Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions -  "a choice that you make about something after thinking about it : the result of      deciding: the ability to make choices quickly and confidently"

We all have decisions to make. Right now, I can only speak for myself, I've "one" I need to make and that's going to change the total course of my future. The decision making process is not an easy one when you're an adult, about twice as hard when your a military vet. Then let's add the ongoing out processing from living a "cult" lifestyle for over a decade. Now, you see an opportunity that will be the icing on the cake for a new beginning. This is the mirror that's in front of me and I believe I've made the decision. However, the decision I've made came with much consultation with loved ones and then I had to face my inner self saying, so what now David? Adulthood, boy, my parents warned me.

So, where am I headed with this?

As adults, even some of us young folks who are handling the load of responsibility have to deal with decisions daily. Lawyers, doctors, therapists, business owners, athletes, parents, abandoned kids living on the street, musicians. We all have to deal with making decisions. What we wear. What we spend. Where we go. How we make music. Why do believe in certain principles. When we need to make a decision. Some times, we have to make decisions very fast, other times, we have an allotted time to make decisions. At my job, we are trained to utilize the tools we've been given to make decisions on cases. Some times, we have to consult with others to help us make decisions so we can move a case forward (that might be a group of us, these cases are hard sometimes). Some times, the cases are easy and it's first nature to process. Other times, it make take us days to finish a case. So it is with this thing we call life. Some decisions are easy and requires no stress. Other decisions, well, those may require a couple of phone calls and maybe a glass of Mascato. Yet a decision must be made and only you can make it. They got it so control for us at work that we have no other choice be to work the case given to us unless our bosses take it from us. So it is in life. Things like opportunities, money woes, changes in relationship statuses, and relocation decisions will have to be made and won't go away until those decisions are made.

I know and you know, we all have been given cards to play. No matter how good or bad we got a hand, we have to play them. God has given us so many resources and prayer may not be one them when we need to make an on the spot decision.

Choose well....I know I have to real soon......

Til next time, The Big O......

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