Pride - inordinate self-esteem, proud or disdainful behavior or treatment, disdain, ostentatious display
Basically, pride is smelling yourself or thinking that you are above correction, guidance, or better than others. I've seen this some many times within myself, different leaders, people of all places, races, creeds, and nations. It's crazy how many people are walking in pride. Pride is sort of like a cancer that spreads breaking down one's life; like a symbiotic (something like Venom, a villain in Spider-man) that only drives one to destroy and kill anyone and anything it comes across. It's evident in our culture (Congress-hello...). It's evident in the "marriage equality" movement (hello to that, too...). It's evident in about 99.9% of all religious communities ("religious" leaders taking advantage of the people's finances, time, family, and talents, hello...). It's evident when we see a man with a face full of tattoos and give him the stink eye. It's evident when we come before people, like the Pharisees, and speak of our own goodness to pump up our own ego. It's evident when we gossip about someone we say we love and then we smile in their face like everything is cool (but the words of death through our gossip is killing that person's destiny). People are leaders of others in pride, using and abusing with their words and deeds. Pride makes people think of themselves higher than they ought to. Pride will disallow themselves to receive correction or advice from someone who has the expertise they need to become success (another form of slavery, hello...). Pride will take the truth, manipulate it, and use it to cause people to do things to build their image (another form of control = slavery). Nowadays, people will ostracize those that carry "the voice of reason" and drag that person's name through the mud. Pride is a ugly thing, even when those who walk in it look like "an angel of light."
Like Beanie Siegel said, "let me talk to you scrap." Many governments, businesses, churches, Buddhist temples, school administrations, and the list goes on are falling because of the pride people that running them at any capacity. Warnings are sent to them and to "average Joes and Janes" to change the way we live, think, and do things. But as Solomon said, pride comes before the fall." That's true. A man who is known as the wisest man that walked on this earth, full of riches, things, and sadly, vanity. He was warned and if people who know his story, he almost lost his mind. Because of pride. Lucifer, fell from his lofty place of heaven because of pride. Adolf Hitler, because of his egomaniac pride, committed suicide, which was a result of pride. My friends, it's best we walk in humility no matter who we are, what position or title we hold, or how much money we got. Humility will cause you to admit to your faults against someone else. Humility causes us to seek direction, guidance, and correction. Humility is the byproduct of love and peace. Pride is the byproduct of fear and hatred. Think about it.
So much that I can say but it can't be said one post. If some of you get offended, oh well, my mentors Houston and Cepada used to get on me about the same things. It's time for us to be humble and stop walking in pride. Much love to you all.
Til next time....
Proverbs 16:18
James 4:10
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