Sunday, January 26, 2014

Religion Kills, God Doesn't

I hope you all like my title for today's blog, friends. Actually, it reminiscent of a prominent rapper except this one is on a different subject. As the title reads, this is a true statement. Religion is no good and has done nothing but separate families, kill thousands of people during the Inquisition, turn people from God to other things; just for the sake of these "spiritual" leaders' egoes. Religion has done more harm than good especially in recent years. Case and point, remember those dead soldiers who we're gay and Westboro Baptist Church was making mockeries at their funeral proceedings? A hot mess, right? Nowadays the "venom" of religion is more subtle and potent than ever before. Religion drains the very life out of people. From personal experience, it  drains people of their finances (their hard earned money) to pay these leaders' bills, put food on their table, while the people they are supposed to serve are increasing their debt to income ratio. We are living in days when these false teachers are saying whatever (just like the Roman Catholic Church did in the Dark Ages) and people go along with it. They never take the time to search the truth for themselves; therefore they are trapped inside of a snake's pit called a cult (the root word of occultism). If you noticed, these types are the puppets in the puppet master's game. They have no identity of their own, just the identity these "King Sauls" have "groomed" them to become (means to manipulate, coerce, and control until they have no use for people). Marriages are infiltrated through "wise counsel" and then dissolved through divorce (I've seen more divorces and separations in one "organization" I used to be a part of in a decade than  in the other 20 years of my life). Religion is the source of Lucifer's power, the pride of insecure, fearful, cowardly, and bleeding men and women, and  the hell for any human's soul. But God is the repairer of the breaches made by religion. He is the healer of nations. He is the dissolver of pain and hurt induced by religion's bites. God turns the bleeding soul into a healed one through time, truth, and love. He came to give an abundant life but relifion comes to steal it (John 10). Religion, just as John the Baptist told the Pharisees, is a worldwide problem filled with a "brood of vipers." Although some of you will think I'm crazy for saying this, but this brood of found mostly in the Christian church (of the US), full of slithering snakes. At least the "world" admits and has programs to combat religion. What I'm saying here is that Christ hates religion more than I do and I'm down with that. My advice is to you if you're a part of an organization like a Buddhist temple, synagogue, mosque, corporation, car wash, or church and religion is in control, run for your life. Feel
free to read the Book of Matthew. Jesus and John the Baptist was going gangsta on religion. In due time, so will we....

Til next time......

Monday, January 20, 2014

This Ain't Love

In different cultures throughout the world, love is more than a word, emotion, or felling. Love is an action word that exudes from one person to another. Not for personal gain or to say to others, "I've done this or that for somebody else." Love is a gift, something like a gift of life, to others; giving them the power to go on in an imperfect world. Love is a man who tries his hardest to do right by his wife and children. Love is a friend ensuring that she never double crosses her friend in spite of what other lames have said (especially when it comes to her friend's past and faults). Love is saying you will look out for the homeless when you are elected into a prominent office and actually stay true to your word when it happens. Love is actually loving someone else who looks different and even smells different than you when you say you serve the God that is love. But c'mon son (like Ed Lover), we're living in a day and age when the love is something love. Love is now seeing a chick in the club, spit a few words, and then "shoot up her club" for a full 3 minutes. Then 7 months later, she's calling you to tell that she's pregnant with your kid and that word you flew out there to get what you wanted at that particular moment means nothing. Love is now abandoning your friends because you believe in the words of some liar that is ruining your friend's reputation. Love isn't talking about your "loved one's" problems during "for your eyes only" conversations to the whole world and then smile in their face like nothing happened. Now other people are looking at that same person crazy because of your fake loving self. Hmmm.... This isn't love. Love definitely isn't using Jesus' name to manipulate someone to build up your image, financial status, and "power"and then "emasculates" anyone who shares a different opinion (usually is brought up when they understand the true meaning of the Bible for themselves). Love causes people to say I'm sorry if they have offended someone without trying to sweep the wrongdoing under the rug. It's actually taking the time to break the situation down with the person they've offended in humility and admit they are wrong (for a change). I hope you all hear what I'm saying. We have to know what true love is and is not; thereby pursue to walk in the true image and action of love. Many of us, if not all of us, are going to experience true love and fake love. On the job, in the church, in a mosque, in political offices, or in the music industry. So I encourage you, know the difference and teach what the true meaning of love in the sight of God is all about. Manipulative, sadistic, religious, greedy, controlling, and lying people that control as such don't know love. But you who strive to not become this way know what true love is.

Til next time, my friends, words from "The Ventilator"

Bizzle This Ain't Love:
1st Corinthians 13
Matthew 7:15-20 (to sum it all up, determine who's real and who's fake)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How To Be A Super Saved Saiyan Christian

Good day everybody. Today, a good friend of mine showed me a comment of a well known rapper who is on tour. He gave a shout out to all the Christians who have something negative to say about something positive. So true and that "confirmed" that I needed to write a tutorial on how to be a super saved Saiyan Christian (the word Saiyan comes from Dragon Ball Z). 
Now for those who are "of the faith" or not, you guys will probably agree with the things I'm about to say; mostly because you see this on a daily basis. 1st, to become a super saved Saiyan Christian, you always have to be "in the Spirit." Meaning, when you speak, you have to use big, long, and extensive words to sound like you are a theologian. You always speak on things you perceive things happening in the supernatural and make a big deal out of it. Whenever you speak, you command and demand respect from others, whether they are "beneath" you or above you. You must speak with a loud, annoying, and condescending tone when you speak on "the deep things of God" with others. 2nd, you must be full of pride and judgemental. You are a know it all who reads the Bible only when you want to prove a point to to others, manipulate how others think about certain topics, and coercive. No one can tell you anything, no matter if it's coming from someone who has a higher level of understanding and experience in a certain subject. You are never wrong, you are always right, and everyone is wrong, has an evil spirit, and listens to the devil. Whenever you see someone who looks different than you, believes in something (even if it's about the same thing) in a different way, or expresses themselves in a way that is different, they're living in sin. Of course, we can't forget if a woman wears pants to church but doesn't wear long skirts, wears make up, or a man rocks long hair (including dreadlocks), and wears everything else than a suit and tie,they are out of the perfect will of God. If we see people with a bunch of tattoos or straight from the hood, you have to change the outer part of themselves before allowing God to work on the inside. You're good is make them into the image and likeness of what you want them to be instead of what God says about them. Importantly, if someone is befitting of what you believe is "holy", you need to drag their name and reputation through the mud. Gossip about them and when you see them, coridally smile in their face (the talk about them some more). Finally (for today), you are to preach and teach inclusion of those who are just as a Pharisee as you and exclusion of others who don't fit your application of being a super saved Saiyan Christian. You are to turn your church and prayer meetings into cult meetings. You are to mind warp those around you; thereby to rob them of their time, money, investments, and other resources. You are supposed to draw people into a place of an all access form of slavery. All others who speak up are Lucifer, not saved, and you are obligated to gossip about them. This is what being a super saved Saiyan Christian is all about; becoming what Jesus preached against. As one man said, you're not glorifying God by being this type of person but serving yourself (becoming a god yourself). But just follow these 3 things, and you'll be guaranteed the fastest train to hell than the most crooked drug dealer in NYC. I hope this helps you drive away more sheep from the True Shepherd.

Til next time, words from "The Ventilator"

Ezekiel 34
Matthew 21-23
Romans 16:18

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Chance To Feel Alive

One of my favorite songs in the whole entire world is "Metalingus" by a rock group called Alter Bridge. Whenever you guys get a chance, go on YouTube, it's a real song. The song is talking about a man who has stopped being indecisive about his life and is ready to make a change in his life. He's tired of allowing himself being held back by society, people, and the fear of being who he is supposed to be. I think that many of us are scared of being who we know we are supposed to be. Instead of having our own identity, we rather choose to be like the others around us. No style or flavor of our own. We're just doing and living like how everybody is. We're clones of another person's fame, riches, and opinion. However, we know deep inside we are living a lie. We have become slaves to the status quo, that is, what is acceptable in another man's eyes than what is acceptable in God's eyes. Therefore, we miss our destiny; thereby riddled by regret, shame, and disappointments. We live a bound life unfulfilled and we become "cool" with it. Instead of going for that promotion on our job, we allow fear, insecurities, and what others have to say keep us from walking in our full potential. Instead of taking on opportunities to leave our hometown, we stay there like a bunch of dummies and watch the world pass us by. Many of us are bound by loyalties to others who care less for you than you really think. This could be church that may have helped you in the inception of your faith but year later has sucked you dry; thereby conforms you into an image full of hypocrisy, mediocrity, stagnation, religiosity, and the list goes on. Maybe we are stuck in a relationship with someone we're courting but no commitment of marriage will ever happen, just loveless "relations" that soothe the body but not the soul or spirit. Maybe we are friends with people who we grew up with an fat first was all good but now has become a cancer; especially when they want you to ride which them to rob that store. So many things and situations are keeping us from living a complete and free life. Freedom from religion, freedom from seeking validation by others, freedom from the guidelines of society set to only control us, and freedom from the chains of fear. Fear is our greatest enemy in American society because we are indoctrinated to maintain an image that is only a mask in this life of the masquerade. Wow. That's a sad life to live. God didn't give us life to live a life that's bound. Jesus came to give us a life that's abundant (in good times and the bad). It's given that we become the image and people we are supposed to be in the first place, not what men want and groom us to be. I can say this from person experience that I allowed this happen but now I'm free. Now it's a chance to truly be alive. I pray that we get off the road of slavery and bondage and that we get on the journey to "complete freedom." I hope you all take heed to this. Let's be free and take the opportunities afforded to us: things that others before us envisioned but died without experiencing (Matthew 13:17). Real talk son, no bull, this is the time, our time and chance to feel alive!!!

Til next time, my friends, from "The Ventilator......"

Galatians 5:1

And of course, go on YouTube and find Metalingus (with lyrics). This song will "bless you."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Is Religion Another Form Of Slavery?

What is religion? According to the Merriam Websters Dictionary (online,, it means:

The belief in a god or in a group of gods
: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

What comes to your mind when you think of the word "religion?" Well, being from North Carolina, I think of one of the deacons shouting every Sunday at 11am on the dot (and he still does to this day) for no apparent reason. I think of a lot people who believe in God but have no idea who He is. I think of a lot of political clout that "certain" religious leaders have (from a monk, to a pastor, to an imam, etc.) in the community; thereby pulling strings (most of the time for their own fame and wealth with the hands and on the backs of the people they are suppose to guide to "truth"). I think of staleness, tiredness, dreariness, past due its time of relevancy, gossip, cruel and unusual judgment of others, lovelessness, and pride. Part a of the definition of religion states it's a belief in a god or group of gods. To add to it, we have groups that believe men are gods or that there is no god(s). Part b talks about an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, or rules to worship a deity. Part c is just a summation of parts a and b. But one thing I've noticed since I was a child, that religion when ruled by men and women whose hearts just aren't right becomes another form of slavery. "You can't do this or this will happen to you." "You can't dress this way because I feel that's not right." "You need to break away from people even your loved ones because they'll contaminate you." "You've got to all of these things so you can go to heaven, become a better person, and be accepted of others." Wow. Does this sound free to you at all? I don't think so. Religion when man is involved clouds the true meaning of what religion is, that is to become closer and possibly one with the Almighty God that created us. Religion, when man is involved, has you wearing long skirts looking like some type of person who time traveled from the 1800s into modern society (you know what I'm talking about). Religion manipulates you into doing and saying things that's against your conscience of what is truly right and wrong. Religion will have you become a part of a cult that guides you away from your loved ones; subtly coercing you (with words and deeds of pretenses=fake of love) to cut yourself off from your friends and family (the people who love you in spite of their shortcomings). Religion will ostracize you from what's happening in the world and when you don't get with the program by the "master or leader" of the organization, you are cut off. Then what life skills, money, self worth, self esteem, vision, or even a relationship with God will you have left? Think about it. We're living in a day and age that Jesus talked about how men and women calling themselves leaders and teachers will lay burdens on the people they are called to serve they themselves would never carry. We're living in a day and age where families are literally being divided because of rules and regulations that only destroy than mend. So many people have their necks, wrists, waists, and ankles chained by the confines of religiosity. The way we dress, the way we speak, the way we live; it takes away all the emotion, imperfections, joy, and even sorrow that life can bring (which God has ordained for each of us to experience to draw us closer to Him). Religion, when man is involved, is only used to control people, suck them dry of their time, money, and talents, and just like the hirelings many of these leaders are in the entire world, when the enemies come, they head for the heels. Religion doesn't solve problems, they only address them (in the wrong fashion) and many times causes them. Religion is just as how Pharaoh did to the Israelites in Egypt, add more burdens people have to carry in this lifetime with no consideration for others. Some of us (especially some of you super saved Saiyan "saints" and deep spiritual thinkers like your Deepak Chopra) may be seeing this boy has lost his mind. True. I've lost my religion and now finding Christ, the God who made me in a whole different and more excellent light. I'll leave you with what my man James said, "pure and undefiled religion (a lifestyle that is guided by God and free from the intentions of men) is to take care of others and keep his nose clean from the evil in this world system. Man, I think I've said enough for today but so much more to say. Stay tuned.

Til next time, from "The Ventilator"…..

Matthew 21-23
James 1:27.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Pride - inordinate self-esteem, proud or disdainful behavior or treatment, disdain, ostentatious display 

Basically, pride is smelling yourself or thinking that you are above correction, guidance, or better than others. I've seen this some many times within myself, different leaders, people of all places, races, creeds, and nations. It's crazy how many people are walking in pride. Pride is sort of like a cancer that spreads breaking down one's life; like a symbiotic (something like Venom, a villain in Spider-man) that only drives one to destroy and kill anyone and anything it comes across. It's evident in our culture (Congress-hello...). It's evident in the "marriage equality" movement (hello to that, too...). It's evident in about 99.9% of all religious communities ("religious" leaders taking advantage of the people's finances, time, family, and talents, hello...). It's evident when we see a man with a face full of tattoos and give him the stink eye. It's evident when we come before people, like the Pharisees, and speak of our own goodness to pump up our own ego. It's evident when we gossip about someone we say we love and then we smile in their face like everything is cool (but the words of death through our gossip is killing that person's destiny). People are leaders of others in pride, using and abusing with their words and deeds. Pride makes people think of themselves higher than they ought to. Pride will disallow themselves to receive correction or advice from someone who has the expertise they need to become success (another form of slavery, hello...). Pride will take the truth, manipulate it, and use it to cause people to do things to build their image (another form of control = slavery). Nowadays, people will ostracize those that carry "the voice of reason" and drag that person's name through the mud. Pride is a ugly thing, even when those who walk in it look like "an angel of light." 

Like Beanie Siegel said, "let me talk to you scrap." Many governments, businesses, churches, Buddhist temples, school administrations, and the list goes on are falling because of the pride people that running them at any capacity. Warnings are sent to them and to "average Joes and Janes" to change the way we live, think, and do things. But as Solomon said, pride comes before the fall." That's true. A man who is known as the wisest man that walked on this earth, full of riches, things, and sadly, vanity. He was warned and if people who know his story, he almost lost his mind. Because of pride. Lucifer, fell from his lofty place of heaven because of pride. Adolf Hitler, because of his egomaniac pride, committed suicide, which was a result of pride. My friends, it's best we walk in humility no matter who we are, what position or title we hold, or how much money we got. Humility will cause you to admit to your faults against someone else. Humility causes us to seek direction, guidance, and correction. Humility is the byproduct of love and peace. Pride is the byproduct of fear and hatred. Think about it. 

So much that I can say but it can't be said one post. If some of you get offended, oh well, my mentors Houston and Cepada used to get on me about the same things. It's time for us to be humble and stop walking in pride. Much love to you all.

Til next time....

Proverbs 16:18
James 4:10

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Slavery Still Exists Part 1

According to the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, slavery was abolished in America. Maybe in a legal sense but guess what my friends, slavery still exists. Slavery along with prostitution, drugs, and war an old profession since the beginning of time. But let me tell you a truth that my wife and I recently escaped from "massa's plantation." For over a decade, we experienced spiritual, financial, emotional, psychological, and mental abuse. A slave owner called Willie Lynch (I could be wrong) said these forms of abuse will continue to keep people in slavery and their descendants for years (lasting centuries). That was over 400 years ago and it's still prevalent. It's prevalent in our schools (notice how more and more kids don't even know history within the past 100 years), financial systems, and religion (no matter what they are, when men are involved it's all the same). People's lives are in a state of bondage where their lives are suffocated, controlled, and their minds manipulated by another peron's egotistical views. And yes, this is very prevalent in the helms of religion (including Christianity). Jesus was right that in the last days men will grow worse and worse. People will indoctrinate you into believing and living in such a way where your life is catered to embellish their image and lifestyle. Think Hitler, Jim Jones, Congress. Slavery is meant to make you work for free with no thank yous. If you don't do what or how they tell you, the whip will scrap fragments of flesh from your back swiftly. Each hit of the whip breaks down the mental capacity of the slave; therefore submits to the other person's wishes. They lose the will to fight back. Too bad for them because I'm like Nat Turner (read your history books), I'm fight against the system even to the death of my reputation and relationships. For over ten years my friends, I was bound but now I'm free. Maybe for the next couple of days, I'll be digging into this topic. I will also be talking about how religion (including atheism) is prevalent in honing slavery in the lives of people (some of you politically correct, religious folks won't like that but I really don't care, it's time someone spoke up for the voiceless).

Till next time....

Matthew 21-23 and more to come....

Friday, January 3, 2014

"Who The Cap Fits"

Some of who see the title of today's blog may wonder, "What the heck is this?" It's the title of an old Bob Marley track, which is really really popular in Jamaican, blues, and rock n roll cultures. It's a real song because it talks about how we as people have to be careful who we trust. I can tell you all that David O has been crossed by folks so many times and I've done the same to many good friends, too. A double cross of a friend or loved one comes in so many packages. People will "eat and drink with you", smiling in your face. Their words are "smoother than butter" but in their heart, they have "war in their heart." People will encourage you one minute but as soon as they congregate with their their circle of vultures, they dog you out, telling Peter, Paul, Pam, and Precious your most personal business. When you come around these same people or others you are cool with (some people, for years and years), folks look at you funny and treat you different. People start getting offended by rumors of what you said (the result of he say, she say = gossip) and start accusing you of things you didn't do. Oh, here's a better one, maybe you shared some confidential information and that same person runs and tells that info that was for their eyes only. Now the truth you spoke from the heart is now transformed into a pool of lies. Better yet, you get blasted in front of a group of people for no reason and now people are looking at you as the enemy (having no idea that there is always two sides to one story). Wow. As the late great Rastafari poet stated, "your worst enemy can be your best friend..." So true and I've come to find that out in very recent weeks. I remember a time when my grandfather, the late great Jamss Williams, a deacon, got his name dragge through the mud. Although I was 7 or 8, I sensed what was going on. In all my years, I never saw my grandmother so furious because those "ignorant people". (Sorry can't use the n word,  some of you may get offended) called their house phone accusing them of things they didn't do. Back mouthing them, shoot, it was like they was stalking them and provoking them to anger. You know, those fake church folks who "call" themselves Christians (but ain't nothing like the Christ). She almost slammed the phone but my granddaddy, in his Fonzi (being cool) mode, sat there in his recliner, feet kicked up, remote in hand, sweet iced tea in seat cup holder, and Cosby on the TV screen said, "Laura, don't worry about them, call down, God will get the,." She huffed and puffed a bit but walked away into the kitchen know he was rite and cooked us a mean North Carolina style catfish dinner. That's how we have to be, as Samuel Jackson would say "Cool." People are going to people. Only God can change the heart of men. Right now, we're seeing betrayal, dishonesty (I'm bad at this), manipulation, jealousy (like Ghostfsce Killah said in Bulletproof Wallets circa 2001), and maliciousness at an all time high. But we got townies up and know who we're dealing with it. It may be a supervisor, teacher, fellow employee, business, pastor, parent, sibling, or even your best friend you'll throw "javelins" to kill you, your reputation,  and your density. But we have to be like that man David of Bethelehem, "behaving wisely." As one of my mentors used to tell me, life is like a game a chess, you've got to think two or three steps ahead to defeat your opponent. When these jokers try to push your buttons to get you mad, keep calm and realize they are trying to get you to help assassinate your character. When sensing your people about to "sun you", learn to love those jokers with a long handed spoon. When you get hit up, don't stay in that relationship place, or situation when a way of escape has been given to you, be like David run (even if you are out in the wilderness by yourself). When you see the cap of Saul on top of somebody's head, you better get wise and know you've got a war on your hands. Evil will use anyone to destroy all that's good in your life. "Life can be unjust and you won't know who to trust" sometimes but know God is the one that sticks closer to you than any brother. Plus, His put His characteristics in others on this planet (no matter who they are, where they're from, or what they believe in) to keep you moving forward in life. My friends, all I'm asking us to do is get wise so we won't die but live.

Til Next Time....

1st  Samuel 18
Proverbs 18:24
Psalms 55:21
...and Bob Marley...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sometimes, You Have To Lose To Win

Now, for some of you music buffs, the title of this blog may sound very similar to lyrics of one great vocalist, Fantasia. If you think about the title, it really does make sense. Actually, it's one of the key principles of Jesus' teachings. If you look back over your life, you see how you won more or gained more by losing people, places, and things. It's a proven fact that for us to win we have to lose something. For the next couple of weeks, my posts may sound like I'm venting but actually, writing helps me face God reality of what "this thing called life" (I stole that quote from Prince, too) is all about so I can continue to move forward and not go back. Right now, my beautiful wife Dionn and I are experiencing a brand new word that we've heard for years and years but never fully experienced; freedom. However, for us to obtain this freedom, we had to lose a whole lot. Some of friends and family know our situation and understand where we're at had to come with a price. We had to shed responsibilities, attitudes, false belief systems (not instituted by Christ), and pathways not conducive to live of free life. Free from what others say about you and what you're doing for their validation. Freedom from legalism. Freedom from elitism. Freedom from lies and manipulation. And the list goes on (you all know that's my second favorite line). Once we decided to get from all that I've named and unnamed, burdens started to lift off our lives. Of course, there is a pain of losing all those things and relationships that we once fostered now have put away (Ecclesiastes 3 - a great read about time). It's all for the best and I'm loving it. In American society, we are indoctrinated that losing is next to sinful (especially in the church, it's blatantly and wrongfully considered sin). Losing is considered weakness. Losing is considered not being able to be cool with the in crowd like that song by Rare Essence (peace to my DC people). Losing is like another form of quitting or of inferiority. Wow. How stupid have we become to think this! But losing, if looked at the wrong way is winning. To bring some of you super deep people in the world, let me use a layman's term or real life event. About 3 years ago, the Miami Heat led by the other big three (you know there names) faced the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals. Case and point, they had schooled like Money Mayweather did to his last few opponents. I remember seeing Chris Bosh crying because so much pressure was put on them by the media (Stephen A Smith was clowning them) and by American basketball society. They lost horribly. However, their loss only made them become a better team and now they are two time repeat NBA champions. On another level, Jesus is our perfect example of being a "loser" who did lose everything but achieve a status by His Name alone to have all power in heaven, in earth, and under the earth. He lost loved ones, some of his pupils turned on him, and even the respect of those He may have helped. He endured the burdens but so the joy before Him. He, Miami Heat, and so many others in the past as well as the present have lost so much if not all but gain their ultimate prize; a win. It's funny, isn't it? Now let your haters hate while you bask in the glory of all you achieved through your losses. Sometimes, those jokers who drag your name thru the mud thru gossips and jealousy but smile in your face are the same ones you need to cut off (if you don't they'll suck the life out of you). My friends (my favorite saying), don't be afraid to lose because "at the end of the day", you bet your bottom dollar, you will win.

Til Next Time....


Hebrews 12:1-2 and Stepjen A Smith talking about Lebron (on YouTube hilarious)