For some of you who know me and for many who don't, I've been going through a lot of changes. First of all, I'd like to thank some of my friends (Big Joe, Carl, Jonathan, Kary, Monique, Shai, etc.) for hearing my thoughts and telling me the truth. You've seen my struggles and I hasn't been easy showing you the skeletons in my closet. Second, for those who've been reading my blogs since I first started circa 2011-2012 to the present, you've seen the changes in my writing style and opinions. You've seen my many pitfalls and now you see me a different and forever "changed' individual. In a recent blog I did last month, I said that I was no longer a Christian. Well, let me put it this way, I am but I'm crawling out the pits of a psychological prison set up for me to be entrapped forever. I am a person who gave his mind, will, and emotions to leaders of a cult, who themselves are victims of a long lasting stench left by Azuza Street (which many Christians hail as the defining moment of a Christian revival in America, yeah, right----). You can say that a cult is more like a prison. It's a prison indoctrinating you into a suppressive way of life, constricting your life's purpose, and destroy almost every vital relationship in your life (childhood/long lasting friendships, family members). Now that I'm out, it's been one of the hardest struggles to let go of hurt, betrayal, lies, invasion of privacy, coercion, manipulation, financial loss, and loss of friendships (whether they were good or bad) I will experience ever in my life. Today, I'm taking "a leap of faith" and sharing my "rage against the machine". In the words of the great Beanie Siegel (circa 2000), it's time to give you all the truth. It's time to give you the whole truth. Since leaving a particular organization, which few, some, or many know is located at 700 Glen Hollow Lane, Belton Texas 76513, that uses a slogan "...And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh..." using scripture reference "1st Samuel 3:21 (which is something you will see throughout this series is a passage is used out of context). The name of this organization is called Shiloh Worship Center, lead by a tag-team, married couple called by its members Apostle Quane Scott (or Pastor/Apostle Q) and Pastor Claudette Morgan-Scott (Pastor C). Before I continue, in no way am I trying to stop their "hustle" but using them and my experiences with this particular organization as scapegoats/examples to expose the 99.9% of the corruption of the American Church system (i.e. not all churches are bad, just most of them, just my opinion I'm entitled to according to the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution). When you look it up, the online search results will show a now defunct daycare center the church had (which no one got paid to do, a direct violation of federal/state laws to pay employees-pipe bomb), and some video blogs I did for a now defunct production/publishing company FKA Ramathaim Productions and Publishing, LLC. When I first left Shiloh Worship Center, I took heed to some people's "advice" that I should "let it go"(to not say nothing about my 10+ year tenure), "don't talk about the man and woman of God" (due to the erroneous use of Psalms 105:15-read it, you'll see what I'm saying), and "mark the perfect man". Well, I am letting it go and the only way I know to do so is to talk about it (thanks to a young lady that gave me that advice 4 years ago). One thing I've noticed in a lot of these churches in the Killeen, Temple, Belton, Copperas Cove, and Kinston, NC (one of my hometowns in the Tar-heel State) areas is for former bleeding and hurt members to live by a code of silence. When people leave a "ministry" they are "indoctrinated" to say nothing, pray and fast for God's direction or perfect holy will, and then seek to become a part of another ministry; thereby continuing the destructive cycle for them and generations after them. In God reality (the real world), through collegiate professors, psychologists, and the average American citizen, this is highly destructive advice many people in the American Christian world are sharing. The last time I read Ephesians 5:8-14, this passage speaks against this type of thinking and action (the truth will hurt and is shameful but sets us free). When we leave ministries from the TRUTH pastors/leaders are sleeping with some one's wife (and/or husband, sometimes both, hello...), misappropriating church funds to fund their lavish and over the top lifestyle (or use "ponzi schemes" to buy property/land but only they receive the best of the profits), counseling people then telling their dark secrets to everyone else in the leadership team (which also funnels to the congregation), and/or showing favoritism to certain church members for "taking care of them" are grounds to expose these people. Their dirty laundry needs to be exposed as well as I expose my own in the process. If the "world" is doing it (i.e. Watergate-"Operation Deep Throat", Haliburton/Armed Forces rape scandals, Thousands of exoneration cases throughout the country mostly in Texas), why isn't the American church system as a majority not doing it? If Jesus Himself exposed the Pharisees for the sorry pieces of trash they were, why are we doing the complete opposite? If Elijah exposed Ahab, Jezebel (which I will discuss later in a another part of this series), and the false prophets of Baal for what they did to upstanding people of their surrounding communities, why is the church not doing the same? I know why....we are supposed to do only good things for the "household of faith" but we have twisted Paul's words way too much and far too long (2nd Peter 3:15-16). We have been ingrained to not "speak evil against no man" who is of the faith but will bash Jay-Z, Lil Wayne (for cussing in their records but they'll watch RHOAtlanta all day/night long), and the American government for passing LGBT right laws (and I was a part of this hypocrisy). We are so outspoken about how people are cursed because they don't pay tithes (which is about foods not money), judging people for coming to church in club wear (but forget that this generation doesn't know "the way"), and the list goes on. NO LONGER will I be quiet about this situation because many of my friends, including one who is dead and buried since last year have and are still going through this. It's time for someone to stand up and I guess in the area I live in, it's gonna be me. Hopefully others will stand up and speak out against these spiritual, financial, emotional, sexual, mental, and physical debaucheries going on. Some of you may ask, isn't David afraid of having his business exposed while doing this series? Isn't he afraid of the "backlash" he may face coming to him and his family/friends? No because I'm going to expose myself, my personal failures of enabling hirelings who call themselves Apostle and Prophet/Pastor who hurt/split whole families, shows little to no empathy for people's personal issues, no consideration of others' time, money, and families, and the list goes on. I'll admit to other things I've done against other former and still for some reason current members, which was just a direct correlation of what they (the pastors) did to others as well (students following their teachers). But my goal isn't retaliation; it's atonement for those who continue to choose to be quiet and to get the word out that the American church system is failing America all by itself, especially in this areas I have lived in stinking worse than a camel's defecation. This system blames the government, penal, and educational systems of what's wrong with America but the church as well as other religious systems like the Nation of Islam, etc. have perfectly destroyed the inner core of this great nation. The goal is to inform us all that we are locked in a system called by John, Babylon, the great harlot. A system filled with false apostles, prophets, liars, cheaters, etc that is corrupting the minds, souls, and spirits of human life. My goal is to expose its inner workings and the psychology of leaders like my former pseudo leaders. My goal is to speak for the speechless and in some form or method, provide hope that the blood (personal and professional lives) of the real saints and sinners will be avenged. Finally, it's to bring atonement to my own soul for all that I did to others and all those times I should've stood up and said something but was too weak and emasculated to do the right thing. Now, the Big O is back loaded with AK-47s, 45s, Desert Eagles, and Claymores (I'm figuratively speaking of course) and ready to blast the modern day Viet-Congs that need to be brought to literary justice. This is the reason why I'm going through it. If word gets back to them and they try to ruin my reputation, my wife's business, or my parent's reputation (which they have either attacked and lied to on Facebook within recent months), all I need to do is make three phone calls and we can really make this story "viral." As Jay-Z said, "even Jesus won't save you from that..." I'm using them as example of many other pastors in the surrounding communities doing the same exact things to different (sometime the same) people. One thought though, it's funny they can't come together to help enrich their surrounding communities in some form but are in the same business of scattering the sheep (Ezekiel 34). Something to think about.... Of course, I'm just one side of this very murky puzzle, of this faded picture, but I believe this is the right thing do.
My friends, til next time, let this marinate and stick around for part 2, Mental Hell.....
P.S. - "......This is not a diss song, just a real song......."