Sunday, May 4, 2014

Silent Enablers

 I recently spent three days reading a blog post to sort of figure out what my wife and I experienced at a "particular organization" and throughout our personal lives. Boom, the answers I was looking for were answered. I believe that more and more, abusive environment are growing right in our faces but from our perspectives, it's unnoticeable. There are present in our families (domestic and extended), our jobs (I know it's happen where I'm at, increased production levels but no increase in pay, I'm just saying), our educational systems (teachers unwillingly to "bend" for the sake of helping students but "break" their spirit to finish their education), our government (need I say more), and our religious affiliations (abusive leaders, faiths, and belief systems). A couple of days ago, I wrote a blog about "How To Deal With A Sociopath" and my purpose for reading that blog was to sort of set a foundation. The foundation is that more and more sociopaths aren't always serial killers, but are everyday people like you and me finding ways to attain positions of power to influence or determine the lives of others. The different aspects of our everyday life mentioned a couple of sentences earlier, these sociopaths have successfully gained positions of "authority." People without accountability, moral standards, remorse, principles, but are filled with selfishness, manipulation, coercion, and control. Within these systems they have built overtime in the hearts, minds, souls, and spirits of people are four types:

1. victims
2. outcasts
3. enablers
4. co-conspirators

I will provide a link at the end of this post where the writer will provide more information on each of these positions.

The position I want to discuss is the enabler position, which I believe many of us are and don't even realize it. Enablers are those who look up to these "sociopathic" individuals. Maybe these SPs (sociopaths) did something that "saved" their lives or showed an act of "kindness." Maybe these SPs have attained great "success" in their field(s) of occupation. These SPs are "pious", "deep", and have various educational accolades in their lifetime. Most SPs I know personally are very charismatic, eloquent, very emotional, and crafty with their words. However, these people have only one goal in mind, to "eat, sleep, conquer, repeat" their objectives over every bleeding and weak human soul they "touch." These people are now conditioned in various belief systems, ways, methods, lifestyles, modes of thinking, and relationships created by these SPs. Now, these SPs have created a vision of themselves in these people as those who can "do no wrong" and cannot be questioned for anything they do. Wow. They can kill people over selfish reasons and people will still call them "good people" (i.e. - Charlie Manson). These SPs can literally rape people of their life's savings and "abuse" fatherless young men, pay a settlement and people will still follow their "teachings" (i.e.- "Bishop" Eddie Long). These SPs have allowed laws to "illegally" oversee that communications of the average American (i.e. - The Bush Administration). I can go on and on but throughout all these different situations generated by these SPs, there are enablers sitting there and allowing these things to happen. They allow these SPs to destroy the lives of innocent, hardworking, just-worthy people, financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally (I keep saying these don't I lately?). They allow SPs to lie to people in their face, disclose very personal information the unknowing party or parties need to know. SPs are allowed to set themselves up as "gods" without a God or man to judge and penalize them. Enablers are now the unlimited source of the SPs power. A wife being physically or sexually abused by her husband enables this as long as she "loves" him, prays for him, and keeps her mouth shut. A congregation can continue to "Pope Alexander VI" people and use their hard earned money to buy new cars, houses, and material things and sexually/emotionally abuse people without questioning them. Students can continue to allow unethical teachers and board members to wrongfully fail them as long as they say, "oh well, it is what it is." The American public can continue allow the government to keep people homeless, cut benefit programs, and spend our Social Security money (hello) from the fear of "prosecution." As workers, we can allow the upper echelon of our employers to create unethical practices (which unions allow due to exploiting workers and gaining ground on their own "interests") and say, "oh well, I've got a job, why should I rock the boat?). What I'm saying is this, my friends, most of us (including myself, which I've "recently" vacated) are "silent enablers." We keep our mouths closed, look away from various forms and levels of injustice, and continue to live our lives like these SPs aren't doing anything to make the lives of the commonwealth "harder." You may also think that your presence being in these different places of abuse will change the SPs mind. Not. SPs will only get worse and hide their true nature until the day they die (i.e. - they won't change, remember King Saul?). My encouragement to you is this, make the decision to stop being a silent enabler and become a whistle blower. Share with others information you know and be ready to be "rejected of many." At least you've freed yourself and your conscience of the information you know. If you can help open the eyes of one, then you're doing a great job, just don't be another one solidifying the powers of SPs.

Til next time, my friends, "I Got A Letter From The Government The Other Day" Dave.....


Good stuff.....

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