1. Each other's success: When one is on the cusp or has achieved success (without screwing somebody), the other contempt for them. They tell other folks how they helped the successful one make it to where they are, to belittle them. Or just bad mouth them altogether to ruin their reputation, business, and legacy built on honesty and hard work. It's sad because we as a black community should be treating each other better but we won't. I've hoped for that day since the 80s, it's just not going to happen.
2. Life: If a black girl talks "white-ish" or expresses concerns of violence in the black co,,unity, they are called "Oreos" and coons. They're not black enough. Wow. And some of you can't lie because this actually happens in the black community.
3. Backstabbing/Lies: There are some of us in the black community that love to backstab and lie to get our way. As the O'Jays stated, for the love of money and fame, we'll take from each other. Do you think they were talking about the white man? Hell no. They were talking about the black community. We love to defame each other with lies to put ourselves on pedestals because we lack self esteem and love in our hearts.
4. Money: OMG, we'll rob, steal, kill, and destroy each other to get that green that changes in value every milli-second of the day. At times, we bait each other with these "better life now" business schemes and leaves others in financial ruin. And I'm guilty of what I'm about to say, we are so,e materialistic folks. If one has the latest gadget, we got to have it. With the more excesses we get is the more debt we incur. Therefore, we lose our buying powers and as one says this, they're called a coon or ignored. From Kinston to Compton.
5. Services: Following our problems with money,WE LOVE FREE AND HATE TO PAY. For example, if a black man is looking for support from his own community let's say a car wash, he might as well get ready to get that support from other communities. Or for a hair stylist, they've got to put their feet down on the price of their services. If not, they won't make the money they're suppose to make. We'll pay "the white man" his money on or before time but when it's time to pay each other, "oh, I ain't forgot." Hmmmm....
6. Sexual Abuse: I myself having direct experience with this, sexual abuse is still a taboo topic. In the 80s, it was molestation of kids, forced homosexuality, and AIDS. In the 90s, teen pregnancy, molestation, incest, and AIDS. Well, the 2000s, there's too many of this to name. I know this topic occurs in every race on the planet but I can only speak for mine. The black community is ready to condemn the LGBT community but becomes silent when it comes to the "taboo" sexual issues.
7. Spiritual Abuse: Since most (I assume) people in the black community proclaim Jesus Christ is "truly the head of their lives", the same are experiencing spiritual abuse. Last year, the news talked about black pastors spreading the AIDS to their female congregants. We've heard of people like David Lee being "escorted" out of TD Jakes' church for exposing the truth about "tithing." We've heard one preacher misusing the words of Christ to justify his need of receiving funds to help pay back the loan on his new 65 million dollar plane (Creflo already got it folks). Since the slavery days, the black community have inherited (been brainwashed) the slave master version of Christ. And it just won't stop....
8. Love: We love rims. We love new clothes. We love new houses. We love pretence. We love fame. We love DNA (dick and attention....I've borrowed that from Mr. Sotomayor). We love mental slavery. We love the clubs. We love spending money. But you know what we don't love, each other. I tell my wife all the time, my few years in Princeton, NC was the only time I experienced hatred from another race. You know whose screwed me the most in the life, black folks.
9. The White Man: I've heard throughout the years that the black community feels entitled to "40 acres and a mule." Guess what, keep dreaming. I know we've experienced a lot, police brutality, slavery, education, and this list goes on. Some things are for sure, we can't blame the white man for everything. We can't blame him for not educating ourselves through school, trades, the Internet. We can't blame him for not working from the bottom, adding to our work skills; thereby moving up. Nope, some of us want things to be given but unwilling to earn them. If anyone has the right of entitlement it should be the Native Americans. Read about the Trail of Tears and other atrocities brought upon them since America was "discovered." Oh yeah, you can't blame the white man for slavery. If the majority of us knew history, it was the dominant African tribes conquering and selling other tribes to receive for tools and luxuries of superiority. Hold that...
10. Black Pride: It's okay to have black pride but that doesn't mean the black community has the right to make itself superior to other races. This also means we shouldn't be thinking we're better than each other either. As my old platoon sergeant used to say, I put on my pants the same way you do. Duly noted, top.
Now, I do have black friends and we talk about this very frequently about the mind state of the black community. I really didn't want to talk about this but I was about to explode, my friends. Oh well...
Take it or leave it, till next time....
So true. I am a black person and have faced more racism from other blacks. I have seen where two young black kids are fighting each other, one shot or killed and it barely gets reported.There is no outcry for that in our communities..Killing is still killing...I stopped following Black Lives Matter. Our lives only matter when someone else outside our race kills a black person? Sigh. Blacks need to realize that their own lives matter and stop tearing the other down. I have been treated worse on jobs by other black people. What the hell,