Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Doors Of Success Are Open!

Opportunities to become successful are always in front of us. We just have to be in the right position to walk through the doors. We all have dreams and/or goals we want to accomplish in life. They necessarily don't have to be monetary or getting a new job. Opportunities include becoming a spokesperson for homeless affairs, fixing up a old "ride-dirty", or maybe spending more time with our kids. The doors of opportunity is always open but the distractions of life always come to block our view. The issues of life have a funny way of cluttering our thoughts, which produce nothing but negativity. But the doors of success are still open. One of the mottos for the church I attend (Shiloh Worship Center, 700 Glen Hollow Ln, Belton, TX, 76513) is "the doors to success are open, evil is cut off, and we shall not know defeat." Man, we used to say that a lot! Just this morning, I felt like the doors of success were all closed for David G.W. Overton. I felt like man, why does it feel like other people are successful and able to accomplish their goals and I feel like I'm always having my own at the back burner? I'm just being real, my friends. The lesson that I'm learning about walking through the doors of success is just walking through them when you see them. Don't hesitate, don't worry about what other people will say about you or think of you. You just have to walk through. God has predestined a purpose for us all (Jeremiah 1:10) and when He shines His light, we will see those open doors of opportunities. When our lives are lining up with the perfect will of God and we understand His grace isn't about what we do or earn, but His unmerited favor in our lives, we will walk through those doors. As I stated earlier, success isn't about us being rich, having the baddest car, the most beautiful children, or the biggest house. It's not about having the biggest house or the most successful company in the city. Success is about fulfilling each and every goal found only in Jesus Christ. It's about accepting the call in  our lives and doing it the way He show us to do it! It's about walking through those doors even in the midst of opposition. Remember this, true success ain't success if there isn't some type of opposition coming against us. One of my favorite characters is Apostle Paul because he faced many enemies in his lifetime but nothing stopped him from walking through the doors of opportunity. He didn't stop traveling and did all he needed to do in his lifetime. No matter what he went through, he kept his eyes open for opportunities. So who is the one who opens these doors of opportunities? It's God, my friends and He moves on the hearts of people to make a straight pathway for His people to walk in (Proverbs 21:1). As my dad would say, we've got to be in position, we've got to be in our place. One of the major reasons why a lot of us aren't successful is from not being in our place. Then when see the door of opportunity, it may be closed to us. The time is now my friends. We can't be slothful, we can't live in the term ignorance is bliss any longer, and can't afford to allow these issues of life to keep us down. We've got to press through and walk through the doors of success. We'll never be satisfied until we become who were predestined to be and do (Psalms 17:15). We'll be like some of the people I see at my job, bitter and angry because they screwed up opportunities to walk in their full potential. Jesus said that He has given us life and that more abundantly (John 10:10). Why not take Him at His word? If God has given us a dream to start a business or become a college professor, why not take Him up on the opportunity opened to us?! It would be crazy not to, dudes and dudettes. I'm just saying... These open doors aren't just for us, it's for others as well. In this time, God is raising up Josephs; people who will feed nations with education, food, and shelter. Now, we become a conduit of success because we walked through the doors of success. Understand? I guess I'm done for the day but please take to heart what I'm saying because I'm trying to eat and digest these words to. And if we experience stumbles along the way, don't stop; don't ever stop. As the old saying goes, our stumbling blocks are our stairs to the door of success.

Til next time, dgwo.


1st Corinthians 16:9
John 10:10

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