subject matter, I might as well talk about an issue that many people don't think about. For any scholar in the literary field across the world, and for any practicing "minister" (which I think they need to change to servant due to the over-abundance of pimping in the American church system), Paul of Tarsus known as the probably the greatest apostle ever, wrote the majority of the New Testament. This is true. The man wrote a lot of stuff dealing with various issues. Adultery, the true characteristics/qualifications of being a leader (in any field/career in life), money (but discouraged the blasphemous notion of tithing), and the list goes on. Many preachers, especially in the Bible and in overall Christian music love quoting Paul. From Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews (especially 10:26-which by no means is about anyone going to a stupid building faithfully every week to get spoon fed "word of faith" teachings that have nothing to do with reality), Corinthians, Colossians, and Philippians (I picked these because they're the most used). Why do people always talk about the writings of Paul than the writing Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote about every one's "supposed" Lord and Saviour" Jesus the Christ? Why do we hear and see people quote more about Paul than about the Christ himself? Better yet, why do people love to quote the old testament and Paul most of the time than the stories about Jesus and the other writers of the new testament? Hmmmm.... I want you people to think about this and let this lil' dude from Raleigh North Carolina "take you on a voyage." Many people who are "saved" or "go to church" regularly say they love Jesus. You see there lil' statuses on Facebook, Twitter. You see their lil' videos on YouTube giving thanks to God for all their blessings or fan favorite, "I love Jesus" quotes. You see these people in the malls, outside of Walmart (selling plates of course, well that's what they do in Central Texas) "witnessing" to people on "the God they serve." Yeah, they might use John 3 in their little witnessing (hustling) campaigns, but guess who's quoted the most, especially in the "tracks" they give to people? Paul of Tarsus; probably the less used words from the "man of Galilee." Now, here's where the heart of my opinion is expressed. I believe the reason why Paul, the old testament, and other writers are quoted more than the words of Jesus is from people using these words to solidify themselves in the eyes of men. We see with a lot of big named and local preachers. They do this to pimp the people out of knowing what "salvation" is all about. They twist and tangle these writers to control and manipulate the minds of the people; common sense and the use of comprehension be damned. They claim this is the "work of the Holy Spirit" but the last time I read, this supernatural force "opens the eyes of the blind." Yes, people talk about Jesus all the time but nobody really knows the guy. Yes, they quote stories like the Gethsemane, the trip on the lake during a tempest, spooky "revelations" of the last days, sometimes the stories of him feeding thousands of people (mostly to subvert the true principle of the story to solidify the notion of tithes/offerings), and a few other stories. But if you really ask these people about some of the most fundamental things found in "the gospels" that shaped the writings and opinions (oh yes, there are a lot of opinions in Paul's writings although he was "divinely inspired") of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and John, these people couldn't tell you. The story Jesus told about the widow with the last mite that destroys the notion of tithes and offerings. The multiple chapter escapade found (primarily) in Matthew and Luke destroying Pharisee/Sadducee (church) leadership and "soul pimping." Or what about the teaching He alone is the Good shepherd, not these self pronounced pastors, bishops, and apostles.... What about divorce, the true nature of angels, and my favorite, how the "sinners" of the world like Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, and Perez Hilton have a 90 to 100% chance of beating 90 to 100% self proclaimed "christians" to heaven? Paul is used as a tool to "pump up" christian ideologies. Jesus is the scapegoat to draw the people into a life filled with delusions, confusion, and lies. To correctly quote Paul, to be damned (condemned for they don't believe in Christ but men), never coming to the knowledge of the real truth (which is a exposition of John 3-how you like me now?). Before I close this blog full of "sacrilege", I'd like to mention another favorite people love to talk about, Matthew 7 and 24. These two are giving us the same principle, "know the truth and it'll set you free" (one also quoted by Mr. Farrakhan) from the current "intellectual black plague" infecting the "spiritually redeemed." As I said before, as Peter said about Paul's writings, people use them to lie to imprison the minds of men because they are "unlearned and unstable" themselves. They are, in principle, continuing the "apostolic and prophetic" left by Paul and the old testament, only using Jesus to make it "a holy work of God" (to all my history buffs, doesn't this remind you of the Catholic Church before, during, and after the dark ages?). In the meanwhile, Jesus isn't getting "the short end of the stick" but in Mr. Vincent K. McMahon's term, "getting screwed." Who else gets it? The people following these "christian movements" of lies. Thank God I'm not about of it. So, this will probably be one of the few times in my blogs I'll quote Paul but only to show Paul's true intent, which many of these people preaching, teaching, dancing, singing, and rapping don't share (of course, in my very own instigating way), knowing God for yourself:

Paul asked a question, "why are you people bickering about who or who not has the truth about God? Don't you idiot see this is causing confusion, envying, strife? Some of you are saying, I'm of Paul or this other guys. Don't see we are just men doing are part, not to have you follow us like we're gods ourselves, but to know God for yourself?" - you look it up yourself and as Jesus said, "see if you really have this eternal life you say you have?

All I'm saying is, read the writings about the accounts of Jesus than move on to Paul and the others. But I warn you, you won't be the same again because your blood will be boiling every time you people speak from a twisted form of "God."

Well my friends, if I haven't made this clear enough, I tried. Plus, I'm only one man, there are millions of people who probably have a better opinion than I do on this. Hell, probably an atheist does...only God knows. Hahaha....

Til next time, Mr. dGWo........

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