Til next time......
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
The Wicked Never Die
2015 hasn't been too kind to American society so far, primarily to those who are law abiding American citizens. The event that took place in Baltimore is a hint that the more things change, the more things stay the same. It's great that those cops are being indicted for the death of Mr. Gray but we should know this won't be the last. The case of Mr. Martin should've got the ball rolling on the "powers that be" to fixed a broken and unjust penal/legal system. I remember my 9th grade history teacher, Mr. Eddie King told us" you're going to see a lot things happen from this day forward." Boy, wasn't he right. Someone told me it his past Sunday that we should "turn the other cheek" when someone "smites us." My favorite to that, BULLSHIT." In today's world, it's "AN EYE FOR AN EYE." That's what's happening right now. How long are we supposed to forgive, pray about it, and give it God? How many more people have to get murdered by police using excessive force on the innocent? How many more lives have to be controlled so the powers that be maintain their thrones in ou society? How many more children have to put up with the public school systems' idocracies of education? How many more crooked religious leaders will get away with brainwashing and terrorism? I've come to believe now that the wicked never die. Yes, no human being has the ability to live forever but the systems they filter in society does. Yes, black people have the right to vote and equal opportunities beyond measure but prejudice and racism are very prevalent in slowing this down. Yes, women have to ability to make as much if not more than their male counterparts in the workplace. However, they are stifled from achieving this reality. How many more immigrants will be deported but still used to build and restructure the homes and highways we use? Somebody please answer my question? It seems like to be successful in this country, you have to be an asshole or sociopath to do so. That's a damn shame. Recently, I've had bouts with becoming the same but in my heart of hearts, I just can't do it. But my heart, mind, and soul realizes that the wicked never die. Somehow, they get away with murder, rape, lies in the court, unequal legislation, debauchery, and other excesses. In the process, innocent blood is being spilled and these jokers don't have regrets about it. Is this God's plan, for the righteous (people trying the play the game of doing right) to suffer? I don't know for sure but I do know it's the plan of the wicked. They will continue to be wicked and raise up more assholes to more than what they've ever done. I'm glad the people of Baltimore are rioting and hope they "burn that bitch down." The wicked don't care about lives, they only care about wealth (people, money, power, property, control). Unfortunately, the masses of America doesn't see that; due to ours faces being stuck on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's easy to be wicked but hard as hell being righteous. Wickedness requires no conscience, righteousness does; the ever growing tensions of man. So long as the wicked never die, the righteous will and no martial law will shut down the voices of reason. As Roman Reigns would say, "Believe That."
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