Thursday, January 1, 2015

Silence of The Black Sheep

I've been mulling over this topic for months and touched on it a few times last year. I think today, I'm ready to get down with the get down. Silence of The Black Sheep=Silence in the Black Community.

Last year, a few tragedies occurred with black men killed by (white) cops. These incidents enraged the Black communities to unprecedented levels. Even other races and cultures throughout the world stood with the Black community through organized marches and rallies. However, the two NYPD cops murdered in cold blood didn't get the same love and affection. Some black folks were happy this crazy dude from Maryland drove to NYC and killed them. Some say it's karma for what happened to the black dudes last year. I think this is so insensitive and so hypocritical. Now my tangent begins. Only a few people have talked about this and have said for the Black community to change its ways. Since Sherman's hellbent trail of destruction that lead to the destruction of ATL in the Civil War, black folks have consistently taken on the "40 acres and a mule" mentality. Many of us think, the government owes for 400 years of enslavement plus an added bonus of 150 plus years of brutality by KKK/Neo-Nazi and police. We think we should get the royal treatment and other incentives owed to us without work. We believe (not all of us) that we're the only ones still facing racism and prejudice. This is of course b.s. (talk with some Native Americans still living in reservations, then holler at me). However, we have yet to discuss topics such as the following:

  • black on black crime (gang violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, sex abuse, mental abuse, etc.)
  • fiscal irresponsibility (got to have the best car, house, wife/husband/children, job, not saving, etc.)
  • low self-esteem/self image (which is one of the leading causes of fiscal irresponsibility)
  • exploitation of each other (wanting something for nothing through money, time, and talents)
  • lack of substantial education (illiteracy-a huge problem)
  • religion=Christianity/Islam (division, the breeding ground of psychopath behavior, etc.)
  • sexuality (homosexuality=down low, infidelity, fatherless children/boys, etc.)
These listed topics and many more, we still don't like to address. Whenever we do address these issues, the hurt, pain, and loss of life/time has already been done. Never do we get to the place of finding a solution. We're still marching, still having group meetings, and still have religious social club meetings. There's no evident change in the black community. When someone with some balls stands up and says enough is enough, he or she get sideswiped by many and called a heretic or a coon. But my question is, when we going to stop acting like the three monkeys (see, hear, know, speak no evil) and start coming head to head with these issues? When are we going to stop being silent? X and King aren't coming back to save us? You can forget about Sharpton, Farrakhan, and Jackson becoming movers and shakers for this needed change. It's time we as a black community start waking up and come back to God reality. I'm not one of those who are going to be silent when these issues need to be addressed. We've done that too long. Change doesn't come through silence. Change doesn't come always blaming the white man (since they have a higher population rate than black, whites have a higher rate of poverty as well-do your research-don't take my word for it). Change doesn't come covering the social, financial, spiritual, and physical abuses given by others. Change comes when we open our mouths, write down solutions wi plans to achieve them, and execute them one by one. It's time to wake up, take the bloody tape off of our faces and speak. Silence kills.

Til next time.........

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing if u can wake at least one sleeping community it is worth it Keep penning your thoughts they are definitely causing us to think are moreover act
