Sunday, January 26, 2014

Religion Kills, God Doesn't

I hope you all like my title for today's blog, friends. Actually, it reminiscent of a prominent rapper except this one is on a different subject. As the title reads, this is a true statement. Religion is no good and has done nothing but separate families, kill thousands of people during the Inquisition, turn people from God to other things; just for the sake of these "spiritual" leaders' egoes. Religion has done more harm than good especially in recent years. Case and point, remember those dead soldiers who we're gay and Westboro Baptist Church was making mockeries at their funeral proceedings? A hot mess, right? Nowadays the "venom" of religion is more subtle and potent than ever before. Religion drains the very life out of people. From personal experience, it  drains people of their finances (their hard earned money) to pay these leaders' bills, put food on their table, while the people they are supposed to serve are increasing their debt to income ratio. We are living in days when these false teachers are saying whatever (just like the Roman Catholic Church did in the Dark Ages) and people go along with it. They never take the time to search the truth for themselves; therefore they are trapped inside of a snake's pit called a cult (the root word of occultism). If you noticed, these types are the puppets in the puppet master's game. They have no identity of their own, just the identity these "King Sauls" have "groomed" them to become (means to manipulate, coerce, and control until they have no use for people). Marriages are infiltrated through "wise counsel" and then dissolved through divorce (I've seen more divorces and separations in one "organization" I used to be a part of in a decade than  in the other 20 years of my life). Religion is the source of Lucifer's power, the pride of insecure, fearful, cowardly, and bleeding men and women, and  the hell for any human's soul. But God is the repairer of the breaches made by religion. He is the healer of nations. He is the dissolver of pain and hurt induced by religion's bites. God turns the bleeding soul into a healed one through time, truth, and love. He came to give an abundant life but relifion comes to steal it (John 10). Religion, just as John the Baptist told the Pharisees, is a worldwide problem filled with a "brood of vipers." Although some of you will think I'm crazy for saying this, but this brood of found mostly in the Christian church (of the US), full of slithering snakes. At least the "world" admits and has programs to combat religion. What I'm saying here is that Christ hates religion more than I do and I'm down with that. My advice is to you if you're a part of an organization like a Buddhist temple, synagogue, mosque, corporation, car wash, or church and religion is in control, run for your life. Feel
free to read the Book of Matthew. Jesus and John the Baptist was going gangsta on religion. In due time, so will we....

Til next time......

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