Thursday, February 14, 2013


My friends, sabotage is in the air. It's floating around like a stench of baby poo in the trash can (laugh somebody). I can honestly say that my senses have been heightened to understand sabotage when it rears it's ugly face. We are seeing sabotage occurring more and more on planet Earth no matter where you go. For example look at President Obama. I didn't get a chance to see the 2013 State of the Union address but I can probably envision seeing certain congressmen hating on his views. He probably made some great points and some jokers in the audience probably didn't clap their hands or give honor to where it's due. Then after the man was finished, they "conspire" to stop every agenda he's trying to push (to help Americans) for their own dishonest gain (let's pray for our President). Now that's sabotage. We've seen sabotage occur throughout our world history. The Senate publicly killing Roman emperor Julius Caesar. The sergeant being left for dead by another soldier in Platoon movie. A new leader of a company trying to move it to new levels of innovation but his/her team members are irreverent in their disapproval. A father trying to instill discipline in his children to follow rules but they're cussing him out. A teacher in a high school classroom is trying to educate her students but has to deal with one knucklehead interrupting the whole class. It's crazy, dude. But that's the work of sabotage. I recall an instance of sabotage Jesus was marketing a new strategy of ageless principles in the land of Israel. He chopped it up with those who the Pharisees looked upon as rotten, grimy people. However, Jesus reached out to them and they listened. However, the Pharisees didn't like that because they felt their influence in Jewish society was being threatened. So what do these jokers say about Him. Oh, that dude must be a drunkard. Oh, he's this and he's that. Sabotage will try to ruin others' reputation through lies, deceit, which is all stemming from jealousy. Sabotage. Or what a a out that time when Aaron and Miriam spoke evil about Moses' leadership skills along with dissing his wife (probably called her everything under the sun, too)? They were trying to sabotage Moses from leading the people to the promised land. Even Paul dealt with religious leaders smacking him against the head while he was witnessing the grace of Jesus Christ to roman officials to keep him quiet about the truth. My friends, especially those who are destined for greatest, keep your antennas up, because sabotage is present around you. Like Paul says, we can't be ignorant of Satan's devices and they are readily made to sabotage destiny, purpose, and focus. Sabotage can come from anybody, anywhere, or anything. My friends, I allowed a whole year (2012) to be ruined because I allowed sabotage to take me not from behind but right in my face. Instead of fighting against it and strategies, I laid down and died. But now, I'm like a warrior, sort of like William Wallace, I'm fighting against sabotage. As my man Starnes told me, you've got to fight. So, let me leave you with these words from my man Peter and let it make you wise:

1st Peter 4:1-2:
"Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;  That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God."

As we commit more of ourselves to God, this means we've got to up our wisdom to war against sabotage. Stay alert. Stay alive. And remember, no matter who or what you are, sabotage is always looking to take you down. Through wisdom and strategy we will defeat this foe.

Til next time, esta luego, dgwo.

Luke 7:33-35
1st Peter 4:1-2

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