Jesus said to the storm, "Peace, be still." This peace He was referring to was the confusion, the turmoil, the chaos, the imbalance in His proximity. My friends, we've got too much going on at the same time. We've got so many open doors in our lives, madams from a "work" house would say, "wow, I thought we were bad :). " We as Americans have lost the principles of balance and open the doors of confusion to reign in the stead of tranquility. Well, some of you including myself may not like it but it's the truth. We're undisciplined in our thoughts, financial endeavors, spiritual lives, and public relations (family, friends, enemies). We're wondering why our kids are the way they are. It's from us who have the will, wisdom, and strength to set a balanced setting for the next generation. Look at our political representatives all across the nation. They're facing hard times of imbalance from continuing in practices and belief systems not conducive with the changes needed to be made. That's our problem. Getting balanced requires change. The first step to resolving a (scientific) equation is to identify the problem. Us human being have the "natural knack" to believe nothing is wrong with us. Pride. Even our problems are telling us, dude/dudette, you need to learn how to balance yourself. Do we listen? Well, not until we lose everything and find ourselves in a positions where we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. But now we need to ask the Lord to help us get our lives on track. The thing I liked about the disciples in Mark 4:36-40 is that dem jokers panicked at the sign of trouble. While Jesus was chilling in the back of the boat nodding off, they were in a panicked rage. They didn't know what to do with themselves. As they saw their boat sinking from all the water filling it up, they looked back there. Then they said, Lord, don't you care if we perish. Now, those words and attitude riled Him; thereby spoke the storm to make it still. One last thing before this plane lands is that we ourselves need to ask the power of God to intervene in our "imbalanceness." Setting balance in our lives ain't done by might or power, but by His Spirit. His Spirit is the force that opens our eyes to see the chaos in our lives and unctions us to make the decision to ask Him for help. That's where I'm at right now, trying to get my house (spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional areas) in order. We can go but so far until we burn out without a balance. Knowing when to hold up and knowing when to fold up (Kenny Rogers). So, here's little prayer conjured up and praying the Lord hears and responds to it. It's real simple:
"Lord, help me to find balance in life. There's no way I can do this on my own. Open my eyes to see how to manage the different areas of my life especially in hard times. Help me to trust You to get my life on track and balanced. Thank You, In Jesus Name, Amen."
Til next time, dgwo.
Reference Mark 4:35-40
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