Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Silence Within The Black Community
For the past couple of weeks, hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa has been accused of molestation from people that could've been his victims. After this shit hits the fan, KRS-One comes out to defend one of the founding fathers of hip-hop.
Since the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, and Eric Gardner, an organization called the Black Lives Matter Movement has been on the rise from Ferguson Missouri to Baltimore Maryland. In a nutshell, it's purpose is to bring awareness of crimes against black people by the powers that be, cops and the white man. However, there's a bunch of other shit it doesn't stand for nor won't talk about (I'll get to that later).
Two pastors from the Atlanta area and The Gump Alabama got snitched on by the people they exposed and/or infected with the AIDS/HIV virus. 100 plus pastors secretly had a meeting with Donald Trump, who's openly dissed women, Latinos, and Muslims, and have given their full political affiliation to his cause. Hell, a well known pastor from ATL asked his supporters to donate their taxable incomes to help buy him a 65 million dollar tax write-off plane (which he already bought).
A mother (probably single) from San Antonio Texas was charged with abusing her children, from having two of her children on a leash and the home they all stayed was a shit hole. If anyone who's a father paying child support in the great state of Texas, the majority of custody cases favors women. Let's break it down further. Do you notice child support doesn't go to the kids but to these mothers, who are, as Juvenile termed, "Project Chicks?" The weaves, the nails, the sorry ass men they're screwing while the fathers have to flip the bill.
These different scenarios and more aren't discussed in the black community and anyone who says something politically incorrect (offense to the community), they're blacklisted. Coon, sell-out, Oreo, Uncle Tom, or the devil. However, these different scenarios are running rampant in the black community and it's time they be addressed. Fuck praying and fasting about this shit. Fuck using religion, Jesus, Allah, holy books, and whatever other spiritual monotony to deflect our problems. It's about time to kill the biggest elephants in the room that is still keeping us in the predicaments we're in, blaming slavery and the white man for where we are today.
Yes, the present black community is still feeling the effects of slavery; however, we can't put all the blame on the "white man." You know who we need to blame? We need to blame the people who sold us out for women, land, control, power, money, weapons, and other trade deals; our African ancestors (do your research). Case and point, until we begin to research and educate ourselves on these matters we're going to continue to guidelines laid out for us by the Willie Lynch letters.
Which leads to the ignorance of the BLM movement....
It's funny how BLM talk about the injustices white people and the police have incurred against blacks. They look for a black person to get knocked off by police so they can torch neighborhood businesses, people's cars, people's houses, loot stores, march, and scream at police barricades. However, when a 9 year old girl in Ferguson Missouri was killed by a stray bullet from a probable act of gang activity. Was there a march, looting, and rioting for her? A couple of months ago, right here in The Gump, some innocent folks got shot by some black ass-wipes over nothing. When a elderly gentleman got shot by a cop (after a struggle in the dead of night), here comes BLM showing their muscles. Let's not forget about the high murder rates in places like Chicago Illinois and the widespread drug trades/gang activity in Kinston North Carolina. Hell, when two black cops killed a white young boy in New Orleans, there was hardly any press about this tragedy. Where is BLM at these places? Where are the marches and the protests denouncing these behaviors within the black community? If someone who knows about these different crimes, they keep their mouths shut in fear of retribution from some niggly hoodlums.
Molestation is real and it's rampant, from the projects, to the suburbs, to the schools, and in the church. Shit, I'm of this bullshit and to this day, I'm still working to unravel myself from its effects in my life. There's a code of silence in our community when it comes to this matter. When people who do this shit to others, namely children, mentally disabled, the disadvantaged, and elderly, we're told to keep this shit a secret. But do you know what happens when you keep a secret like this? It fucks with you. For some, they go to drugs, some to alcohol, others to promiscuity, some to suicide, and some of the abused become the abuser. When someone is dealing with these issues, we're quick to say it's sin, the devil, and don't help them seek professional help. They don't have the forums, places, or freedom to express the pain that's been inflicted. They are told to forgive their abusers, let the pain go, and move it along It's easier said than done and these victims bear the weight of this shame; however, their abusers get away "Scott Free." Therefore, the cycle of molestation continues and god-damn if a public figure gets outed, the first reaction by us in the black community is to defend them.
Which leads me to my next point.....these bum ass, no job having ass preachers.....
Out of the various pastors/preachers getting outed for exposing/infecting people (men & women) of HIV/AIDS, one got sentenced to prison and the other one, well, he just lost his church (which is still gong on to this day, why?). After the media railroaded this well-known ATL pastor for his multi-million dollar acquisition, he plays the defense and accuses the media of being "agents of Satan." The fucked up part is that he's got that plane, flying wherever he wants to go (and probably not for ministerial reasons), and nobody can do shit about it. Well, something could be done about it but that would need members of the black community to vacate his services every week and take their talents (time, money, skills) elsewhere. However, many like the members of this pastor's congregation are brainwashed, indoctrinated, and told "not to touch the Lord's anointed." Most of us in the black community are afraid of questioning these pastors/preachers because we feel that if we do so, hell and God's displeasure is our fate.
Since the 1980s, the church and the gospel of Christ hasn't helped the black community deal with the epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Instead of providing condoms, proper sex education, and awareness of this still fatal disease, we're told to "marry than burn in sexual sin." We're told to be sexually pure (not have sex) but in many instances, people do what they're told not to do. For some reason, some of us hate condoms and get infected with various diseases. One gets an STD from another and then they infect someone else. Then they keep this shit a secret and as the hands in worship services go up and as the offering plates get full, people are a walking petri dish in Jesus' name (especially in the black gay/bi-sexual male and heterosexual black female communities-i.e. - CDC).
And this leads to my next point, child abuse......
What this mother did to her kids is fucked up but it's just an open door to what's going on in the black community. The extension cords, the brutal beat downs, the verbal abuse, the sexual abuse, impoverished living arrangements, crime, credit fraud against under aged children, and high rates of single mothers; all in the black community. Some of these products are residual effects from the generational cycles laid upon us since slavery. My question is, when is it going to be addressed?
There are a bunch of other situations prevalent in our community I don't have the time to touch on. I decided to put these on the table because these three different types are fucking up our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our spirits. We're allowing sensationalized media, traditions, and bandwagon views keep us from telling the truth; hell, being the truth. And God isn't going to come off his/her throne to save us. Stop believing in fairy tales. It's time for us to take off the iron masks from our heads and stop being silent. It's time for us to be logical and reasonable. Take it from a man who's fighting to unravel himself from being a nigger into a human being. We've got our kids to help in a world, in a society, that makes it hard for us to be and do as we please.
Take Care. DgWo
Monday, May 2, 2016
Should We Always Forgive?
I've wanted to put my thoughts down about this topic for a while because I believe the conversation about forgiveness is discussed from a religious perspective; not from a logical perspective. Since Christianity is the monopoly of American culture, we are indoctrinated from birth it's mandatory for us to "forgive others that God may forgive us." If we "don't forgive, God won't forgive us" and we don't question this pseudo "mandate from heaven." Today, I'd like to question it because I believe it's complete and utter bullshit. I believe we shouldn't always have a forgiving heart when people do us or anyone else dirty. So with this post, I'd like to point out a couple of things we need to logically investigate the food that's been fed to us for years based on writings to make us counter-productive when it comes to conflict resolution within ourselves, between others, and the option of forgiveness. Please, let's put our Korans, Bibles, and degrees down; let's think logically and intricately.
1. Should we forgive people when they continuously, knowingly, and with great severity harm us and others? HELL NO. For the majority of my life, I've lived in the Bible Belt, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Alabama. Within the past few months, I've brought up the issue of forgiveness when it comes to this question. Do you want to know what the answers were? I'm glad you asked. "Jesus said, we've got to forgive our brothers (sisters) seventy times seven." "If we don't forgive others, God won't forgive us, and if we die with unforgivness in our hearts, we'll go to hell." "Unforgiveness holds you back while the people that hurt you are moving on with our lives, not even thinking about you." Does this apply to those people who've been lied to over and over and over again by financial specialists (bankers, investors, loan holders, insurance agents) and have their monies /credit drained to the bone marrow without apology? What about those men and women who were rape or sexual abuse by a family member repeatedly but their abuser never apologies or confesses? Come to think about it, what about those service members who were raped (and reported it to their "superiors) yet their abusers are protected by the powers that be, excel in their military careers, and never apologize to their victim(s)? Should a parent continue to forgive their kids who continually steal, lie, and cheat (with crocodile tear apologies)? What about those people who know what they're doing is wrong and still fucking people over? Should people in these situations forgive those who've wronged them? There are a lot of people I've screwed over in my lifetime, some I haven't apologized for my actions. To be quiet honest, shit, I may never confess or apologize for bullshit I've done (the dichotomy of man, haha). Should they forgive me? Should people forgive me after knowing what I've done to them I'm also knowingly and consistency doing to others? Do you think the court of law forgives people who commit multiple offenses (murder, tax evasion, fraud, child neglect, etc.)? Put yourself in that position and think about it.
2. Does God really not forgive people who won't forgive others? HELL NO. I recently had a conversation about this and of course I get the well-known answer I've been getting my entire life. "We have to forgive others that God will forgive us"; all of which is based on a book written by men to control other men (more so the common, working, poor men/women/children of any society). Honestly, will a God who's infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and is forever not forgive mortals who rightly hold unforgiveness towards people ? Doesn't make any sense yet people continue to think otherwise. How do we know if God turns his or her back on us because we refuse to forgive others? Within the context of Christian culture, when something tragic happens (financial, loss of life, etc.), that's God's judgment upon us. Well, that's complete bullshit because we can't control the ever-changing tides of life and death. We don't know what the hell is on God's mind, no matter if we're the pope, an imam, an apostle, or a shaman. God can't be held in the box of our thinking or some pseudo "holy" book. It's also absurd to think God will forgive a person (who gets away with an offense) who "seemingly" has a repentant heart rather than someone who doesn't forgive another person who continually fucks up others' lives. Come on, people, put on your thinking caps, put away your indoctrination; put on logic and reason. It's time we stop being scared of going to hell based on what judgmental people say and some pseudo holy book masterminded by the Flavian dynasty (research it).
3. Forgiveness versus confrontation? Forgiveness is not easy and should only be given to those who are truly repentant for what they've done (not just with their words/tears but with their deeds). I've noticed within the past 2, maybe 3 years, I've seen people take the forgiveness route because it's the easiest. Instead of confronting those who wronged them, they just pray for them, let it go, and say the old adage, "forgive them Father for they don't know what they're doing." I also noticed that those same people they refuse to confront are still to this day, as a venomous snake, debilitating countless others with their poison. The sad part of it is, they're still cordial with these people and the cycle of offenses, kept silent, continues (especially in the black community). There's a term in the psychology world called "Fight or Flight." Many of these environments I've been in, people would rather forgive (or say they do) than confront. Running away by way of forgiving bypasses our chance to unload the hurt we have inside our minds and hearts. It allows us to confront those that have hurt us (and vice versa) and we have to go through the arduous process of moving on. Speaking of letting it go, we can never be like God, who men have written, "sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness." Remember, we are not deities, we are human beings and it's our right to feel whatever human emotions we have, as long as we don't harm others. We can't just through the pain we received just like that, it takes a lot of work and a lot of time for us to make it "manageable." For some of us, forgiveness is easier and we just go on with life without telling others about themselves; however, some of us want confrontation. Either way, we want our houses to be square again, meaning, we want peace within ourselves and a good night's sleep.
4. Do we have to forgive? It's a catch 22. Ultimately, it's up to us whether or not forgiveness is an option. It's not up to our families, it's not up to our friends, it's not up to a preacher, hell, it's not up to God. We have to do what's best for us as individuals, not what's best for the people, environments, and society around us. So, if we choose to forgive, don't forgive for the sake of your fear that God won't forgive you or will send you to hell. When you forgive, you're doing it because you have sympathy for the other person, regardless if they knowingly or unknowingly fucked you over. For some of us, we just do because we don't have time to hold on to anger towards others (but that doesn't mean we have to respect them). If we choose not to forgive, don't feel bad about it and don't let some fuck ass holy roller make you feel bad, either. Some bullet wounds go so deep, the pain will never go away. Sometimes, the people you don't forgive, you tried to reason with them but they continue to "middle finger u" and keep on doing what they do best to somebody else. Whenever I bring this subject up or about my past experiences, people say, "you've got bitterness in your heart and you need to let it go." That's funny, I wonder if they'd say that to people who've experienced worse shit than me? Probably not. Damn, this is a sticky subject but man, we as individuals have to make that decision and learn to be at peace with it.
Oh yeah, for those who choose not to forgive and you express your views to some "holy rollers", here's something for you:
The following link is the definition of bitterness, It's very different from what we've been indoctrinated to believe. This blew my mind.
Take it from me, don't allow your emotions to take you to the deep end and rob you of what life presently and in future has for you (good/bad/ugly). Trust me on that one....
For those who choose to forgive and/or not to forgive, I feel you and you have every right to feel that way. People who don't walk in your shoes don't understand your pain. They never will because they're on the outside looking in. All you can do is keep making your life better and realize that you're doing the right thing. Remember this, forgiveness isn't given, it's earned, just like everything else in this crazy world.
Take care, dGwO.
1. Should we forgive people when they continuously, knowingly, and with great severity harm us and others? HELL NO. For the majority of my life, I've lived in the Bible Belt, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Alabama. Within the past few months, I've brought up the issue of forgiveness when it comes to this question. Do you want to know what the answers were? I'm glad you asked. "Jesus said, we've got to forgive our brothers (sisters) seventy times seven." "If we don't forgive others, God won't forgive us, and if we die with unforgivness in our hearts, we'll go to hell." "Unforgiveness holds you back while the people that hurt you are moving on with our lives, not even thinking about you." Does this apply to those people who've been lied to over and over and over again by financial specialists (bankers, investors, loan holders, insurance agents) and have their monies /credit drained to the bone marrow without apology? What about those men and women who were rape or sexual abuse by a family member repeatedly but their abuser never apologies or confesses? Come to think about it, what about those service members who were raped (and reported it to their "superiors) yet their abusers are protected by the powers that be, excel in their military careers, and never apologize to their victim(s)? Should a parent continue to forgive their kids who continually steal, lie, and cheat (with crocodile tear apologies)? What about those people who know what they're doing is wrong and still fucking people over? Should people in these situations forgive those who've wronged them? There are a lot of people I've screwed over in my lifetime, some I haven't apologized for my actions. To be quiet honest, shit, I may never confess or apologize for bullshit I've done (the dichotomy of man, haha). Should they forgive me? Should people forgive me after knowing what I've done to them I'm also knowingly and consistency doing to others? Do you think the court of law forgives people who commit multiple offenses (murder, tax evasion, fraud, child neglect, etc.)? Put yourself in that position and think about it.
2. Does God really not forgive people who won't forgive others? HELL NO. I recently had a conversation about this and of course I get the well-known answer I've been getting my entire life. "We have to forgive others that God will forgive us"; all of which is based on a book written by men to control other men (more so the common, working, poor men/women/children of any society). Honestly, will a God who's infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and is forever not forgive mortals who rightly hold unforgiveness towards people ? Doesn't make any sense yet people continue to think otherwise. How do we know if God turns his or her back on us because we refuse to forgive others? Within the context of Christian culture, when something tragic happens (financial, loss of life, etc.), that's God's judgment upon us. Well, that's complete bullshit because we can't control the ever-changing tides of life and death. We don't know what the hell is on God's mind, no matter if we're the pope, an imam, an apostle, or a shaman. God can't be held in the box of our thinking or some pseudo "holy" book. It's also absurd to think God will forgive a person (who gets away with an offense) who "seemingly" has a repentant heart rather than someone who doesn't forgive another person who continually fucks up others' lives. Come on, people, put on your thinking caps, put away your indoctrination; put on logic and reason. It's time we stop being scared of going to hell based on what judgmental people say and some pseudo holy book masterminded by the Flavian dynasty (research it).
3. Forgiveness versus confrontation? Forgiveness is not easy and should only be given to those who are truly repentant for what they've done (not just with their words/tears but with their deeds). I've noticed within the past 2, maybe 3 years, I've seen people take the forgiveness route because it's the easiest. Instead of confronting those who wronged them, they just pray for them, let it go, and say the old adage, "forgive them Father for they don't know what they're doing." I also noticed that those same people they refuse to confront are still to this day, as a venomous snake, debilitating countless others with their poison. The sad part of it is, they're still cordial with these people and the cycle of offenses, kept silent, continues (especially in the black community). There's a term in the psychology world called "Fight or Flight." Many of these environments I've been in, people would rather forgive (or say they do) than confront. Running away by way of forgiving bypasses our chance to unload the hurt we have inside our minds and hearts. It allows us to confront those that have hurt us (and vice versa) and we have to go through the arduous process of moving on. Speaking of letting it go, we can never be like God, who men have written, "sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness." Remember, we are not deities, we are human beings and it's our right to feel whatever human emotions we have, as long as we don't harm others. We can't just through the pain we received just like that, it takes a lot of work and a lot of time for us to make it "manageable." For some of us, forgiveness is easier and we just go on with life without telling others about themselves; however, some of us want confrontation. Either way, we want our houses to be square again, meaning, we want peace within ourselves and a good night's sleep.
4. Do we have to forgive? It's a catch 22. Ultimately, it's up to us whether or not forgiveness is an option. It's not up to our families, it's not up to our friends, it's not up to a preacher, hell, it's not up to God. We have to do what's best for us as individuals, not what's best for the people, environments, and society around us. So, if we choose to forgive, don't forgive for the sake of your fear that God won't forgive you or will send you to hell. When you forgive, you're doing it because you have sympathy for the other person, regardless if they knowingly or unknowingly fucked you over. For some of us, we just do because we don't have time to hold on to anger towards others (but that doesn't mean we have to respect them). If we choose not to forgive, don't feel bad about it and don't let some fuck ass holy roller make you feel bad, either. Some bullet wounds go so deep, the pain will never go away. Sometimes, the people you don't forgive, you tried to reason with them but they continue to "middle finger u" and keep on doing what they do best to somebody else. Whenever I bring this subject up or about my past experiences, people say, "you've got bitterness in your heart and you need to let it go." That's funny, I wonder if they'd say that to people who've experienced worse shit than me? Probably not. Damn, this is a sticky subject but man, we as individuals have to make that decision and learn to be at peace with it.
Oh yeah, for those who choose not to forgive and you express your views to some "holy rollers", here's something for you:
The following link is the definition of bitterness, It's very different from what we've been indoctrinated to believe. This blew my mind.
Take it from me, don't allow your emotions to take you to the deep end and rob you of what life presently and in future has for you (good/bad/ugly). Trust me on that one....
For those who choose to forgive and/or not to forgive, I feel you and you have every right to feel that way. People who don't walk in your shoes don't understand your pain. They never will because they're on the outside looking in. All you can do is keep making your life better and realize that you're doing the right thing. Remember this, forgiveness isn't given, it's earned, just like everything else in this crazy world.
Take care, dGwO.
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