Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can't Handle Truth But Love The Lies

I don't agree with Paul on a lot of stuff but I'll agree with something he talked about; the itching ears. Whatever "tickles" the fancy of an individual or a group of people, it's referred to as truth. It doesn't matter if this "truth" is factual or full of bullshit. I think for a person as myself, I need to know the validity of some things people tell me. Are these things coming across my desk the truth or a way to get me chained up with everyone else? 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a rebel and I don't care about being accepted by others (the in-crowd). One thing I'm not going to do is subject myself to lies. Lies give us comfort, hope, and keeps our social status up to par. But truth can do a whole lot more, once we get past the initial blows from it. Truth doesn't itch ears and it destroys doctrines, dogmas, and traditions with swiftness of a jab or body shot. Unfortunately, a lot of houses are built on lies. I think this is the reason why conformity is so bad and those who keep their individualism are looked upon as oddities. We're always going to have lies in our lives but the resolution of it is coming to truth. Some including myself may ask, what is truth? Whatever is irrefutable and indisputable. The numbers don't lie and the puzzle comes together. Lies on the other hand, well, they're the exact opposite of my descriptions of truth. Sometimes, I look at social media or the news and I say to myself, damn, a lot of people are fooled. I'm suspectible too. So ladies and gents, take time out of your weekly schedule to research those questions you have inside of you. We've got the information highway, Barnes and Noble, and public libraries filled with knowledge you're seeking for. Don't just people's word for what subject of interest, research it. If it comes back as bs or truth let them know. The universe was designed by a universal truth. It's up to us find it because lies are always looking to bind you.

Til next time......

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