Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Whole Truth: I Pity U

It looks like this will be my final blog in this series and I'm going to end it with a bang. In most "ministries" in America, they are ran by a married power couple, the husband and wife. The staple and cornerstone of the church with a family image portraying perfection, royalty, splendor, honor, and financial wealth. Out of their members or flock, they have the best of things, houses, cars, jobs, full bank accounts, business savvy, and the list goes on. They are of eloquent speech and walk with the grace not an "ordinary Christian" can obtain. They are the leaders of leaders, the angels of the house, the shepherds of the flock, the anointed ones, the "little Christs" on the earth (more like the vicars of Christ). Their children also show forth the image of their parents, perfection, honor, splendor, beauty, royalty, and financial wealth. When you see advertisements, who do you see? You see them. Who do you see on a television promotional? You see them. Who do you hear or watch on the church's website, TV broadcast, or YouTube channel? You see and hear them. It's all about them. That's how Quane and Claudette are. When they left a neighboring church, they sought to become the focal point of the "ministry", not Christ, themselves. They are just a representation of many other "pastors" who've broken away from other churches to start their own. I can give a rough estimate that in the Central Texas area alone, there's got to be a the least 950 churches, big, medium, and small. The Scotts "opened" Shiloh Worship Center sometime in 2001 and for 13/14 years, they've done what 99.9% of church leadership has done, caught the sheep, abused the sheep, and scattered the sheep. When the sheep leave, they curse them and tell them, "since you're not a part of this ministry, you won't survive out there on your own." Some people prove them wrong using their freed up time, talents, and money to do the things they want to do. Others feel they are out of the will of God because they aren't doing ministry or going to church to "sit under" someone to get closer to God (which is atrocious and goes against Ephesian 2:13-18). Many of these pastors I see (however there are some who are actually doing what they are supposed to do....) are just pimps and if there's a power couple running that ministry, you can bet they are Ahab and Jezebel. Recently, two of the current Shiloh members (one of the elders and one of the musicians) contacted me. I was pissed. My train of thought was, "how in the hell are you going to call/text me and act like nothing is wrong? Are you that naive or dumb to act like you're trying to show me love when you're actually trying to keep access in my life that you don't deserve?" Those who know me know I've got a short temper and now that I'm in my 30s, my short temper is more directed towards foolishness. I texted one of them back and let them have it. I called the other one and let them have to. Heck, I saw another one of them at the VA and guess what I did? (I-L-T-H-I) They are just Quane (Ahab) and Claudette (Jezebel)'s "lackies" who have been "castrated" or "emasculated" and now become like the prophets of Baal. They cut themselves (giving their tithes and offerings that's not going to feed the poor, educate the illiterate but pays for their cars, expensive lifestyles, etc.) and believe the God of Heaven is listening to them when they are really worshiping and praising "Ahab and Jezebel." So how is Quane like Ahab? It's simple. Every time he wants something, whether it's a car, a piece of land (which they have "purchased through lies"), or some clothes, he cries like a little baby to his wife. The wife, Claudette who is very similar to Jezebel, does whatever it takes to get the job done. As I said before, she's a smooth and maniacal hustler with a silver tongue. Just as Jezebel in the Bible, if she has to lie to get someone out of the way to get what he wants, she'll do it. Just as the evil power couple in the Bible in the 1st and 2nd Kings, they reigned terror. Every true Christian or strong individual that came to Shiloh they killed with their words, their prophecies, their lies to get other preachers to curse people, and their force on the congregation to shun those people. People like my mentor who first taught me a lot in my early months of being a Christian, a singer who was trying to move on with her life but they talked about her like a dog. Or what about a visitor and his family who came looking for a place to rest but once he stated that his boys didn't need to follow a leader who's a bit (but in my opinion a lot), as Red Foxxx would say, "sweet", his whole family the whole church demonized (since then I've apologized to him and his family). Let's talk about those who set up methods to help them financially but after some truths got out, Quane, Claudette, Elder A, and the "intercessory team" (who's got no power at all to even move a piece of lint from a shirt) ganged up on them like they were criminals. For all you Bible, sounds a lot like how the king and queen were "killing the prophets" and many of them had to go into hiding (most of you who've been hurt by the church have kept silence and instead of fighting back, you hide because of the erroneous use of Psalms 105:15). Even I went against them (over a telephone conversation) and had those two wolves barking (they can't take correction). Just as Elijah, I told them some things they didn't and now they release the hounds from their congregation to visit my house unannounced, calling and texting, sending me messages on Facebook, and probably trying to put roots on me (a curse/voodoo spell that's big in NC and Caribbean countries). Just like Elijah, I went into a deep depression, almost suicidal, and a heart filled with bitterness. Hell, even certain people were telling me, man, you are changing for the worst. I was and some people were telling me, I was proving them right that I couldn't make it without me being under their "covering." Then my trip to Kinston came, then more thoughts ran through my head, and then I started this series. Now I'm like Elijah going back and tearing these negroes out the frame with confidence, boldness, and not worrying about some curse comes in my life. So to Quane, Claudette, the preachers I saw growing up fleecing the people, who tried to destroy my family (grandparents and parents), and you pimps in the Killeen, Belton, Copperas Cove, Harker Heights, Waco, and Temple, you will pay the price (and if you keep playing around, you may pay the ultimate price-your lifestyle in exchange with a prison sentence or under the ground). Ahab died because he tried to get a just man killed but got killed himself. Jezebel's "lackies" soon turned on her when a man by the name of Jehu basically told them to stop letting this lady lie to you and throw out of that window. As her lifeless body laid on the ground, dogs licked up what was left. Hmmm.....Quane and Claudette, I pity u because you have no idea who you've messed with. From all your friends who stuck with you in Korea, those who helped you with your financial portfolio, who helped (physically) build your church, deal with your snooty, low life, hateful, and uncaring daughters, to those who helped you build your ministry (which sucks accept "the boys" on the drums and piano who you said weren't anointed), to all those seasoned ministers sent to you to straighten you out and you demonized them because of your fear, and the list goes on. You know and I pray to God your consciences will cause you to become more paranoid, fearful, and agitated until you repent and make it right with every last person you've swindled. After the hard childhoods both of you been through, to seeing one of your former members die of a literal broken heart, I would think you both would change?! You didn't change but that's ok. God uses a little tool called karma (i.e. the reap what you sow method) to get human beings' attention. Yeah, Quane and Claudette, you made a mockery of my wife and I, my parents, and every friend I held dear. But you may have laughed first, but we all are going to have the last laugh. To all former members, the Ex-Shiloh and all surrounding ex-members of your perspective churches, stop being silent. Stop thinking God's going to get you because they are men and women of God. Men and women of God don't steal, cheat, lie, plunder, plot, coerce, control, or manipulate. They are demons who've turned themselves into angels of light (2nd Corinthians 11:12-15) and harmed God's people. It's time to put Ephesian 5:8-15 to work, just as Jesus exposed those heretics the Pharisees in His day (like Prodigy of Mobb Deep said, "...Torture these n----s, water board these n----s - with the truth). These wolves won't stop until the end comes but until then, tell your story, be bold, be honest, for you'll be helping someone else who's trapped in Babylon and preventing others from making a visits there that could forever hinder their lives. Quane and Claudette, I pity u and I hope you change but in my heart of hearts, you never will and you both my die at an old age miserable, poor, blind, and naked just like the rest of these pimp preachers in the world.

Now, David GW Overton can move on with his life. Thanks God, for giving me an opportunity to do what I do best......

Go Ham, Tell the Truth, and in the old Williams/Overton/Royal family tradition, M.ake P.eople


Til Next Time, Mr. David "Survivor" Williams......

1 comment:

  1. And Survive You Will Move Forward with Clarity in Who God really is It's all about personal relationship
