Friday, August 4, 2017

Is Free Speech Becoming Extinct?

Before I went to work this morning, I read a headline stating Lena Dunham (of Girls fame) made an "allegation" that some American Airlines employees made "transphobic comments." Colin Kapernick hasn't landed an NFL organization due to his stance concerning the Black Lives Matter movement. Recently, YouTube has been upping the ante on how vloggers are presenting their content and if any form of "hate speech" is deemed (or reported by the trolls), their entire channel gets shut down. We can see this same shit is happening to social networking "gurus" on Twitter and Facebook. If they say something "out the pocket", their page(s) get suspended without warning. My only question is this, what the hell is our society coming to? One of my favorite stand up comedies is Andrew Dice Clay's "Face Down, Ass Up" and in his late 90s rant, he talked about how free speech was becoming more like limited speech. Fast forward to August 2017, we have seen free speech becoming more limited, primarily to the changes in our society via social media. We've had so many movements within the past 5 years, from Black Lives Matter, ISIS, and the LGBT community. Anyone that has logically spoke against and/or criticized these movements, they been considered bigots, hell, devils. Sometimes, when people expressed their "disappointments" or thoughts about these movements, they've been right. When people spoke against ISIS being nothing more than a power hungry money grab for people using Islam as the tool, they might get touched. When people criticized the BLM movement concerning its leaders true intentions, they were called coons and sambos. When people noted transgenders not being honest with people they hook up with wrong, they're called discriminatory. In all these instances and others are society is festering, people are to comply with the trends instead of going against the grain. Shit, man. Don't tell your Christian friends you're an atheist, they'll tell you you're going to hell. Don't tell single mothers who keep getting pregnant by dudes who aren't shit they're wrong, they're ready to fight you. Don't tell a gay man or a lesbian they're wrong for  trying to seduce somebody's spouse, they'll call you prejudiced. Don't stand up for a cause because your job might fire your ass. Don't tell a black person to stop blaming white people for their individual fuck ups, they'll call you a coon. Don't tell a KKK member that the same stoplight they use was created by a black man, they're ready to hang you. You see, having your own mind, opinion, and manner of speech is unacceptable. Individualism is frowned upon and if you're flowing against the currents of society, you're considered an outsider. I know for myself, I'm an outspoken person, not boastfully, and believe I have the right to speak freely. However, I feel the weight of society on me because who I am, what I believe in, and what I say will result in motherfuckers getting offended. These days you can't say shit because people are mentally weak and can't stay on the kitchen (the same one they keep opening). What the fuck, man? Why can't we let each be free speak, regardless of its right or wrong? That's what makes life interesting because through conversation, we see all the shades this world is. The people who are being easily offended because somebody says something they don't like should go fuck themselves. Every time somebody says something I don't like, should I be offended every single fucking time? Hell to the naw, to the naw, naw, naw. Come on people, let's not be kids about this shit. Everybody has the right to their own opinion, that's what fundamentally makes America different from the rest. Think about that...

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