Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Contentment Versus Searching

As a child of the 80s, I used to hear people say, "old dogs can't learn new tricks." Since then, I've learned for old dogs to survive, they just may have to. I've come to the conclusion that my life is on a new path, a new journey, a new adventure. Most of everything and everyone I've tried to hold onto are being forced by life's hand. We should all know that this life I'm referring to is God. For the past couple of days, I've been listening to Alter Bridge's Broken Wings circa 2004. This song explains what my life has been, what it is now, and what my life will be. It's been a hard and eventful journey and I've learned the only absolute truth in this life is life itself (and everything that comes with it). This includes the good, bad, and ugly. I'm seeing more people becoming content with how their life is with no aspiration to morph into someone better. A lot of Christians and Muslims alike are content with dogmatism (which has no place in this world). Some have never left their hometown in search of seeing what this big ole world has to offer. People are just content but I don't feel that same way. The world is ours and we have to take. Whether it's performing music, starting a company, or studying different cultures, your soul is searching for something. Your soul is searching for more. That's put of the creative juices God put inside each of us. When those juices stop flowing, we've got a problem, Houston. For me, contentment is boring, uneventful, very pungent. Searching is risky, challenging, and exciting. Contentment is the breeding ground of "playing it safe" and regretting it later when we've lost the ability to be in search mode.  I see how certain people I've met in my life are just everywhere but they were happy. Other people that were content with doing the same things day after day, year after year, are like a walking ghost floating through life. I think one of reasons why some are like this is from being scared of what other people are thinking, saying, or might say about them. As for me, I'm not afraid. I'm tired of living in fear and one thing is for certain is this:

"I'd rather chase heaven on this earth because being content will lead me into an entire life filled with hell."

People can say what they want about Jay-Z, Will Ferrell, and Lady GaGa, but these people are examples of searching versus contentment. They would've been content but they chose to "step out on faith" and take chances. Some chances may have caused them pain but look at where they are today. Guess what? They're still searching for more. What about you? What about me? What about us?

Are we going to stay content with the "four walls" of religious dogmatism, J.O.B. careers, and staying in the same town/state forever? Or are we going to be like animals when the seasons change and move; searching for another place to inhabit?

The choice is up to us.

Till next time, "The Wanderer......"

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