In yesterday's blog, I mentioned that I had an interesting conversation with a 20 year old "young buck", who I believe was trying to "witness" to me. Of course, I know the rhetoric, what to say, how to say it, and continue to get on someone's nerves until they break. Well, I didn't "kill" him but dropped some knowledge on him. One thing that really frazzled me was him asking me, "Do you know what the Great Commission is?" Of course, I told him the root principle of Matthew 28:18-20 on top of other relating scriptures that it was a way for God to show His love for people. I guess he didn't like the answer. After the third time he asked me, I told him that everything he's talking about I already knew. I used to be a preacher, teacher, and was being "shaped and molded" to become a pastor (which I have vacated all these things because it's a bunch of bull----). To the average person, that's a signal, to stop asking the question. Of course, he didn't stop. Since this past Saturday, I've been doing a lot of thinking about this so called "Great Commission (operation)." Since I've been on planet Earth for the past 33 years, I've seen this "move of God" turn into a big balloon of hot air that's redundant. People are "witnessing, preaching, prophesying, and teaching' this but more people are being scattered, hurt, and brainwashed. I was one of them who was captured by it, taught it, and now refute. The "Great Commission" is more about inviting people to come to their church instead of taking this "message" to the hood (probably because they can't take rejection or their rep is stained by unrepentant past deeds). This mission is as weak as a fart in the cool and breezy winds of California's spectacular beach fronts. Okay, so the music's gotten better, the dress codes haven't lightened up a little bit, and maybe the speeches are more breathtaking than ever before. However, it creating the "Great DeCommission", that is, putting the minds, souls, and lives of people to become inoperable (halted, jaded, out of service, out of order). I can testify to that and I'm not ashamed to say it. I'm seeing more and more people in my local community becoming agnostics, twice the devils in hell than the ones that made them that way, and atheists. It's a sad sight. Thanks to those created the slogan "The Great Commission." You turned a business plan into a working nightmare for the souls of the innocent and pimp stroll for the pimp preachers and their hoes a like. But there's another side of the "Great DeCommission"; that side consist of people like me and millions of others who see the "Great Harlot" for what it is. We do videos, write books, make music, talk shows, and post blogs to call bull---- alerts. Many will hear and won't listen, some will hear and listen. Only time will tell. Some of you who love to say the slogan and scripture, you may fill a bit of fulfillment, like you're doing God a favor. Maybe seeing a few people come to God in your little convocations, conferences, and Sunday services boosts your egos in God. However, you're actually enabling the problem that God hates very much. And I hate it to and resent everyday I enabled the "Great Harlot's" system (and still going through certain "areas" of my life that need to cleaned out). Hopefully, you get what I'm saying, it's a bit street. That's where I'm at now.
Til next time, my friends.......
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