It's the last day of July, the second hottest month of the year. Thank God it's about over. This was a pretty difficult month but one thing I can say is that last night, I laughed like the jokers used to laugh on Def Comedy Jam (when Martin Lawrence was the host, no offense to Joe Torry). The brothers got together last night to help one of the couples at our church move to their new "mansion." We were bagging on each other the whole night. I was clowning Mr. Rowland because he let his wife Mrs. Rowland pack all the boxes except one I helped him pack. My other friend Mr. Williams was clowning Mr. Rowland for carrying a light box full of tissues like it was heavy. Mr. McCallum was clowning me for how I can't sing when really he's worse than I am (I'm just saying). Mr. Williams was clowning Mrs. Rowland's brother Mr. Baptiste because everyone else was loading the truck while he was stuck in happy land looking at photos he hasn't seen in years. Dude, we clowned on each other for like 3 straight hours. It was a good night. While I was driving home, I was thinking the wonderful gift of laughter. We take this gift of God for granted. Solomon said in Proverbs 17:22 that a merry heart (that includes laughter) is like a good medicine. Laughter relieves stress. It helps us let go the cares and problems of the day. It helps us forget our worries of future events. The tension that's in our bodies is gone and we feel lighter than we did before. My beautiful wife Dionn is always showing me these videos by the Playmakers (, Phil Wade (, and Sweet Brown videos ( Man, I just cry up a storm because those videos are so funny. Sometimes, I get so frustrated and stressed about certain things in my life, I don't enjoy it. Then, something funny happens and I just laugh. I laugh my little heart. Those tears of pain become tears of joy when I laugh. It's such a good release for the body, soul, and spirit. Research shows that it provides us three benefits (materials from
1.Physical benefits: relaxes muscles, boosts immunity, decreases pain
2. Mental benefits: relieves stress, improves mood, eases anxiety and fear
3. Social benefits: improves relationships, enhances teamwork, helps diffuse conflicts
The spiritual benefits are the following:
1. trusting God in tight situations and believing He will help us in times of need
2. releases the burdens of oppression, frustration, bitterness, and stress
3. helps us appreciate God, friends, family, and even our enemies
I experienced all this last night and of course when I'm chilling at the house with my cupcake, Dionn. Most of us think that God is always serious. Yes, He can be but He has a crazy sense of humor. The next time you're going through something or notice something strange (that's funny of course), you'll see that's an indicator of His great humor. Sarah knew about it when He said she would have a child when she was passed 90 something years old. David wrote about it because he had to laugh so many times when he went through. Shoot, the Bible says God rejoices over His people when their ways please Him (Isaiah 62:5). You want to know what that includes? Laughter. We make God laugh all the time. Like the old saying goes, "you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." He's probably falling over His throne 24/7 days in the week at us crazy jokers. My friends, preachers, lawyers, doctors, atheists, politicians, law enforcers, kids, parents, husbands, and wives, you better learn how to laugh. It's God's gift to us, a stress relieving, burden lifting experience given to mankind in the midst of his most arduous labor called life. Plus for some of us who are so knowledgeable, educated, and spiritual, we need to learn how to loosen up. Dude, chick, relax. Chill. Take a breather. "Saddown (Madea voice)." Some of us are just too serious. We need to loosen up and enjoy life through the gift of laughter. Aiight?! Go on YouTube (JackValeFilms my favorite), go to the movies, talk with your friends and family about events of funny moments. Shoot, go to Walmart, you'll always see interesting things and people there that'll make you laugh. You'll feel better and life in general will get better. And this will make God laugh because we've learned to rightly use this wonderful gift.
Til next time, dgwo.
P.S. - To Mr. Carl Rowland - I told you I was going to get you back. :)
-Proverbs 17:22 -
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Count It All Joy
Usually in the mornings, I have a thought before I write down my blogs. Today's blog, I really didn't want to sound to "churchy" but making Christ's messages relate to everyone. Well, here it is. Count it all joy. This is a phrase James shares with us over a millennium ago about keeping your joy in the midst of various temptations. There are so many things in this life happening to us we don't understand and can't control. I believe there are many of us right now going through situations we never thought we would be experiencing. Foreclosures on our homes, car repossession, kids calling the cops claiming you abused them, family walking out on you, your best friend having an affair with your spouse, or people on job conspired to get your fired from your high-level executive position. These are the issues of life that are pushing many people on the brink of mental breakdowns or even suicide. Speaking of which, the potency for suicide and other erratic mental behaviors are becoming a norm in American society. So, in spite of all, this man from the first few decades of the A.D. era tells us "count it all joy?" Some of us (including myself) see our situations as irreparable and impossible. We don't have joy because all we see is gloom. However, we must understand that God has given us the breath of life; therefore there must be purpose in all this. As Pastor C was preaching her message to the church yesterday, one thought came to my mind. There has to be a purpose within all this hell (torment, not saying this word in a derogatory way) that is raging in my life. Things trying to destroy my marriage with my beautiful wife Dionn. Setbacks in moving forward with my books and career. Seeds of discord trying to destroy my church family. Lies being spoken throughout my surrounding community. Destructive ways destroying my country from the inside out. All of these things are disparaging but God gave me this thought, "count it all joy." What does it mean to count it all joy? That's a good question but I'll try to tackle this. Counting it all joy means to learn to be happy and in love with God despite the temptations going on in our lives. It means keeping a positive attitude in the midst of harsh times and believing God still favors you when the enemies of your life say otherwise. Counting it all joy is still praying and praising God, seeking His perfect will in your life every single day. Counting it all joy is understanding your going through the same things your next door neighbor is going through but you have the answer to your situation. Counting it all joy is making the best of our a prison situation when most people give up, lie down, and die. It means keeping your head up to the God who hasn't forgotten you. It means believing that God hasn't forsaken you although you don't feel, see, hear, or perceive him. It means us learning how to look past the muted tones within a picture and seeing the beauty of other colors trying to shine through. It's keeping the faith in Jesus Christ when everyone calls you a holy rolling idiot. It's keeping the faith and knowing that if things never go right here on earth for us; we have a heavenly home He has promised to those who have trusted and stayed faithful to Him. The joy of God exceeds happiness and this is what we have to pursue in these times we've living in. People like David and Paul had to experience great hardships in their lives. I truly believe they survive their storms because they counted it all joy. They sought and fulfilled their purpose as God had already predestined. They were tried in their faith but thereafter it became as pure gold being tried in the fire. So let's take heed to these words from a man just like you. Problems just like you. Issues just like you. Setbacks, disappointments, failures, regrets, and mistakes, just like you. Let's learn to count it all joy, in all that we go through, He will make it alright (BeBe & CeCe Winans). This is the hope that we have as we continue to make the decision to trust God anyhow.
Til next time, dgwo.
Hebrews 11
Hebrews 12:1-3
James 1:1-8
Til next time, dgwo.
Hebrews 11
Hebrews 12:1-3
James 1:1-8
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Condone Wars
My friends, there's a war going on. I call it "The Condone Wars." A lot of us don't know what the word condone means, so here it is.
condone: accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue. approve or sanction (something), esp. with reluctance.
Right now, we're living in the "New Age" belief system, which we are the masters of our own destiny. We live in a time when it's almost against the law for parents to punish their kids with the belt when they intentionally do bad things. When someone sees something messed up, people always try to shut them down. Nowadays, people don't want to be corrected, they want to be accepted. It doesn't matter if their behavior is appalling or belligerent. These types believe people including the God on the throne is supposed to overlook their actions that are plain evil (WHAT?). These types of people try to intimidate, manipulate, and coerce others to accept their lifestyle. From the LGBT movements, to people believing they don't need to go to church (because they believe no man or woman has the authority to pastor them), to kids disrespecting people over them, to rappers sending messages corrupting entire generations of youth! There are countless others I can't name but they all have the same prideful demeanor, "you can't tell me nothing." Most of us are taking a blind eye to various things each of us knows are blatantly wrong. However, we let things slide. We let our kid's behavior slide when they're being promiscuous or disrespecting their elders. We let things slide when we don't hold our coworkers accountable for providing customers with poor customer care. We let things slide when we see public officials misappropriating funds before our very eyes and we don't take that information to the authorities. We let things slide when we know a family member of ours is going around stealing people's identity and performing credit fraud. These are all battles within "The Condone Wars." Even within ourselves, we know certain behaviors, beliefs, and standards aren't right but we try to overlook them. We try to do all these good works to keep us from getting our own houses in order. I remember the movie New Jack City. There was a part in that movie when an old man was coming to see Nino Brown to warn him of the effects of his drug activities. Nino Brown along with a well-known preacher were sitting down with children giving them money. Those kids along with the preacher knew what type of guy Nino was. Cold-blooded, heartless, greedy, violent, and lustful. When the old man came in, he told those kids to leave and the preacher was trying to leave, too. But Nino sat the preacher down; I guess to help support (condone) his work ethics. The old man derided Nino and called out the preacher for condoning Nino's actions. What if the preacher stood up and told Nino the truth instead of condoning his behavior? When we take a stand, we're telling others the truth and provide an opportunity for change to impact their lives. But, most of us continue to be aiding and abetting "The Condone Wars." Hmmm....I guess what I'm saying is we need to be way more sensitive to God's desires and statutes than we are today. For some time, we've been "winking" and overlooking things, but that jig is up, dude. If we continue to condone, the generations behind us is going to be in a world of hurt. Look at us now! Look at how our kids are acting. Look at how our churches are operating. Look at how our governments are operating.. There has to be a standard, dudes and dudettes. Like my father says, "if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." That's true. A lot of us are fallen and don't even know; even those of us who know the truth. Do you think God is condoning our craziness? I don't think so. Jesus loves us but He's also taking account of what we do and how we do things (. Now, this ain't fire and brimstone rap, it's just real talk. Today, I really encourage us to know what the standard is and stand in it. People around you ain't going to like it but that's how it's been designed from the beginning of time. You may get persecuted and hurt, but that's the price for standing for what's right in God's eyes. No longer can we facilitate wrong through our various actions of condoning. It's not fair for anybody. It's not fair to ourselves. Most importantly, it's not fair to God. I know this for myself.
Til next time, dgwo.
Proverbs 27:5
Acts 17:30-31
condone: accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue. approve or sanction (something), esp. with reluctance.
Right now, we're living in the "New Age" belief system, which we are the masters of our own destiny. We live in a time when it's almost against the law for parents to punish their kids with the belt when they intentionally do bad things. When someone sees something messed up, people always try to shut them down. Nowadays, people don't want to be corrected, they want to be accepted. It doesn't matter if their behavior is appalling or belligerent. These types believe people including the God on the throne is supposed to overlook their actions that are plain evil (WHAT?). These types of people try to intimidate, manipulate, and coerce others to accept their lifestyle. From the LGBT movements, to people believing they don't need to go to church (because they believe no man or woman has the authority to pastor them), to kids disrespecting people over them, to rappers sending messages corrupting entire generations of youth! There are countless others I can't name but they all have the same prideful demeanor, "you can't tell me nothing." Most of us are taking a blind eye to various things each of us knows are blatantly wrong. However, we let things slide. We let our kid's behavior slide when they're being promiscuous or disrespecting their elders. We let things slide when we don't hold our coworkers accountable for providing customers with poor customer care. We let things slide when we see public officials misappropriating funds before our very eyes and we don't take that information to the authorities. We let things slide when we know a family member of ours is going around stealing people's identity and performing credit fraud. These are all battles within "The Condone Wars." Even within ourselves, we know certain behaviors, beliefs, and standards aren't right but we try to overlook them. We try to do all these good works to keep us from getting our own houses in order. I remember the movie New Jack City. There was a part in that movie when an old man was coming to see Nino Brown to warn him of the effects of his drug activities. Nino Brown along with a well-known preacher were sitting down with children giving them money. Those kids along with the preacher knew what type of guy Nino was. Cold-blooded, heartless, greedy, violent, and lustful. When the old man came in, he told those kids to leave and the preacher was trying to leave, too. But Nino sat the preacher down; I guess to help support (condone) his work ethics. The old man derided Nino and called out the preacher for condoning Nino's actions. What if the preacher stood up and told Nino the truth instead of condoning his behavior? When we take a stand, we're telling others the truth and provide an opportunity for change to impact their lives. But, most of us continue to be aiding and abetting "The Condone Wars." Hmmm....I guess what I'm saying is we need to be way more sensitive to God's desires and statutes than we are today. For some time, we've been "winking" and overlooking things, but that jig is up, dude. If we continue to condone, the generations behind us is going to be in a world of hurt. Look at us now! Look at how our kids are acting. Look at how our churches are operating. Look at how our governments are operating.. There has to be a standard, dudes and dudettes. Like my father says, "if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." That's true. A lot of us are fallen and don't even know; even those of us who know the truth. Do you think God is condoning our craziness? I don't think so. Jesus loves us but He's also taking account of what we do and how we do things (. Now, this ain't fire and brimstone rap, it's just real talk. Today, I really encourage us to know what the standard is and stand in it. People around you ain't going to like it but that's how it's been designed from the beginning of time. You may get persecuted and hurt, but that's the price for standing for what's right in God's eyes. No longer can we facilitate wrong through our various actions of condoning. It's not fair for anybody. It's not fair to ourselves. Most importantly, it's not fair to God. I know this for myself.
Til next time, dgwo.
Proverbs 27:5
Acts 17:30-31
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Be What We Say & Do
hypocrite: a person who indulges in hypocrisy.
hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one'sown behavior does not conform; pretense.
In street terms, a rat, fake, poker face, not keeping it 100, not keeping it real, a two-face, you do the math.
Hypocrisy is one of the worst poisons disrupting the world today. Hypocrisy leads people astray. It manipulates the truth, it gives people a disfigured version of the truth, and it's just a big ol' lie. We should already know that God loves everybody but He doesn't much care for hypocrisy (along with any other sin). Even the gangster street hustler hates hypocrisy because hypocrisy breeds ulterior motives. Hypocrisy is like telling somebody you love them in their face but deep inside your heart you want to put a gun to their face. Hypocrisy is saying we do all these good works like feeding the hungry or pray for others but deep inside we're trying to gain acceptance and prestige amongst others. Hypocrisy is saying and doing one thing in front of a lot of people; mostly done to gain attention and to keep others from seeing our other side. Hypocrisy is making ourselves to be something better than the next man based on gender, creed, race, and class status when inside we're filled with nothing more than gutter trash. Hypocrisy is a dangerous thing. Hypocrisy creates within us a since of pride; kind of make of us feel like we're untouchable. Hypocrisy makes people become untrustworthy and causes people to watch their back a lot more than what they would normally do. Hypocrisy influences people to always fix everyone else except for themselves. Hypocrisy keeps all record of wrong and influences people to say I have no flaws (sin, perfect, like a god). We can claim to be this and that but what do our lives really say about us? I remember my grandma used to say, "if walls could tell." What would the walls of our homes (lives) really tell? We say we pray but our attitude is still shifty. We say we love God but we hate the pastor over us who's giving us the truth in love. We do all these things but it's just to please men and not God. Dude, that's a hypocrisy. I know it for myself and that's why we've got to keep ourselves looking at the mirror. The mirror is going to show us the true nature of our being, whether we're real or fake. Our mirror is the Word of God, our friends, our bosses, our enemies, our children, the dude we pass by when we're walking through Wally Word (Walmart). What do they see? Are they see in realness or fakeness? When speak, can people resonate with what we're saying or do they hearing us faking? When Jesus spoke, He spoke with authority and the people believed on Him. They saw within His life authenticity, realness, pureness, and no hypocrisy. The same couldn't be said about the Pharisees. They loved to be in the high places. They made long prayers glorifying themselves rather than humbling themselves before God's sight. They taught and made others do things they wouldn't do. This was hypocrisy and it's alive and well today. I truly it's time we be real with ourselves and be real with God. We got to ask ourselves, am I a hypocrite? Do I do and say things but do the contrary? Am I trustworthy? Does my life in spite of my faults say I'm a real person? Am I doing all these good works to please men or to please God? Something to think about, huh? I know I am. So before I close this out, this is all I have to say. Let's stop faking around and be honest. Hypocrisy hurts others and keeps us from coming to God with all our broken pieces. Walking in truth ain't popular because it gets passed good feelings and gets down to the nitty gritty. It's better for people to hate you but respect you because you're walking. It's a shame for everybody to like you but don't respect you from the case of being a hypocrite. So let's give the gig up and walk honestly.
Til next time, dgwo.
Proverbs 11:9
Matthew 7:28-29
Matthew 23 (in its entirety)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Doors Of Success Are Open!
Opportunities to become successful are always in front of us. We just have to be in the right position to walk through the doors. We all have dreams and/or goals we want to accomplish in life. They necessarily don't have to be monetary or getting a new job. Opportunities include becoming a spokesperson for homeless affairs, fixing up a old "ride-dirty", or maybe spending more time with our kids. The doors of opportunity is always open but the distractions of life always come to block our view. The issues of life have a funny way of cluttering our thoughts, which produce nothing but negativity. But the doors of success are still open. One of the mottos for the church I attend (Shiloh Worship Center, 700 Glen Hollow Ln, Belton, TX, 76513) is "the doors to success are open, evil is cut off, and we shall not know defeat." Man, we used to say that a lot! Just this morning, I felt like the doors of success were all closed for David G.W. Overton. I felt like man, why does it feel like other people are successful and able to accomplish their goals and I feel like I'm always having my own at the back burner? I'm just being real, my friends. The lesson that I'm learning about walking through the doors of success is just walking through them when you see them. Don't hesitate, don't worry about what other people will say about you or think of you. You just have to walk through. God has predestined a purpose for us all (Jeremiah 1:10) and when He shines His light, we will see those open doors of opportunities. When our lives are lining up with the perfect will of God and we understand His grace isn't about what we do or earn, but His unmerited favor in our lives, we will walk through those doors. As I stated earlier, success isn't about us being rich, having the baddest car, the most beautiful children, or the biggest house. It's not about having the biggest house or the most successful company in the city. Success is about fulfilling each and every goal found only in Jesus Christ. It's about accepting the call in our lives and doing it the way He show us to do it! It's about walking through those doors even in the midst of opposition. Remember this, true success ain't success if there isn't some type of opposition coming against us. One of my favorite characters is Apostle Paul because he faced many enemies in his lifetime but nothing stopped him from walking through the doors of opportunity. He didn't stop traveling and did all he needed to do in his lifetime. No matter what he went through, he kept his eyes open for opportunities. So who is the one who opens these doors of opportunities? It's God, my friends and He moves on the hearts of people to make a straight pathway for His people to walk in (Proverbs 21:1). As my dad would say, we've got to be in position, we've got to be in our place. One of the major reasons why a lot of us aren't successful is from not being in our place. Then when see the door of opportunity, it may be closed to us. The time is now my friends. We can't be slothful, we can't live in the term ignorance is bliss any longer, and can't afford to allow these issues of life to keep us down. We've got to press through and walk through the doors of success. We'll never be satisfied until we become who were predestined to be and do (Psalms 17:15). We'll be like some of the people I see at my job, bitter and angry because they screwed up opportunities to walk in their full potential. Jesus said that He has given us life and that more abundantly (John 10:10). Why not take Him at His word? If God has given us a dream to start a business or become a college professor, why not take Him up on the opportunity opened to us?! It would be crazy not to, dudes and dudettes. I'm just saying... These open doors aren't just for us, it's for others as well. In this time, God is raising up Josephs; people who will feed nations with education, food, and shelter. Now, we become a conduit of success because we walked through the doors of success. Understand? I guess I'm done for the day but please take to heart what I'm saying because I'm trying to eat and digest these words to. And if we experience stumbles along the way, don't stop; don't ever stop. As the old saying goes, our stumbling blocks are our stairs to the door of success.
Til next time, dgwo.
1st Corinthians 16:9
John 10:10
Til next time, dgwo.
1st Corinthians 16:9
John 10:10
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Cutting Ties
I really didn't want to write anything today because I've had a busy couple of days. But today, I just had a thought I wanted to share with you all. It's about cutting ties. Cutting ties is an old verbiage from the old school, maybe from the mafia or from people like Al Capone. Although their "occupations" were illegal, they knew what and who to keep but whatever or whoever to let go. To all my history buffs and street wise men, we've seen many people in the past and present having to cut ties to keep the business going. One thing as human beings we don't like to do is change. Change includes letting go of the past, letting go of habits that are killing us, and letting go of people who aren't any good for us. Change causes a different level of thought process, intellect, and procedures in our actions Change is growing up and realizing things as they are and looking beyond the horizon; you know, the bigger picture. However, most of us are still holding onto things and people that are dragging us down. These ties we're unwilling to cut are draining us of our time, money, potential, and the mental proficiencies to make the right decisions. It's crazy and I see this 7 days a week within myself and those around me. To people who know me, I'm a 31 year-old who still loves to read comic books (that's right I said comic books!-Tyrone Copple {Jamie Foxx Show}voice). There is an old storyline when Spiderman had became one with an alien entity known as a symbiont (either of two organisms that live in symbiosis with one another). These two organisms, Spiderman and the symbiont became one and gave Spiderman a living uniform. It exponentially increased his powers, which became limitless. Everything he did before, it was magnified to the highest level. However, this symbiont era in his life created changes in him that was turning him into an evil character. Usually, he would beat his enemies and leave them to the police. However, he would be at the point where he was going to kill them. He behavior changed and disconnected himself from Mary Jane, his future wife. Then one day, he took a look in the mirror and saw something was wrong with this new suit which the symbiosis provided him. One day, he had enough and took himself to the top of bell tower, rang the bell tower, and the symbiotic entity was "cut loose" from Spiderman. You see, we're living in a day and age when we're connecting ourselves with things and people that are "presumably" opening doors for us. However, there are various strings attached that we don't see until things around us and in us are turning for the worse. We're in relationships with people that are draining us financially and abusing us physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally. We're holding tight to belief systems and thought processes that are hurting our families, friends, and even our enemies. We're still performing business practices that are aiding and abetting to the economic crisis America is experiencing in our own special way. We're still stuck in addictions and habits that are destroying us from the inside out. I myself within these past 8 months see a lot of people, places, thoughts, and things I need to cut loose from. They aren't any good for me and if I don't get rid of them, it'll be the end of me and my family; everything I've suffered to gain lost in an instant. I can't let that happen. You can't let that happen, either. Cutting ties is good for us because it causes us to grow. In John 15:1-6, Jesus talks about how He is the True Vine and we are the branches. Every branch not connected to Him would wither and die but every branch found in Him would be purged (pruned, cut) so that each branch would bear more fruit. Everyday, God is trying to get our attention, to get us rooted in Him so He through various situations and processes, cut away those ties that will cause us to die and be unprofitable. However, we run from this process because it hurts. But this is the essence of growing up, we must experience growing pains so we can cut off bad ties and grow into new and better ties. It's good for our life's business and calling. But how many of us are willing to grow through this process? How many of us are ready to let go of those things killing us, our destiny, our families, and our future? Are we willing to cut away childish and evil things from our lives? Let it marinate for a minute. Now, these words just ain't for church folks but for the extortionist, for the businessman, for the politician, for the atheist, and for whoever else______. In order to live a life that's pleasing to God and to fulfill our life's purpose, we've got to be willing to cut ties to things and people not good for us. If you're ready to be that one to take it to next level in your life, find some shears, get your sword (the Holy Bible), and get to cutting....
Til next time, dgwo.
John 15:1-6
Hebrews 12:9-11
Til next time, dgwo.
John 15:1-6
Hebrews 12:9-11
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Great Double Dip Recession
My friends, America is in a very bad state. To be honest, I think all that is going on from underemployment, to homelessness, to unemployment could have been prevented. Well, maybe not prevented but various implementations to help the millions of Americans losing their houses, living with no food to eat, and can't pay their bills but still working a 9 to 5. These situations and many more has become a common occurrence for many of us. I remember telling people a couple of years ago that we were in a recession. Some people believed me yet other mistook my synopsis as a joke. Come now into the year 2012, a time when some economists say we're experiencing a double-dip recession and everybody (and I mean everybody) in more ways than one is feeling the burden of it. A lot of us hear it and read the headlines but a lot of us don't know what a recession is. Here is what the dictionary characterizes this word:
recession: a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
America is experiencing a double-dip recession and we've been in this state for a very long time. Ever since the collapse of various big time banks in late 2007, this country has yet to regroup. The bailouts, which I think should have went to the American people and other social services, only condoned the actions of these crooked businessmen and politicians. International corporations like JP Morgan are still doing horrible, recently admitting to a 5 plus billion dollar shortfall. Right now, we're experiencing a "hiring crisis." Some reports say that unemployment claims are falling and some say they're rising. Do you really want to know the truth? The estimated average rate of unemployment in America is between 13.5 to 15.1 percent. In certain parts of the east coast, south, Midwest, and western states, these rates are almost up to 19 to 20.1%. Now, we're experiencing a great wave of underemployment. Many magazines like Newsweek, Time, and Bloomberg Businessweek are discussing the topic of college graduates within the past 4 years not able to find jobs. From engineers, to business administration workers, to even people wanting to be educators, they can't find a job or a good paying job to save their life. More people in America are in ground zero being laid off, having their hours cut, and they're benefits taken away. You even have certain towns laying off or reducing the pay of cops and firefighters to minimum wage while the mayor and other city officials boost their own pay. We're seeing about 90% or more of our "representatives" (excluding the president and vice president) in Washington D.C. making millions while the rest of America is barely making it. More jobs are being sent overseas and jobs aren't giving the younger generation to utilize their skills in the workplace. The cost of education is increasing and many people who have taken on student loans are defaulting on them. Even in my area, if you've defaulted on your student loan but try to get a certain federal job, you won't get hired based on your credit (unless you know somebody-in Central Texas-it's about who you know not really based on your skills/potential). To quite honest with you, we might as well admit that America has lost its business savvy consisting of ethical business principles. I think two major things continue to contribute to this double-dip recession; greed and the unwillingness to invest for the future. The Bible states that the love of money is the root to all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). Although some people think those words are just from men, when you look at our society, you can't help but agree with this quote that was given by God's foresight of our hearts. There are people in our society who are filthy rich and care less if the next man's family is homeless and don't have any food to eat. These people are found in law making, politics, and run the bureaucratic affairs at our jobs. These people are the ones causing many of our finest institutions to drastically increase the cost of education and decrease the quality of education in our public school systems (without knowledge, we have no power). In terms of investing, I mean investing in people; giving people a chance. Back in the days, people used to have apprenticeships to guide the next generation along so they could learn and be masters of a trade. Today, that is hardly seen in our society. My age group and the ones under my age group probably don't have a trade. Most of the kids I see in my area want to be a rapper or a pimp rather than a doctor, nurse, or a mechanic. They want to be the next Lebron James than be the next Ben Carson. It's crazy. Instead of seeing investments in people with knowledge of certain trades and business concepts, we're seeing investments of trash, mess, and all things that pulls people down. It's sad and these two have just some of the problems out of many contributing the lingering affects of the double-dip recession. Even in the Central Texas area, I see many jobs willing to pay or invest in the older generation than investing in the newer generation. So what will the newer generation do, they'll get into trouble. One finance book I remember reading was talking about how the affects of poverty increasing the rates and probability of crime. Company executives will hire their good for nothing friends or family instead of hiring Mr. or Ms./Mrs. Do It Right The First Time worker. For some reason, people pick the messiest people instead of picking the people who may hold others accountable but will become a jewel for that company. My friends, we're in a decline and instead of ignoring what's going on around us, we need to acknowledge it. We need to acknowledge that we're going down instead of going up. We're experiencing the great double dip recession. A lot of us don't know the business cycle, but I'd like to share it with you:

We're in a trough, meaning a low point of activity in our economy. Don't be fooled by the new IPhones, wireless technology, and all the gadgets. There are still millions of America out of work or having to work multiple jobs to even see one end meet halfway to the other end. There are still millions of college graduates ready to be hired to take a company to the next level but shunned because companies still run in the good ol' boy system. There are millions of Americans in need of a good samaritan to help them get back on their feet and become a contributor in our society. However, people are just passing them by judging them because of their race, age, creed, criminal history (of which they never get a chance-I see it everyday at my job), and so on. The only way we're going to make it out of this pit is when the powers that be stop being greedy (in DMX's voice) and invest in the right people. It's time we as the American people start to hold our politicians accountable for their undercover actions as well as their lack of action. Why should they get paid thousands to millions of dollars of our hard earned tax money while we struggle to provide for our children? Are they better than us? It's time to hold these crooked businessmen and women accountable for their prejudices hiring schemes so that these college graduates' skills don't go to waste. It's time we hold accountable these school boards who are inserting crooked tools of educational practices and information infecting our kids with garbage (history, social sciences). It's time we learn to invest in one another, namely the next generation. It's time we stop the other half of greed called selfishness and spend time with our kids; making sure they do their homework and excel for success. Dudes and dudettes, it doesn't take much. All it takes is using the business principles correctly and we'll see a turn around. It won't be overnight but it will happen. In Haggai chapter 1, God had got on Israel for these same practices and situations I've talked about in this blog. They have business savvy but used it wrongfully; causing the work of God to experience a double dip recession. He told them what to do and the fire kindled in them once again. The person that spoke to them on God's behalf had held the people and the leaders accountable. They had no other choice but to heed to the wisdom higher than them and get to work the right way. Then the work of God was getting complete. They experienced an expansion like never before. So as I end today's blog, don't take my words as gold because I'm just a man and I can lead you wrong. I'm just concerned about the welfare of our nation; looking passed the glitz and seeing the ugly side. I'm done.
Til next time, dgwo.
Haggai 1
recession: a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
America is experiencing a double-dip recession and we've been in this state for a very long time. Ever since the collapse of various big time banks in late 2007, this country has yet to regroup. The bailouts, which I think should have went to the American people and other social services, only condoned the actions of these crooked businessmen and politicians. International corporations like JP Morgan are still doing horrible, recently admitting to a 5 plus billion dollar shortfall. Right now, we're experiencing a "hiring crisis." Some reports say that unemployment claims are falling and some say they're rising. Do you really want to know the truth? The estimated average rate of unemployment in America is between 13.5 to 15.1 percent. In certain parts of the east coast, south, Midwest, and western states, these rates are almost up to 19 to 20.1%. Now, we're experiencing a great wave of underemployment. Many magazines like Newsweek, Time, and Bloomberg Businessweek are discussing the topic of college graduates within the past 4 years not able to find jobs. From engineers, to business administration workers, to even people wanting to be educators, they can't find a job or a good paying job to save their life. More people in America are in ground zero being laid off, having their hours cut, and they're benefits taken away. You even have certain towns laying off or reducing the pay of cops and firefighters to minimum wage while the mayor and other city officials boost their own pay. We're seeing about 90% or more of our "representatives" (excluding the president and vice president) in Washington D.C. making millions while the rest of America is barely making it. More jobs are being sent overseas and jobs aren't giving the younger generation to utilize their skills in the workplace. The cost of education is increasing and many people who have taken on student loans are defaulting on them. Even in my area, if you've defaulted on your student loan but try to get a certain federal job, you won't get hired based on your credit (unless you know somebody-in Central Texas-it's about who you know not really based on your skills/potential). To quite honest with you, we might as well admit that America has lost its business savvy consisting of ethical business principles. I think two major things continue to contribute to this double-dip recession; greed and the unwillingness to invest for the future. The Bible states that the love of money is the root to all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). Although some people think those words are just from men, when you look at our society, you can't help but agree with this quote that was given by God's foresight of our hearts. There are people in our society who are filthy rich and care less if the next man's family is homeless and don't have any food to eat. These people are found in law making, politics, and run the bureaucratic affairs at our jobs. These people are the ones causing many of our finest institutions to drastically increase the cost of education and decrease the quality of education in our public school systems (without knowledge, we have no power). In terms of investing, I mean investing in people; giving people a chance. Back in the days, people used to have apprenticeships to guide the next generation along so they could learn and be masters of a trade. Today, that is hardly seen in our society. My age group and the ones under my age group probably don't have a trade. Most of the kids I see in my area want to be a rapper or a pimp rather than a doctor, nurse, or a mechanic. They want to be the next Lebron James than be the next Ben Carson. It's crazy. Instead of seeing investments in people with knowledge of certain trades and business concepts, we're seeing investments of trash, mess, and all things that pulls people down. It's sad and these two have just some of the problems out of many contributing the lingering affects of the double-dip recession. Even in the Central Texas area, I see many jobs willing to pay or invest in the older generation than investing in the newer generation. So what will the newer generation do, they'll get into trouble. One finance book I remember reading was talking about how the affects of poverty increasing the rates and probability of crime. Company executives will hire their good for nothing friends or family instead of hiring Mr. or Ms./Mrs. Do It Right The First Time worker. For some reason, people pick the messiest people instead of picking the people who may hold others accountable but will become a jewel for that company. My friends, we're in a decline and instead of ignoring what's going on around us, we need to acknowledge it. We need to acknowledge that we're going down instead of going up. We're experiencing the great double dip recession. A lot of us don't know the business cycle, but I'd like to share it with you:

We're in a trough, meaning a low point of activity in our economy. Don't be fooled by the new IPhones, wireless technology, and all the gadgets. There are still millions of America out of work or having to work multiple jobs to even see one end meet halfway to the other end. There are still millions of college graduates ready to be hired to take a company to the next level but shunned because companies still run in the good ol' boy system. There are millions of Americans in need of a good samaritan to help them get back on their feet and become a contributor in our society. However, people are just passing them by judging them because of their race, age, creed, criminal history (of which they never get a chance-I see it everyday at my job), and so on. The only way we're going to make it out of this pit is when the powers that be stop being greedy (in DMX's voice) and invest in the right people. It's time we as the American people start to hold our politicians accountable for their undercover actions as well as their lack of action. Why should they get paid thousands to millions of dollars of our hard earned tax money while we struggle to provide for our children? Are they better than us? It's time to hold these crooked businessmen and women accountable for their prejudices hiring schemes so that these college graduates' skills don't go to waste. It's time we hold accountable these school boards who are inserting crooked tools of educational practices and information infecting our kids with garbage (history, social sciences). It's time we learn to invest in one another, namely the next generation. It's time we stop the other half of greed called selfishness and spend time with our kids; making sure they do their homework and excel for success. Dudes and dudettes, it doesn't take much. All it takes is using the business principles correctly and we'll see a turn around. It won't be overnight but it will happen. In Haggai chapter 1, God had got on Israel for these same practices and situations I've talked about in this blog. They have business savvy but used it wrongfully; causing the work of God to experience a double dip recession. He told them what to do and the fire kindled in them once again. The person that spoke to them on God's behalf had held the people and the leaders accountable. They had no other choice but to heed to the wisdom higher than them and get to work the right way. Then the work of God was getting complete. They experienced an expansion like never before. So as I end today's blog, don't take my words as gold because I'm just a man and I can lead you wrong. I'm just concerned about the welfare of our nation; looking passed the glitz and seeing the ugly side. I'm done.
Til next time, dgwo.
Haggai 1
Friday, July 20, 2012
Bound In The Prison But Free In The Mind
Yesterday, I watched American Gangster, which is a documentary of various people intertwined in the drug game. The show talks about various people from The Chamber Brothers, Melvin Williams, the original Murder INC, and Frank Lucas. Although their stories are intriguing, the most intriguing is the stories of Leroy "Nicky" Barnes and Guy "Radio" Fisher. Now, these names aren't probably recognized by this present generation today but those from the old school know what I'm talking about. Back in the 70's, these two men were a part of a criminal organization called The Council. In all, there were five men who pledged an oath of allegiance with various stipulations to the rule. On June 5 (or 6) 1977, the New Yorker printed a magazine with Nicky Barnes on the front page called Mr. Untouchable. Of course, this was a slap to the face to the authorities and within a period of time, he was given a life sentence without the opportunity parole. As Nicky sat in jail, the leadership role of The Council was laid on the shoulders of Guy Fisher. I didn't even know The Apollo Theater wouldn't be open today if it had not been for Guy Fisher. Yeah, he was still pushing heroin in Harlem and other parts of NYC, but dude had a heart. There was one part of the documentary talking about how a rapper DJ Hollywood was trying to get into the drug game and Guy Fisher almost lost his cool. Guy knew what he was doing was wrong. The murders, the drugs, the people strung out, and breaking the law. Fate had it for him when word got to Nicky about Guy having an affair with his girlfriend and wife on the side (is it true-?). But what we know is true, Nicky felt the oath was broken and he ended up taking all The Council members down, especially his protege, Guy Fisher. All were given life sentences without the possibility of parole for continuing drug trafficking operations. Guy and of course the others were devastated their leader would turn on them from "allegations" sent to him. But that's not the main point of this message. Prison has been Guy's residence for the past couple of decades. He's probably in his mid-50's, maybe early 60's. But this is what the documentary showed about him. He said in one his letters that the prison system has his body but doesn't have his mind. He stated that his mind was and still is free. He turned a bad situation into a situation full of promises achieved. The man went to school, something he shunned in his younger days. He kept going to school until he achieved the highest honor, that is, attaining a Ph.d in Sociology (wow, in prison). He has published 5 or more books including novels, screenplays, and other types of literature. He is outspoken about how the young needs examples and a direction in life. The young man who had the potential to help fix up broken places like the Apollo used it to destroy the lives of many people. However, his prison circumstances changed his mind as well as his heart. His heart was already malleable but now he was in a place where he couldn't run from his true purpose. He had to embrace. Being a drug kingpin is great but it's nothing compared to speaking about issues through literary art. So, why would I be praising someone who most people in the past, present, and future feels to be a scumbag? Here is my reasoning, prison situations are made to propel us to our purpose. There are many of people in prison in America today, up to millions of people. Some have light sentences, some life sentences, and some commuted to death sentences. Many of these people who are in prison are walking free today. They go shopping, hit the clubs, extort the poor, and can sleep in their cozy living quarters. However, they are bound in the mind but free to walk around. Bound by bitterness, bound by lust, bound by homosexuality, bound by lies, bound by greed, and bound by manipulation. These same things are found in physical prisons. However, there are a lot of people there who are free from bitterness, free from lust, free from homosexuality, free from lies, free from greed, and free from manipulation. They write poems. They preach great messages. They teach others how to handle their circumstances the right way. And when they say they're blessed (lifestyle approved by God, sealed by the Holy Spirit) and highly favored (because they don't work to gain His favor, but by grace they don't deserve), they are sincere. I've gone to one prison each 1st and 3rd Monday and I feel like the one who is prison yet I see they are free; in their mind. 7 days a week, I go to various places and I see 99.9% of people aren't free. I read posts from Facebook and Twitter and people aren't free. It disturbs and baffles me how these inmates I visit are free and serve God with their whole heart, and do what God calls them to do without hesitation but we are full of chains and hate God?! I know the answer...The Apostle Paul said it plain as day, that he learned to be content no matter what state he was in. He was locked in prison until the day he was executed by Nero the Roman Emperor. Yet, he continued to write messages to people who were free in body but bound in the mind. He learned the secret to having freedom in the mind; he accept the perfect will of God over his life in his prison situation. My friends, these times will get no better as far as the world is concerned. We already know the last days are here. We're facing so many prison sentences in our lives and we accuse God of doing us wrong. But He's commuting us to prison sentences for one reason, to get our attention, wake up, learn from Him, and fulfill our true purpose in life. Is Guy Fisher saved? I don't know. But it had to be God to wake his mind up to fulfill the accolades he's accomplished. So to all my fellow prisoners on the outside as well as the inside, what has God called you to do and be? And to all those who know, have you accept the perfect will of God in the midst of your prison situation? Think about it over the weekend. much luv, y'all.
Til Next Time, dgwo
Matthew 26:36-42
Philippians 4:11
Til Next Time, dgwo
Matthew 26:36-42
Philippians 4:11
Thursday, July 19, 2012
A Better Tomorrow
I can really say today in a long time, I feel free. Although I have a lot of challenges and problems weighing against me, I finally feel hopeful. Situations of the past and present can alter our vision. When we only see and experience suffering, we'll begin to believe this is how life is going to be for the rest of our lives. Not too long ago, I was feeling this way about my life. I felt a bit stuck and I had lost my joy; totally lost my joy. There were mornings when I didn't want to get up and in some cases (I'm being real), I didn't want to live. I felt like nothing in my life was going to change. You see, it was more than having money in my pocket or being a father of my own biological children; it was seeing God's promises come to pass for my family. One of the problems I have within myself is waiting on God. Obviously, I'm not a woman but I truly understand what Hannah went through. She was ridiculed by Penninah about not having children while she had multiple children. Everyday, this issue felt like it was laughing in her face. This is how it is for some of us who have yet to see God's promises manifest in our lives. As I've said in many of my daily blogs, we're living in a time when a lot of us are giving up on God. We feel like He has forgotten about us and what He promised us. We feel abandoned and sort of like fatherless children. However, we need to wake up and smile the hot white chocolate mocha from Starbucks (one of the best joys in the world). God hasn't forgotten us, none of us, because He made and created us. Before we were in our mother's womb, He made up and planned an awesome life for us in spite of the struggles it will bring. I truly believe that a better tomorrow is on the way we just need to believe and dream again. There are many of us committing suicide, not only literally but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We've given up because we gave into those thoughts coming in our heads saying what's the use. The better tomorrow is something that presidents, or political parties, or money, or a one night stand with 6 model chicks can't give us. This better tomorrow, the destiny we have been formed for is only found in Jesus Christ. Yeah, I know a lot of us have heard this and some of us think that Jesus is a bunch of rubbish. Maybe many of us feel that way because people who say they're Christians lived otherwise. Maybe it's from high profile rappers dissing Christianity or other media pulls got us thinking Jesus is a man who is nonexistent living in the sky. But I truly believe He is real and no matter who we are, He has a better tomorrow planned for us. My friends, mankind is experiencing the darkest hours ever known. Don't be fooled by all the glitz and glamour of technology, food, material things at our fingertips. The worst dark ages ever known to man is here and many of us are stuck in its abyss. Deep down inside of us, there lies a thing called purpose and destiny crying out daily to be found. However, we ignore it because we're so caught in the mess with messy people. However, the light is shining brighter than ever before and once we take a glimpse at it, it's going to change our lives forever. Before I close this thing out, I'd like to share the renewed hope I'm receiving from my Daddy today. If you're going through a situation when your spouse is wanting a divorce but you remember the promises of God over your marriage; then expect a better tomorrow. If God promised your family that He would make your name great and use you for a particular task; expect a better tomorrow. If you know that you are supposed to have children but the doctors say you can't have it; expect a better tomorrow. If God said to you that if you continue to pray for your nation especially when it's in a bad moral state; expect a better tomorrow. The key principle of this better tomorrow is that God is the central focus and that He has made an impossible situation with men possible with Him. In closing, let me quote the words of Jeremiah:
Jeremiah 29:11:
Jeremiah 29:11:
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Don't give up on God just yet. Though our eyes don't see Him working some things out for us, don't give up. Understand?
Til next time, dgwo.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Leave Those Messy People Alone!
OMG! One thing I can't stand is messy people. Messy people are the breeding ground for trouble. They love to stir strife amongst friends, back stab their own flesh and blood, rebel against pastors of churches, create lies against their bosses at work, and will do anything to seduce another person's spouse. Messy people don't care about nothing or no one else but themselves. These people are articulate in devising strategies to make another person's life a living Hades. They are the most jealous, envious, and bitter people you will ever experience in this life. They are greedy, no diplomacy, and care less about receiving the consequences for their actions. Messy people are found in (as Kev on stage would say: - check this out, these dudes are funny!), PAW, Convocations, Superbowl parties, clubs, family reunions, pastor anniversaries, Bible studies, Walmart, Kroger, swap meets, the White House, Congress, etc. They are everywhere! Doesn't it seem sometimes these folks are found in high ranking positions in educational systems, political offices, etc.? Since they want to control the whole situation, they create policies and rules even they can't follow. Messy people are like the stench of trash that's been sitting in a house for months. No matter how much we try to cover it up and deal with the stench, it's tearing us up inside. My own experiences with messy people are pleasant. You can forget about that. Messy people care less about making amends and creating an environment of peace. They love war, they love drama, and if they can bring other people down with them at the expense of destroying another person's life including their family, so be it. Down right selfish! Sounds like the character of Satan doesn't it? Messy people love to cling or build relationships with people who are going somewhere. They love to hear people with wells of wisdom and a lot of times deep pockets; people of great potential. However, the demons inside of these people (that's right I said demons) wait for these people to get to a low spot or difficult time in their lives. That's when they spill the beans of what they are feeling about certain things and they store every word in their brain. Then, they gossip to other people, mostly, people who are weak and love too much that they condone (overlook) mess when it comes. Then these words they've twisted is spreading like wildfire and the person who poured out their heart to the messy person is perceived as a "derelict." Messy people are busybodies and ain't got nothing else to do but to create messy. It's sad but that's how messy people operate. Messy people love to be the center of attention. If they have to act depressed so the world stops and caters to their needs, they'll act depressed. If they are seeking a one night stand or short nothing but sexual favors relationship, they wear the type of clothes, fragrance, and vibe to accentuate their "gifts." If they want something or someone not theirs or something they can't handle, they'll cheat their way to get it. Messy people, in my opinion, are some of the saddest people in the world. All they do is create chaos. The Apostle Paul dealt with messy people by the names of Hymenaeus and Alexander. At this time or another, Paul was excelling in ministry, gathering with his conglomerates many souls for God's kingdom. He told his student Timothy to hold the faith of Christ with a pure conscience because there were some who didn't and shipwrecked their faith (1st Timothy 1:19). These were Hymenaeus and Alexander and Paul had to confront these messy people. Just to paint a picture, these two guys joined together to take down the weak and whoever else they could trick to revolt against Paul's purpose. They were probably spreading lies and probably hiring some women to seduce him so that he would be a contradiction of all he taught. But Paul said he had to give these dudes over to Satan so they would learn not to blaspheme against God's will (1st Timothy 1:20). Sometimes in life, it's not conducive for us to talk to these messy people. We've got to learn to pray for them and let them fall into a ditch. I've seen a lot of messy people including myself (because I've been messy, ask my friends from the Army) create so much mess they were utterly destroyed by it. My friends, learn to spot messy people from a distance. Learn to love them from a distance or as my beautiful wife Dionn would say, feed them with a long handed spoon. Avoid them (if you can). Learn to "befriend" them but don't take them as best friends. Learn how they live and think. Most importantly, pray for them that God would open their eyes to realize being messy is whack and that they need to change before it's too late. Understand? I'm done.
Til next time, dgwo.
Romans 16:17-18
1st Thessalonians 3:11
1st Timothy 1:19-20
1st Timothy 5:11-13
Til next time, dgwo.
Romans 16:17-18
1st Thessalonians 3:11
1st Timothy 1:19-20
1st Timothy 5:11-13
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
There's A Father To The Fatherless
Early this morning, I got a thought in my head and I knew it was God saying to me, "You've got to stop feeling like I've abandoned you." He was right and every time I go through difficulties in my life, I always feel like He doesn't care. That's how I've been doing God, y'all. I was acting like a fatherless child. A lot of us know God as a healer, a way maker, a provider, a judge, and a savior. But how many of us know God as our Father? I remember a message from Christian rapper Mark J from his album Soulutions. He was talking about how many of us talk about God but don't talk to Him (don't know Him on a personal level). There's a lot of us who talk about God from what He does to getting people when they do wrong. There's very few of us who know God on a personal level, who are married to Him, you know. It's gotten passed the point of us saying we're blessed and highly favored. We need to be at a place where we are intimate with God. It's not through long drawn out prayers where we're seeing people getting caught up but we don't feel that closeness with HIm. It's time out for us even trying to be self-reliant and having an independence of ourselves. Now, I'm not saying we have faith without works because even Abraham believed God and stepped out on faith (works -James 2:17-26). What I am saying is we've got to learn to allow God to be our Father. The role of a father is vital in a child's life. The role of father is being a nurturer, a provider, to set discipline, and to challenge his child; setting them up for success. Many of us are momma's babies because mother's have a softer side. However, the love a father is similar to a rock that's immovable. This is the character of Jesus, a rock, a provider, a nurturer, one who disciplines, and one who challenges His children for success. Right now in my life, I know Jesus of all the above except for being a provider. To break down the word provider a litter further, one that won't abandon nor forsake you; especially in times of need. A lot of us including myself have had our fathers run out on us but God never runs out on us. He's right there even in our darkest nights. If we would stop panicking, we'll see the Father standing right there with His hands extended. I'm learning right now to allow God to be my Father. I have many fathers in my life, William "Daddy-O" Overton, Pastor Tony Royal, and Apostle Quane Scott. However, they're not physically present in my life for one reason. It's I get to know Jesus as a Father and let Him father me. These three great men have taught me so much about God but now it's time to put it into practice. It's time to build a father-son relationship between God and I. I know this may seem weird to some of you because I've been talking about some heavy stuff lately. But I really do believe I'm not the only one in the world who's lived a "fatherless" life; even for us who are Christians and quote "religious people." Psalms 68:5-6 says God is a Father to the fatherless and puts the solitary (people who feel abandoned, forgotten, and forsaken) in families. I truly believe a lot of us are displaced but God is ready to place us into His kingdom full of families waiting to love us. Most importantly, He wants to experience the power of His Fatherly love. Well, I guess that's all for today. Let's all learn to allow ourselves to be fathered by the greatest Father of all. dgwo.
Psalms 68:5-6
Psalms 68:5-6
Monday, July 16, 2012
Adapt & Overcome
Adapt and Overcome, a faithful saying the military use when crazy situations present themselves to soldiers. I remember a few sergeants would say this when the workload and orders came down hard on us. They would say this trying not to show their frustration and create an on-the-spot strategy to handle the situations successfully. These two principles go hand-in-hand and we've must hone them in these hard times. I myself am going through some very difficult situations in my life from time management, keeping the fire burning in my marriage, church responsibilities, to financial hardships. It's crazy and sometimes I do want to pul my hair out (what's left of it). I do get frustration and just start to die inside so I won't feel the pain I'm going through. I could continue to act like a victim in this whole thing and live out the rest of my days with a chip on my shoulder. But for every great person who is called by God to be somewhat of an example of His miracles of making impossibilities become possible, they have to adapt and overcome. My friends, this isn't an easy task, for it requires work, effort, discipline, and a willing mind to loss what's precious to us. A couple of weeks ago, I heard a preacher talking about the valley. Of course, many of us didn't really want to hear about the valley because we just want to be blessed all the time. We feel like if we suffer, it should only last a couple of days and I'm good. We feel like if I'm going through certain situations, I can pray and things will be fixed instantly. We think about the woman with the issue of blood and other people in the Bible who were healed instantly. However, we forget about the time they stayed in those places of pain. The woman with the issue of blood dealt was broke down for over a decade! Job suffered for at least 3 years before he got his breakthrough. Joseph was in slavery as well as in prison for almost 13 to 14 years. These people had dealt with the harshness life can bring and could've just laid down and died. But something clicked within them and said, dude, you've got to learn how to adapt and overcome. The woman did whatever it took to stay alive in her long season of pain from going to priests then to doctors. Job continued to ask God why and be ridiculed by his so-called friends. Joseph explored the different talents within him to keep himself from going nuts and becoming bitter. They had to learn to make their stumbling blocks become their stairs. Now, this is easier said than done but it can be done. Do you think it was easy for God to create the universe as we know with ease? That's the true definition of work. When we're learning how to adapt and overcome, we become creative, we become more introspective, and we take ownership of our journey. We become more compassionate of what others are going through despite their shifty attitudes. We learn how to manage our money better and go back to the basics of what we need instead of always getting what we want. We learn to do what' right in the eyes of God and our families; thereby ceasing the work of pleasing other people. We learn to analyze the problem, seek wisdom, and get a solution. We learn so many things that I can't name right now because dude, I'm only one man, I don't know it all. Sometimes, we need hardships to be taught so we can teach others. Hard times are the best time for God to get our attention. It's not because we did anything wrong, it's just that He wants to give us more tools in our toolbox. dgwo
Psalms 16:7
Psalms 16:7
Friday, July 13, 2012
Why Are We Drawn To Mess?
My beautiful wife Dionn and I had a discussion this morning. As I was rushing to get a good parking space at my job, she woke up and started sharing her heart with me about her business. I stood there ironing my clothes listening. She has a lot of potential and one of the most versatile cosmetologists if not one of the best in our area. However, I see what she goes through as with any great cosmetologists in our area, a lack of support. Where I'm living now, it seems like the best of the best (in work and character) are always at the back burner. Food chains, clothing stores, churches, teachers, musicians, political figures, veterans, and the list goes on. They provide the best of quality in their service but get little to no support. However, people and businesses who are greedy and provide mediocre to just straight jacked up services are the ones people fall head over heels for. As my wife was talking, I got a bit perplexed in my mind. Then I said asked these words, "Why Are We Drawn To Mess?" Why do we always look for the best in mess? I don't understand it. It's like we're putting on the appearance of royalty but underneath the purple robes, we smell like gutter trash from the ghetto. Why are our minds so linked to things and people sent out to drag us down into a ditch? I just don't get it, friends. We'd rather support people who sing, rap, perform, politic, and whatever else leading us to tormented places but in appearance "appealing." We'd rather stick with what's not working for the sake of comfort than stick to something that's got a long term benefit but gives short term reality check. Even in the area where I live, people always want something for nothing. They want people with high standards to lower them to make them feel "comfortable" and stay in the mindset they've been in since 1975. I see a lot of people with promising businesses, ministries, and whatever else go down the tank because they weren't supported. I see people with a voice to raise concerns of what's going on get "crucified" while club promoters get a voice to build another strip club with innumerable support. I see God's goodness always getting the shank while the masses cling to what's going to be their downfall. I think this has captivated the majority of American society and it's a dog-on shame. Why are we drawn to mess? Look at the next generation and look at what we're feeding them. It makes the heart sick and sho-nuff makes God shake His head in disappointment. It's just like the trial Pontius Pilate had before the people of Jerusalem. People knew the revolutionary power of Jesus, the man who was on a 3 and a half business trip that gave nothing less but God's best. He healed the sick, raised the dead, gave hope to the hopeless, and made the disenfranchised become a part of an eternal plan with no limits. But another man by the name of Barrabas was known by the people as a stone cold-blooded killer. He plundered the pockets of many, maybe raped a couple of women, manipulated people to get his way, and killed people who knew his game. But you want to know what the majority of Jerusalem chose in that particular moment? They chose the problem, the mediocre, the greedy, the rapist (of profits & destiny), the manipulator, the hireling, the thing that doesn't work. Then we say to the solution, crucify him or her! WOW. As my 9th grade teacher told me back in '95, "if we don't know our history, we're bound to repeat." Can I get an Amen (an agreement on what I'm saying thus far)? I'll tell you why we're drawn to mess. Whatever is appealing to our flesh or to our modes of comforts without the existence of resistance to cause a change, that's what we draw to. It's easy, it's convenient, it's available, and it's cheap. However, the price in the long run is terrible. My wife has been in the cosmetology business for almost 6 years and she's seen a lot in our area. People will run to the lowered prices but forget they're going to get lower quality of service. However, people complain about prices but fail to realize the quality of service their going to receive is the best (just using her as an example). So it is with the Solution (Jesus) and the problem (Satan/us). To get high results, we've got to put our all in Jesus. Higher fulfillment, higher purpose. But we put our all in Satan and men and we get messed up all the time. So after reading this, will we still draw ourselves to mess or to what is unarguably the best? You do the math...dgwo
Mark 15:6-16
Mark 15:6-16
The Silent Scream
Yesterday and today, I had a lot of going through my head; a lot of personal stuff. I was thinking to myself, will things in my life ever get better? To the eyes and perceptions of others, I've got it made. A beautiful wife, two nice cars, a nice house, a good job, and a good church to go (which is rare nowadays). However, certain "pressure points" in my life continue to get hit and kind of slow me down. We all have these pressure points, Achilles heels, or as Paul would say, thorns in our sides. Certain things and situations in our lives ain't going away. Now, a whole lot of church folk and new age thinkers will disagree with me but I agree with what the Word says. These certain things occur in various seasons of our lives to humble us. However, they hurt like crazy because there's no time limit in this game we've been inserted in. We look for others to see what we're going through in our lives but they can't see. Some may see a smidgin' of it but have the wrong perspectives of it and do what Job's three other friends did, judge you incorrectly. We look for relief but none is in sight and the frustration becomes too much to bear on our own. However, there is no one to trust or confide in. People in our circle say we can lean on them but they won't understand the situation we're in. Seeing this tepid situation, we turn into introverts holding the pain and emotions we feel inside. We want to release it but can't because we believe and feel no one will understand us. Rightly so. As Daryl Coley sung a long time ago, we begin to develop a Silent Scream. We walk around with a smile on our face but inside we're in a ball of confusion. It hurts, it sucks, and no one understands what we're going through. So the isolation begins in our lives and we become hobbits. But there is one who hears and understands our silent scream. We see many of our dreams and hopes become deferred; therefore causes our hearts to become sick. We want to accomplish so many things God has called us to do but it seems like it's ever going to come to fruition. Some of us have made great sacrifices but have yet to receive any type of reward; especially in our time of need. David was a man who in most of his writings went through various times of agony. A lot of us who know his story only see him as king, a priest, a worshipper, and an undignified praise machine. But we don't take the time to read his writings like Psalms 42, 50, 51, 61-63, and 73. The man experienced cruel seasons of emotional anguish within his soul. He didn't have anyone to turn to in those days when he ran from Saul and had to hide in caves. He had no one to turn to when he had sinned and found no one to encourage him back to right relationship with God. He had no comfort in hearing the news his beloved son Absalom had died while fleeing from his soldiers. In each of these situations, David had a silent scream. His soul was in agony and the only he mentioned who heard his silent scream was God Himself. You see, a lot of us put our trust in men too much when we go through the various issues of life. We want people to hug us, help us out financially, even cut us a break because our present sufferings have overwhelmed. But men are such flawed beings and we must look to the sovereign and perfect one who hears our silent scream. It's a scream only the Lord can hear, understand, and can heal the wounded heart. It's Jesus who hears the groaning and inner pains coming from the depths of our soul. It's God who is the only one who has the answer the problems we encounter in our lives. No matter who you are or what belief you practice, we must look unto Jesus as our healer of our silent screams. My friends, I write this because now I have a silent scream and have come to realize some of you have one, too. We must put our trust in God and know He doesn't neglect the cries of His prisoners, nor will He leave His kids in a tormented state forever. As the late Walter Hawkins once sang, Cry On to God and let Him help us along the way. As I close this blog, I want to know that I feel some of you out there that have come to grips with the reality of life. We are going through and feel like we're being stripped of everything we've earned as well as been given. Read these words here and from the latter part, be comforted:
A friend of mine says
You prayed and cried
Prayed and cried
Prayed and cried
and still though it seems like no one would come to your rescue
all those nights when you had to walk the floor
thinking that is the time when I can't take no more
You to know that He was there all the time
He was there all the time
When you cry and tears would fall
He was right there by your side
I'll turn to Jesus Christ
The Sovereign One
Who hears our silent scream
God hears our silent scream, dgwo. (peace to Daryl Coley)
Psalms 42:9-11
Psalms 56:8
Psalms 69
Hebrews 4:15-16
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Enough Is Enough!!!
Dudes and dudettes, enough is enough. "What are you talkin' 'bout, Willis? A lot of us are in situations, relationships, habits, belief systems, and attitudes for an extended period of time. We're basically stuck in a tunnel of madness and have become comfortable. There's an old saying that when we lay down with dogs we come up with fleas. Thank God we have products available to eliminate fleas out of our skins (and our pets, too). However, we stay in a position laden by the fleas of our lives. We stay in jacked up relationships with people who physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally abuse us. Every time we're trying to do something productive, these people always got to open their mouth of negativity. All of a sudden, we're chained down in depression. It's so sad. We're stuck in situations where God continually makes ways of escape out of the cage but we stay there. A lot of us are still performing habits that are wrecking our present as well as future lives like greed, cheating, lying, adultery, bitterness, lust, and hatred. A lot are still believing these lies men have taught us (that go against the perfect will of God) and we're wondering why American society is what it is today. A lot of us are still got bad attitudes ranging from treating others with little to no respect to living as conniving wolves. Yeah, I said it. I said all that to say this. It's time for a change, not Obama's type of change that's throwing punches at God but God's kind of change that first changes the heart then the rest (Peace to John "The Tonic" K. Wells from Cross Movement). Yeah, I said that, too. We'll continue to be in these places in our lives until we say enough is enough out of our own mouths and seek God to help us do some rearrangements. Like growing up, cutting away people, places, things, belief systems, habits, and attitudes is going to hurt like crazy. I know this for myself but it's needed. To be honest with you all, I'm tired of some my own attitudes, situations, belief systems, and even relationships that don't do me no kind of good. One thing I've learned from Jesus is that when you're going to do something, you better do it all the way. Now, that's what I love about Him, He does things with completion in mind. Before I close this thing down, I'd like to show you from scripture how it's not a sin for us to get frustrated with something not right and do something about it the right way. The Apostle Paul, regarded as one of the top writers in our world's history, visited a certain place alongside Silas. For a period of time, there was girl nagging the both of them. She kept saying, OMG, there's Paul and Silas, two great men-d of God (for all you church folk who love to say this). She kept saying this on top of other things and Paul got fed up. Deep inside, he knew she was mocking them and was trying to hinder him from going somewhere in life. So one day, he turned his frustration into something meaningful that would not only free him but the girl possessed with a devil, and later on a jailer who was about to commit suicide. He said through his authority and trusting in Christ in a paraphrased street dream version, enough is enough! It's time for us to live peacefully, meaning we are freeing ourselves from things and people that are dragging us down. All it takes is believing God's word and be willing to take that step of faith. It's time for us to live and be happy as my dad would say. Enough is enough with the lies! Enough is enough for all our frustrations! Enough is enough with Satan reigning in our lives like he's a god! Enough is enough trusting in men whose intentions are to strip us of experiencing life to the fullest (that's pleasing to God, of course). Enough is enough with the pride monster that thinks we can do what we want without correction or consequence! I myself have had it with pettiness, excuses, and bondage! Enough is enough, so what about you?
Peace and blessings, dgwo
Reference: Acts 16:12-40
Peace and blessings, dgwo
Reference: Acts 16:12-40
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Aargh! The Pressure!
Man, life for an adult ain't easy these days. I remember seeing my mom go through so much from paying bills to people bringing her down with words. I remember my dad getting laid off from job to job no matter how good of a worker he was. I talk with my daddy O (my birth dad) about a lot of the things he goes through with his health and other changes in his life. Now that I'm 31 and have lived a little, life definitely isn't a Crystal Stair. We all experience pressure especially those who have found themselves handling multiple responsibilities. My mom tells me all the time how she's learned to be a multi-tasker. Everyone's not born with that gift but it's one of those gifts we must acquire along the way. Everyday, I find myself in various pressure situations from my family, my church, my job, and myself. Bills, bills, and more bills. Projects, ideas, thoughts, endeavors, and responsibilities I feel too overwhelmed to manage. The pressure. We look at Hollywood stars and executives of big companies with hatred and envy. We think they got it easy because they make millions and trillions of dollars. However, they have it hard if not harder than the average person. A lot of people bash pastors because they have nice cars and houses. However, they don't see the midnight times of them crying and endless sufferings they experience in their own lives on behalf of the people they lead. We love to bash parents who we feel don't discipline their kids. However, we don't see the trying to train their kids but their kids continually disrespecting their parents at will. The pressure. In these times we're living in, we're feeling it more and more. More Americans are becoming like a person with an addiction, we have become dependent on something not good for us. We all must experience stress but it's the way we handle it counts. Some of us aren't good with stress and learn to become addicted to pain, depression, frustration, and negativity. We use our "good works" and accomplishments to mask our addictions but are bringing ourselves closer to a breakdown. My friends, how do we handle the pressures of life? How do we handle when things in our life are beating us down like Mayweather did to Ortiz? Who or what can we turn to when the plot is about to smother us out? We have the privilege of going to the One who has experienced and felt all pressure from the past, present, and future, Jesus Christ. Now, this name ain't the most popular or the most liked but the most powerful. He's known to have felt it all when He was nailed to the cross (Hebrews 5:7). Therefore, we can come to Him boldly and ask for help in our time of relief in the midst of pressure (Hebrews 4:16). He feels and sees our infirmities and is willing to help us (Hebrews 4:15). Now, when He provides us the help, we've got to receive it no matter how it looks, feels, or comes (ask the Pharisees, they missed it-Gospel of John). We don't have to buckle under pressure, we've got help. We just got to armor down and use it. Peace.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Time For Balance!
Jesus said to the storm, "Peace, be still." This peace He was referring to was the confusion, the turmoil, the chaos, the imbalance in His proximity. My friends, we've got too much going on at the same time. We've got so many open doors in our lives, madams from a "work" house would say, "wow, I thought we were bad :). " We as Americans have lost the principles of balance and open the doors of confusion to reign in the stead of tranquility. Well, some of you including myself may not like it but it's the truth. We're undisciplined in our thoughts, financial endeavors, spiritual lives, and public relations (family, friends, enemies). We're wondering why our kids are the way they are. It's from us who have the will, wisdom, and strength to set a balanced setting for the next generation. Look at our political representatives all across the nation. They're facing hard times of imbalance from continuing in practices and belief systems not conducive with the changes needed to be made. That's our problem. Getting balanced requires change. The first step to resolving a (scientific) equation is to identify the problem. Us human being have the "natural knack" to believe nothing is wrong with us. Pride. Even our problems are telling us, dude/dudette, you need to learn how to balance yourself. Do we listen? Well, not until we lose everything and find ourselves in a positions where we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. But now we need to ask the Lord to help us get our lives on track. The thing I liked about the disciples in Mark 4:36-40 is that dem jokers panicked at the sign of trouble. While Jesus was chilling in the back of the boat nodding off, they were in a panicked rage. They didn't know what to do with themselves. As they saw their boat sinking from all the water filling it up, they looked back there. Then they said, Lord, don't you care if we perish. Now, those words and attitude riled Him; thereby spoke the storm to make it still. One last thing before this plane lands is that we ourselves need to ask the power of God to intervene in our "imbalanceness." Setting balance in our lives ain't done by might or power, but by His Spirit. His Spirit is the force that opens our eyes to see the chaos in our lives and unctions us to make the decision to ask Him for help. That's where I'm at right now, trying to get my house (spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional areas) in order. We can go but so far until we burn out without a balance. Knowing when to hold up and knowing when to fold up (Kenny Rogers). So, here's little prayer conjured up and praying the Lord hears and responds to it. It's real simple:
"Lord, help me to find balance in life. There's no way I can do this on my own. Open my eyes to see how to manage the different areas of my life especially in hard times. Help me to trust You to get my life on track and balanced. Thank You, In Jesus Name, Amen."
Til next time, dgwo.
Reference Mark 4:35-40
"Lord, help me to find balance in life. There's no way I can do this on my own. Open my eyes to see how to manage the different areas of my life especially in hard times. Help me to trust You to get my life on track and balanced. Thank You, In Jesus Name, Amen."
Til next time, dgwo.
Reference Mark 4:35-40
Thursday, July 5, 2012
...Before You Burn Out
Rest is something we don't like to use in the American working class society. We feel like we have to be everywhere all the time every time. But one day, this train of thought and habit is going to wear us down in the end. The totality of our lives will directly be affected from all the stuff we put ourselves through, from others' expectations of us, and what we allow to suck us dry in our lives. Man, I know what I'm talking about. Within the past 6 years of my life, I've had points when I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Why? I was doing too much and handled too many responsibilities; mostly the weight of responsibilities in my life. There are millions of Americans suffering from mental breakdowns because they kept going when their gas tank was on E. As I stated in my previous blog, we rely on our selfish ambition, pride, and willpower to overcome the necessities of rest. So when we've burned ourselves out, we are the ones who pay the consequences for our actions. It sucks but that's what happens every time. I'm learning right in the various catch 22's in my life that I've got to take a bubble and chill. Every great man and woman most know their limits. When we've reached our limit, we need to find ourselves resting and getting recharged. Otherwise, we might as well prepare for the burn out. Married couples who need to take time away refuse vacation time with each other and are on the fastest train to divorce court. Business people realize their need for a getaway continue on and find themselves yelling at others at work. Pastors knowing they need to take a short time for a sabbatical to get spiritually renewed continue on and smite the rock as Moses did. College students know they need to take an hour from the books then grab some pizza but continue on to flunk their mid-terms. These different scenarios show the price we pay for continuing on without resting ourselves. Taking time out for yourself, family, friends, and loved ones ain't a sin. Just let others know when and then move on out. Even the Lord Jesus took time to get away to get renewed (Mark 1:35). Even though He had all power to heal, saved, and deliver demons out of people, the effects of His responsibilities probably got to Him. To avoid burning out, He went to a solitary, quiet, peaceful, and relaxing place to pray (talk with God). In our place of rest, we can lay our burdens down and allow the Father to lavish us with the gifts of rest to help us make it through. My friends, when you feel overwhelmed, take a rest. You don't always have to have money to do it. Write in your journal, talk with a close friend, take yourself out to eat, take a walk in your neighborhood park, or drive around town in your ride. God doesn't want us to burn out. He wants us to live peaceful lives pleasing to Him. Understand?
Til Next Time, dgwo
Matthew 11:28-30:
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Mark 1:35
Til Next Time, dgwo
Matthew 11:28-30:
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Mark 1:35
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Since the mid-90's, American society continues to move at a fast pace as we speed pass the stop and yield signs. We've got so many plans, places to to go, people to see, and things to accomplish, we No-Doz or AMP it up to keep the pace. A lot of us feel like we need to do this or do that. Maybe to please the people or to save face for others not to see your shortcomings. Some of us who run businesses from financial institutions, churches, or executive positions just keep going and going. Our bodies and minds are saying stop but our selfish ambition and pride is telling us to keep going. So we keep going, and going, and going. Certain signs are sent our way to get us to "sat down" and take a load off. However, the I need to this thinking process takes us the tangible reason to armor down. But we don't armor down, we keep on the dented armor, dull sword, fatigued body, and dented shield to keep fighting. We continue to run off reserves and willpower but everything in our lives are telling us to shut it down. We are living in a time when broken systems and broken people working these broken systems are sell running. They are running but not efficient not sufficient to help the commonwealth (all of us). I truly believe that if we keep going, we're going to break down completely and never will get fixed. We should look a things as a car. When new cars are purchased, they run real good without any problems. Tires are good, fuel intake is good, engine is good, and the brakes are good. As time goes on, the appearance of wear and tear happens to the car. Our gas mileage isn't what it used to be and the tires need to be changed to help the tires age gracefully. We realize to stop, go to a car station, and pay our 50 bucks for an oil change and tire rotation. As the car is in a stationary position, the car specialists check the fluid levels, the spark plugs, and other specifications of the car. They annotate what is good, what needs to be, and move accordingly. After 20 to 40 minutes of a wait, they tell us the car is ready. We pay the fee, get in the car, and things are back to normal. Of course, we have to do this task every 3,000 to 5,000 miles for any car we have. It's said if we take care of our car, they can last up to 200,000 miles are more. But the only way our cars or anything we have in our possession, we have to learn how to stop and take a rest. When we're going and going, we take less time keep our houses clean, keep the lawn cut, keep the car cleaned, spend time with our families and loved ones, and taking care of ourselves. Most importantly, we don't stop to take time out for God and to hear what is on His heart. Instead of being balanced people, we become busybodies. We're still putting on a show but we know deep down we need to take a break. My Dionn and I have been talking about this for a while now. Sometimes, we get burnt out by the weekly responsibilities we have. It gets to be much and we feel like we're regressing and not progressing. Running with an empty tank is the key to regression but stopping to take a rest is the key to progression. Today, God is calling all us to enter into His program of progression by taking heed to His word, which will lead our souls to rest and be refreshed. Failing to do so will bar us out of this progress (Isaiah 28:12). Well, that's it for today. During this day of celebration, take time to rest, relax, and release the burdens we've been carrying. Let God give your soul sweet rest.
Till next time, dgwo.
Till next time, dgwo.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Take Care Of You & Yours
Lately, life for me hasn't been a crystal stair (Langston Hughes) but it's been an arduous road. Life presents us with many distractions and tests. These tests are in our lives to see if we're going to adapt and overcome or be overcame. The principle of balance is trying to keep things in our lives in an even flow without all the yelling and groaning of an Eddie Vedder (Yeah, I used to be a Pearl Jam fan, dudes). Balancing our lives takes work and doesn't come overnight. Last night, I had to take a deep inventory of my life within these past few months. The results I came up with were very unsatisfactory. I realized that I've been too busy trying to be a superman and save the world than taking the proper time out to take care of myself and my family. Now, don't get it twisted, we are given instructions to take care of another, to pray/love our enemies, and to help those in need. But sometimes, you've got to learn to step back and get your own house in order. Recently, I watched Madea's Big Happy Family and we all know Tyler Perry is a straight up clown :). There was a scene after the mother of a family died, Madea stepped up and talked to the family. She called out just about everybody and checked their behavior. After her valiant effort to set order in their lives, her own daughter Cora questioned her behavior. She asked Madea how could she fix someone's family but not fix her own family's problems. Madea quickly went stage left and said not one word. To be quite honest, that's us today. We're so busy trying to fix everybody's problems, be there for everything, and do everything that we neglect our own house. We're willing to clean someone's car, care for someone's kids, and help someone else get their finances in order but the same things are haywire in our own lives. We're trying to counsel someone else on keeping their marriage alive but our marriages ain't got no romance or fire. Some of us trying to tell others about Jesus but we don't even know Him from the president on the 1 dollar bill! To hide our own failures in our own houses, we're trying to take care of another's house. This makes God shake His head. For all you Bible scholars, atheists, and wise men out there, here's something to make you think. 1st Timothy 3 is a chapter showing the principles of leadership, maturity, and responsibility. Many of us desire to be people of nobility but don't want to meet the qualifications thereof. 1st Timothy 3:4-5 states this:
"One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)"
When Mr. Paul of Tarsus said this, he didn't just write this for just order in the church; he wanted this principle to apply in each of our daily lives. He says one that rules well his own house... This means our attitude, our relationships, our financial endeavors, our careers, our marriages, and our children. To rule well means we put God first so He can lead us in the right direction. This also means us knowing how to keep our lives balanced through God's wisdom. Then he poses a synopsis of us not balancing our lives by saying if we don't know how to rule our own lives, how can we possibly help in other matters around us? If a pastor ain't in his or her place, how do they expect to lead people to their destiny? If a music director ain't studying music, how is he or she going to lead their band in their performances? If a CEO of a company isn't innovating his company, how will his or her company be successful in the business world? If a parent isn't disciplining his or her child, how will the child have good behavior to lead them to live a successful life? My friends, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves. Sometimes when we find ourselves in dire situations, we need to pull the plug, step back, analyze the problems, and get direction from God on how to fix them. We need to learn how to leave the heat of the night and got into the cool of the day. When things are drying up, we need to find ourselves spending time with God to get an understanding on where we are and how to get back up. The greatest example we have is Jesus Christ; for He Himself how to go to a solitary place, pray, get away from the commotion, and take care of Himself (Mark 1:35). We as Americans push so hard to the point we run on empty and can't make the next mile. We need to learn to take care of ourselves! It's not a sin to take a vacation. It's not wrong for us to tell people no, I can't do it right now. It's okay to back away from people at times so you can get your head together. This is the process of taking care of yourself because if we don't problems are going to kill us in the end. I truly hope you understand what I'm sharing with you because I'm definitely re-learning myself. I hope this helps. Here is the text I came from and please review it for your reading pleasure:
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Til next time, dgwo.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Adjustments 101
Most of the time when I talk to one of my best friends Jonathan Edwards, I talk to him about getting my life balanced (in order, organized). I always tell him, "my life long goal is to gain balance in life." To this day, this is probably one of my top three pursuits. I won't lie, this journey seems to get harder with each step I take. So, what is balance? Here is what Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word balance:
balance - the means of power to decide, a state of bodily equilibrium (a condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system), emotional stability, a harmonious or satisfying arrangement of parts or elements, a force or influence tending to produce equilibrium, the difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.
Balance is what we need right now in the emotional, psychological, financial, spiritual, mental, familial, and physical aspects of our lives. We're living in times of chaos and confusion. Many of us (including myself) don't know if we're coming or going. Our personal lives are in disarray but we mask them with our poker face. We know the grace of God abounds more over any sin or mistakes we make in our lives (Romans 5:20). Today, I beg to differ because we can no longer make excuses for why we're not balancing our lives the way we should. Making excuses is along the lines of taking His grace for granted (Galatians 2:21). We don't want to that. Balancing our lives brings so much joy into our lives and in the end makes everything run smoother. So how do we get to the place? First, it takes commitment, dedication, and a willingness to change. This is what adjustment is all about and it starts with the mind. Think about it. Once our minds are made up, we need to look at our priority list. This is what I've learned through my epic failures in just about every area of my life:
1. God
2. yourself
3. family/relationships
3. organization (church, job, volunteer missions, etc.)
But let me tell you what most of our priority list looks like:
1. money
2. money, people, places, and things
3. ourselves (our ambitions, what we want when we want them)
4. relationships
5. more money
As you can tell, God ain't even on our list, is He? Hmmm... King David speaks of God's priority list and do you want to know who's 1st on it? The answer is _____ (you fill in the blank)
I'll quote the words of David from Psalms 8:4:
"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
We are His first priority because He seeks to be everything we need; most important yearning for a close relationship with us. However, we don't have the same intentions but only seek after things that causes confusion in our lives. My friends, we need to wake up and smell the coffee because our lives are jacked up. Just as Psalms 82:5, we are all off course and need to go back to the drawing board. We need to stop with our business and pride to confess we are in trouble. You want to know why just about every aspect of American society is jacked up is from continuing with a chaotic priority list. It's time we make adjustments. We need to begin confessing where we've fallen and learn to put God first (Matthew 6:33). When God is the head and the foundation of our lives, we won't be invincible from the troubles of life. However, He promises us when our lives are built on the Rock (Jesus Christ), no matter what comes, we will stand firm (Matthew 7:24-25). The Rock keeps us balanced and teaches us how to balance every area of our lives (when we learn to trust, obey, and apply what He teaches us). Right now, my friends, I'm in a place where major adjustments need to be made. This week, I'll be taking time to set balance in every area of my life, marriage, family, and most importantly, my relationship with God. A messed up balance only breeds trouble and ruin but a good one makes life enjoyable (Proverbs 11:1). Before I close this out, I'd like for us this week and for the rest of our lives quote these words in our prayers before God. He tells us when we ask a thing out of a sincere heart He will give it to us (Matthew 7:7). This needs to be our prayer as a people who God desires to bless:
Job 31:6:
"Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity."
Let these words marinate and give us rest as well as peace for our weary and confused souls. dgwo.
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