Sunday, March 15, 2015

Is The Church God?

Hello friends. I'm back and I've got something to say. Over the weekend, reports from social media and news media has been covering the latest news concerning Atlanta mega church pastor, Creflo Dollar (dolla, dolla bills yall).

 His previous airplane is basically unsuitable for traveling purposes across the world to "preach the gospel of Jesus Christ." Now, he's asking for 200,000 "participants, members, and supporters" for $300 to purchase a new 65 million plane. Then, he's asking for continual support for fuel costs and maintenance. Is this nigga crazy? My tangent begins. Isn't this the same dude back in 2007-2008 who refused to comply with a  "probe" from Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa ("based from complaints of the public and news organizations")? Isn't this the same dude who said he wish he could shoot people who did give tithes and offerings? This story needs to wake "Christians" up because the system they say is "a hospital for sick people" has been for centuries an insane asylum (much like Arkham). It's become a system that's subtlety corrupt as the current American political climate. It's a system that robs the lower and middle billions of dollars and for the upper class a chance for more tax write offs. It's a system that calls itself "the body of Christ" made of different members and Jesus/God being the head. It's a system that is built on the shoulders of men and women who every Sunday feed the sheep. It's a system that robs the pockets, deludes the mind, represses the soul, and imprisons the spirit. This is open game for pimps, I'm sorry, preachers like Creflo to do these four things and get away with it. They rely on certain scriptures to up the ante on their actions and continue to exploit the people. You see, people in the same business as Creflo fly like other people in the world, coach or first class. Why in the hell does he need his own plane? To preach? Nigga please. You need to take your behind through security like everybody else. Maybe that'll humble you. That's the problem, he thinks he is a god specially anointed to preach. That's why it's so easy for these pimps from the local, state, national, and international to say and do whatever.  I think partly from the help of political assistance receiving kickbacks from these churches (money/power for votes, voted for money/power). The new thing I'm hearing in the church system is calling secular artists Illuminati members when the real Illuminati began and continues in the church system, also known as Babylon. You see, Creflo, whether we like or not, is going to get that plane. Pimps know how to get people to get and give up that money by any means. People believe that helping the man/woman of God in monetary fashion will receive more grace and blessings from God. As the Attitude Era of WWE attendees would say, "bullshit, bullshit..."
The church system has adopted the ol' American way called capitalism. The only ones who reach the pinnacle are those of top position. After the donations are given, do you think The Dollars are going to allow the people to ride in it? What is the return on their investment? Souls? Anybody can win a soul for any cause. The only return they're going to get is "thank you" (sound familiar to you church folks on church/pastoral anniversaries).  This is the reality and the church will continue to slip by answering the hard questions the public is asking. The church system promotes the world hates Jesus. They love to quote his words saying their persecuted because he was persecuted. I beg to differ. The world doesn't hate Jesus, the wolrd hates the church system. The church is under the microscope because it doesn't show unconditional love. It knows how to quote scriptures but can't look beyond faults to meet the need. Creflo is the prime example of the church's attitude, that it is God as no one can question what it does. Is the church God? Is the church the center of hope, direction, and healing? Is the church the master of our destiny? I don't think so. I think it's a system, like a dog infected with rabies, that needs to taken the woodshed, shot, before it spiritually kills more people. Enjoy your new plane Creflo, but God's got a fiery place in hell waiting on you after the "silver cord is loosed." You'll find it impossible to fly out of that predicament. Is the church God? By the actions we're seeing, I think so. For one to question the church or its leaders is disrespectful. Now that's bullshit....😡

Til next time.....

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