Now for those who are "of the faith" or not, you guys will probably agree with the things I'm about to say; mostly because you see this on a daily basis. 1st, to become a super saved Saiyan Christian, you always have to be "in the Spirit." Meaning, when you speak, you have to use big, long, and extensive words to sound like you are a theologian. You always speak on things you perceive things happening in the supernatural and make a big deal out of it. Whenever you speak, you command and demand respect from others, whether they are "beneath" you or above you. You must speak with a loud, annoying, and condescending tone when you speak on "the deep things of God" with others. 2nd, you must be full of pride and judgemental. You are a know it all who reads the Bible only when you want to prove a point to to others, manipulate how others think about certain topics, and coercive. No one can tell you anything, no matter if it's coming from someone who has a higher level of understanding and experience in a certain subject. You are never wrong, you are always right, and everyone is wrong, has an evil spirit, and listens to the devil. Whenever you see someone who looks different than you, believes in something (even if it's about the same thing) in a different way, or expresses themselves in a way that is different, they're living in sin. Of course, we can't forget if a woman wears pants to church but doesn't wear long skirts, wears make up, or a man rocks long hair (including dreadlocks), and wears everything else than a suit and tie,they are out of the perfect will of God. If we see people with a bunch of tattoos or straight from the hood, you have to change the outer part of themselves before allowing God to work on the inside. You're good is make them into the image and likeness of what you want them to be instead of what God says about them. Importantly, if someone is befitting of what you believe is "holy", you need to drag their name and reputation through the mud. Gossip about them and when you see them, coridally smile in their face (the talk about them some more). Finally (for today), you are to preach and teach inclusion of those who are just as a Pharisee as you and exclusion of others who don't fit your application of being a super saved Saiyan Christian. You are to turn your church and prayer meetings into cult meetings. You are to mind warp those around you; thereby to rob them of their time, money, investments, and other resources. You are supposed to draw people into a place of an all access form of slavery. All others who speak up are Lucifer, not saved, and you are obligated to gossip about them. This is what being a super saved Saiyan Christian is all about; becoming what Jesus preached against. As one man said, you're not glorifying God by being this type of person but serving yourself (becoming a god yourself). But just follow these 3 things, and you'll be guaranteed the fastest train to hell than the most crooked drug dealer in NYC. I hope this helps you drive away more sheep from the True Shepherd.
Til next time, words from "The Ventilator"
Ezekiel 34
Matthew 21-23
Romans 16:18
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