Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Great Pretender-Joel Osteen

First of all, the people of the great state of Texas are motherfucking trill, survivors, resilient, and truly a great people. Hurricane Harvey has affected and continues to affect you all in various ways but your heads are held up high. I also like to say that Gov. Abbott is fucking OG as well for not putting out bullshit news in an already fucked world of news media. He continues to inform the public of what's happening and how the people of the Houston area as well as people from other parts of the USA have rallied together in this difficult. However, there is one person that has really caught the attention of the public and that's the great pretender called Joel Osteen. In case you don't know who this asshole is, he is a multi-millionaire preacher owning a building that seats over 16, 000 every time the doors of his church are open. Well, during this melee that has consumed the greater Houston area, his doors "were" closed when they needed to be open the most. It's well documented that other churches, hell, a fucking furniture store opened their doors to the people yet Osteen didn't do shit. Now that the first phase of Harvey is about over, now he wants to open his church and provide relief to the people. By the way, it's also reported that Tyler Perry donated a ton of loot to Osteen's now "functional" relief "efforts" (sounds like a cover up to me). Joel, oh Joel, motherfucker, no you did not try to save face well after the fact millions of folks called you out on your shit. What perplexes me about this situation are the amounts of other Christians defending this asshole and putting out false news that his church was flooded (it's all over the Internet, these reports were not true). In a world that increases the speed of information exponentially, these same dumb ass Christians still don't get it the message. Joel along with the other great pretenders don't give a flying fuck about people. They only care about money, they only care about notoriety, they only care about their ego being stroked by the gullible. It's a sad fucking sight (I know, I used to be one of them). This occurrence that happened within the past week shows the true intentions and concern of Joel's heart. Another sad thing I see is that millions people are still going to hear his messages of false hopes. Wow. 

Mr. Joel Osteen, buddy, dude, it's time to 'fess up to what you really are bro. You've got your fellow Christians fooled but to us heathens and sinners (as you call us), it doesn't take rocket scientist to see that you're a charlatan. All I have to say is this, FUCK YOU and when the greater Houston area rises again in more power and glory, you need to get an eviction notice (it won't happen though). You must've of forgot the slogan, DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS and boy, boy, you fucked those people over. That's the love of Jesus for you, right?

Till next time......

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Hypocrisy of America's Racism

The more time goes by, the more bullshit happens and what happened in Charlottesville Virginia is bullshit. Please believe, I've gone through a couple of rough drafts to speak my mind on this matter and now I'm ready to share my thoughts. Trump's presidency has turned another page in the ongoing saga that continues, which is racism, prejudice, and discrimination. To be quite honest, these three things are etched in the USA's DNA and many of us still believe this country was founded on "christian values." At first, I say it's nonsense but as I comb through my vast knowledge of Christianity and the Bible, I agree with the latter (but not in the way you think).

You see, the main purpose of Christianity, especially when it comes to America, is dominionism. Dominionism in a nut shell is about one group of people taking control and conquering another group of people different from them. It's no secret this pattern of "Christianity" has plagued immigrants, Native Americans, slaves, blacks, Latinos, and every other person who doesn't fit the physical description of the descendants of "Shem" (the righteous and chosen of God). Fast forward August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville Virginia where the reported "alt-right" White power movements came together and made their statement, "we're here to make America great again" (meaning, we're here to gain dominion and take over America as we once did). Even your boy David Duke and other mentionable people have thanked the president for his "support." Do I think the president is a racist? Maybe, maybe not. However, Trump isn't the point of where I'm going, it's about the climate America has been condoning for way too long, racism.

This conflict that happened this past weekend shows that people are still hating others because of "the color of their skin but not the content of their character" (if it's a shitty character). This isn't just applicable to whites, it's for every race who can't stand somebody else because they look differently than them. This dislike for someone's skin color also breeds the desire to usurp them and have dominion over them. This isn't right but since the beginning of time, my friends, this has been America's MO. What's fucked up is, America is always telling other nations and peoples what to do, how to do, and when to do. However, America's hypocrisy is being exposed yet again and we're still practicing this shit called racism. You know what else is fucked up, under racist's umbrella, prejudice, discrimination, and color ism thrives. The people of power (dominionists) underfoot the people who are power-less.

The other side I'd like to point out about this past weekend's fiasco is that White Supremacy's kicks are becoming more like a dog's bark. Right now, the Asians are kicking White Supremacy's ass when it comes to making that dollar. Although whites (supremacists) may be the face of this noted supremacy (many blacks love to quote), the Asians have become America's measuring stick and now leaders of the free world that is in America. I'm thinking, these assholes who marched finally see that the power they used to have is nothing more than powder puff. They want that power back but to quote a god emcee, the Asians will "not surrender it" and that's a goddamn fact. Now let's take this home.

Racism is bullshit and America has used the tools of capitalism, politics, and religion to keep this shit rolling. These are the "christian values" that have now got us in a lot of shit and it's time to go back to the drawing board. Of course, racism will not stop as long as the world revolves; however, I believe it's time to "reason together" and talk this bullshit out. Why are we racist? Was this because of our upbringing? Are we racist because we see other people of different races making that paper we're not making? Is our racism caused by our ever-growing sociopathy? Is racism caused by our ignorance?
I'll say yes to all of these questions. It's time for us to get off the horse of our hypocrisy. Every race on this goddamn planet has contributed to everything we see, use, touch, smell, and eat; every race. TO HATE SOMEONE ELSE BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN IS TO HATE YOURSELF.

This is public message to you assholes who call yourselves white supremacist and pro-blacks. GTFOH with BS you talking and get with the fucking program; that is to LIVE YOUR LIFE AND GET MONEY.

Till Next Time.....

Friday, August 11, 2017

Who Is The Captain Of Your Destiny?

We're living in a time (the horrid millennial era) when people feel entitled, don't take responsibility for the shit they do (or don't do), and complain about everything (yet do nothing about it). Mostly, this type of behavior is exhibited by the black community (although it's seen in other races). Whenever logical people point their bullshit out, they love to throw out the famous Tupac phrase, "only god can judge." Well, in the Queen James book (aka KJV), it says "that people are gods" and in the real world, every person is entitled to their opinion. Fuck it, here's mine. My question to people today is, who is the captain of your destiny? Is it an invisible force called "god?" Is it your boss on your job? Is it your spouse or children? Should the captain be these people, places, and things? Should it be you? I'll concur with the latter rhetorical question. One thing I hate hearing people say is that "god will take care of me" bullshit. In this generation, we're hearing people say this and doing it accordingly, which is nothing. You've got young people in college flunking school and trying to manipulate the professors/department heads to pass them using lies. We've got ASNs (ain't shit nuccas) always looking for a handout because they still don't know what earning a living is about. We've got women having babies by ASNs repeatedly, getting their mindset pacified by heir local churches, and living off everyone else's tax dollars. You know what these motherfuckers say and believe; god will take care of me. God isn't the only one taking care of them, it's the rest of us, too. They have become irresponsible people and want someone else to take care over their lives. Why do you think black folks are so docile and underachieving? I'll tell you. They want someone else to take the role of captain in their life but refuse take the role for themselves. They want people to tell them what they want to do (mostly what they want to hear) and follow their lead. These motherfuckers don't have initiative in them. They believe "Jesus" is gonna make everything alright but let me bring you back to reality. You better wake up and get with the fucking program. I see too many of us not traveling, not saving, not climbing the ladder to riches, and not laying a foundation of successive legacy for those behind us. I'm not telling people not to believe in god but saying that you need to the captain of your own destiny. At the end of the day, you have to pay bills, you have to work, and making it in this world requires you to steer your own ship. That's responsibility and the toils/joys of adulthood. So please, get out of the cabin bed, pour water on your face, and get back to the captain's seat of your life and take control of your life. You'll thank me later....

Monday, August 7, 2017

Emotionally Detached People

We all go through things in life that make us stronger, better, and wiser. We also can go through things that make us colder, bitter, and apathetic. Some of us become more kinder and compassionate in certain subjects while others don't give much "grace." I believe we live in a very apathetic and emotionally detached society. Just look at the latest news happening from popular musical artists to us everyday "common folk." Emotional detachment has become a regular deal in American society but many of us are too goddamn blind to see it. Emotional detachment can spring from mentally traumatic events in our lives such as rape, abuse, failed relationships, and financial problems. The larger the amount of these events, the more detached we can become. Emotional detachment can also stem from the environment(s) we're around. The healthier the environment, the mentally healthier the person. And "if this is not so, ahhh, god bless...(Jay-Z's Friend or Foe). I know I see it and can say that I'm one of those emotionally detached people. Most of my "issues" have been mental, which began from the ages of 6/7. I can say over the past 15 years of my life, I've become more apathetic and emotionally detached. I didn't recognize how bad I've become until this past weekend. My wife told me that my body is here but my mind is somewhere else. Shit, that cut deep but the process of illumination began. I began to see how I've built this wall around me to keep everyone out. I realized how I've arrested emotions to feel but became a person of stone. I've become the very thing a close of friend of mine 3 years ago warned me not to be. In layman's terms, I became an "unlikable asshole." The great thing about this is that I know I'm not the only one. I reckon that if a person gets to the point when they don't call their friends or family on a regular basis, that's a positive sign. If a person can be married to someone yet shows no affection to their spouse, that's a positive sign. If a person allows certain beliefs and/or religious/political/cultural views to repress their actual essence, that's a positive sign. I believe the best solution is for a "day one ish" person to call us out on our shit. As the first step of the scientific method, to reach a solution, we must first identify the problem. I think each person goes through this and our person is determined by how we handle emotional detachments; that is, from ourselves, our family/friends, and the world around us. Hell, what do I know?

Til Next Time....

Friday, August 4, 2017

Is Free Speech Becoming Extinct?

Before I went to work this morning, I read a headline stating Lena Dunham (of Girls fame) made an "allegation" that some American Airlines employees made "transphobic comments." Colin Kapernick hasn't landed an NFL organization due to his stance concerning the Black Lives Matter movement. Recently, YouTube has been upping the ante on how vloggers are presenting their content and if any form of "hate speech" is deemed (or reported by the trolls), their entire channel gets shut down. We can see this same shit is happening to social networking "gurus" on Twitter and Facebook. If they say something "out the pocket", their page(s) get suspended without warning. My only question is this, what the hell is our society coming to? One of my favorite stand up comedies is Andrew Dice Clay's "Face Down, Ass Up" and in his late 90s rant, he talked about how free speech was becoming more like limited speech. Fast forward to August 2017, we have seen free speech becoming more limited, primarily to the changes in our society via social media. We've had so many movements within the past 5 years, from Black Lives Matter, ISIS, and the LGBT community. Anyone that has logically spoke against and/or criticized these movements, they been considered bigots, hell, devils. Sometimes, when people expressed their "disappointments" or thoughts about these movements, they've been right. When people spoke against ISIS being nothing more than a power hungry money grab for people using Islam as the tool, they might get touched. When people criticized the BLM movement concerning its leaders true intentions, they were called coons and sambos. When people noted transgenders not being honest with people they hook up with wrong, they're called discriminatory. In all these instances and others are society is festering, people are to comply with the trends instead of going against the grain. Shit, man. Don't tell your Christian friends you're an atheist, they'll tell you you're going to hell. Don't tell single mothers who keep getting pregnant by dudes who aren't shit they're wrong, they're ready to fight you. Don't tell a gay man or a lesbian they're wrong for  trying to seduce somebody's spouse, they'll call you prejudiced. Don't stand up for a cause because your job might fire your ass. Don't tell a black person to stop blaming white people for their individual fuck ups, they'll call you a coon. Don't tell a KKK member that the same stoplight they use was created by a black man, they're ready to hang you. You see, having your own mind, opinion, and manner of speech is unacceptable. Individualism is frowned upon and if you're flowing against the currents of society, you're considered an outsider. I know for myself, I'm an outspoken person, not boastfully, and believe I have the right to speak freely. However, I feel the weight of society on me because who I am, what I believe in, and what I say will result in motherfuckers getting offended. These days you can't say shit because people are mentally weak and can't stay on the kitchen (the same one they keep opening). What the fuck, man? Why can't we let each be free speak, regardless of its right or wrong? That's what makes life interesting because through conversation, we see all the shades this world is. The people who are being easily offended because somebody says something they don't like should go fuck themselves. Every time somebody says something I don't like, should I be offended every single fucking time? Hell to the naw, to the naw, naw, naw. Come on people, let's not be kids about this shit. Everybody has the right to their own opinion, that's what fundamentally makes America different from the rest. Think about that...

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hard Times For Black Men In The Millennial Era

Lil Duval's is being pressured to apologize for his comments made on The Breakfast Club a couple of days ago. Charlemagne gets flash mobbed by black women and a "trans black woman" during an interview for those comments made by Lil Duval. Videos are circulating through the internet of Bobby V(Valentine) leaving a transsexual's hotel room for failure to pay for "services" and hanging with a group of transsexuals at some type of recording studio. Dwanya Hickerson gets convicted for violently stabbing a transsexual after "finding out" their sexual identity. All of these are black men caught up in a world of controversy involving the certain members of the LGBT community. Of course, this is not new for black men in America, ask both of the Eddie (one of them of course is dead), ask Hank, as well as a slew of others. Once you get caught up in the wrong position or say something wrong about them, that's your ass. Your credibility, cool points, respect, and public position is on the fast train to ruins.

This can happen for the common black man, especially here in the South. I'm an artist so maybe a couple of years ago I could tell but nowadays, "it's hard out here for a pimp." Well, this can't be said for others and believe you me, some of the brothers are getting caught up. Now, let me say this, there are some black men who like transsexuals and trust me, you won't hear me hate on them . I live by this old adage, "if you like it, I love." I'm not judging nobody; however, I don't support transsexuals hiding their true identity from their perspective "mates." We've seen the millennial age put a lot of pressure on black men to be, think, and do a certain way. Shit, let's be honest, this new millennial society wants me to bow down and go with the flow of everything whether right or wrong. In this particular subject of sexuality, it's like we have to be quiet and if we disagree with this lifestyle then we're called haters, bigots, and pigs. That's not fair.

Nowadays, differences of opinions are not valued but are cast down. Nowadays, comedians can't make jokes that make fun of other groups, races, sexes, religions, and creeds like those of yesteryear (Dice Clay, George Carlin, Redd Foxxx, Paul Mooney, to name a few). Radio commentators have to watch what they say because if they say the wrong thing, their ass is grass. Actors definitely better watch their backs, sides, and fronts because if they say something out of line, they'll never work in Hollywood again. "Average Joes" with average jobs have to be careful what they and how they do things because if they get out of pocket, they'll be on  I'm pretty sure men of all races in America are dealing with this but black men got it the hardest. In the words of the late great Dusty "The Dream" Rhodes, "it's hard times" and it may not get any better.

Lil Duval and Charlemagne aren't backing away from what people like Laverne Cox are rallying. I believe they did nothing wrong and if you can't take a fucking joke, well motherfucker, grow up. Also, understand, when a man thinks he's about to get it in with a woman who's really a transsexual, how should they respond? Some people run away, some out of fear and anxiety of how this society is going to treat them, may do "otherwise."  For Bobby V, if he likes transsexuals, good for him and stop faking the funk. If he is getting extorted, well, he needs to get this situation resolved. For Dwanya, it's going to be a while before he ever will see parole.

It's hard times in the millennial age for black men and the best method is wise up and recognize the world around you. I believe it's time for men to be men and in an estrogen-type society where people can't be individuals, it's going to be an uphill battle.

Image result for black men stressed

'Til Next Time.....

Monday, July 31, 2017

Lessons We Can Learn From Jay-Z's "Adnis"

This past Friday, a bonus edition of Jay-Z's 4:44 LP was released, which includes a song dedicated to his late father called "Adnis." Although I've enjoyed the project, I was anticipating to hear "Adnis" and when I heard it, I was buried with tears. I felt where Jay-Z was coming from because I've been there before with my biological father, "Ben." I listened to that song at least 4 times within a 30 minute period and let my wife listen to it as well. After I played her the song, I cried again.

"Letter to my dad that I never wrote"
Speeches I prepared that I never spoke
Words on a paper that I never read
Proses never penned they stayed in my head (fear to release those emotions)
Jotted on dotted lines, "I'mma fight you nigga" (revenge, anger, hurt, loneliness, abandonment)
Stories that I heard I'm just like you nigga (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree)
Must've been some pain in your past too (in the black community, the cycle of pain never ends...)
Must've been karma that was past due ("the sins of the father/mother are passed to the sons/daughters")
Must've been the energy that passed through (the chance of redemption, the chance the break the cycle of pain)

Ask anybody from my family, I'm the spitting image of my father, down to the way I act. My mom would show me pictures of him when I was a kid to remind me that I had a father (he left us when I was 4). I can remember many times I would be frustrated with my life because I wanted what my other friends and classmates had, a father. I was a very angry kid and it followed me for a long time. One thing I will say, my stepfather, "Daddy Tony" has been an amazing father to me but deep inside, I wanted my father around. There have been periods in my life that we had no contact, sometimes months, most times, years. I went through so much shit, mental shit in my life that no kid before the age of 10 should experience but I did. Sometimes, I say to myself, how would I be if my father was around. Nobody will ever know. I'm a big Jay-Z fan and the second song I heard from the God emcee (besides "Lucky Me") that showed his "mortality" was "This Can't Be Life" (from "The Dynasty" LP). Then I heard "Momma Loves Me" (off "The Blueprint" Vol 1) and boy, that took me through some various emotions (in September 2001, I hadn't heard from my father since June 2000). Fast forward 2017 and this song hits my spirit. The part that got me was this:

"Who would've thought I'd be the dad I never had (maturity)
Be the husband I've become
You, see nothing come from that
I forgive you as I live through the beautiful present of the past (if we choose to...)
I'm just thank that I get all these gifts to unwrap" (lessons, taking the good out of the bad)

I'm a fairly new father as of June 25, 2016 and it's been a terrifying ride. Once my father told me that at least 3 generations of fathers left their families and everyday I fight to break the cycle. I've long forgave my father for all the times he wasn't there, especially after knowing the circumstances he's told me he experienced in his childhood. 2017 has been an interesting year in hip-hop music but to hear a legend of S. Dot come from the throne to tell people, particularly men, his struggles when it comes to fatherhood/childhood/parenthood. "Adnis" is a song of reflection, which I believe is stark reminder of the continual problems in the black community. There are too many single mothers with multiple kids and those kids don't have their father around to love or provide. We've got too may young boys (and girls) walking around angry with the world, hating themselves, and borderline homicidal/suicidal because their father (mothers) is nonexistent (most of the time emotionally/psychologically healthy relationships). This song talks about the culture of abandonment that so many of us in the black community (or anyone of any race for that matter) deals with when the people we love the most leaves us hanging. This song also touches on the problem that the black community has when it comes to drugs and alcohol (oh yeah, this includes me, too). Most importantly, this talks about the black community finally letting go of its ego, its pride, its carelessness, its selfishness, its religion, its excuses, and talk about the various shit that plaques us as individuals as well as families. Albums like Jay-Z's "4:44", Tyler the Creator's "Flower Boy", Vic Mensa's "The Autobiography", and Logic's "Everybody" are wake up calls for us to speak honestly and openly. However, there is reasonable doubt the black community as a whole are listening to the horns to simmer down, sit down, and get real. 

Tim next time.....

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Edition: There Is Life After Jesus

Hello, friends, it's been a long time since I've written a blog; a lot has changed. I'll tell you now, it's taking a lot of out me to write this post because in the black community, this train of thought is frowned upon. It's sort of blasphemous for anyone in the black community not believe in or live for Jesus Christ. In my opinion, it's feels like anyone who doesn't believe is considered worse than a "sinner man." I can say this because in my "christian days", I would go ham on anyone who didn't believe in Jesus, from atheists, to Muslims, to people who experienced "church hurt." I'd "witness" to them about the "love of Jesus" and provide "chapter and verse" to support my work "in Jesus' name."
Today, I'm not that same man and very much a non believer of Jesus.

Since early 2012, my out-processing of the christian faith has been an arduous one. Many of my family and friends don't know that I'm an agnostics, hell, borderline atheist. During this process, I've taken the time to step out of the christian community and analyze things with a broader perspective. I've finally concluded that Jesus is nothing more than a deadbeat father (well, that's if he existed). I see that we in the black community have been indoctrinated to love this "jesus" with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We are taught to live for Christ, shame this "devil", pray, believe, go to church, worship him, and wait to go to heaven after we die. Well, that's all lies. I believe, the main reason why many of us believe and serve Jesus is because we are fearful of going to hell.

We are indoctrinated with this and it's caused a cognitive dissonance that muddies reality. We are taught that we are nothing with god and cannot experience success without christ. Hell, nowadays, we're told that anyone who is black with riches and wealth are members of the Illuminati and have sold their souls to Bhapmomet. Lies. Many of us are praying, fasting, worshipping, preaching, singing, and serving yet hear that voice in our spirits saying, "when are you going to give this up?" Some of us maybe hearing our your true conscience saying, "don't you think there is more to your life than doing all of this?" Some of you believe that if you have legitimate doubts about christianity that you are succumbing to the "wiles of the devil." Some of you are in church services nodding your head to the words of a preacher but deep inside you feel like your trapped. Some of you want to do great things with your life but the rules founded in the scriptures and the hypocritical Christian culture have developed mental chains from you doing this.

Many of us believe that if we don't believe in jesus that our lives are over. It's not and believe me, your life will blossom even more without jesus. Some people in my life are hoping that I'll come back home (church and jesus), forget all that my family has experienced, and get back on track. That'll never happen because I'm living a life that's far better than what I had with jesus. My career is really going forward in the right direction (promoted five times within 5 years), a son of my own, new friends who  love me without hidden intentions, and most importantly, me being what I want to be. In the christian religion, I was hammered with achieving the purpose jesus wanted me to have but it was more like me chancing a dangling carrot (and a hamster on a wheel). I had to paint my face with happiness but I was a sad sack of shit. Although I still have problems (like anybody else), I'm finally experiencing happiness.

You see, I've learned and still learning that I don't need to find strength, love, happiness, contentment, or success from somebody I can't see. All of that is in me and it's my responsibility to achieve those accolades. To be quiet honest, it behooves you to do the same. I believe your life will be more blessed without jesus than with jesus. There's no need to serve someone you'll never see in this life or the next (if there is one). There's no need for you to forgive undeserving people because you want "jesus" to forgive you (remember, forgiveness is not given but earned). There's no need for you to give your money in the church's collection plate hoping god will bless you (that money needs to be invested in yourself). It's time to take back the reins of your life and live the life you want to live. This life is limitless and religion (that includes relationship with jesus) only roadblocks your way to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If your thinking of leaving the faith, I support you. It's not easy because people are going to come at you and try to make you doubt on the decision that works best for you. At the end of it all, there is life after jesus and once you begin living life on your terms, those same people coming at you will be jealous of you. Live the life you want to live, live your truth, live it responsibly, live it with no regrets (at least try to...). If this is you, get out of the pews, walk towards the exit door, open the exit door, and the crazy world around that's called sinful as your place of freedom.

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'Til next time....