I've been wanting to write about this scripture for a while since I've left the crack epidemic called "church." Since I've been in the "detox program", I've ran into many people who've heard our story and the first thing they say to me is, "You should come to my church. I think you'll really like it. You know what the Bible says in Hebrews, 'Forsake not the assembly..." I've heard this, in a percentage rate, of 95.7% of my conversations with people who are obviously suffering from CTSD (Church Traumatic Stress Disorder). For some of us who don't know what Hebrews 10:25 says, let me help you:
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
Of course, a lot of these people forget what Hebrews 10:23-24 and Matthew 18:20 (the words of Jesus by the way) say but that's neither here or there. Throughout the 20th and 21st century (thanks to the Azuza Street Revival that unleashed the plague of religion), people have used this scripture to "guilt" people from missing church or to attend church if they are "fellowshipping with the Lord" on their own (i.e. - at home reading the Bible, etc.). When people use this scripture as they talk to me (not with me), the mind frame they are coming from is that their pastor "has what I need." I know, I used to the same thing to others. They believe the "level of the their pastor's anointing" will free me from whatever I'm going through and what I'm thinking. They believe "fellowshipping with saints" is restricted to coming to a church building "whenever the doors of the church are open." They believe that people should be an open book (i.e.-accountable to "leadership), in various parts for their life. People live others who are not attending church aren't growing in God or if they are doing things in "ministry" that they are moving "illegally in the spirit" without a "covering (a pastor)." It's funny how people are so seduced by these points and many more I can't put in one blog. These points I've mentioned and more are just regurgitated bull---- statements made by people throughout the ages to keep people locked up in the penitentiary of religion (which people call a part of the grace of God). Let me tell you people what Paul meant when he wrote Hebrews 10:25. He was referring to Matthew 18:20. He was referring to Proverbs 18:24. The relationships between David and Jonathan, Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Naomi, Peter and Silas, and the list goes on. Did any of these people gather in a building all the time to hear the middle man give them a word? Or to be encouraged? Or to worship God? Even with the worship of God, do we have to go to certain place to meet God and to hear him speak to us? If that's the truth, then why in the hell did Jesus die for to "break down the middle wall of partition between us and God (Ephesians 2:14/Matthew 27:51)?" I recently read Ja Rule's new book "Unruly" and in one of the chapters about his mother, he notes seeing how to this very day how his mother won't attend church. You want to know why? Why should we have to go to church to hear the middle man (the pastor) give you a word when you can open up your Bible and get one for yourself.... Some of these people (I think most of 'em) are lazy and go to church for their weekly fixes of word and worship that have nothing to do with how we should live our daily lives (notice how much of these powerful words from God are always about the spiritual realm instead of how to treat your fellow man). Here's my take on Hebrews 10:25, especially to you folks who keep quoting that scripture incorrectly. It's about maintaining relationships with people who believe in the same God as you do. Not always agreeing with each other (for it's common for people in God reality to agree to disagree) but helping each other stay on the "right path" in this thing we call life. So, when the next person tells me I "need to come to their church" and uses Hebrews 10:25 to "guilt me into going back to church", I'm just going to say hell no. Keep your church. To all those who are taking this approach on people who don't go to church, let me give you something, matter of fact someone better to reference them to instead of referencing them to church, Jesus.
Well, that's going to piss some people. Good.
Til next time.......
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
What Goes Around Come Around
Last night was one of the most liberating moments of my life. As I pushed through the fast pumping heart in my chest, the fear in my mind, and the anxiety in my body, I confronted some people who did my family wrong (including my friends and family back in North Carolina). As they say in the old movie flicks from the 1930s and 1940s, I "let them have it." Yep, I could have cussed them out but I didn't. I gave them what us Williams-Overtons-Royals do best, we strip you down with "the sword of our mouths." I didn't relent. I didn't hesitate. I negated the "soft-spoken" scriptures I was indoctrinated for years telling me to "turn the other cheek." Hell no. I got in their faces and confronted with the truth. Of course, they all ran like a bunch of b-----s but that's what they are to the core. They look shooting at people but don't like getting shot. It felt good, an action I haven't done in over a decade. As they peeled off in their expensive European car, I told them what the old schools used to tell us on Fisher St. in Raleigh NC, "what goes around comes around. The same way you do people is what's gonna be done to you." In their arrogance, they scoffed at my words but anyone who knows David Overton, they'll tell you, when I mark you, that mark doesn't wear off. I'm not talking about people curses on people, roots, and all that other voodoo-like stuff like these people have been doing to my loved ones, I'm talking opening a path for God's vengeance to pour down on them like acid rain. A lot of Christian people hold onto this teaching that's actually in the Bible, "Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I shall repay." Indeed that's true but how is God turning the tables on one of his creations doing is other creations knowingly wrong? He uses other people to exact his revenge on them. For the first time ever, I was used as "instrument" of judgment and boy, it felt good (there's still one more person I've got to make their pay day turn into a no pay due day). You see, my friends (I haven't said that in a while, apologies), as I've shared before, karma is real. When we do people dirty, dirt is coming right back into your life to bury you. Sometimes it'll come from other people used to make your life a living s----y hell. Sometimes, the same people you s-----d on in the past may become your boss one day to stop your gravy train of laziness at work. Karma is real and if you're not careful, it'll come back to haunt you. It may last a few minutes. For some people I know, it's gonna last for them until they breathe their last breath. People love to dish out but can't take s---t. Look at what the people of Babylon did to Daniel. They lie on him, falsely accuse him, and change laws to get him executed. But Daniel was vindicated once King Darius saw what was really going on. The same people that tried to s--t on Daniel got a chance to make their first and last visit to the lion's den. Not only them but their families as well (one thing we must remember is that people who're connected to us will suffer the same fate when karma strikes). Or what about Haman punk a$$ plot against Mordecai? This dude set up gallows for this dude but ended up visiting his rat trap himself. This is the perfect time of the year when people you see s----ing on people are the ones getting s----ed on. They are reaping what they sow. And God ain't doing a dog on thing to stop no matter how much people praying and fasting to stop it. When you mess with His kids, retribution shall be ordered and served. I just wanted to let whoever is out there reading this blog to know that. You're not forgotten and the blood that was spilled swiftly by the actions of evil people; know that you will be avenged. Hell, God might use you to be the instrument of judgement to get them back (I'm not talking through violence but verbal and literary advocacy).
Til next time.........."The Wolverine"
Til next time.........."The Wolverine"
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The Great DeCommission
In yesterday's blog, I mentioned that I had an interesting conversation with a 20 year old "young buck", who I believe was trying to "witness" to me. Of course, I know the rhetoric, what to say, how to say it, and continue to get on someone's nerves until they break. Well, I didn't "kill" him but dropped some knowledge on him. One thing that really frazzled me was him asking me, "Do you know what the Great Commission is?" Of course, I told him the root principle of Matthew 28:18-20 on top of other relating scriptures that it was a way for God to show His love for people. I guess he didn't like the answer. After the third time he asked me, I told him that everything he's talking about I already knew. I used to be a preacher, teacher, and was being "shaped and molded" to become a pastor (which I have vacated all these things because it's a bunch of bull----). To the average person, that's a signal, to stop asking the question. Of course, he didn't stop. Since this past Saturday, I've been doing a lot of thinking about this so called "Great Commission (operation)." Since I've been on planet Earth for the past 33 years, I've seen this "move of God" turn into a big balloon of hot air that's redundant. People are "witnessing, preaching, prophesying, and teaching' this but more people are being scattered, hurt, and brainwashed. I was one of them who was captured by it, taught it, and now refute. The "Great Commission" is more about inviting people to come to their church instead of taking this "message" to the hood (probably because they can't take rejection or their rep is stained by unrepentant past deeds). This mission is as weak as a fart in the cool and breezy winds of California's spectacular beach fronts. Okay, so the music's gotten better, the dress codes haven't lightened up a little bit, and maybe the speeches are more breathtaking than ever before. However, it creating the "Great DeCommission", that is, putting the minds, souls, and lives of people to become inoperable (halted, jaded, out of service, out of order). I can testify to that and I'm not ashamed to say it. I'm seeing more and more people in my local community becoming agnostics, twice the devils in hell than the ones that made them that way, and atheists. It's a sad sight. Thanks to those created the slogan "The Great Commission." You turned a business plan into a working nightmare for the souls of the innocent and pimp stroll for the pimp preachers and their hoes a like. But there's another side of the "Great DeCommission"; that side consist of people like me and millions of others who see the "Great Harlot" for what it is. We do videos, write books, make music, talk shows, and post blogs to call bull---- alerts. Many will hear and won't listen, some will hear and listen. Only time will tell. Some of you who love to say the slogan and scripture, you may fill a bit of fulfillment, like you're doing God a favor. Maybe seeing a few people come to God in your little convocations, conferences, and Sunday services boosts your egos in God. However, you're actually enabling the problem that God hates very much. And I hate it to and resent everyday I enabled the "Great Harlot's" system (and still going through certain "areas" of my life that need to cleaned out). Hopefully, you get what I'm saying, it's a bit street. That's where I'm at now.
Til next time, my friends.......
Til next time, my friends.......
Monday, August 25, 2014
Judge and Jury
I've come to the conclusion about my surrounding pseudo "Bible-belt" community; a lot of people love to rush to judgement. If someone makes a mistake or does something socially unacceptable, people love to give their "two cents " on the matter. When someone shares their thoughts on life as they see it, people rush to comment with their "logic and objective truths." Someone decides to start a business or begin dating somebody that others don't approve of; here comes those ignoramuses again running off at the mouth. By the time they finish with their "sermonette", the individual's path has been detoured to a more arduous and unpleasant road. Let's say how thousands of innocent Americans are sent to prison every year for crime they didn't do. A D.A. plans on becoming a judge and needs enough jail sentences to expand their portfolio. Petty drug deals, warrants that's been dropped for over a decade , or a snitch has to pay back a debt by ratting on a friend. Their mind is that these people he or she is targeting is guilty, unworthy of freedom and even a "means to an end" (mostly to boost their fragile self esteem/ego). This is what we call a "rush to judgement." Now I haven't read the bible in a while but one thing that still keeps me in check from becoming a judge and jury to my family (although i still do at times, I'm such a hypocrite, i.e. Lebron jumping ship back to Cleveland), is something Paul says, "judge nothing before it's time." People love to shoot first but most of the time wound or even kill the wrong target. In other words, they try to preside over the courtroom of other people's lives, then as a jury, deliberate and reach a judgement. After the finding has been rendered, they step back into the stead of a judge and sentence people to hard time. These hard times include f-ing up their rep, helping expand the fiery problems they're already experiencing, and criminalizing someone without love or consolation. This is a common occurrence in the area I live in. There are a lot of open minded people who adapt to an ever changing world. However, you have those who are "indoctrinated" into a closed minded lifestyle that are trained to be judge and jury. I believe if there was a lack of judge and jury in our society, our world would be a better place (not a utopia). Well, I couldn't say all i needed to say but I'll have some more thoughts tomorrow.
Til next time.....
An Understanding
Wow, I've had some interesting conversations over the past weekend. One was with a "young buck" (a 20 year old dude in the Army) who "eavesdropped" in a conversation I was having with a friend. Of course, it was about how 99.9% of churches are just a places where people scam others with their teachings and doctrines in the name of God. Of course, the kid was coming at me with the same bulls--- I gave to others years prior yet I understood where he was coming. Maybe good intentions but a bad move into messing with one of the illest dude in the Bible, DGWO. No, I didn't "crucify" him but was "dropping some jewels" on him (there I go with Mobb Deep quotes again). Some things I was saying made sense to him, other things, it's going to take this thing we call life to take him through some hard lessons. The end result of that conversation was this, he's gotta lot of "knowledge" but no understanding. Understanding is the application of knowledge, to see through the bulls--- that's around you, to see when it's time to say something and when it's time to shut your d---- mouth. And understanding doesn't happen at a one time event of enlightenment, it occurs until the say we die. However, I'm learning as the times have gone by from the 80s to present day planet Earth, more and more people are waning in understanding. Let me break it down. When someone you know is going through, not by the mistakes they've made, just life, that's the time to show compassion, empathy, and be that shoulder to cry on. That's the time to provide wisdom, not with judgement but with love. Understanding will cause people in management positions in our society to make decisions that will benefit the commonwealth (everyone) in one way or another not for their own benefit. In times, when things are going wrong because of bad management decisions, that's the time to implement understanding, which includes hearing the voice of the people who are making them look good, and make the necessary changes. However, we live in the "New Dark Ages" (hint, hint....) where understanding is blinded and condoned. I'm trying y'all to keep my understanding about the world and people around me. It's not easy but it's so necessary. We just need to have some understanding, a third eye, a world wide view. Understanding doesn't see black and white, it gives us both of those plus the gray area people believe doesn't exist (Catch 22s). We need understanding, all we have to do is ask and search for it. I do warn you, people around you aren't going to "dig the knowledge" you'll be dropping but as long as you got it to navigate through this rough terrain of life, then you're good. Understanding will help you halt you from rushing to judgments about things and people. Understanding will slow you down, stop, look, and listen (I guess Vanilla Ice had some good insight too, lol). Well, I'm done with my tangent for today.....
Til next time.......
Til next time.......
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Hello, My Name Is Depression
First, I'd like to dedicate this to Robin Williams, who was one hell of comedian, actor, and human being. You will be missed.
Now, let's investigate this situation more as more people in America are dealing with called depression.
depression - a state of feeling sad
I'd like to focus on the first two tabs of the definition. It's definitely a state of sadness, a serious medical condition, unshakable feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair, guilt, and shame. It's something that's becoming an epidemic in American society from Hollywood stars, to famous recording artists, to teachers, to parents, to children. It's real and it's something we can't ignore any longer. Self help books, long winded sermons, and famous quotes may be good for a short span of time, but their effects don't last. Depression is a "thorn in the side" that will "buffet" you until the day you die. To be bluntly honest, I've battled depression since I was 8-9 years old, maybe even younger, who's to say, only God knows. Depression makes our vision on life look black (referring to "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stone) and as soon as you can feel it's full effect, you may breathe your last breath. Anger, bitterness, aggression, infidelity, various forms of abuse, and rage are included with the depression when it's delivered to your door. I've heard from many "Christians" and spiritualists that you can speak to depression, pray it away, fast it away, or use quotes from "holy books" to defeat depression. Guess what, those don't work. They only deal with the outside (saving face) part of ourselves but in due time, it'll fade away and you're back in the pit again. All you're doing is suppressing what's really going on inside. One thing that I admit about Robin, DMX, and others is that they are real about the war that's raging in their mind. I think we need to start doing the same. We need to start dealing with ourselves when we look in the mirror in the morning. Not only that, we need to seek professional help, either through a local licensed counselor (psychologist, sociologist), therapy groups, etc., and whatever medication is available to you to help you. Talk with understanding and nonjudgmental friends who will listen to you wholeheartedly and be a comfort in your hard bouts with depression. Write a blog (a part of the reason why I write to this very day), a journal, video blogs, chat rooms, find a hobby, whatever you can get your sticky fingers into (that's healthy for your condition and legal). When depression is left unchecked, it leads to the destruction of this thing we call life. Suicide or homicide are the end results of unchecked depression. I know I've fought with suicide many times but I'm surviving thus far. Don't listen to these n----s who say "you need to come out of it right now", no. You need to realize this condition is going to knock on your door through your life and you will open the door, too. However, we've got to adapt and overcome to win against depression through: 1. identify it 2. find out what's causing it 3. look for a solution 4. apply the solution 5. repeat (similar to Brock Lesnar's "Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat regimen). Well, I think I'm finished with this. Hopefully, this will help somebody today.
It's time to speak out and let the world know, "depression is real and it can happen to anyone."
Til next time, Mr. "I'm still fighting depression" Overton.....
Now, let's investigate this situation more as more people in America are dealing with called depression.
depression - a state of feeling sad
: a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way
: a period of time in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs
I'd like to focus on the first two tabs of the definition. It's definitely a state of sadness, a serious medical condition, unshakable feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair, guilt, and shame. It's something that's becoming an epidemic in American society from Hollywood stars, to famous recording artists, to teachers, to parents, to children. It's real and it's something we can't ignore any longer. Self help books, long winded sermons, and famous quotes may be good for a short span of time, but their effects don't last. Depression is a "thorn in the side" that will "buffet" you until the day you die. To be bluntly honest, I've battled depression since I was 8-9 years old, maybe even younger, who's to say, only God knows. Depression makes our vision on life look black (referring to "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stone) and as soon as you can feel it's full effect, you may breathe your last breath. Anger, bitterness, aggression, infidelity, various forms of abuse, and rage are included with the depression when it's delivered to your door. I've heard from many "Christians" and spiritualists that you can speak to depression, pray it away, fast it away, or use quotes from "holy books" to defeat depression. Guess what, those don't work. They only deal with the outside (saving face) part of ourselves but in due time, it'll fade away and you're back in the pit again. All you're doing is suppressing what's really going on inside. One thing that I admit about Robin, DMX, and others is that they are real about the war that's raging in their mind. I think we need to start doing the same. We need to start dealing with ourselves when we look in the mirror in the morning. Not only that, we need to seek professional help, either through a local licensed counselor (psychologist, sociologist), therapy groups, etc., and whatever medication is available to you to help you. Talk with understanding and nonjudgmental friends who will listen to you wholeheartedly and be a comfort in your hard bouts with depression. Write a blog (a part of the reason why I write to this very day), a journal, video blogs, chat rooms, find a hobby, whatever you can get your sticky fingers into (that's healthy for your condition and legal). When depression is left unchecked, it leads to the destruction of this thing we call life. Suicide or homicide are the end results of unchecked depression. I know I've fought with suicide many times but I'm surviving thus far. Don't listen to these n----s who say "you need to come out of it right now", no. You need to realize this condition is going to knock on your door through your life and you will open the door, too. However, we've got to adapt and overcome to win against depression through: 1. identify it 2. find out what's causing it 3. look for a solution 4. apply the solution 5. repeat (similar to Brock Lesnar's "Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat regimen). Well, I think I'm finished with this. Hopefully, this will help somebody today.
It's time to speak out and let the world know, "depression is real and it can happen to anyone."
Til next time, Mr. "I'm still fighting depression" Overton.....
Thursday, August 7, 2014
The Whole Truth: I Pity U
It looks like this will be my final blog in this series and I'm going to end it with a bang. In most "ministries" in America, they are ran by a married power couple, the husband and wife. The staple and cornerstone of the church with a family image portraying perfection, royalty, splendor, honor, and financial wealth. Out of their members or flock, they have the best of things, houses, cars, jobs, full bank accounts, business savvy, and the list goes on. They are of eloquent speech and walk with the grace not an "ordinary Christian" can obtain. They are the leaders of leaders, the angels of the house, the shepherds of the flock, the anointed ones, the "little Christs" on the earth (more like the vicars of Christ). Their children also show forth the image of their parents, perfection, honor, splendor, beauty, royalty, and financial wealth. When you see advertisements, who do you see? You see them. Who do you see on a television promotional? You see them. Who do you hear or watch on the church's website, TV broadcast, or YouTube channel? You see and hear them. It's all about them. That's how Quane and Claudette are. When they left a neighboring church, they sought to become the focal point of the "ministry", not Christ, themselves. They are just a representation of many other "pastors" who've broken away from other churches to start their own. I can give a rough estimate that in the Central Texas area alone, there's got to be a the least 950 churches, big, medium, and small. The Scotts "opened" Shiloh Worship Center sometime in 2001 and for 13/14 years, they've done what 99.9% of church leadership has done, caught the sheep, abused the sheep, and scattered the sheep. When the sheep leave, they curse them and tell them, "since you're not a part of this ministry, you won't survive out there on your own." Some people prove them wrong using their freed up time, talents, and money to do the things they want to do. Others feel they are out of the will of God because they aren't doing ministry or going to church to "sit under" someone to get closer to God (which is atrocious and goes against Ephesian 2:13-18). Many of these pastors I see (however there are some who are actually doing what they are supposed to do....) are just pimps and if there's a power couple running that ministry, you can bet they are Ahab and Jezebel. Recently, two of the current Shiloh members (one of the elders and one of the musicians) contacted me. I was pissed. My train of thought was, "how in the hell are you going to call/text me and act like nothing is wrong? Are you that naive or dumb to act like you're trying to show me love when you're actually trying to keep access in my life that you don't deserve?" Those who know me know I've got a short temper and now that I'm in my 30s, my short temper is more directed towards foolishness. I texted one of them back and let them have it. I called the other one and let them have to. Heck, I saw another one of them at the VA and guess what I did? (I-L-T-H-I) They are just Quane (Ahab) and Claudette (Jezebel)'s "lackies" who have been "castrated" or "emasculated" and now become like the prophets of Baal. They cut themselves (giving their tithes and offerings that's not going to feed the poor, educate the illiterate but pays for their cars, expensive lifestyles, etc.) and believe the God of Heaven is listening to them when they are really worshiping and praising "Ahab and Jezebel." So how is Quane like Ahab? It's simple. Every time he wants something, whether it's a car, a piece of land (which they have "purchased through lies"), or some clothes, he cries like a little baby to his wife. The wife, Claudette who is very similar to Jezebel, does whatever it takes to get the job done. As I said before, she's a smooth and maniacal hustler with a silver tongue. Just as Jezebel in the Bible, if she has to lie to get someone out of the way to get what he wants, she'll do it. Just as the evil power couple in the Bible in the 1st and 2nd Kings, they reigned terror. Every true Christian or strong individual that came to Shiloh they killed with their words, their prophecies, their lies to get other preachers to curse people, and their force on the congregation to shun those people. People like my mentor who first taught me a lot in my early months of being a Christian, a singer who was trying to move on with her life but they talked about her like a dog. Or what about a visitor and his family who came looking for a place to rest but once he stated that his boys didn't need to follow a leader who's a bit (but in my opinion a lot), as Red Foxxx would say, "sweet", his whole family the whole church demonized (since then I've apologized to him and his family). Let's talk about those who set up methods to help them financially but after some truths got out, Quane, Claudette, Elder A, and the "intercessory team" (who's got no power at all to even move a piece of lint from a shirt) ganged up on them like they were criminals. For all you Bible, sounds a lot like how the king and queen were "killing the prophets" and many of them had to go into hiding (most of you who've been hurt by the church have kept silence and instead of fighting back, you hide because of the erroneous use of Psalms 105:15). Even I went against them (over a telephone conversation) and had those two wolves barking (they can't take correction). Just as Elijah, I told them some things they didn't and now they release the hounds from their congregation to visit my house unannounced, calling and texting, sending me messages on Facebook, and probably trying to put roots on me (a curse/voodoo spell that's big in NC and Caribbean countries). Just like Elijah, I went into a deep depression, almost suicidal, and a heart filled with bitterness. Hell, even certain people were telling me, man, you are changing for the worst. I was and some people were telling me, I was proving them right that I couldn't make it without me being under their "covering." Then my trip to Kinston came, then more thoughts ran through my head, and then I started this series. Now I'm like Elijah going back and tearing these negroes out the frame with confidence, boldness, and not worrying about some curse comes in my life. So to Quane, Claudette, the preachers I saw growing up fleecing the people, who tried to destroy my family (grandparents and parents), and you pimps in the Killeen, Belton, Copperas Cove, Harker Heights, Waco, and Temple, you will pay the price (and if you keep playing around, you may pay the ultimate price-your lifestyle in exchange with a prison sentence or under the ground). Ahab died because he tried to get a just man killed but got killed himself. Jezebel's "lackies" soon turned on her when a man by the name of Jehu basically told them to stop letting this lady lie to you and throw out of that window. As her lifeless body laid on the ground, dogs licked up what was left. Hmmm.....Quane and Claudette, I pity u because you have no idea who you've messed with. From all your friends who stuck with you in Korea, those who helped you with your financial portfolio, who helped (physically) build your church, deal with your snooty, low life, hateful, and uncaring daughters, to those who helped you build your ministry (which sucks accept "the boys" on the drums and piano who you said weren't anointed), to all those seasoned ministers sent to you to straighten you out and you demonized them because of your fear, and the list goes on. You know and I pray to God your consciences will cause you to become more paranoid, fearful, and agitated until you repent and make it right with every last person you've swindled. After the hard childhoods both of you been through, to seeing one of your former members die of a literal broken heart, I would think you both would change?! You didn't change but that's ok. God uses a little tool called karma (i.e. the reap what you sow method) to get human beings' attention. Yeah, Quane and Claudette, you made a mockery of my wife and I, my parents, and every friend I held dear. But you may have laughed first, but we all are going to have the last laugh. To all former members, the Ex-Shiloh and all surrounding ex-members of your perspective churches, stop being silent. Stop thinking God's going to get you because they are men and women of God. Men and women of God don't steal, cheat, lie, plunder, plot, coerce, control, or manipulate. They are demons who've turned themselves into angels of light (2nd Corinthians 11:12-15) and harmed God's people. It's time to put Ephesian 5:8-15 to work, just as Jesus exposed those heretics the Pharisees in His day (like Prodigy of Mobb Deep said, "...Torture these n----s, water board these n----s - with the truth). These wolves won't stop until the end comes but until then, tell your story, be bold, be honest, for you'll be helping someone else who's trapped in Babylon and preventing others from making a visits there that could forever hinder their lives. Quane and Claudette, I pity u and I hope you change but in my heart of hearts, you never will and you both my die at an old age miserable, poor, blind, and naked just like the rest of these pimp preachers in the world.
Now, David GW Overton can move on with his life. Thanks God, for giving me an opportunity to do what I do best......
Go Ham, Tell the Truth, and in the old Williams/Overton/Royal family tradition, M.ake P.eople M.ad
Til Next Time, Mr. David "Survivor" Williams......
Now, David GW Overton can move on with his life. Thanks God, for giving me an opportunity to do what I do best......
Go Ham, Tell the Truth, and in the old Williams/Overton/Royal family tradition, M.ake P.eople M.ad
Til Next Time, Mr. David "Survivor" Williams......
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Whole Truth: Broken Relationships
Before I begin this post, I'd like to dedicate this one to a good friend of mine I never got a chance to make it right, LaMondo "Tiny" Watkins. He was a good friend to my family and made me laugh so hard at times, I thought I peed on myself. However, I allowed the words of the manipulative power couple, Quane and Claudette, ruin our friendship. Every day, I have to forgive myself for all I said about him based on falsified evidence by the Scotts. This one's for you, bro, RIP.
Now that's been settled, I'd like to discuss the countless relationships Shiloh Worship Center has broken (from my perspective). Whether it's been families, friendships, business partnerships, or marriages, these two demons in human form have found ways to destroy many of these types of relationships. I've seen them call people's children homosexuals when they weren't even close to it. I've seen their daughters watch over other members' children and talk about the kids' parents like dogs. I've seen them tell people to divorce a spouse who were saved or for other reasons and through pressure and time, they did so. I've seen their own friendships with other pastors and long time friends decimated because they didn't want to "agree to disagree" (especially those who helped them build their "ministry" from Gray St in Killeen, TX to 700 Glen Hollow Lane, Belton TX, 76513). I've seen them cut off people for no reason at all; just being mean and despicable. And many of us (such as myself and most of them who are still members of that church) do the same with other people. This is the premise of today's blog, Broken Relationships. Many of you who are out of the church and many of you who are stuck in church see this all the time. Many of these relationships in the church are based on if people are still members of a particular ministry. When people are conforming to the system(s) set by the "man and/or woman of God", relationship are cool. At times, people get on each other's nerves but as the old church saying goes, "we're a family, I pray for you, you pray for me, I love you, I need you to survive..." That all sounds good. Members ask other members to become godparents of their child or children because there's a "bond" between them; meaning the church. Members go into business deals with their leadership (Shiloh actually has an "investment group" that's probably close to going under.....hahaha) to buy property, equipment, and/or land. Why? Because people are "faithful" to the house and are deemed by the leadership "worthy of this mission." Yes, you can become an elder or a minister as long as you give 10% plus tax (offerings) of your gross earnings and are "subject to the chief prophet of the house." When you become one, you believe that your relationship with your leader(s) will grow and you will learn the deeper things of God. Now that you're all in, your fellow church members are your brothers and sisters. It's one big happy family. It's so happy that you find certain ones to tell your secrets to (later on to find out that your everyone in the church knows your business-ain't that right, Shiloh?). Let's say you seek mentor ship, advise, or counseling of any sort from your pastor. He or she will pray with you and then once the session begins, "whatever we say here in the office stays between me, you, and the Lord." Bull..... Quane but more so Claudette (who runs the church because Quane is too busy staying away to be a real pastor or a real sergeant in the US Army that includes leading soldiers....) would have these ministers meetings. She would bring very personal matters at the forefront and all the emotionalism begins (she's a real trick, always starting drama so she's the center of attention). Other times, she would hold elders meetings (that included myself, Elder A, and Elder J) and vent about this person's or that person's "moral, financial, spiritual, physical, and marital" failures. Some friends of mine a couple of months ago talked about how she would "counsel" them and tell them about my drinking problems (but she called me her son). Let's talk about the charlatan Quane for a minute. Anytime someone who was "strong" in their faith and who they were, he was intimidated. If someone sang better than him and was a minister in Shiloh, he would say out of jealousy and fear, "I don't trust him." If people didn't jump right away and serve him, he would call certain people "lazy." Their gift of gab was so potent that they would cause other ministers and members feel and talk the same way they did (indoctrinated hoes for their pimp). It was sad. Even with us, especially after our time was about up, Claudette, who once we call me and ask me different things stopped calling and would talk with Elder A (that's because he sought power, dominance, and needed his ego to be stroked). He was more conformed to their system than I was because I'm too close "to the world." Although myself and Dionn were his youngest son's godparents, we were made godparents out of their pity that we didn't have our own children. Let's talk about some other friends we had, they only became our friends to get closer to Quane and Claudette (and now they are, only because they got money). But just like us back on December 22, 2013, countless people before had great relationships with other members. However, once they left, many of shunned them because of the unspoken and sometime spoken rules by the two idiots who called themselves pastors, "don't keep any communication with them because they have a spirit on them." Claudette has done this to a very good friend she met in England who was there for her in her hardest of times after he divorce from her first husband. Every time we used to ask about her, she evaded from giving us an answer. All the guys Quane befriended while stationed in Korea are all cut off from him. Two of them were his "armor bearers" and he talked to them like pieces of "". He did the same with me after all that time I spent "serving" as an armor bearer. Wow. Only two families from that church are cool with the Overtons. The rest of them have cut us off, just like we did with others. We took the words of these flukes over what happened to others who are in right standing with God but shunned for no reason. Even their daughters, Tish and Sharna are bad hates on anyone their parents hate on. Even when my wife saw them on FaceTime while doing a clients hair (who's also an ex-Shiloh member - there's more ex members than member now times 6), those twits didn't even bother to say hello (although she did their hair for half the price for years, ungrateful wenches...-those are my thoughts, not Dionn's). Even with Elder A, our "friendship" was nothing more than a means to an end. I hope I never see him around, he's going to get the most condescending grown man talk of a lifetime. Now I know what it feels like to have "great relationships" become broken because people can't be real, can't be honest, and can't come to grips they are wrong. When people stand up for what's right, Shiloh does whatever it takes to destroy them. But look at you now Shiloh, within 5 years or less, you won't even exist (you better read what happened to Shiloh in the Old Testament). Now, I truly believe these relationship were broken by God himself to free us from "the tyranny of evil men that beset this brother and tried to poison me." I thank God for it everyday. Some of you, especially in Central Texas/Kinston NC areas can relate. All I can tell you is to let these relationship get broken and stay broken. In the eyes of your pimp preacher, he or she see you as a means to an end. Once you leave that church, you'll experience one, some, or all three things:
Those people you call brother and sister only want what you have; they care less about you. Unfortunately, the heart ache (in my opinion) was one of the leading causes my friend died last year. I allowed my indoctrination talk about him like a dog. The last time I saw him was at the Domain in Austin playing with a band. Although I was bobbing my head to the music, he looked at me with much contempt (word got back that I too turned my back on him and tried to show love without giving him an apology). That's the last time I ever saw him and I did bring this up to the Scotts during a telephone conversation a month after we left that hell hole. You know what they did? Talk bad about him and his funeral like he was less than a human being. At least his relationship with them ceased, so as mine. Quane and Claudette are scavengers looking for the next prey to catch, use up, and slaughter. Sort like the subject of part 5, Ahab and Jezebel....
Til next time, my friends......
Now that's been settled, I'd like to discuss the countless relationships Shiloh Worship Center has broken (from my perspective). Whether it's been families, friendships, business partnerships, or marriages, these two demons in human form have found ways to destroy many of these types of relationships. I've seen them call people's children homosexuals when they weren't even close to it. I've seen their daughters watch over other members' children and talk about the kids' parents like dogs. I've seen them tell people to divorce a spouse who were saved or for other reasons and through pressure and time, they did so. I've seen their own friendships with other pastors and long time friends decimated because they didn't want to "agree to disagree" (especially those who helped them build their "ministry" from Gray St in Killeen, TX to 700 Glen Hollow Lane, Belton TX, 76513). I've seen them cut off people for no reason at all; just being mean and despicable. And many of us (such as myself and most of them who are still members of that church) do the same with other people. This is the premise of today's blog, Broken Relationships. Many of you who are out of the church and many of you who are stuck in church see this all the time. Many of these relationships in the church are based on if people are still members of a particular ministry. When people are conforming to the system(s) set by the "man and/or woman of God", relationship are cool. At times, people get on each other's nerves but as the old church saying goes, "we're a family, I pray for you, you pray for me, I love you, I need you to survive..." That all sounds good. Members ask other members to become godparents of their child or children because there's a "bond" between them; meaning the church. Members go into business deals with their leadership (Shiloh actually has an "investment group" that's probably close to going under.....hahaha) to buy property, equipment, and/or land. Why? Because people are "faithful" to the house and are deemed by the leadership "worthy of this mission." Yes, you can become an elder or a minister as long as you give 10% plus tax (offerings) of your gross earnings and are "subject to the chief prophet of the house." When you become one, you believe that your relationship with your leader(s) will grow and you will learn the deeper things of God. Now that you're all in, your fellow church members are your brothers and sisters. It's one big happy family. It's so happy that you find certain ones to tell your secrets to (later on to find out that your everyone in the church knows your business-ain't that right, Shiloh?). Let's say you seek mentor ship, advise, or counseling of any sort from your pastor. He or she will pray with you and then once the session begins, "whatever we say here in the office stays between me, you, and the Lord." Bull..... Quane but more so Claudette (who runs the church because Quane is too busy staying away to be a real pastor or a real sergeant in the US Army that includes leading soldiers....) would have these ministers meetings. She would bring very personal matters at the forefront and all the emotionalism begins (she's a real trick, always starting drama so she's the center of attention). Other times, she would hold elders meetings (that included myself, Elder A, and Elder J) and vent about this person's or that person's "moral, financial, spiritual, physical, and marital" failures. Some friends of mine a couple of months ago talked about how she would "counsel" them and tell them about my drinking problems (but she called me her son). Let's talk about the charlatan Quane for a minute. Anytime someone who was "strong" in their faith and who they were, he was intimidated. If someone sang better than him and was a minister in Shiloh, he would say out of jealousy and fear, "I don't trust him." If people didn't jump right away and serve him, he would call certain people "lazy." Their gift of gab was so potent that they would cause other ministers and members feel and talk the same way they did (indoctrinated hoes for their pimp). It was sad. Even with us, especially after our time was about up, Claudette, who once we call me and ask me different things stopped calling and would talk with Elder A (that's because he sought power, dominance, and needed his ego to be stroked). He was more conformed to their system than I was because I'm too close "to the world." Although myself and Dionn were his youngest son's godparents, we were made godparents out of their pity that we didn't have our own children. Let's talk about some other friends we had, they only became our friends to get closer to Quane and Claudette (and now they are, only because they got money). But just like us back on December 22, 2013, countless people before had great relationships with other members. However, once they left, many of shunned them because of the unspoken and sometime spoken rules by the two idiots who called themselves pastors, "don't keep any communication with them because they have a spirit on them." Claudette has done this to a very good friend she met in England who was there for her in her hardest of times after he divorce from her first husband. Every time we used to ask about her, she evaded from giving us an answer. All the guys Quane befriended while stationed in Korea are all cut off from him. Two of them were his "armor bearers" and he talked to them like pieces of "". He did the same with me after all that time I spent "serving" as an armor bearer. Wow. Only two families from that church are cool with the Overtons. The rest of them have cut us off, just like we did with others. We took the words of these flukes over what happened to others who are in right standing with God but shunned for no reason. Even their daughters, Tish and Sharna are bad hates on anyone their parents hate on. Even when my wife saw them on FaceTime while doing a clients hair (who's also an ex-Shiloh member - there's more ex members than member now times 6), those twits didn't even bother to say hello (although she did their hair for half the price for years, ungrateful wenches...-those are my thoughts, not Dionn's). Even with Elder A, our "friendship" was nothing more than a means to an end. I hope I never see him around, he's going to get the most condescending grown man talk of a lifetime. Now I know what it feels like to have "great relationships" become broken because people can't be real, can't be honest, and can't come to grips they are wrong. When people stand up for what's right, Shiloh does whatever it takes to destroy them. But look at you now Shiloh, within 5 years or less, you won't even exist (you better read what happened to Shiloh in the Old Testament). Now, I truly believe these relationship were broken by God himself to free us from "the tyranny of evil men that beset this brother and tried to poison me." I thank God for it everyday. Some of you, especially in Central Texas/Kinston NC areas can relate. All I can tell you is to let these relationship get broken and stay broken. In the eyes of your pimp preacher, he or she see you as a means to an end. Once you leave that church, you'll experience one, some, or all three things:
- People won't talk to you, delete you as a friend/follower on Facebook/Twitter, excommunicate you
- Text, call you or leave messages, see you somewhere on the street, "show you love" but never talk about the issue at hand or apologize for things they've said about you
- Talk about you with others to destroy your rep in the local community, which can affect your business or other personal relationships
Those people you call brother and sister only want what you have; they care less about you. Unfortunately, the heart ache (in my opinion) was one of the leading causes my friend died last year. I allowed my indoctrination talk about him like a dog. The last time I saw him was at the Domain in Austin playing with a band. Although I was bobbing my head to the music, he looked at me with much contempt (word got back that I too turned my back on him and tried to show love without giving him an apology). That's the last time I ever saw him and I did bring this up to the Scotts during a telephone conversation a month after we left that hell hole. You know what they did? Talk bad about him and his funeral like he was less than a human being. At least his relationship with them ceased, so as mine. Quane and Claudette are scavengers looking for the next prey to catch, use up, and slaughter. Sort like the subject of part 5, Ahab and Jezebel....
Til next time, my friends......
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Whole Truth: Indoctrination
In the American church system, we hear the word doctrine tossed around a lot by various teachers and preachers. Doctrine is a set of teachings, a belief system that is objective (infallible), a "governmental edict" set by the gospel of Christ. Of course, there's false doctrine that goes against certain principles set by the "gospel of Christ. " Various scriptures from Ephesians to Colossians mentioned how the foundational teachings of doctrine was established by the holy men, known as the new "dance craze" in the church today called "Apostles and Prophets" (look it up yourself...it's in the Bible). If we look into "church history", doctrine is a big issue. Should women be allowed to preach? Can you still go to heaven accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior but never baptized? Should every one speak in tongues? Some of you who've been in this thing for a while, you get the picture. Throughout the ages, doctrine has slowly and summarily changed into indoctrination. In the Book of James, this angry brother of Jesus states that "every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights." Then Phanatik of Cross Movement added something to it saying that it's "man that perverts it." So true and leads me to post the definition of indoctrination:
Indoctrination - to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs
You see that one part where it says "to teach someone to fully accept....?" That's strong and to me very scary. It's scary because it hems people up like a pimp to a "skee-ooo" (thanks Mr. Memphis Bleek), smacks you down, and now you're back on the strip to get the pimps' dollar (look up on YouTube, "Pimps Up, Ho's Down"- to dig the k-nowledge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGWhwXwPf-k). - Parental discretion advised by the way....
So let me delve into the mind of the "pimpalation of indoctrination."
Most of these pastors/ministers in the Killeen, Temple, Belton, Copperas Cove, and Kinston NC areas are men and women who are fully indoctrinated into what the pseudo "Azuza Street" revival. This "revival" created pseudo spiritualists like Sweet Daddy Grace (who created Jim Jones), Prophet Jones, Elijah Muhammad (yes, it did), and the list goes on. Those who know their history, you will see what these men did are carrying on today. So now, we have pimps preaching to the congregations every week, putting themselves above measure. Instead of calling themselves Pastors, they now call themselves Bishops, (Chief) Apostles, and Prophets to show their superiority above the congregations of hoes. They tell them to make that money on the job and every Sunday, bring them the gross of their earnings (10%) plus some more (offerings) so "I can buy that new Rolex watch I've been dreaming about." They tell their "hoes" the dress codes, how they should walk, how they should talk, and how they should act to attract some more hoes to ho for them on the track (i.e. - the twisted usage of 2nd Timothy 2:2). Can't forget about loyalty, with the erroneous use of a pimp preacher's favorite passage: "follow me as I follow Christ" (find it, it's in there). Or should I say, "these hoes ain't loyal..." for those who don't obey the apostolic and prophetic order of God. Now how in the hell does this continue to go down, my friends? I'll tell you. For example, some of my good friends are very strong willed, strong minded, educated, and with lots of experience. They can smell b.s. from 100 miles away and it's hard to let it slip by them. There a lot of people in American society who are the same way. They read between the lines, they see what's really going on, and in the words of Ice-T, "you won't be pimpin' me..." True. But what about those who are hurt or had a rough childhood? Mentally unstable, dealing with depression, low sel esteem, etc.? What about those who are going through trying times in their lives? What about those people who have no family or friends and are down in out? What about those who are struggling to create a better life for themselves and come into contact with their "prospective" pimp? Just a herd of fish in the sea, the shark is waiting in the shadows and ready to eat as many of them as he possibly can ("Swimming with Sharks, 1994"). The same is with indoctrination. Many people, men, women, and children are engulfed by indoctrination's tentacles, wrapped up, and their lives crushed. Indoctrination's power is something like some psychic power (like Jean Grey/Professor X -Omega Level Mutants) that controls the mind, will, and emotions of people. It's funny, Quane and Claudette always preached and taught about "The Jezebel Spirit" or "Leviathan." Come to find out, Quane is Leviathan and Claudette is Jezebel; however, you can make that vice versa (remember, Ahab and Jezebel...). People are indoctrinated to believe in one way, to "speak the same thing, have the same mind, and walk the same rule" (another one of Paul's teachings twisted). In the local areas I've mentioned, it's really huge and a mainstay in their surrounding communities. For most people whose lives are totally committed to this green eyed monster, it's normal and accepted. Just the other day, I talked with an indoctrinated person trying to give the same lies called truth that I used a year prior when I talked with other people (and for all of you, I'm sorry). Indoctrination turns people into the right police; a group of people who believe they have the God given right to change the way people are supposed to live (most through methods of intimidation). This is done through "street preaching", Bible studies, and good ol' Sunday mornings. And the cycle of indoctrination continues and in today's world, it's growing at an exponential rate. Think about it. It's sort of like how gangs operate (Crips, Blood, MS-13s, the Corporate world, cliques in the military), they find someone who's impressionable, reel him or her in life fish, gut it, and use them for "their" personal use until they are no longer useful. Indoctrination is the world of a mental hell and I was once an enabler. Shiloh's very "heavy laden" with indoctrination and those who are "making the cut" are groomed to be their right hand men like elders, armor bearers, and other leadership positions in the church. I experienced all three levels, being groomed to be the next "Pastor Q" from preaching style, teaching style, charisma, sort of like a complete replica. But thank God for Baltimore and him yelling at me back in July 2013 for no reason; that broke the camel's back. I helped continue the cycle going at my former "stomping grounds" in Shiloh, but one day, I got tired of the hell I was wreaking and enabling. I began to see what the word was really saying from how we should treat people, lifestyle choices, history, the whole nine yards. The moment the "light of Christ" removed scales from my eyes, that's when I vowed to destroy indoctrination in my life and hopefully in the lives I shared teachings, too. Of course, my former "mentors" saw it (especially the last Bible Study I taught called "Rest", Claudette was sitting on the edge of her chair while I destroyed a good month's worth of her false teachings) and tried to stop me but couldn't. It's crazy but I had to make a choice. Die indoctrinated and safe in the arms of mental hell or live free, called crazy, and threatened by spiritual and natural curses. I decided the latter and my life is more blessed than ever. I also decided no longer to eat the bread of self-exalted kings and queens but to eat the words given by a heavenly king who was born in a manger and worked with his own hands as a carpenter. My prayer is that these pastors/ministers in these local areas would stop and see what they are doing and the cycle they are supporting. Many of you have been pimped out by indoctrination and now you have become the pimps. Pimps begets hoes birthing more pimps (and the cycle continues). Indoctrination is in other things, too y'all, like our jobs, schools (especially socially and culturally), and our families. Hopefully, my former "leaders" (hirelings) will see the carnage they've left behind in the lives of "Philadelphia church/city of brotherly love" (former and current members of Shiloh Worship Center) and change before it's too late (many won't admit it but I'll admit mine). Indoctrination is a killer of the human soul and spirit and destroys relationships between individuals in these "controlling environments."
Well, I hope part 3 helps somebody and if you see the light, get out of dodge. It'll cost you some relationships but that's alright. God will replace your former friends with new ones.
Til next time, part 4, Broken Relationships, coming shortly........
Indoctrination - to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs
You see that one part where it says "to teach someone to fully accept....?" That's strong and to me very scary. It's scary because it hems people up like a pimp to a "skee-ooo" (thanks Mr. Memphis Bleek), smacks you down, and now you're back on the strip to get the pimps' dollar (look up on YouTube, "Pimps Up, Ho's Down"- to dig the k-nowledge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGWhwXwPf-k). - Parental discretion advised by the way....
So let me delve into the mind of the "pimpalation of indoctrination."
Most of these pastors/ministers in the Killeen, Temple, Belton, Copperas Cove, and Kinston NC areas are men and women who are fully indoctrinated into what the pseudo "Azuza Street" revival. This "revival" created pseudo spiritualists like Sweet Daddy Grace (who created Jim Jones), Prophet Jones, Elijah Muhammad (yes, it did), and the list goes on. Those who know their history, you will see what these men did are carrying on today. So now, we have pimps preaching to the congregations every week, putting themselves above measure. Instead of calling themselves Pastors, they now call themselves Bishops, (Chief) Apostles, and Prophets to show their superiority above the congregations of hoes. They tell them to make that money on the job and every Sunday, bring them the gross of their earnings (10%) plus some more (offerings) so "I can buy that new Rolex watch I've been dreaming about." They tell their "hoes" the dress codes, how they should walk, how they should talk, and how they should act to attract some more hoes to ho for them on the track (i.e. - the twisted usage of 2nd Timothy 2:2). Can't forget about loyalty, with the erroneous use of a pimp preacher's favorite passage: "follow me as I follow Christ" (find it, it's in there). Or should I say, "these hoes ain't loyal..." for those who don't obey the apostolic and prophetic order of God. Now how in the hell does this continue to go down, my friends? I'll tell you. For example, some of my good friends are very strong willed, strong minded, educated, and with lots of experience. They can smell b.s. from 100 miles away and it's hard to let it slip by them. There a lot of people in American society who are the same way. They read between the lines, they see what's really going on, and in the words of Ice-T, "you won't be pimpin' me..." True. But what about those who are hurt or had a rough childhood? Mentally unstable, dealing with depression, low sel esteem, etc.? What about those who are going through trying times in their lives? What about those people who have no family or friends and are down in out? What about those who are struggling to create a better life for themselves and come into contact with their "prospective" pimp? Just a herd of fish in the sea, the shark is waiting in the shadows and ready to eat as many of them as he possibly can ("Swimming with Sharks, 1994"). The same is with indoctrination. Many people, men, women, and children are engulfed by indoctrination's tentacles, wrapped up, and their lives crushed. Indoctrination's power is something like some psychic power (like Jean Grey/Professor X -Omega Level Mutants) that controls the mind, will, and emotions of people. It's funny, Quane and Claudette always preached and taught about "The Jezebel Spirit" or "Leviathan." Come to find out, Quane is Leviathan and Claudette is Jezebel; however, you can make that vice versa (remember, Ahab and Jezebel...). People are indoctrinated to believe in one way, to "speak the same thing, have the same mind, and walk the same rule" (another one of Paul's teachings twisted). In the local areas I've mentioned, it's really huge and a mainstay in their surrounding communities. For most people whose lives are totally committed to this green eyed monster, it's normal and accepted. Just the other day, I talked with an indoctrinated person trying to give the same lies called truth that I used a year prior when I talked with other people (and for all of you, I'm sorry). Indoctrination turns people into the right police; a group of people who believe they have the God given right to change the way people are supposed to live (most through methods of intimidation). This is done through "street preaching", Bible studies, and good ol' Sunday mornings. And the cycle of indoctrination continues and in today's world, it's growing at an exponential rate. Think about it. It's sort of like how gangs operate (Crips, Blood, MS-13s, the Corporate world, cliques in the military), they find someone who's impressionable, reel him or her in life fish, gut it, and use them for "their" personal use until they are no longer useful. Indoctrination is the world of a mental hell and I was once an enabler. Shiloh's very "heavy laden" with indoctrination and those who are "making the cut" are groomed to be their right hand men like elders, armor bearers, and other leadership positions in the church. I experienced all three levels, being groomed to be the next "Pastor Q" from preaching style, teaching style, charisma, sort of like a complete replica. But thank God for Baltimore and him yelling at me back in July 2013 for no reason; that broke the camel's back. I helped continue the cycle going at my former "stomping grounds" in Shiloh, but one day, I got tired of the hell I was wreaking and enabling. I began to see what the word was really saying from how we should treat people, lifestyle choices, history, the whole nine yards. The moment the "light of Christ" removed scales from my eyes, that's when I vowed to destroy indoctrination in my life and hopefully in the lives I shared teachings, too. Of course, my former "mentors" saw it (especially the last Bible Study I taught called "Rest", Claudette was sitting on the edge of her chair while I destroyed a good month's worth of her false teachings) and tried to stop me but couldn't. It's crazy but I had to make a choice. Die indoctrinated and safe in the arms of mental hell or live free, called crazy, and threatened by spiritual and natural curses. I decided the latter and my life is more blessed than ever. I also decided no longer to eat the bread of self-exalted kings and queens but to eat the words given by a heavenly king who was born in a manger and worked with his own hands as a carpenter. My prayer is that these pastors/ministers in these local areas would stop and see what they are doing and the cycle they are supporting. Many of you have been pimped out by indoctrination and now you have become the pimps. Pimps begets hoes birthing more pimps (and the cycle continues). Indoctrination is in other things, too y'all, like our jobs, schools (especially socially and culturally), and our families. Hopefully, my former "leaders" (hirelings) will see the carnage they've left behind in the lives of "Philadelphia church/city of brotherly love" (former and current members of Shiloh Worship Center) and change before it's too late (many won't admit it but I'll admit mine). Indoctrination is a killer of the human soul and spirit and destroys relationships between individuals in these "controlling environments."
Well, I hope part 3 helps somebody and if you see the light, get out of dodge. It'll cost you some relationships but that's alright. God will replace your former friends with new ones.
Til next time, part 4, Broken Relationships, coming shortly........
Monday, August 4, 2014
The Whole Truth: Mental Hell
I used to be enamored about Revelation 18:3-4 because I know there was simple meaning to this than what a lot of "third heaven" spiritualists love to delve into. To some it all up, Babylon is talking about the dark side of the American church system. It holds these "Christians" who are really devils in human form, the lies, prejudice, racism, and monetary corruption within its walls. It loves to call itself "the bride of Christ" but they are really the great harlot. I was one a part of that but somehow, some way, The Overton's escaped their mental hell. What is hell on earth? The hell is seeing lives ravaged by religion, which Jay-Z, Ja-Rule, and Rick Ross state "separates people from each other (which is true)." During my time in Shiloh Worship Center, there was a lot of religion going on. Both of the pastors' (Quane and Claudette Scott) backgrounds stem from COGIC, PAW, Holiness, and Pentecostal roots from Alabama to England. Many of the former and current members have the same roots, which these sects of Christianity have a lot of religious mumbo jumbo holding souls into captivity. I've seen religion destroy marriages, as one spouse is indoctrinated; totally sold on what the middle man/pusher man (preacher) is preaching (the psychological drugs of "another gospel" not approved by Christ) while the other disagrees and disputes it to the very end. Therefore, one spouse stays (and usually keeps the kids, etc.) while the other leaves that particular ministry and abandoned in a world where they are told by the pastor, "you won't survive" (that's what they said to my wife and I earlier this year). I've also seen families, mostly single parents (mothers) with children who needed the financial aid of the church to help them and were shunned, talked about, ridiculed, and embarrassed (trust me, I did the same thing in last sermon I did before I left Shiloh, which I totally regret to this day, Shanna, please forgive me). I've seen people who discerned Shiloh for what it was (a hot ghetto mess) and the pastors saw their weaknesses. Through showing "love," sending the "gang of saints" to "persuade" them to conform to the their teachings and kindness to their children (because kids are subject to the traps of predators), and summarily agreed with the people they initially spoke against. There were also times when people who stood against Quane and Claudette hold their ground and were "excommunicated" by them. Not only did "mommy and daddy dearest" excommunicate those people from former ministers, to pastor friends who helped build their church, musicians, worship leaders, praise dance leaders, to just a passers by visitor, they had an unwritten rule for the entire congregation to do the same (I'll reconvene this topic in a later part of this series). I've seen it and witnessed it first hand and it's a sad state of affairs. Mental hell is hearing someone tell you to pray and fast your problems away. They tell you to get counseling from them for financial, marital, spiritual, and emotional situations; however, there own lives from the day they were born is jacked up (I'll let one of the other ex-Shiloh members take a stab at this, will some of you please stand up?!). I remember them (especially Quane) tell me to "be a (super) man" whenever I faced a tough time in life from work to even our infertility issues. In a very inconsiderate manner, we would have these conversations at their house with him saying to us, "maybe it's the will of God for not to have children." Now when I think about it, I get mad (Mrs. Overton-being that she is from Jamaica, Queens NY, she might want to do something else-sorry babe, you still got some thuggery in you, babe). Side note: Is it me or isn't that comment very insensitive and inconsiderate, especially from someone who's dealing with infertility issues as well? You are beaten to submission, sermon after sermon (especially when he comes back home from wherever he's stationed as a recruiter, no Bible, just emotional bashing), Bible study series after Bible study series (way over our heads, I'm just as guilty until the latter part of 2013), until you give into the hellish environment of control and false doctrine. You begin to believe that you need to "speak into the atmosphere" like you're some type of alchemist or magician, like you're a god but in the end you see that nothing is actually happening in your favor. You are whipped to believe that you should give a 10th of your gross earnings including an offering that you may fulfill "the law of Christ" (a direct misuse of Malachi 3:8-12 & 2nd Corinthians 9:9-11). Or how about having the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues as "the spirit" gives utterance? This also includes living a life holy and acceptable unto God, meaning people listen to the pastor tell them not speak against leadership (taught in Shiloh), not have a TV in their house (not taught in Shiloh but in other local churches-i.e. a church in Killeen off of 10th street across from the Post Office), to cut off all family relationships, even marriage and children because they are not saved (just like what cults do). Or how about the music they are allowed to listen to, only slow melodically boring worship music, and "come to the church every time the church doors are open" (so they could get more money to pay for their houses, cars, and expensive habits). Oh yeah, speak your "heavenly language" with every one else although Paul speaks against doing this during a mass gathering of people (read 1st Corinthians, you'll see what I'm talking about). This is mental hell. A soulless yet "saved" life where you are "set apart" for service "as unto the Lord." However, women, especially black women are divorced, single mothers, and don't have a man (a husband or significant other). Men are indoctrinated to wearing suits and ties (shiny suits as the Lox AKA D-Block would say), sticking their chest out to show that by the Holy Spirit they are supermen. People are led to believe they have "dominion" power, that "wherever their feet tread upon is holy ground"; thereby, giving them an open pass to treat others, especially the unsaved like 2 thirds of a human being (reference Exodus 3:5-which is continually used in error). This makes people believe they are above the laws of the land and why there are more pedophiles, extortionists, rapists, cheaters, and pimps using the people up. A lot of people don't recognize they've given their "free will" into the hands of these communist-like beings and are locked in mental hell. You can't think for yourselves, you can't fend for yourselves, hell, you can't understand "the word of God" without the middle man teaching you how to interpret it's meanings. This is how they lock your mind up into seeing the world in tunnel instead of the whole spectrum. The black, the white, and every speck of grey areas this life brings. They teach you to strive for perfection and to show no weakness, that "every day with Christ is sweeter and sweeter than the day before." Bullcrap.... Now that's a direct falsity of scripture because from what I see in the world today, that's not happening for Christians in Asia or Africa. Can I getta one witness? If you have a problem, basically you are told this, "to suck it up, don't get emotional, and drive on." However, this teaches emotional suppression, which keeps people from allowing the freedom of sadness, depression, joy, and hope from showing in our expressions. I can say for myself, this has created a level of suppression in me where I find it hard to even cry and have to check myself when I need to show sympathy/empathy for others. This is the mental hell I experienced with Shiloh Worship Center. I used to wake up everyday for work and look at that mirror in the bathroom. I used to go to work and have regular conversations with people, or just spend time with some of my friends (which were few at the time) outside of the church. During these times, I felt like I was living in hell, a mental hell. Any time I used to be asked to do some raps at another church, I had to ask Quane and Claudette first if I could get their approval. If I didn't and did something "ministerial" wise without it, I would get the tongue lashing of a lifetime. I remember feeling trapped not being "approved" to keep up with my own blood family, being "led" to place those two charlatans as in the place of my parents (which was wrong). I remember when I first started working for the VA as a food service worker, which was hard work. I had to work on weekends sometimes and Quane would play the drums because there was no other musician available (he ran his brother Chris off, well, that's another story in itself). I remember one time he told me out of his frustration of not having musicians other than me saying, "was this the will of God for you to take this job." I was very offended because he of all people should know that having a government job full of opportunities for upward mobility is rare (especially for a young black man in his 20s, still unsure of who he is). If I allowed that piece of hell to overtake me, I would've left that job and missed out on becoming a GS-10 (which I will be in a few weeks- YAY, YAY) and other opportunities that are in my sights. I knew from that moment this joker didn't want no one, and I mean, no one doing better than him, educationally, financially, or in ministry. This was the mental hell I carried and that's not including what my beautiful wife Dionn experienced (which is on a whole different level - stay tuned for that, my friends). Let's not forget Claudette, ol' mother dearest.... She's a good manipulator, a conniving wolf who preys on the weak. She knew a lot about my weaknesses, from anger, to pornography, to issues with my biological father, to money (the fear of being broke - I told y'all I was going to tell on myself). She played on this, especially during the time when my wife was deployed in Iraq. This is when I became "her son" (which is big thing in the Christian community using Elijah/Elisha and/or Paul/Timothy as the basis of pastor/congregant relationships). Although we become closer, it felt like I was trapped, you know. Being coerced to wash their cars, trim their hedges at their house, and take out their trash like I was living there. Hell, it felt like she was trying to make me her "emotional lover-boy" rather than a mentee who she was supposed to pour good knowledge of the Word and of life. Now to come to think about it, Quane is very emotionally "detached" from his own wife (and probably the reason why he stays away from his family but like Kermit the frog ads, "that's none of my business....). Watching them buy new furniture and clothes all the time (not out of jealousy) but my house is looking empty and raggedy. They would tell Dionn and I, "when you take care of the prophet, you'll receive a prophet's reward." Okaaay.... The only reward we received was living paycheck to paycheck, trapped in Texas, trapped playing music but could never musically expand in artistry, etc. Mental hell. Times when we were "forced" to go on "church outings" to theme parks or get togethers and she was talked down to us, mostly towards Dionn. And David GW Overton didn't say a word. When my wife's birth mother die (Momma Deborah, RIP), did Quane or Claudette show any sympathy? They gave us $100 for plane tickets (we ended up paying for ourselves and they didn't want us to go) and experience a year of them praying over my wife. They couldn't come off their high horse to see she lost a mother who she was cut off from most of her life and never had the chance to say hello or goodbye (of course, that's a story she'll have to tell). She had the right to be depressed, angry, loss, but they said something totally different and niggerish (ignorant). That was mental hell, allowing these people tear down my wife and I ran right along with it. <Pause> Mental hell = a stagnated and control by others life, a wasteful existence. Feeling trapped in your mind to believe in one way of doing things in life rather than being a mixed bowl of methods to live a fulfilled life. For ten years, y'all, I allowed myself to be enslaved in a mental hell courtesy of my former pharaohs and taskmasters, Quane and Claudette. To top it all off, to keep me feeding off doggy bones, I was called "Lil Q" to keep me in line. But one glad morning, David grew back his "manhood" and became the "giant killer" I grew up to become; breaking out of my mental hell and that "life was over and Iiiiiiiiii flew away." How did I break out of mental hell? Well, stay tuned in for part 3, Indoctrination and I'll show you what broke the camels back for myself and my family.
Til next time....
P.S. - "....I ain't go to lie, y'all, I ain't got to lie...."
Til next time....
P.S. - "....I ain't go to lie, y'all, I ain't got to lie...."
Sunday, August 3, 2014
The Whole Truth: The Reason Why...
For some of you who know me and for many who don't, I've been going through a lot of changes. First of all, I'd like to thank some of my friends (Big Joe, Carl, Jonathan, Kary, Monique, Shai, etc.) for hearing my thoughts and telling me the truth. You've seen my struggles and I hasn't been easy showing you the skeletons in my closet. Second, for those who've been reading my blogs since I first started circa 2011-2012 to the present, you've seen the changes in my writing style and opinions. You've seen my many pitfalls and now you see me a different and forever "changed' individual. In a recent blog I did last month, I said that I was no longer a Christian. Well, let me put it this way, I am but I'm crawling out the pits of a psychological prison set up for me to be entrapped forever. I am a person who gave his mind, will, and emotions to leaders of a cult, who themselves are victims of a long lasting stench left by Azuza Street (which many Christians hail as the defining moment of a Christian revival in America, yeah, right----). You can say that a cult is more like a prison. It's a prison indoctrinating you into a suppressive way of life, constricting your life's purpose, and destroy almost every vital relationship in your life (childhood/long lasting friendships, family members). Now that I'm out, it's been one of the hardest struggles to let go of hurt, betrayal, lies, invasion of privacy, coercion, manipulation, financial loss, and loss of friendships (whether they were good or bad) I will experience ever in my life. Today, I'm taking "a leap of faith" and sharing my "rage against the machine". In the words of the great Beanie Siegel (circa 2000), it's time to give you all the truth. It's time to give you the whole truth. Since leaving a particular organization, which few, some, or many know is located at 700 Glen Hollow Lane, Belton Texas 76513, that uses a slogan "...And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh..." using scripture reference "1st Samuel 3:21 (which is something you will see throughout this series is a passage is used out of context). The name of this organization is called Shiloh Worship Center, lead by a tag-team, married couple called by its members Apostle Quane Scott (or Pastor/Apostle Q) and Pastor Claudette Morgan-Scott (Pastor C). Before I continue, in no way am I trying to stop their "hustle" but using them and my experiences with this particular organization as scapegoats/examples to expose the 99.9% of the corruption of the American Church system (i.e. not all churches are bad, just most of them, just my opinion I'm entitled to according to the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution). When you look it up, the online search results will show a now defunct daycare center the church had (which no one got paid to do, a direct violation of federal/state laws to pay employees-pipe bomb), and some video blogs I did for a now defunct production/publishing company FKA Ramathaim Productions and Publishing, LLC. When I first left Shiloh Worship Center, I took heed to some people's "advice" that I should "let it go"(to not say nothing about my 10+ year tenure), "don't talk about the man and woman of God" (due to the erroneous use of Psalms 105:15-read it, you'll see what I'm saying), and "mark the perfect man". Well, I am letting it go and the only way I know to do so is to talk about it (thanks to a young lady that gave me that advice 4 years ago). One thing I've noticed in a lot of these churches in the Killeen, Temple, Belton, Copperas Cove, and Kinston, NC (one of my hometowns in the Tar-heel State) areas is for former bleeding and hurt members to live by a code of silence. When people leave a "ministry" they are "indoctrinated" to say nothing, pray and fast for God's direction or perfect holy will, and then seek to become a part of another ministry; thereby continuing the destructive cycle for them and generations after them. In God reality (the real world), through collegiate professors, psychologists, and the average American citizen, this is highly destructive advice many people in the American Christian world are sharing. The last time I read Ephesians 5:8-14, this passage speaks against this type of thinking and action (the truth will hurt and is shameful but sets us free). When we leave ministries from the TRUTH pastors/leaders are sleeping with some one's wife (and/or husband, sometimes both, hello...), misappropriating church funds to fund their lavish and over the top lifestyle (or use "ponzi schemes" to buy property/land but only they receive the best of the profits), counseling people then telling their dark secrets to everyone else in the leadership team (which also funnels to the congregation), and/or showing favoritism to certain church members for "taking care of them" are grounds to expose these people. Their dirty laundry needs to be exposed as well as I expose my own in the process. If the "world" is doing it (i.e. Watergate-"Operation Deep Throat", Haliburton/Armed Forces rape scandals, Thousands of exoneration cases throughout the country mostly in Texas), why isn't the American church system as a majority not doing it? If Jesus Himself exposed the Pharisees for the sorry pieces of trash they were, why are we doing the complete opposite? If Elijah exposed Ahab, Jezebel (which I will discuss later in a another part of this series), and the false prophets of Baal for what they did to upstanding people of their surrounding communities, why is the church not doing the same? I know why....we are supposed to do only good things for the "household of faith" but we have twisted Paul's words way too much and far too long (2nd Peter 3:15-16). We have been ingrained to not "speak evil against no man" who is of the faith but will bash Jay-Z, Lil Wayne (for cussing in their records but they'll watch RHOAtlanta all day/night long), and the American government for passing LGBT right laws (and I was a part of this hypocrisy). We are so outspoken about how people are cursed because they don't pay tithes (which is about foods not money), judging people for coming to church in club wear (but forget that this generation doesn't know "the way"), and the list goes on. NO LONGER will I be quiet about this situation because many of my friends, including one who is dead and buried since last year have and are still going through this. It's time for someone to stand up and I guess in the area I live in, it's gonna be me. Hopefully others will stand up and speak out against these spiritual, financial, emotional, sexual, mental, and physical debaucheries going on. Some of you may ask, isn't David afraid of having his business exposed while doing this series? Isn't he afraid of the "backlash" he may face coming to him and his family/friends? No because I'm going to expose myself, my personal failures of enabling hirelings who call themselves Apostle and Prophet/Pastor who hurt/split whole families, shows little to no empathy for people's personal issues, no consideration of others' time, money, and families, and the list goes on. I'll admit to other things I've done against other former and still for some reason current members, which was just a direct correlation of what they (the pastors) did to others as well (students following their teachers). But my goal isn't retaliation; it's atonement for those who continue to choose to be quiet and to get the word out that the American church system is failing America all by itself, especially in this areas I have lived in stinking worse than a camel's defecation. This system blames the government, penal, and educational systems of what's wrong with America but the church as well as other religious systems like the Nation of Islam, etc. have perfectly destroyed the inner core of this great nation. The goal is to inform us all that we are locked in a system called by John, Babylon, the great harlot. A system filled with false apostles, prophets, liars, cheaters, etc that is corrupting the minds, souls, and spirits of human life. My goal is to expose its inner workings and the psychology of leaders like my former pseudo leaders. My goal is to speak for the speechless and in some form or method, provide hope that the blood (personal and professional lives) of the real saints and sinners will be avenged. Finally, it's to bring atonement to my own soul for all that I did to others and all those times I should've stood up and said something but was too weak and emasculated to do the right thing. Now, the Big O is back loaded with AK-47s, 45s, Desert Eagles, and Claymores (I'm figuratively speaking of course) and ready to blast the modern day Viet-Congs that need to be brought to literary justice. This is the reason why I'm going through it. If word gets back to them and they try to ruin my reputation, my wife's business, or my parent's reputation (which they have either attacked and lied to on Facebook within recent months), all I need to do is make three phone calls and we can really make this story "viral." As Jay-Z said, "even Jesus won't save you from that..." I'm using them as example of many other pastors in the surrounding communities doing the same exact things to different (sometime the same) people. One thought though, it's funny they can't come together to help enrich their surrounding communities in some form but are in the same business of scattering the sheep (Ezekiel 34). Something to think about.... Of course, I'm just one side of this very murky puzzle, of this faded picture, but I believe this is the right thing do.
My friends, til next time, let this marinate and stick around for part 2, Mental Hell.....
P.S. - "......This is not a diss song, just a real song......."
My friends, til next time, let this marinate and stick around for part 2, Mental Hell.....
P.S. - "......This is not a diss song, just a real song......."
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