I really didn't want to write anything today because I've had a busy couple of days. But today, I just had a thought I wanted to share with you all. It's about cutting ties. Cutting ties is an old verbiage from the old school, maybe from the mafia or from people like Al Capone. Although their "occupations" were illegal, they knew what and who to keep but whatever or whoever to let go. To all my history buffs and street wise men, we've seen many people in the past and present having to cut ties to keep the business going. One thing as human beings we don't like to do is change. Change includes letting go of the past, letting go of habits that are killing us, and letting go of people who aren't any good for us. Change causes a different level of thought process, intellect, and procedures in our actions Change is growing up and realizing things as they are and looking beyond the horizon; you know, the bigger picture. However, most of us are still holding onto things and people that are dragging us down. These ties we're unwilling to cut are draining us of our time, money, potential, and the mental proficiencies to make the right decisions. It's crazy and I see this 7 days a week within myself and those around me. To people who know me, I'm a 31 year-old who still loves to read comic books (that's right I said comic books!-Tyrone Copple {Jamie Foxx Show}voice). There is an old storyline when Spiderman had became one with an alien entity known as a symbiont (either of two organisms that live in symbiosis with one another). These two organisms, Spiderman and the symbiont became one and gave Spiderman a living uniform. It exponentially increased his powers, which became limitless. Everything he did before, it was magnified to the highest level. However, this symbiont era in his life created changes in him that was turning him into an evil character. Usually, he would beat his enemies and leave them to the police. However, he would be at the point where he was going to kill them. He behavior changed and disconnected himself from Mary Jane, his future wife. Then one day, he took a look in the mirror and saw something was wrong with this new suit which the symbiosis provided him. One day, he had enough and took himself to the top of bell tower, rang the bell tower, and the symbiotic entity was "cut loose" from Spiderman. You see, we're living in a day and age when we're connecting ourselves with things and people that are "presumably" opening doors for us. However, there are various strings attached that we don't see until things around us and in us are turning for the worse. We're in relationships with people that are draining us financially and abusing us physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally. We're holding tight to belief systems and thought processes that are hurting our families, friends, and even our enemies. We're still performing business practices that are aiding and abetting to the economic crisis America is experiencing in our own special way. We're still stuck in addictions and habits that are destroying us from the inside out. I myself within these past 8 months see a lot of people, places, thoughts, and things I need to cut loose from. They aren't any good for me and if I don't get rid of them, it'll be the end of me and my family; everything I've suffered to gain lost in an instant. I can't let that happen. You can't let that happen, either. Cutting ties is good for us because it causes us to grow. In John 15:1-6, Jesus talks about how He is the True Vine and we are the branches. Every branch not connected to Him would wither and die but every branch found in Him would be purged (pruned, cut) so that each branch would bear more fruit. Everyday, God is trying to get our attention, to get us rooted in Him so He through various situations and processes, cut away those ties that will cause us to die and be unprofitable. However, we run from this process because it hurts. But this is the essence of growing up, we must experience growing pains so we can cut off bad ties and grow into new and better ties. It's good for our life's business and calling. But how many of us are willing to grow through this process? How many of us are ready to let go of those things killing us, our destiny, our families, and our future? Are we willing to cut away childish and evil things from our lives? Let it marinate for a minute. Now, these words just ain't for church folks but for the extortionist, for the businessman, for the politician, for the atheist, and for whoever else______. In order to live a life that's pleasing to God and to fulfill our life's purpose, we've got to be willing to cut ties to things and people not good for us. If you're ready to be that one to take it to next level in your life, find some shears, get your sword (the Holy Bible), and get to cutting....
Til next time, dgwo.
John 15:1-6
Hebrews 12:9-11
Wow...I was just talking to a friend about this today cutting ties, shifting when God is trying to take you somewhere that can be hindered by someone else and lastly changing your posture in relationship with others--I could say so much but I will just say Amen....