Friday, January 18, 2013

Listen To The Old Schools

I'm glad for the jobs I've worked in my recent work history. I've had the pleasure of taking in a lot people whom I refer to as the old schools. What are old schools? These are people both men and women who experienced things a newer generation hasn't. They have a lot of wisdom, insight, retrospect, and intellect new schools don't have. They go another route when they see danger rising rather than a younger dude who's inquisitive will keep on and get maimed. From handling finances, to treating your family right, to beating you down at the pool hall to help increase your acumen; they are priceless. Solomon said it best that we should never take down the landmarks our predecessors set. We are to look on them and listen to them even when it feels like they are telling us what's wrong with us instead of our accomplishments. This is what they are hear for to tighten our shot group and make us better. They are our groomers and shapers. I think many of us avoid being around them because they're always teaching us about some aspect of life mainly from their own experiences. Life on life as J'son would say. However, these are teachable moments we need to grasp because in these times we're living in, they are few, few, and in between. They can teach us a thing or two about how to be better husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, business people, students, etc. Me, even in my thirties, I'm around a lot of old schools. When I talk to my dad he'll spend about 2 hours telling me what and what not to do in my family life. My godfather will always tell me to take pictures because every part of life is precious and time is something we don't get back. My first and one year ahead of me cousin always tells me to live life to the fullest the way God instructs you to do. Even old schools at my job will share with you some jokes that most won't get but see hilarious! We need to stop stopping our ears to what they are saying and listen. Get our heads out of our third point of contact and listen. Whether they cuss like sailors or respectful in all their manners, dig through the coals to find the diamonds they hold. God is the giver of all wisdom and knowledge and He uses many people to store them. Let's not be like Balaam who refused to listen to a dumb donkey trying to keep us from doing something stupid. Let's not be like Rehoboam who listened to his peers rather than his elders concerning important issues. Let's be like Paul who sat at the feet of Gamaliel and learned many things about life from him. Let's be like Moses when his father-in-law Jethro was spitting game to him on how to structure leadership within the people of Israel. Let's be like Solomon who sat by the bedside of his dying father David to hear his experiences, wisdom, and the need to love God before anything or anyone else. These are the treasures of the old schools still hear today. They may walk a little slower than us and may be a bit frugal, but we will learn how to live well and long as them. They may seem strict and old fashioned in how they handle situations but look at the respect many give them. Some of them may be in the gutter but the pearls they hold inside and share with us will make our lives smooth as butter. They may walk with a gangster lean or tell dry jokes but I assure you they'll bless your life beyond measure. They are our mentors and warn us that history repeats itself; that those who experience will not get lucky if they don't listen to their instructions. So much to say about them. I thank God for the old schools in my life. You should be thankful, too. If you don't have any, well, I know what to ask God for concerning you. We need wisdom because it's the principal thing, ya heard?! Listen to the old schools, my friends. TRUST!!! snap, snap (rich Valley girl voice)

Special thanks to William "Dad O" Overton, Kevin Holt, Pastors "Q & C" Scott, Al McAllister, Jermaine "Lavar" Carmichael, My parents and Pastors "A&A" Scott, Starnes & Starnes, Beenie Freeney, Big Sam, and my music teacher William "Bassman" Mayo. You all have impacted my life in a major way.

Til next time, dgwo

Exodus 18
Numbers 22:22-35
1st Kings 2:1-4
1st Kings 12
Proverbs 22:28
Acts 22:3

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