Till next time.....
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Christian Mysticism
I'm a firm believer that I'm not a Christian (in a religious sense), I'm a rebel "flowing against the currents." What currents? The falsities fathered first by certain evil men who called themselves Catholics (popes, archbishops, etc.) in the Dark (Middle) Ages. Then it was repackaged, regrouped, and reborn through the "prophetic" move called Azuza Street (if you do your research you'll see it was a bunch of bulls---) back in the early 1900s. Within the past 30 or so years, mysticism is worse than the epidemic we saw in World War Z and I Am Legend put together. We've been infected with certain mystic language like "name it and claim it", "touch not thy anointed", "spiritual warfare",spiritual authority", "naming your angels", "kingdom dominion", and the other crap that's going around these days. It really hit me when I was watching the last season of "The Borgias" (now cancelled, sniff, sniff), when some people were "outing" Pope Alexander for what he was really about and really doing. He gathered all the archbishops in a cathedral and erroneously used a passage out of John 20 Jesus said to his disciples ("...whoever sins you remit, it's remitted, whoever sins you retain, they are retained...) and put a "curse" on his enemies (they in fact died in that same segment). My eyes opened and I saw what we know as Christianity is not. It's not giving your tithes and offerings to receive a blessing. Why? Didn't Jesus himself say the variable blessings of God are given to the "just and unjust?" Why should I give something that God doesn't want people to give (I.e. - foods, homes, etc.)? It's not using a bunch of scripture to cover yourself from being audited by the federal government because you feel God has given you a type of "authority" that supersedes "the laws of the land" (that god himself approves most of them). Or what about all this "apostolic and prophetic" moves of God? People speak eloquence and super spiritually sounding words uttered by the "Holy Ghost" to get people to a higher realm of "anointing" and "place" in God. And a common misappropriation of Hebrews 10:26, that many fail to read the whole chapter to see the total principle. People preach that if you don't join a church or ministry that the "devil" will devour you because you have a "spiritual covering" (a pastor) to cover your soul (last time I read, the bible says Jesus is the one who looks over our soul). Or what about the mumbo jumbo about speaking heavenly tongues? I've seen even Buddhists and Nation of Islam dudes speak with their own heavenly tongues. But the last time I read, when everybody came down from the upper room they speak the languages of other cultures, races, and nations. And we can't forget about prayer, which is one of the most misused acts given to man. Prayer doesn't change everything we want to see changed. Nor is it supposed to be used to fight against or bad situations to go away using a "spiritual scepter." There's a bunch of this mess going on that's got more people living broke, busted, and soon to be disappointed that people are still going from "house to house" leaving people messed up. I have one phrase the old schools from North Carolina love to say when things are off.... Let me clear my throat....Nigga please..... (That's right I said nigga = ignorant person). Christian mysticism is what many preachers like Bishop Mason (COGIC), Sweet Daddy Grace (who created Jim Jones = Jonestown massacre), Creflo $$, and the Preachers of LA use to make themselves the vicars of Christ (little Christs on the earth). Well, this is nonsense and even atheists and drug addicts on blue magic can see it. I too was caught up this mess until I saw the principles and the practically of god. I've learned that in these "last days" that many will be given to lies. Hmmm.... Hell, I've been lied to but that's where we're at but this young man has smartened. The next time you go to church or another stick you up for your money conference or convocation that will feed the bellies of the powers that be than the families in the city in need, just watch some of these examples in action. Go on Facebook and read some of these mystical sermons people post sounding all spiritual. I hope you laugh, my friends.
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