The belief in a god or in a group of gods
: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
What comes to your mind when you think of the word "religion?" Well, being from North Carolina, I think of one of the deacons shouting every Sunday at 11am on the dot (and he still does to this day) for no apparent reason. I think of a lot people who believe in God but have no idea who He is. I think of a lot of political clout that "certain" religious leaders have (from a monk, to a pastor, to an imam, etc.) in the community; thereby pulling strings (most of the time for their own fame and wealth with the hands and on the backs of the people they are suppose to guide to "truth"). I think of staleness, tiredness, dreariness, past due its time of relevancy, gossip, cruel and unusual judgment of others, lovelessness, and pride. Part a of the definition of religion states it's a belief in a god or group of gods. To add to it, we have groups that believe men are gods or that there is no god(s). Part b talks about an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, or rules to worship a deity. Part c is just a summation of parts a and b. But one thing I've noticed since I was a child, that religion when ruled by men and women whose hearts just aren't right becomes another form of slavery. "You can't do this or this will happen to you." "You can't dress this way because I feel that's not right." "You need to break away from people even your loved ones because they'll contaminate you." "You've got to all of these things so you can go to heaven, become a better person, and be accepted of others." Wow. Does this sound free to you at all? I don't think so. Religion when man is involved clouds the true meaning of what religion is, that is to become closer and possibly one with the Almighty God that created us. Religion, when man is involved, has you wearing long skirts looking like some type of person who time traveled from the 1800s into modern society (you know what I'm talking about). Religion manipulates you into doing and saying things that's against your conscience of what is truly right and wrong. Religion will have you become a part of a cult that guides you away from your loved ones; subtly coercing you (with words and deeds of pretenses=fake of love) to cut yourself off from your friends and family (the people who love you in spite of their shortcomings). Religion will ostracize you from what's happening in the world and when you don't get with the program by the "master or leader" of the organization, you are cut off. Then what life skills, money, self worth, self esteem, vision, or even a relationship with God will you have left? Think about it. We're living in a day and age that Jesus talked about how men and women calling themselves leaders and teachers will lay burdens on the people they are called to serve they themselves would never carry. We're living in a day and age where families are literally being divided because of rules and regulations that only destroy than mend. So many people have their necks, wrists, waists, and ankles chained by the confines of religiosity. The way we dress, the way we speak, the way we live; it takes away all the emotion, imperfections, joy, and even sorrow that life can bring (which God has ordained for each of us to experience to draw us closer to Him). Religion, when man is involved, is only used to control people, suck them dry of their time, money, and talents, and just like the hirelings many of these leaders are in the entire world, when the enemies come, they head for the heels. Religion doesn't solve problems, they only address them (in the wrong fashion) and many times causes them. Religion is just as how Pharaoh did to the Israelites in Egypt, add more burdens people have to carry in this lifetime with no consideration for others. Some of us (especially some of you super saved Saiyan "saints" and deep spiritual thinkers like your Deepak Chopra) may be seeing this boy has lost his mind. True. I've lost my religion and now finding Christ, the God who made me in a whole different and more excellent light. I'll leave you with what my man James said, "pure and undefiled religion (a lifestyle that is guided by God and free from the intentions of men) is to take care of others and keep his nose clean from the evil in this world system. Man, I think I've said enough for today but so much more to say. Stay tuned.
Til next time, from "The Ventilator"…..
Matthew 21-23
James 1:27.
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