Friday, April 24, 2015


Karma - (b)
  • : the force created by a person's actions that some people believecauses good or bad things to happen to that person
- Merriam Webster Dictionary

This morning, I got some information that put my life on cloud nine. However, it's unfortunate that other people in this particular person's surrounding has to suffer. I pray that God will take care of them but I don't have the same regard for this individual. I've told numerous people I know, some friend and some foe, that the big pay back was coming. Months later, the process is beginning and my soul is pleased to know this unrespectable individual is going to pay. Sure, David had many chances to make their life a living hell way more than what they made mine. I guess the nice guy in my heart is still alive and blocked my fingers from doing a "Deep Throat" (Watergate) operation. For the past few months, forgiveness has ran through my heart. I didn't choose to forgive so that God would forgive me. I chose to forgive so I wouldn't become a scumbag like them. It worked out pretty good for a soon to be 34 year old man from Duke Hospital. I've learned in life that when you lie, manipulate, steal, and finagle your way to get what you want at the expense of others, your demise is on the way. The funny thing is, this person is going to keep on til the day they die. Forget about hell, you're experiencing hell on earth in your mind. Every time they sleep, it's not a peaceful one. Everywhere they go, the pricks are digging in their heart. They can't think because the last bit of conscience they've got reminds them of the people they've screwed. Bit by bit, they're losing the crummy life they built. Soon, their kingdom will fall. Well, good riddance. So, if you're reading this blog, I warned you. I told you that you fucked  with the Williams-Overton-Royals bloodline. You may derail us but know this; a heat seeking missile will follow you until it hits you. I forgive you but that doesn't negate your impending judgment. Now I can live the rest of my long days in true "peace, rest, and abundance" God has been sending me emails to live. 

So my friends, if you can relate, break out your disco balls, turn on your Queen, Chic, and Bee Gees music, and shake your groove thing on the dance floor.

Til next time, "Disco Dave..."

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