Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Hypocrisy of America's Racism

The more time goes by, the more bullshit happens and what happened in Charlottesville Virginia is bullshit. Please believe, I've gone through a couple of rough drafts to speak my mind on this matter and now I'm ready to share my thoughts. Trump's presidency has turned another page in the ongoing saga that continues, which is racism, prejudice, and discrimination. To be quite honest, these three things are etched in the USA's DNA and many of us still believe this country was founded on "christian values." At first, I say it's nonsense but as I comb through my vast knowledge of Christianity and the Bible, I agree with the latter (but not in the way you think).

You see, the main purpose of Christianity, especially when it comes to America, is dominionism. Dominionism in a nut shell is about one group of people taking control and conquering another group of people different from them. It's no secret this pattern of "Christianity" has plagued immigrants, Native Americans, slaves, blacks, Latinos, and every other person who doesn't fit the physical description of the descendants of "Shem" (the righteous and chosen of God). Fast forward August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville Virginia where the reported "alt-right" White power movements came together and made their statement, "we're here to make America great again" (meaning, we're here to gain dominion and take over America as we once did). Even your boy David Duke and other mentionable people have thanked the president for his "support." Do I think the president is a racist? Maybe, maybe not. However, Trump isn't the point of where I'm going, it's about the climate America has been condoning for way too long, racism.

This conflict that happened this past weekend shows that people are still hating others because of "the color of their skin but not the content of their character" (if it's a shitty character). This isn't just applicable to whites, it's for every race who can't stand somebody else because they look differently than them. This dislike for someone's skin color also breeds the desire to usurp them and have dominion over them. This isn't right but since the beginning of time, my friends, this has been America's MO. What's fucked up is, America is always telling other nations and peoples what to do, how to do, and when to do. However, America's hypocrisy is being exposed yet again and we're still practicing this shit called racism. You know what else is fucked up, under racist's umbrella, prejudice, discrimination, and color ism thrives. The people of power (dominionists) underfoot the people who are power-less.

The other side I'd like to point out about this past weekend's fiasco is that White Supremacy's kicks are becoming more like a dog's bark. Right now, the Asians are kicking White Supremacy's ass when it comes to making that dollar. Although whites (supremacists) may be the face of this noted supremacy (many blacks love to quote), the Asians have become America's measuring stick and now leaders of the free world that is in America. I'm thinking, these assholes who marched finally see that the power they used to have is nothing more than powder puff. They want that power back but to quote a god emcee, the Asians will "not surrender it" and that's a goddamn fact. Now let's take this home.

Racism is bullshit and America has used the tools of capitalism, politics, and religion to keep this shit rolling. These are the "christian values" that have now got us in a lot of shit and it's time to go back to the drawing board. Of course, racism will not stop as long as the world revolves; however, I believe it's time to "reason together" and talk this bullshit out. Why are we racist? Was this because of our upbringing? Are we racist because we see other people of different races making that paper we're not making? Is our racism caused by our ever-growing sociopathy? Is racism caused by our ignorance?
I'll say yes to all of these questions. It's time for us to get off the horse of our hypocrisy. Every race on this goddamn planet has contributed to everything we see, use, touch, smell, and eat; every race. TO HATE SOMEONE ELSE BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN IS TO HATE YOURSELF.

This is public message to you assholes who call yourselves white supremacist and pro-blacks. GTFOH with BS you talking and get with the fucking program; that is to LIVE YOUR LIFE AND GET MONEY.

Till Next Time.....

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