Monday, August 10, 2015

Do Black Lives Really Matter?

This has been a tumultuous year for the overall black community. Sandra Bland, Christian Taylor, etc, the list of black people dead at the hands of law enforcement is overwhelming. I'm pretty sure tragedies that have been tagged as "race related" will continue in America. As I was taught 20 years ago, "you're going to see a lot things happen when you all become adults." Mr. King wasn't lying but some others are. For the past couple of months, maybe longer, we've been introduced to the hashtag, "Black Lives Matter." For the average person, it's very easy to jump on the bandwagon, go to protests, march, and voice our outcry against injustices toward blacks. As I look deeper into the black community (also the move from Texas to Alabama helped), I'm seeing a lot of hypocrisy in my community. The revamped notion of "the white man" is in full effect. I agree, there are still signs of racism in this country. Truthfully, there's racism in all races against other races in this country. Now the Black Lives Matter campaign is climbing the mountain top in a pseudo MLK fashion (which most of our "newer" black generation don't know). But we don't see Jackson or Sharpton walking through the streets of Chicago to simmer down the senseless killings due to black on black crime. - Side note - Hell, thesdopportunists were disallowed in the Ferguson situation. - We don't see black social (empowerment) groups in the South demanding TV time to address the AIDS/HIV problems in the black community (mostly from 16-24). We don't hear black preachers condemn other preachers/churches from swindling "the saints" of their time and money just to please "Jesus." Black communities aren't coming together to put public school systems in check to provide better educational resources for their children. Unless Oprah touches it, the black community is very hush on the rampant sexual abuses of our children. As soon as a cop (no matter the race), "kills" a black person, we tear up black and/or locally owned businesses that support a community than tear up the places (government buildings/etc) that are perpetuating our broken legal/penal systems. Unlike the stars of the 60s and 70s, which were doers, we Facebook/Twitter "reporters" are bullshitters. We have become slaves to sensationalized media and unable to form individual opinions. As W.E.B. Dubois once said, "we do things to impress others", meaning we become members of groupthink than be our own man/woman. You see, I know that black lives don't matter to blacks no matter how we spin it. Growing up in the 80s' crack/cocaine/AIDS epidemic, I see those same problems still don't matter to us now (get it). Just last week, a white kid was killed by a cop for no reason. Are we acknowledging this? What about the illegal immigrants being funneled through the sex and drug trade? Do their lives matter? For us "black folk", we're the only folks deserving justice including a pacifier and 40 acres with a mule. Fuck that. It's time to change the way we think and it starts by educating ourselves. But knowing us, "black folk", self-education without externally forced behavioral modification, will not happen. In my opinion, there are poor whites and other races/ethnicities that have or are worse victims than us. All Lives Matter, a perspective coming from a man whose been across the world. Don't you see the American citizen, no matter the race, are persecuted by the same maniacal force? To the average black person, we're the only victim.

Till next time....

Monday, June 15, 2015

You Can Keep Your "Jesus"

If anyone believes on the name of Jesus, the same will be saved. That's a street version quote from the book of Romans. Centuries later, this phrase has been used to give people the power, authority, and dominion in the "earth realm." Yes, this is so true and millions are spirits are being led astray from the Jesus they need to know about. For the past few months, I've been thinking on a scripture I used to read a lot and only understood from the "churchy" perspective. To corner phrase, "who has tricked you?" Another says, "anyone talking about another Jesus that you received on a one on one basis, let him be cursed." I guess a lot of ho-hum, spirit filled, tongue taking, handclapping, tithe giving, hands raising Chrisitians didn't read the email. Even the man himself warns to heed the voice of reason (truth) so you won't heed the voice of another (wolves). I and millions of  others allowed ourselves to be tricked, hitched, and our necks slit. We get baited into believing that we have the "Holy Ghost" by speaking with tongues as the spirit gives utterance (yet lack common sense and other cultural skills to be successful in this world). If this isn't happening, we aren't filled and technically not "saved." We are taught to give our 10 percent of our gross earnings while the government takes less than that from our paycheck. If we don't give them we're not blessed but cursed. We are taught that to live the Chrisitian life we have to go to church. If we don't go to church, we are subjected to the whims of this "world." We are taught that God gives us pastors after his own heart to lead, guide, impart, and release us into "ministry." If not, we will never walk in the "fullness of God." One word for all this-Mess." For over a year now, people say, you're saying all this because you've been hurt by the church. That's bs too because my outprocess from chrisitanity began as early as summer 2012. I saw that the world isn't wicked, just the a-holes we allow to have power and control. I learned that a lot of stuff I've learned since a child to adulthood doesn't work for me. I learned that since a child, I've only known this "Jesus" that will accept you into heaven if you do this, this, and this..... Presently, we are seeing chrisitanity and the institution of "church" for what is really is yet those who are a part of the "Babylonian" system have their eyes blinded by the gods of this age (pastors, fake apostles and prophets, teachers, and evangelists). They, just as I did, enable a system that continues to indoctrinate folks into a thought process that dumbs that 99% of their human intelligence. People are shunning "the gospel" because they know it's propaganda is being used to turn out people like pimps to hoes. This "Jesus" proclaimed by the majority of Chrisitans isn't Jesus at all. The Jesus in the gospels didn't exclude people unless those people were excluding others from knowing God for themselves without a preacher or man-made doctrines. The Jesus I know (I'll agree with Carlton on this one) wants everybody to know God for themselves; everybody. The Jesus I know only judged the world of folks that's making life difficult for the masses, not everyone who's not a part of the church. Hell, the Jesus I know didn't preach separatism because one sins differently than the next person. That's the real Jesus, not this con artist that's quoting Abraham to support a preacher buying a 65 million dollar plane. Yeah, it may sound like I'm pissed again but that's not the case. I would like to see more people see that this Jesus they believe in is nothing but a ICE train to nothing. I guess Kanye was right after all....

Just my opinion.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Where Is The Love?

The older I get, as the times change, I'm seeing that love has become a superficial word we as a society to use. Stevie Wonder had a song that posed this question back in the 90s. Almost 20 bullets later, his truth looks absolute. I believe more and more people are becoming sociopaths to be honest. Hell, I see sociopathic tendencies in my own behavior. This morning I had to accord that I've allowed life to "trip me up." I realized that love is it already has left my heart. Or maybe I'm feeling the effects of what I perceive going on around me. Mothers are turning against their daughters. Fathers abandon their sons. Friends turn on each other. Someone catches the raw end of the deal and if they don't have a shoulder to cry on, the hurt go out into the world hurting others. I've distanced myself so I don't become the asshole others have been to me. I'll tell you right now, within the past two weeks, I've seen the total disparity of  humanity, from family, to job, to religion. All I have to ask is, where is the love? How can family members say they love each other but put knives in each other's back? How can churches/preachers  say they love God but condemn others unlike them? How can friends friend enemies; thereby betray their other friends to run with their enemies? How can spouses think so lowly of each other when things get hard? Ask yourself, where is the love in your love? 

Til Next Time.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hatred In The Black Community

God knows I don't want to talk about this but I need to. There's a lot of hatred in the black community. What do I mean by this? There's a lot of hatred towards each other. I guess the red letters are right, brother against brother, sister against sister, father against son, mother against daughter. In my opinion, I believe hatred within the black community can be listed as such:

1. Each other's success: When one is on the cusp or has achieved success (without screwing somebody), the other contempt for them. They tell other folks how they helped the successful one make it to where they are, to belittle them. Or just bad mouth them altogether to ruin their reputation, business, and legacy built on honesty and hard work. It's sad because we as a black community should be treating each other better but we won't. I've hoped for that day since the 80s, it's just not going to happen.

2. Life: If a black girl talks "white-ish" or expresses concerns of violence in the black co,,unity, they are called "Oreos" and coons. They're not black enough. Wow. And some of you can't lie because this actually happens in the black community.

3. Backstabbing/Lies: There are some of us in the black community that love to backstab and lie to get our way. As the O'Jays stated, for the love of money and fame, we'll take from each other. Do you think they were talking about the white man? Hell no. They were talking about the black community. We love to defame each other with lies to put ourselves on pedestals because we lack self esteem and love in our hearts.

4. Money: OMG, we'll rob, steal, kill, and destroy each other to get that green that changes in value every milli-second of the day. At times, we bait each other with these "better life now" business schemes and leaves others in financial ruin. And I'm guilty of what I'm about to say, we are so,e materialistic folks. If one has the latest gadget, we got to have it. With the more excesses we get is the more debt we incur. Therefore, we lose our buying powers and as one says this, they're called a coon or ignored. From Kinston to Compton. 

5. Services: Following our problems with money,WE LOVE FREE AND HATE TO PAY. For example, if a black man is looking for support from his own community let's say a car wash, he might as well get ready to get that support from other communities. Or for a hair stylist, they've got to put their feet down on the price of their services. If not, they won't make the money they're suppose to make. We'll pay "the white man" his money on or before time but when it's time to pay each other, "oh, I ain't forgot." Hmmmm....

6. Sexual Abuse: I myself having direct experience with this, sexual abuse is still a taboo topic. In the 80s, it was molestation of kids, forced homosexuality,  and AIDS. In the 90s, teen pregnancy, molestation, incest, and AIDS. Well, the 2000s, there's too many of this to name. I know this topic occurs in every race on the planet but I can only speak for mine. The black community is ready to condemn the LGBT community but becomes silent when it comes to the "taboo" sexual issues. 

7. Spiritual Abuse: Since most (I assume) people in the black community proclaim Jesus Christ is "truly the head of their lives", the same are experiencing spiritual abuse. Last year, the news talked about black pastors spreading the AIDS to their female congregants. We've heard of people like David Lee being "escorted" out of TD Jakes' church for exposing the truth about "tithing." We've heard one preacher misusing the words of Christ to justify his need of receiving funds to help pay back the loan on his new 65 million dollar plane (Creflo already got it folks). Since the slavery days, the black community have inherited (been brainwashed) the slave master version of Christ. And it just won't stop....

8. Love: We love rims. We love new clothes. We love new houses. We love pretence. We love fame. We love DNA (dick and attention....I've borrowed that from Mr. Sotomayor). We love mental slavery. We love the clubs. We love spending money. But you know what we don't love, each other. I tell my wife all the time, my few years in Princeton, NC was the only time I experienced hatred from another race. You know whose screwed me the most in the life, black folks. 

9. The White Man: I've heard throughout the years that the black community feels entitled to "40 acres and a mule." Guess what, keep dreaming. I know we've experienced a lot, police brutality, slavery, education, and this list goes on. Some things are for sure, we can't blame the white man for everything. We can't blame him for not educating ourselves through school, trades, the Internet. We can't blame him for not working from the bottom, adding to our work skills; thereby moving up. Nope, some of us want things to be given but unwilling to earn them. If anyone has the right of entitlement it should be the Native Americans. Read about the Trail of Tears and other atrocities brought upon them since America was "discovered." Oh yeah, you can't blame the white man for slavery. If the majority of us knew history, it was the dominant African tribes conquering and selling other tribes to receive for tools and luxuries of superiority. Hold that...

10. Black Pride: It's okay to have black pride but that doesn't mean the black community has the right to make itself superior to other races. This also means we shouldn't be thinking we're better than each other either. As my old platoon sergeant used to say, I put on my pants the same way you do. Duly noted, top.

Now, I do have black friends and we talk about this very frequently about the mind state of the black community. I really didn't want to talk about this but I was about to explode, my friends. Oh well...

Take it or leave it, till next time....


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Some Relationships Are Made To Be Broken

Letting go for people who love others is a hard thing to do. For some reason, those people who are supposed to receive love from others are cry devilish people. I just call them devils. Women stay with men who beat them with their hands and their words. Men stay with women who emasculate them with their selfish desires. Teenagers continue to call "acquaintances" friends who dirty their names through the school halls. Children are bullied by other children because they're not "normal." It's a sad cycle that's hard to break. But the cycle must be broken. We toss and turn in the beds of our minds trying to find a way to get the other party(ies) to love us and treat us the way we should be treated. We pray, fast, and buy others material things to show our allegiance to them. The end result equals more heartache and pain. When it's time to burn the bridge, we are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially bankrupt. We are left bruised and battered by the damage. As we suffer they continue on in life doing the same things done to us to other gullible and naive people. That's a damn shame. We may ask the question, "God, why me?" Here's your answer. It's called learning hard lessons and they must be shared with others in the same mess we were in. Life is a flowing river and anything stopping that flow must be removed. They say inertia is the driving force that breaks all limits and boundaries. For many of us, it's people and we have to make the hard choice to put these hurtful relationships to sleep. For good, mate. It has to be done and if not your life will amount to nothing. What if Diana Ross didn't break up with her former husband, she would've never made hits again. What if Princess Diana never left her husband, she would've never experienced happiness before he untimely death. What if Martin Luther never spoke against the Catholic Church, people would never have the freedom of thought in environments of religious oppression. What if Prince never challenged Warner Bros, his career would've been stifled. Why are we trying to reconcile or maintain relationships life is sending us emails to cut loose? They are too many other people on this planet who will love and accept us for who we are. Pick up your head and open you eyes, my friends.

Til next time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

An Eye For An Eye

It's written that we should turn the other cheek when someone "smites us." Sorry, this doesn't apply to every situation we face in life. Honestly, this doesn't apply to me. In certain situations, we've got to strike back at those who try to take away what's ours. Some of us who rather turn the other cheek stay stuck in situations facilitated by the perpetrators. Then, in a corner phrase, we say it's "the will of God." That's ludicrous to think that way. We get stuck in a position that's holding us back from living our lives while the perps are living theirs at our expense. Tell me somebody, does God Himself sanction this behavior? I don't think so. Look at what's going on in the world. The working class in certain urban parts of China are living in underground quarters and barely making it. While this is going on, the rich and powerful are living as royalty at their expense. Women who were sexually assaulted by the former head of the IMF are living with pain. What about him? Still living like a king. As more innocent US citizens are being profiled, wrongfully detained, and at times, murdered, those in power continue to break the codes of our amendment rights. Some people just pray to God about these things hoping He will magically work it out. A lot of times, that doesn't happen. He gave us a powers called initiative and reason. We have them to "fix" these issues in a diplomatic yet stern manner (I'm learning people, cussing folks out doesn't work either). When people play that game, we don't keep letting them do it, we strike back. Look at what happened in Baltimore, look at what Mayweather did to shut the haters down (including me), look at what Halle Berry did to keep the paparazzi in check. They didn't pray or fast about it. They didn't sit and wait for a miracle. They said, an eye for an eye. You see, people nowadays don't dig the 
k-nowledge until "guns go warm." It takes them feeling your "gangster" to see their behavior and "ethics" aren't workable for the "commonwealth (us). We're living in times when people just don't care so we shouldn't care to hit them right back. No longer should we get at folks who didn't cause our pain. We get at them that did and be proud we stood up for something when they feel "our heat." Many of us are afraid to do so because we've been brainwashed thinking we're going to hell for performing  "paybacks." I think God will give us a high five because we stopped being people's doormats. I live by this principle: "For anyone who does t stand for something will fall for anything (trust me)." I don't expect for everyone to understand this grown man talk. To those who do, you're not crazy. Live by the principle of an eye for an eye. Don't kill nobody or do some overzealous mess now (prison is real). Just hit them the perps where it hurts (heart, mind, and soul). Make them an example of what happens to those who try to stifle you and yours for their dishonest gain. You'll feel better in the end.

 Til next time, my friends.....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Be Your Own Person

We're living in the age of clones. When a popular or famous person does something, the masses fall suit. Whenever someone doesn't go the major route, he or she is "left out." They become the minority against the majority. They're not looking to be in conflict with others but you know how conversations go, right? You say something that's different from what everyone else is saying, you bet your penny you'll be hearing about it. "You're wrong." "But you have to look at it like this." And my least favorite, "The Bible says..." Being your own person isn't easy because deep inside, like everyone else, we yearn to be accepted of others. The problem grows when we seek affirmation from others and don't affirm ourselves. I've seen and known many people in my lifetime that are just doing what everyone else is doing with a smile on their face (eyes say something else). But I've got the gift of discernment; and it tells me those people are hating life. They're playing the game of life like everyone else instead of playing their position. Everybody's not King James or Queen Sharmell (WWE fame), maybe we're supposed to be us. Many of us think the same because that's what is accepted. Try having a mind of your win. Some of us have our hair the same; because that is what's accepted. Try wearing your hair differently. Many of us are living like other people are living, try living your own life (dreams, bills, plan, way of life). Somebody else's truth is not your truth. Your truth is not someone else's truth. The only objective truth is God and life on this earth. Man has to subject to them however these objective truths come to him (individually). 

I'm learning to be my own person and hate any form of conformity people try to swing my way. I hope you all begin the search that will (in the words of KillahPriest), "request the universe." Don't sit here living life on everyone else's terms. Live life on your own terms. You'll feel better when you get older.

Til ext time....

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Wicked Never Die

2015 hasn't been too kind to American society so far, primarily to those who are law abiding American citizens. The event that took place in Baltimore is a hint that the more things change, the more things stay the same. It's great that those cops are being indicted for the death of Mr. Gray but we should know this won't be the last. The case of Mr. Martin should've got the ball rolling on the "powers that be" to fixed a broken and unjust penal/legal system. I remember my 9th grade history teacher, Mr. Eddie King told us" you're going to see a lot things happen from this day forward." Boy, wasn't he right. Someone told me it his past Sunday that we should "turn the other cheek" when someone "smites us." My favorite to that, BULLSHIT." In today's world, it's "AN EYE FOR AN EYE." That's what's happening right now. How long are we supposed to forgive, pray about it, and give it God? How many more people have to get murdered by police using excessive force on the innocent? How many more lives have to be controlled so the powers that be maintain their thrones in ou society? How many more children have to put up with the public school systems' idocracies of education? How many more crooked religious leaders will get away with brainwashing and terrorism? I've come to believe now that the wicked never die. Yes, no human being has the ability to live forever but the systems they filter in society does. Yes, black people have the right to vote and equal opportunities beyond measure but prejudice and racism are very prevalent in slowing this down. Yes, women have to ability to make as much if not more than their male counterparts in the workplace. However, they are stifled from achieving this reality. How many more immigrants will be deported but still used to build and restructure the homes and highways we use? Somebody please answer my question? It seems like to be successful in this country, you have to be an asshole or sociopath to do so. That's a damn shame. Recently, I've had bouts with becoming the same but in my heart of hearts, I just can't do it. But my heart, mind, and soul realizes that the wicked never die. Somehow, they get away with murder, rape, lies in the court, unequal legislation, debauchery, and other excesses. In the process, innocent blood is being spilled and these jokers don't have regrets about it. Is this God's plan, for the righteous (people trying the play the game of doing right) to suffer? I don't know for sure but I do know it's the plan of the wicked. They will continue to be wicked and raise up more assholes to more than what they've ever done. I'm glad the people of Baltimore are rioting and hope they "burn that bitch down." The wicked don't care about lives, they only care about wealth (people, money, power, property, control). Unfortunately, the masses of America doesn't see that; due to ours faces being stuck on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's easy to be wicked but hard as hell being righteous. Wickedness requires no conscience, righteousness does; the ever growing tensions of man. So long as the wicked never die, the righteous will and no martial law will shut down the voices of reason. As Roman Reigns would say, "Believe That."

Til next time......

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hello, I'm A Devil

Almost a year ago, "someone" called my wife and said that I am "the devil." Well, let's see what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says about this word:

- an evil spirit
- an extremely wicked person
a person of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit; also  :  one who is mischievous
something very trying or provoking
severe criticism or rebuke
the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something

So, am I this type of person? Am I really the devil? This past week, I feel like I am. Let me tell you why.

Since I've been 6 or 7 years old, I've known that I'm different. I'm an oddity, unorthodox, open minded, irreligious, and an all around nice guy. Oh yeah, I am VERY opinionated.

Since leaving the Christian religion (thank God) and refuting every other religion there is in this beautiful world (including dogmatism), I've been catching it. Any of you who've been following my blogs for a minute, I've gone through a "wonderful change." I've got no problem outing pimp preachers, historical facts about religions (i.e.-King James "Version", who was an openly gay man), talking about different waves of relationships, and the list goes on. I've got this one newly former friend get out the pocket and I had to put him in his place. Now I understand, I am a devil.

I'm a devil in certain sub-cultures of American society because I share my opinion (based on facts) and won't downplay or mince my words to make you feel better. Obviously, for the past 2 year journey to finding what this life is really about, people haven't done so with me. I'm a devil to people who like to live in their fantasy world where they believe the world revolves around them. I'm a devil because I'm not into deceptive group thinking and proud of my individuality. I'm a devil because I'd rather tell people the truth than tell a lie. I'm a devil because I take whatever road brings me to where I need to be instead of being like other folks sticking to the "one way" route.

I'll be a devil but for real though, I'm an angel. I'm not deceptive. I can be problematic to certain sociopathic, dogmatic individuals. I only get real with criticism and rebukes when those same folks get out of pocket because they believe in what THEY'RE saying is all the way right. I'm only trying and provoking when certain situations occur. I've got notable energy but not reckless, mischievous, or dashing. I'm definitely not an extremely wicked person or inhabited with evil spirits.

I'm being called and treated like a devil or a person who's lost because one, I'm not a Christian (and loving it) and don't back down to bullshit. People forget, I'm an Overton, and we don't lay down, we get down (in a verbal sense, not a physical sense). I'm not the only in this world feeling this way. I think we really don't care what people think or call us. Actually, when I'm treated like and called a devil, it boosts the inertia of success in my life. The real devils are those judging people, manipulating people, and living a world in a control. Unfortunately, there are more of us than them.
In the famous singing sigh of Bobby Womack, "huuuh." "People fear what they can't understand, that's the just the theory of man..." - Nasir Jones

Well, I know my post today is a bit "off" but eat the meat and spill out the bones.

Till next time, "Devilish Disco Dave......"

Friday, April 24, 2015


Karma - (b)
  • : the force created by a person's actions that some people believecauses good or bad things to happen to that person
- Merriam Webster Dictionary

This morning, I got some information that put my life on cloud nine. However, it's unfortunate that other people in this particular person's surrounding has to suffer. I pray that God will take care of them but I don't have the same regard for this individual. I've told numerous people I know, some friend and some foe, that the big pay back was coming. Months later, the process is beginning and my soul is pleased to know this unrespectable individual is going to pay. Sure, David had many chances to make their life a living hell way more than what they made mine. I guess the nice guy in my heart is still alive and blocked my fingers from doing a "Deep Throat" (Watergate) operation. For the past few months, forgiveness has ran through my heart. I didn't choose to forgive so that God would forgive me. I chose to forgive so I wouldn't become a scumbag like them. It worked out pretty good for a soon to be 34 year old man from Duke Hospital. I've learned in life that when you lie, manipulate, steal, and finagle your way to get what you want at the expense of others, your demise is on the way. The funny thing is, this person is going to keep on til the day they die. Forget about hell, you're experiencing hell on earth in your mind. Every time they sleep, it's not a peaceful one. Everywhere they go, the pricks are digging in their heart. They can't think because the last bit of conscience they've got reminds them of the people they've screwed. Bit by bit, they're losing the crummy life they built. Soon, their kingdom will fall. Well, good riddance. So, if you're reading this blog, I warned you. I told you that you fucked  with the Williams-Overton-Royals bloodline. You may derail us but know this; a heat seeking missile will follow you until it hits you. I forgive you but that doesn't negate your impending judgment. Now I can live the rest of my long days in true "peace, rest, and abundance" God has been sending me emails to live. 

So my friends, if you can relate, break out your disco balls, turn on your Queen, Chic, and Bee Gees music, and shake your groove thing on the dance floor.

Til next time, "Disco Dave..."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Contentment Versus Searching

As a child of the 80s, I used to hear people say, "old dogs can't learn new tricks." Since then, I've learned for old dogs to survive, they just may have to. I've come to the conclusion that my life is on a new path, a new journey, a new adventure. Most of everything and everyone I've tried to hold onto are being forced by life's hand. We should all know that this life I'm referring to is God. For the past couple of days, I've been listening to Alter Bridge's Broken Wings circa 2004. This song explains what my life has been, what it is now, and what my life will be. It's been a hard and eventful journey and I've learned the only absolute truth in this life is life itself (and everything that comes with it). This includes the good, bad, and ugly. I'm seeing more people becoming content with how their life is with no aspiration to morph into someone better. A lot of Christians and Muslims alike are content with dogmatism (which has no place in this world). Some have never left their hometown in search of seeing what this big ole world has to offer. People are just content but I don't feel that same way. The world is ours and we have to take. Whether it's performing music, starting a company, or studying different cultures, your soul is searching for something. Your soul is searching for more. That's put of the creative juices God put inside each of us. When those juices stop flowing, we've got a problem, Houston. For me, contentment is boring, uneventful, very pungent. Searching is risky, challenging, and exciting. Contentment is the breeding ground of "playing it safe" and regretting it later when we've lost the ability to be in search mode.  I see how certain people I've met in my life are just everywhere but they were happy. Other people that were content with doing the same things day after day, year after year, are like a walking ghost floating through life. I think one of reasons why some are like this is from being scared of what other people are thinking, saying, or might say about them. As for me, I'm not afraid. I'm tired of living in fear and one thing is for certain is this:

"I'd rather chase heaven on this earth because being content will lead me into an entire life filled with hell."

People can say what they want about Jay-Z, Will Ferrell, and Lady GaGa, but these people are examples of searching versus contentment. They would've been content but they chose to "step out on faith" and take chances. Some chances may have caused them pain but look at where they are today. Guess what? They're still searching for more. What about you? What about me? What about us?

Are we going to stay content with the "four walls" of religious dogmatism, J.O.B. careers, and staying in the same town/state forever? Or are we going to be like animals when the seasons change and move; searching for another place to inhabit?

The choice is up to us.

Till next time, "The Wanderer......"

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can't Handle Truth But Love The Lies

I don't agree with Paul on a lot of stuff but I'll agree with something he talked about; the itching ears. Whatever "tickles" the fancy of an individual or a group of people, it's referred to as truth. It doesn't matter if this "truth" is factual or full of bullshit. I think for a person as myself, I need to know the validity of some things people tell me. Are these things coming across my desk the truth or a way to get me chained up with everyone else? 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a rebel and I don't care about being accepted by others (the in-crowd). One thing I'm not going to do is subject myself to lies. Lies give us comfort, hope, and keeps our social status up to par. But truth can do a whole lot more, once we get past the initial blows from it. Truth doesn't itch ears and it destroys doctrines, dogmas, and traditions with swiftness of a jab or body shot. Unfortunately, a lot of houses are built on lies. I think this is the reason why conformity is so bad and those who keep their individualism are looked upon as oddities. We're always going to have lies in our lives but the resolution of it is coming to truth. Some including myself may ask, what is truth? Whatever is irrefutable and indisputable. The numbers don't lie and the puzzle comes together. Lies on the other hand, well, they're the exact opposite of my descriptions of truth. Sometimes, I look at social media or the news and I say to myself, damn, a lot of people are fooled. I'm suspectible too. So ladies and gents, take time out of your weekly schedule to research those questions you have inside of you. We've got the information highway, Barnes and Noble, and public libraries filled with knowledge you're seeking for. Don't just people's word for what subject of interest, research it. If it comes back as bs or truth let them know. The universe was designed by a universal truth. It's up to us find it because lies are always looking to bind you.

Til next time......

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Hard Headed Never Learn

Let me say this for the record, I'm a hard head and a hot head. So, with this post, I can pull from my own experiences. There is another hard head I'd like to discuss, which is increasing in our society. This type of hard head never listens to reason. No matter how you present the facts to someone, hell, even if God came down from his throne, they won't listen. People nowadays rather cling to lies than accept truth. Hard headed people don't like reason, they only like doing what they want to do and how they want to do it. They base their own facts and circumstances on bullshit and when someone who actually knows what they're talking about; they get defensive. Hard heads always learn the hard way and no matter what you do or say to save them, it's not going to work. As the old schoolers say, "you can't make a horse drink water." For the past few years, I've been that one trying to save people from themselves. As my cousin Maine would say, "while you're trying to pull the noose from their neck, they're putting another one on you." There have been times when I've tried to kick knowledge to peope on different topics of friendship, religion, money, and family. About 95.2% of the time, I get the cold shoulder or the bullshit comments to cover the truth in saying. Have you ever gone through that? I'm pretty sure of that. I'm learning to suppress my emotions and to never get so involved, their bullshit becomes mine. If they want to go 100 MPH on a 25 MPH, go right ahead. Hard heads are everywhere and from time to time, we are too. 

Well, I'm glad to get that off my chest. Til next time....

Friday, April 10, 2015

To Every Ending There Is A Beginning

An old saying I used to here as a kid was, "when a child is born a person dies." How true it is, I wouldn't know but I think the business theory I learned from school backs it up. There's the start of a business, it's elevation, climax, and slide, and then downfall. I'm sorry, I'm basically talking about the economic cycle. But for every trough or depression, there is a rising. Jobs are added. Companies that used to be in the dumps, business is picking up (I.e.- Ford Motor Company). You get it, right? That's how life is. As I've said before many times, life is a river, it's full of changes. Nothing stays the same. Evolution is a real thing. It's the evolution of us as a person. For this to happen, certain things in our lives have to end. Certain teachings or belief systems have to live 6ft deep because they're not working for you or making you happy. The same place you've lived in for years is keeping you from living your life to the full. These people you call friends aren't seeing eye to eye anymore; so it's time for a drop off. Life is already a challenge as it is so why are we holding onto things and people making it harder? I can thank my dad for the talk we had recently. So ends a lot of things in my life and a new beginning arises. I believe it's that time we all need to re-evaluate our lives and things/people in it. Are they pushing me forward or keeping me back? It's up to us to see that.

Well, that's all I got for today. Happy Saturday.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Mad Writer Is Back....

I was watching this YouTube of a guy named "Rock-Solid" talking about his late father. Boy, he had a lot of anger towards him and rightfully so. I won't lie, I laughed a lil bit especially when he took a picture of his father, spit on it, and threw it on the ground. You know what, I don't blame him. For the past 30 years, people are getting more shiesty, conniving, and just evil. More sociopaths are on the streets than ever before. The funny thing is, many of us see these evil traits and defend these ass-munches. Some of you following my blogs have seen my vents about a lot of stuff from church hurt, to friends who were really my enemies, to the whole cop killings of young black men. After watching his video, something sparked me to write this blog and get back in the fight. I've caught some flack from different subjects I've talked about, mostly my fact-based opinion of the "Christian" community. People have told me to let the hurt and pain go. But every time I see a young'n brainwashed like I was, it comes again. Not that I'm living in the past but knowing what I need to do in the present and do my part to advertise for a better tomorrow. Just like Rock-Solid, it's good to vent. This not only frees yourself but those who read, watch, or listen to what you have to say. Truth doesn't come through people and systems that are built on lies. Truth comes through people and systems that plow through fear for the sake of honesty. So, from now on, I'm going to continue to say that the church as we know it is totally fucked up and not "God approved." I'm going to continue to cover  different aspects of life since others are doing the same thing, too. The first amendment of the US Constitution gives me the right to say what I want. If some of you don't like it, MIDDLE FINGER U (peace to Sauce Money). Watching this video set me free because it's better to talk things out than to be consumed by the wrong emotions. This leads to other situations that result in negativity. Writing is my therapy and hopefully to help others who've been what I've been through and are going through. This life isn't easy, man; however, the greatest lesson I've learned lately is this....

To love God is to love your brother.

This means doing your part. My part is talking about things people try to distance from for the sake of protecting their status in their perspective communities. I don't have that problem. 
Thanks Rock-Solid, I'm back in the game.

You'll hear from me soon......

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Don't Sshhhh Where You Eat

Early last year, I read an amazing book by music legend Nile Rodgers called "Chic." One part of the book, he talks about his time hanging and working with pop legend Madonna. He shared one night, Madonna out the blue asked him why he never tried to screw her. He replied he gave her the reason that I'm passing on to you, "don't shit where you eat." Pause (in Dame Dash's voice). Think about it. Take your mind back to those situations where you made a mistake that cost a friendship, swiped opportunities for a job promotion, put dents your marriage, or made people lose respect for you. That's a hard pill to swallow, isn't it? From time to time in our lives, we tend to pull down our unders, bend over, and let some pretty disgusting things come out of us (I'm metaphorically speaking). In our society, shitting where we eat is a common practice. In business terms, it's unethical behavior. Record companies screw their artists, congressman give themselves raises while the public struggle, spouses cheat on each other out of malice, and spiritual leaders take their followers' admiration for dishonest gain. Although these folks who like to use people place and things as their toilet bowls at their leisure, the funk is going to hit the fan. People are going to get a whiff and are going to say something about it. There's going to be some backlash and the suspect is going to get their just due. That record company will face lawsuits from their artist and face some fiscal woes in the process. Congressmen get their funk behinds exposed by a radical journalist. A spouse will get divorced and pay some serious alimony. A spiritual leader will lose the respect and "donations" he or she once counted on by their followers. A boss could lose his job to the one they are shitting on. As I've said before, karma is real and is the tool God uses to bring us down. What if Nile stroked Madonna, where would his career be? Madonna catches feelings, spreads his dirty laundry throughout the record business, and bam, he's done. That can happen to us. Why ruin a good thing doing others wrong? Why create drama when there is peace in the workplace. Why betray our friends and family for a cheap thrill? Why lie to your followers and face double hellfire for the man above? That's some serious stuff. As I  ponder on this, i try my best to do what's right to others. I'm done shitting on the good folks no matter where they're from, who they are, or what they believe in. So please this evening, remember this thought from David, don't shit where you eat. Your home. Your family. Your job. Your friendships. Your enemies. Your associates. Whatever, however, whoever, don't shit where you eat.....

Til next time, my friends......

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Is The Church God?

Hello friends. I'm back and I've got something to say. Over the weekend, reports from social media and news media has been covering the latest news concerning Atlanta mega church pastor, Creflo Dollar (dolla, dolla bills yall).

 His previous airplane is basically unsuitable for traveling purposes across the world to "preach the gospel of Jesus Christ." Now, he's asking for 200,000 "participants, members, and supporters" for $300 to purchase a new 65 million plane. Then, he's asking for continual support for fuel costs and maintenance. Is this nigga crazy? My tangent begins. Isn't this the same dude back in 2007-2008 who refused to comply with a  "probe" from Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa ("based from complaints of the public and news organizations")? Isn't this the same dude who said he wish he could shoot people who did give tithes and offerings? This story needs to wake "Christians" up because the system they say is "a hospital for sick people" has been for centuries an insane asylum (much like Arkham). It's become a system that's subtlety corrupt as the current American political climate. It's a system that robs the lower and middle billions of dollars and for the upper class a chance for more tax write offs. It's a system that calls itself "the body of Christ" made of different members and Jesus/God being the head. It's a system that is built on the shoulders of men and women who every Sunday feed the sheep. It's a system that robs the pockets, deludes the mind, represses the soul, and imprisons the spirit. This is open game for pimps, I'm sorry, preachers like Creflo to do these four things and get away with it. They rely on certain scriptures to up the ante on their actions and continue to exploit the people. You see, people in the same business as Creflo fly like other people in the world, coach or first class. Why in the hell does he need his own plane? To preach? Nigga please. You need to take your behind through security like everybody else. Maybe that'll humble you. That's the problem, he thinks he is a god specially anointed to preach. That's why it's so easy for these pimps from the local, state, national, and international to say and do whatever.  I think partly from the help of political assistance receiving kickbacks from these churches (money/power for votes, voted for money/power). The new thing I'm hearing in the church system is calling secular artists Illuminati members when the real Illuminati began and continues in the church system, also known as Babylon. You see, Creflo, whether we like or not, is going to get that plane. Pimps know how to get people to get and give up that money by any means. People believe that helping the man/woman of God in monetary fashion will receive more grace and blessings from God. As the Attitude Era of WWE attendees would say, "bullshit, bullshit..."
The church system has adopted the ol' American way called capitalism. The only ones who reach the pinnacle are those of top position. After the donations are given, do you think The Dollars are going to allow the people to ride in it? What is the return on their investment? Souls? Anybody can win a soul for any cause. The only return they're going to get is "thank you" (sound familiar to you church folks on church/pastoral anniversaries).  This is the reality and the church will continue to slip by answering the hard questions the public is asking. The church system promotes the world hates Jesus. They love to quote his words saying their persecuted because he was persecuted. I beg to differ. The world doesn't hate Jesus, the wolrd hates the church system. The church is under the microscope because it doesn't show unconditional love. It knows how to quote scriptures but can't look beyond faults to meet the need. Creflo is the prime example of the church's attitude, that it is God as no one can question what it does. Is the church God? Is the church the center of hope, direction, and healing? Is the church the master of our destiny? I don't think so. I think it's a system, like a dog infected with rabies, that needs to taken the woodshed, shot, before it spiritually kills more people. Enjoy your new plane Creflo, but God's got a fiery place in hell waiting on you after the "silver cord is loosed." You'll find it impossible to fly out of that predicament. Is the church God? By the actions we're seeing, I think so. For one to question the church or its leaders is disrespectful. Now that's bullshit....😡

Til next time.....

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Preachers Can Learn From Bullock "The Bullet"

I'm intrigued about the new show, "Preachers In Detroit", very intrigued. This show is covering several preachers in the Detroit area. In case you haven't been reading the news about Detroit since the early 2000's to now, let me point out some headlines to you. The Kilpatricks. High unemployment. Drugs. Violence. Unnecessary murders. Bankruptcies. Political corruption from local to state government. Police corruption.

Need I say more.

The first episode shows Deitrick Haddon (whose had his share of controversy for recent years) bringing a selected group of preachers to perform on a song to "revive" Detroit. To be honest, I think this was a great idea. Music has a way of impacting a mass number of people to begin a revolution. However, Detroit needs a little bit more than a song. It needs, as Bullock says, people on the streets.

Enter Pastor David Bullock, who I refer to as "The Bullet".

Cigar smoker. Maybe a drinker. Maybe has sex with women. Wears some Andre 3000 attire. Outspoken. Educated. Bold. Tactfully Disrespectful. As M.O.P. and Heather B stated back in '96, "That's My Kinda N!%%@."

Enter the scene in Bishop Ellis' (you know, the "presiding bishop of P.A.W.") multi-million dollar mansion with his million dollar building located outside of Detroit. The selected preachers for this show arrive and of course, the last one (as shown) to arrive is "The Bullet."

One of the bishops even stated, "we've got to pray for Bullock." Well, it's more like they need to listen to him.

He doesn't waste time. He mentions the "beautiful houses with the Bentleys parked." He mentions the MLK dream that is in Detroit "failing." He speaks of how churches are too caught up in the third heaven or the spirit realm will 400,000 people in Detroit are suffering. Some people get quiet. Some people try to flame him out. Of course, Bishop Ellis, The HNIC of the "Pow-pow" amongst preachers is offended in his own home. One of the other bishops, Langston, told The Bullet, "you're only concerned with what you want to do." The Bullet busted his Desert Eagle back saying, "No, it's about what the people want."

At the end, Langston faces off with The Bullet. Langston tells Bullock in more ways than one, to bow down when "grown folks" (bishops) are talking. The Bullet fire back:

-People in Detroit don't know you
-Black (church) people are uneducated
-The church wants to talk about the Spirit but don't want to deal with reality
-You're protected in your church on Sunday morning and if someone questions you, you'll put them out of your church
-Walks out and turns his back on the fool who couldn't "dig the k-nowledge"

That's My Kinda N!%%@!

I share the same "sentiments" as Bullock because it's time out for preachers, pastors, prophets, apostles, or whatever they're calling themselves these days for talking on Bible Study, conferences, and Sunday services. As Cypress Hill said back in '91, it's "Time For Some Action."

Putting money into the tithes and offerings bucket aren't being used to create and sustain local community programs to help computer illiterate people. You see ministry teams on the streets and spreading a gospel that is filled with propaganda for people to conform to the church system instead of telling the world God loves them. You see pastors getting richer and the congregants struggling to pay their mortgages (reminds you of how it is with congressman versus the American people).

Bullock, who's in the streets with his "Sgt Slaughter" get-ups, is voicing the minds of Detroit. The rest of these preachers are on some holiness, purity, and power struggle stuff. What's more important, purity and holiness or promoting nonviolence and getting starving families food? I think I'll pick the latter. So has Bullock "The Bullet."

I believe that before this season is over, there's going to be a lot more bullets springing up and taking shots at the church system until common sense (that God created) takes shape. People may not agree with Bullock, but as he stated, "he gives his opinions based on fact more than what's shifting in the atmosphere."

Till Next Time, preachers, I think you need to eat the plate Bullock is giving you......

Friday, February 20, 2015


This week is about closure. It's about reaching a place where enough is enough to destructive habits. It's about coming to the "knowledge of self" ("Back to the one..." as the RZA says in "The Tao Of Wu"). It's about leaving the nest and to fly into the world of the unknown. Some of you that may read this and have spoke recently know what I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure word will spread of my impending "departure" and will have some great "fake church services." As I left a place today I reference as my saving grace ("Waco RO" 8/2012 to 2/2015), it was heartbreaking to leave some good friends, who I consider family, and talking some junk to those "Cowboys." It's going to be crazy in this next phase of my life and for my family as we make the transition to the "Land of Red Clay." We've been here (if you've read my other blogs, you'll know where we're @) for 13 bullets, 11 of them in "Alcatraz." 1 of them was a time of healing. The first bullet was spent deployed. We both made the mutual decision that it's time to venture out and see what this world has to offer. Some religious folks misquote the words of Christ, "what does it profit a man for him to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Where I live at, the religious fundamentalists believe seeking to be rich, settled, and building a good life for yourself in a "secular world" is selling your soul to the devil. That's a lie. What Christ meant is that we shouldn't trade in our soul, our very essence, the knowledge of self, in exchange for something that isn't meant for you (or us), that will only pollute you, and eventually destroy you. That's what he meant and I'd like to hear the rebuttals (sorry, you'll lose, I'm the illest dude when it comes to "The Book"). Now with all this, I've come to closure. It's not easy and it's been a long time coming. The changes and transitions are still occurring within the next few months but that's what adulthood and career is all about. It's reaching you destiny and one day my "seeds" will look at us and say, wow, mom and dad are some OGs, triple OGs. Haha. It's hard though because I'm leaving some people behind in body but still connected in spirit.

So what's the point I'm trying to make here?

The point is, whatever issues, problems, or beefs you got in your life, bring them to a closure. After watching one of my favorite shows, a conversation on there was about bring closure to a situation. So, that's what I'm doing.

We all need closure, no matter our race, culture, or creed. Closure is the stepping stone to our success. It is the platform to our stake of life in this crazy world.

Till next time, my friends........Get Closure.........

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Learning To Live With Regret

One of the best songs Jay-Z ever released to the masses was off his first album Reasonable Doubt called Regrets.

On one of the hooks to the song, he states, " order to survive you got to learn to live with regrets."

This is a 26-27 year old dude who had many street shootouts, childhood let downs, and misgivings about the music industry per Jaz-O's rap career. Regrets affect everyone and I don't give a damn who says it doesn't. 

It doesn't matter who or what you are, the wrecking ball of regrets will come banging on our houses from time to time.

Now it's time for me to get personal....

I just found out a very close relative of mine is in the hospital due to health complications. Throughout his life, he's been dealt with a somewhat decent to shitty hand. Family secrets. His abrupt departure from his own family. Sexuality. Loss of loved ones. It's been hard on dude and as he lies on his hospital bed, regrets are beating him down. No matter what people say to him to uplift his spirits, regrets got him walking through the valley of death. No bullshit. The should, would, and could cliche utters in his brain. He thinks about the mistakes he's made as he tries to go to sleep, which lead to sleepless nights. Thoughts of his mistakes further destroys the hope of "salvation" or a better day. Hell, scriptures from the Bible/Koran or New Age terms aren't working. He's in trouble.

And so are many of us. For many of us, regrets disbar us from the forgiveness of others given. Regrets keep our vision stuck on the past; negating opportunities of the present to make a better tomorrow. Regrets are just the results of owing up to our mistakes and adulthood. Some of us succeed while many of us are stuck on the farm of horse shit. Many of who live in regret hide behind of financial successes and religious dogmas but are prisoners of regrets. We never take to the time to address them to survive to thrive. We just survive. 

I struggle with regrets and the best thing I can do is look ahead. All I can do is learn the hard lessons of the past to make me a better person. Man, I've got a lot of work to do. Hopefully, this in some way is applicable to you. Plus, it doesn't hurt to let our armor down and talk with trustworthy friends to explain how we feel. The struggle is real. And it'll last for a lifetime.....

I wish my relative the best and hope he finds the will to fight.

Till next time, my friends.......

Oh yes, Jay-Z's classic "Regrets":

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What Is Love?

I've been thinking a lot for a few days now. My beautiful wife Dionn and I had a very honest conversation. I admitted to her last night some things she didn't like but understood. Of course, it was about my old and new religious beliefs. I believe in a higher power many of us call God. I no longer believe in the Christian and its flawed philosophy of how to get closer to God. Maybe from all I've been through for the 24 years of my 33 and half year life, church has changed the way I believe. I told her basically, I'm no longer a Christian (thank God) and more of an agnostic, or just a plain ole theist. Now there is a "differences of opinion" yet I had to tell her this. We have something that exceed relgion, money, politics, and racism. What we have caused men of various races, cultures, and creeds to help bringing hope and healing after the September 11th tragedy. What we have pushes teachers working in a pathetic school system to ensure their students get quality education. It's the force that pushes a rape victim to forgive his or her rapist. It's called love. In Central Texas, a lot of people say they love God and go to church faithfully every Sunday. They read their Bible, speak in tongues, and pray long pretensive prayers. They willingly give large offerings hoping to gain the mothers or fathers love from their pastors and forgiveness from God. However, they can't even love people who leave church from being hurt. Ministers beat on their wives. Pastors take their members' money. The poor, destitute, and homeless become scapegoats of a one time mission session on Thanksgiving to make a church feel good (-Maslows Theory). They say they love God but hate on the "people of the wolrd" due to their abundance of wealth, fame, and accolades. That's not love. That's hate. So, what is love? Love is being genuine, even when you don't like somebody. Love is sticking with those down people, especially during the hard times. Love is forgiveness toward your enemies. Love is taking care of your family first before trying to save the world. Love isn't holy living, love isn't people pleasing, love isn't lying. Love damn sure isn't faking. Love is a force that's transferred and felt. It changes people. It makes people put aside their differences and come to one point of saying, I love you.

That's what love is. It transcends religion, evil, and time. Love is God, God is love, and love benefits the human race.

Til next time my friends.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Sorry Nucca$ Association of America

I've been trying to hold this one in for the past couple of days but I need to release the pressure. I am so tired of these sorry niggas or nucca$ (as some say it), I really am. I can't stand the way they lie. I can't stand the way they talk. I can't stand the way they avoid confrontation. I can't stand the way they cut you off for no hot damn reason. I can't stand the way they try to shift blame on others when the blame is on them. I just can't stand it. Thankfully, there's a God in heaven that love these nucca$ unconditionally because I can't (or maybe just won't). You see, I used to be a sorry nucca long ago until I learned a thing or two about being real to self (the good, the bad, the butt ugly). However, the traits of sorry nucca$ disallows them from being real, only fake. It's like, they live in their own fairy tale world or island and won't get out of it. That's why I've titled this blog "The Sorry Nucca$ Association of America" because these joker$ are everywhere we go. Compton. Newark. Chi-Town. Minneapolis. Fargo. San Diego. Miami. Dallas. They reside in all 50 states. They are located on our jobs, in our schools, in our families, and probably some of our best friends. Sorry nucca$ are in a league of their own and care less about the opinions, thoughts, and uncontested truths found in the books of higher learning. They don't care, they only care about getting ahead. They will do whatever it takes to move forward in their lives and step all over you and your dreams to get there. I see this a lot in the Central Texas Area and some of these sorry nucca$ got the nerve to act dignified with it. They act like their poo poo doesn't stink. As "PYT" and The Miz would say, "Really?" Yes, really. It's like they have no conscience about how they treat others, how they manipulate the truth, and how they twist truth that gains a following. These are the same people The Treacherous Three talked about in one of the most famous hooks in hip-hop, "Friends, how many of us have them....someone to depend on?" Mobb Deep came out with "Shook Ones Pt. II" because these sorry nucca$ are really scared of God reality. Jay-Z and Too Short said "It was all good just a week ago" but that's as far (sometime less) a good time with sorry nucca$ last. Hell, Beyonce told these sorry nucca$ to "Listen" but of course, they never do. It would be hard to name the President/CEO of the SNAA because there's so many of them, black, white, Latino, Asian, and Arabian. Rich and poor. Educated and uneducated. I'll tell you this though, SNAA has been around for a long time and the main thing they have in common is their the nonexistence of lack thereof for common sense. In the almost famous sigh of Mr. Walter Lee Hampton II, "huuuuuuuhhhhhh......" No matter how many people tell them their attitude is off, they just don't get it. My hypothesis is this, they never will. Only the test of time will judge me if I'm right or wrong.

I need to drink of water and some lasagna to calm my nerves, my friends....

Till next time, coming to you live from The Un-Sorry Brother$ & Sister$ Association of America........

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Are We Our Brother's Keeper?

I reintroduced myself to one of my top five rappers of all time, O.C. I haven't heard his music for over 14 years (yeah, that's a long time). I just finished listening to about every album he's put out. One of my favorites is 2005's Smoke and Mirrors. My favorite joint on there is Brothers Keeper. This song is real to me because I've been a betrayer of friends/family and been betrayed by friends/family. It's one of the deepest daggers to the heart you can ever feel. People you regard as loved ones from friends to family members can turn on you in a second. Some for cash, some for opportunities, others out of jealousy, and others out of confusion. One of the most famous phrases in world history is, "Am I My Brothers Keeper?" Some will say yes I am from a pure heart and others say it to mask their wicked heart. I guess what sparked me to write this post was a documentary I watched on showing how Rich Porter's uncle killed his nephew for the love of money. That's foul man how he dismembered the kid and dumped his body. People are turning on each other like never before for the love of cash, power, and social status. Innocent lives are being screwed from one's reckless ambition. While they live the high life, the victims are paying the price for their abusers mistakes (I hope you caught that). In the Gospels, Jesus talked about how people will turn on one another for selfish gains. Selfish gains are the results of a hateful heart. People will see their brother or sister doing well and out of envy and intimidation tear them down. They'll spit lies to others who know them and make them turn on the person, too. Years down the line, people see the envious soul for who they really are but by that time, it's too late. The damage has been done. Cain killed Abel not because he "worship of God" was better, he killed him because of intimidation and jealousy. That's what people are doing to others today. Some "repent" and make it right to those they hurt, others say they "repent" and keeping screwing up more people's lives. But karma is a "beyotch" and when she needs to be fed, she goes after the people who need to pay for their selfish crimes. I've learned and still learning to be my brothers keeper. That doesn't mean I become a yes man and let people use abuse me. That doesn't mean every time someone asks for help I'll be like God and save them. I hope that you all hear what I'm saying in this message to heart. Stay loyal to those who've been loyal to you. No matter how thick things gets, no matter what lies the outsiders say about those you've ran with for years and stay true to the game, don't turn on them. Remember what happened to Judas? After seeing the errors of his ways, he ended up killing himself. So if you aren't your brothers keeper, check yourself. If you are your brothers keeper, spread this discipline to others that need it.

Til next time, my friends, ISWTFIF (you'll figure out what this means....)

And a special treat from Omar Credle's very slept on "Brother's Keeper"

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I had to catch myself while I was driving down the road from work today. I had to do some more mindfulness techniques to keep my anger at bay when I got home. Of course, I talked with my beautiful wife about some thoughts in my head and eventually, those angry thoughts subsided. Thank God. I was about to blow. As I was going this mental tug of war in my mind, a thought came to mind, "so how is this thought working for you?" All I can say to myself was, "not that great." Then another thought came to mind, "so, what are you going to do about it?" I chose to talk about it and began the process of letting those thoughts go that wanted me to continue engaging in the mental tug of war. David won. Any other out there ever or going through a mental tug of war? Matter of fact, let me ask a better question, does anybody out there have some "triggers" squeezing in their life? I think so, even if you don't want to admit it. People can pray and fast all they want but the triggers will always be there. No matter how young, old, rich or poor, something in life will always touch us in a certain way that will sort of, if not, piss us off. It's the truth we don't want to read. A trigger maybe seeing someone that screwed us in the past. Maybe it's times of depression that lead us to run to certain addictions. The stress of meeting production at work drives us to the nearest bar or strip club. Triggers are something that will stay with us for the rest of our life and we have to learn how to deal with them when the gun is in our hand. Are we gonna "pull the hammer" or will we put the gun on safety and put it back in the holster?

I'm telling y'all, I'm trying, I'm really trying to not to pull out the gun in the first place. Sometimes, man, sometimes it's hard as hell.

But it's all about choices, right? We have to build up the mental fortitude to do the right thing, even when we feel it's right to pull the trigger. My father used to refer to me the "think first before you shoot" method. Through months and months of counseling for almost a year, I'm building the skills to keep myself from pulling the trigger (not as much, I still pull sometimes). At that moment, when I just want to cuss somebody out, knock somebody out, flip the bird when someone cuts off on the road, or get a traffic bill from one of those red light camera deals, I go straight into mindfulness. If I don't, the part of the world my presence is in isn't going to like me very much.

Think of it like this, what if we give in to the urge to pull the trigger, look at the damage we may inflict. Some of us are holding twelve gauges, other desert eagles. Either way, some is going to get hurt and the price we carry is feeling the after shock of our actions.

Do you feel me?

Til next time, my friends.......

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How To Know When You're Being Used

I want to ask everyone this question, who out there likes to be used by people?

Ok, let me ask another question, do you like people using you to better themselves?

Is it hitting home....Maybe not. Ok. Do you think it's right for someone to use you under the false pretenses of friendship/relationship/partnership?

Now, if anyone of you like being used as an object only good for a particular moment, opportunity, or bank withdrawal, you're a dotard (a foolish person). I don't want to hurt your feelings or offend anyone (especially those who like "bondage/slavery" of "any kind"), but it's time for one of life's students take you to school. I don't know much but I'll tell you this, the 13th amendment of the United States Constitution "abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, unless one has committed a crime." In laymen terms, we're all free men and all deemed equal unless we break the law.
However, some of us don't know this and have subjected ourselves to menaces of our society. Have you ever noticed people in relationships (of any kind) where one is dominant over the other? The dominant is vain, smart, and insatiable looking for his or her next prey. The prey they look for are people who are unsure of themselves and like the "Bag Lady", carry a lot of  issues in their life. The prey is looking for shelter, a place to belong, and searches for a person or people to accept/lead them. The dominant sees pass the flaws and weaknesses of the prey and sees the potential "income" he or she will gain. So, they make their move. The prey is accepted as a friend or pseudo family member, especially in the Black community as brother, sister, or "cuz." The prey feels he or she is in a great place in their life, full of purpose, full of life, and full of adventure. The dominant teaches them various lessons on life, gives them "opportunities" to grow, and introduces them to a couple of more "dominant" friends. However, the prey doesn't know the dominant is taking from them what is God given, time, gifts, and individuality. Although the prey is being "nourished", the dominant is really using them. As time goes by, the dominant is going here, there, and everywhere. Their cars get more and more "elaborate" and their lifestyle more luxurious. The prey continues to give, give, and give more; yet they get less, less, and very less back. As the dominant is "successful" to the full, the prey's life is dearth. The time comes when the prey's "resources" are spent, the dominant "slays" them and moves on to the next one. Does the prey get a thank you. No, they get a swift kick in the ass and a "gurl/bwoy bye" verbal $h!t card to match.

David, what in the hell are you talking about?

I'm giving you a quick abstract/concrete literary painting of how we as people allow others to use up until there's nothing left.

Before I close this one out, let me give you some hints:

1. It's all about you supporting their dreams with you money and time.

2. They get you to think/say your selfish because you're trying to get a piece of the pie.

3. They keep harassing you until you give into their demands to what they want from you. 

4. They get "out the pocket" with you to make you fearful of them and to continue supporting their "habits."

5. You show all your admiration and love to them but they never give none to you.

6. They never show you gratitude, especially when/after they've used you up.

7. They're already "on to the next one..."

Like Nas said, "it ain't hard to tell....." Stop letting people use you before you get used up.

Til next time, my friends......

Sunday, January 18, 2015

You Only Live Once, So Live

How's it going friends? I just wanted to drop some gems on this great Sunday evening. I've had some great conversations with my beautiful wife and friends about life. Wow. Life is short these days. One minute your walking down the street or shopping at the mall and then bam, your life is changed or over. I remember someone said something to me that still makes a lot of sense, "you only live once." Ain't that the truth....the greatest gift God has ever created is human life. Believe me it is and it astounds me how so many of us let it waste away. Each of us, good and evil people have things in life we ought to accomplish. Some of us do, some of us don't even try. Those who want to live life to the fullest make it happen while others just sit on their asses waiting on someone to carry them. "Faith without works is dead" is what a great said. I can say for myself, there are a lot of things that I'd like to do. I understand that I will need t take risks to see certain things happen. My wife calls me a turtle and boy isn't she right. I think the main thing that keeps many of us living life to the fullest is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of what others will say about you and your endeavors. Fear of having to go at it alone. But what is the solution to fear, faith. We must learn to believe in ourselves that if a goal or dream is in our heart, God put it there in the first place. This requires a steadfast confidence and determination to be all you can be and do all you can do. It's always an easy thing to go at it all the way but in the end, it's worth. So we can stay where we are and be comfortable. Or we can move on to become great with our friend mister uncomfortable tagging along. Live life on your own terms, silence those voices of doubt, and live life to the fullest. live...

Til next time......

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Hypocrisy of America's Two Dominant Religions

I've been fighting whether or not to write this blog but I won't be able to sleep tonite or think straight in the future until I share my thoughts. <I'm known to shoot first and ask questions later...> I recently saw or came across a picture of a gay couple fixing their kids' hair. As I looked through Twitter and Facebook (mostly Facebook), most people were throwing Bible scriptures out there. Usually, these folks feel the need to show and share their allegiance to the world as "ministers of Christ" to a "sinful world." Of course, I've been keeping my eyes on the ISIS/Charlie Hebdo situation occurring in Europe and the Middle East. The senseless killings of innocent people, men, women, and children in the name of "Allah." Then it hit me this Tuesday, Christianity and Islam, or the people who practice these two religions (for the most part) are hypocrites. So, before I go any further, let me post what Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the word, hypocrisy:

Hypocrisy:  the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel or a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially  :  the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

Now, I know I'm a hypocrite, was a hypocrite, and will probably be a hypocrite for the rest of my life in certain issues of life. I really want to focus on these two religions that dominate American culture. Of course, Christianity is the most dominate religion because it was brought across to the Americas since the 15th century from the Spaniards, the British, and the list goes on. Fast forward the 20th and 21st century, Christianity has left a foul taste in the mouths of many people from the learned to the unlearned. The biggest hypocrisy we can find in Christianity today is the financial empires of churches, pastors, doctrines, and twisted usages of the Bible to support unrealistic views of the Charismatic movement (thanks to Azuza Street alias The Occult Revival). People who practice this religion (not all of course, there are good, peaceful, and open minded Christians out there) love to quote scriptures and gut check people who are dealing with addictions, living a homosexual/transgender lifestyle (although many of them are active in "Christian/holy music", or "secular" music artists. However, when reports of a pastor with AIDS sleeps with multiple women in his congregation, churches operating as 501c3 non-profit organizations making profit (through tithes and offerings), and be exploited by politicians to stay in the Senate/Congress, nobody says nothing. The same we can say for those in the Islamic religion (not all of course, there are good, peaceful, and open minded Muslims out there) who love to quote the (probably non-canonical) scripture commanding Muslims to "kill infidels, Jews, etc. in the name of Allah, and through self sacrificed promised "virgins in heaven." However, when people are murdering innocent people for drugs, power, control, and respect, killing outed gay Muslims (yet homosexuality is an accepted practice in "certain" countries-I know, I've been to a few), and the richer get richer and the poorer get screwed, nobody says nothing. I'm at a point in my life asking God and myself, are these religions even come from you? Are they an invention of men to control the masses of people looking to belong to something or some association to gain an identity? I see hypocrisy from these two religions, or maybe I say the cult leaders who lead other "proselytes" to become "twice the devil in hell as they are." It's funny though, knowing both the Bible and Koran to a certain degree, they both share similarities. The few Christians and Muslims I've seen across the world from Europe to Qatar to California, I've seen nothing but humility, love, and firm stances denouncing the hypocrisy riddling these religions. I think the solution to all these "mainstream" hypocrisies found in Christianity and Islam is holding more open forums. Let's get some good and bad leaders/teachers/expositors of these religions together in their perspective places in a place for the public to come (for free) and deal with these hard issues. Let the people having questions and distaste for both share their thoughts. I know that hypocrisy will never go away with people practicing these two religions as long as people pass down certain traditions from person to person and from generation to generation (sounds like a virus or other communicable diseases-doesn't it?). In no way am I trying to bash these two religions because both of these religions have done great things for our society to be where we are today. Many have benefited and are living better lives. However, I believe it's time to deal with the hypocrisies that in time will put more and more people in the red (debt) than in the black (profit).

Think about it, my friends, I can't say it all.....

Til next time.........

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions -  "a choice that you make about something after thinking about it : the result of      deciding: the ability to make choices quickly and confidently"

We all have decisions to make. Right now, I can only speak for myself, I've "one" I need to make and that's going to change the total course of my future. The decision making process is not an easy one when you're an adult, about twice as hard when your a military vet. Then let's add the ongoing out processing from living a "cult" lifestyle for over a decade. Now, you see an opportunity that will be the icing on the cake for a new beginning. This is the mirror that's in front of me and I believe I've made the decision. However, the decision I've made came with much consultation with loved ones and then I had to face my inner self saying, so what now David? Adulthood, boy, my parents warned me.

So, where am I headed with this?

As adults, even some of us young folks who are handling the load of responsibility have to deal with decisions daily. Lawyers, doctors, therapists, business owners, athletes, parents, abandoned kids living on the street, musicians. We all have to deal with making decisions. What we wear. What we spend. Where we go. How we make music. Why do believe in certain principles. When we need to make a decision. Some times, we have to make decisions very fast, other times, we have an allotted time to make decisions. At my job, we are trained to utilize the tools we've been given to make decisions on cases. Some times, we have to consult with others to help us make decisions so we can move a case forward (that might be a group of us, these cases are hard sometimes). Some times, the cases are easy and it's first nature to process. Other times, it make take us days to finish a case. So it is with this thing we call life. Some decisions are easy and requires no stress. Other decisions, well, those may require a couple of phone calls and maybe a glass of Mascato. Yet a decision must be made and only you can make it. They got it so control for us at work that we have no other choice be to work the case given to us unless our bosses take it from us. So it is in life. Things like opportunities, money woes, changes in relationship statuses, and relocation decisions will have to be made and won't go away until those decisions are made.

I know and you know, we all have been given cards to play. No matter how good or bad we got a hand, we have to play them. God has given us so many resources and prayer may not be one them when we need to make an on the spot decision.

Choose well....I know I have to real soon......

Til next time, The Big O......