Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You Gots To Chill

All those who grew up listening to the 80s rap know where I got the title for this blog from, Erick & Parrish Making Dollars ('circa 87). Good times, huh? I'll admit, today, I felt a bit anxious and bugged out today. I had to take a day off from work for some medical appointments. I was playing on going to Starbucks to work on "a book" and read about what's going on in Nigeria. I changed my mind, picked up and quick bite, came home, and watched Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 on Netflix (finally!). After my wife got home from her medical appointment, I was panicking a bit. Sometimes, my mind is going a thousand miles per minute and I started to feel like my life isn't going anywhere. Mrs. Overton stopped the movie and started to run down some of the accomplishments I've made within the past few months. Achieving a promotion to GS-9, finishing the Masters' B.A. program, saving money, becoming free from abusive relationship, and a few other things. Then she says, okay, let's go somewhere downtown, grab a quick bite, walk around somewhere, and come back home. After all that today, I open the Macbook, log into, and fire away my introspective lesson for today. You Gots to Chill. We live in a society where we are indoctrinated and ingrained to always find ourselves doing something productive with our time. Plan a new business, work on music, calling family and friends, or clean the house. Now, these are important things we should do or aspire to do in our lives but there are times when we just need to kick back; relax. I'll admit that I'm an A-typical guy who's used to always doing something. It's an old habit passed down into my thinking from the Army and from a former belief system I used to be gung-ho for. Since then, I'm adapting to living a more stress free, laid back, honest, and chilled out lifestyle. I'm learning that I need to enjoy everyday like it's my last. At my current job, it's a mad rush and many days I'm drained. Today, I learned to take this time off from work and just relax. Enjoy the breeze of the wind on my short dreadlocks. Talk with my wife about life and our aspirations for ourselves and our marriage. Walking through a trail enjoying the beautiful nature God has given. Hell, enjoy the clean air Temple, TX has to offer (too bad those living in Killeen don't have the same luxury, the air in that city sucks). Just chilling and enjoying my life. Now, my conscience and clear and my body is relaxed. Although I don't want to go to work tomorrow, at least I've had a day off to get some breathing room until Friday afternoon comes  (I can't wait). So what is this soon to be 33 year old snot-nosed dude from Raleigh, NC talking about?  Take the time out to chill. Write in a journal. Go to a local coffee shop in your area (if you have one) and listen to some Tony Bennett, Reuben Wilson, or Herbie Hancock. Hell, take a walk around your neighborhood or stay home and catch up on some TV shows you've been missing. Pray and meditate on your life if needed. Just get out of the heat of the night and into the cool of the day. Relax, get comfortable like Eugene Wilde (a great song by the composer by the way), and chill. Alright? You hear me out there? Okay then....

Til next time, "Chillmaster Davy-Dave"


EPMD: You Gots To Chill  

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