Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hatred In The Black Community

God knows I don't want to talk about this but I need to. There's a lot of hatred in the black community. What do I mean by this? There's a lot of hatred towards each other. I guess the red letters are right, brother against brother, sister against sister, father against son, mother against daughter. In my opinion, I believe hatred within the black community can be listed as such:

1. Each other's success: When one is on the cusp or has achieved success (without screwing somebody), the other contempt for them. They tell other folks how they helped the successful one make it to where they are, to belittle them. Or just bad mouth them altogether to ruin their reputation, business, and legacy built on honesty and hard work. It's sad because we as a black community should be treating each other better but we won't. I've hoped for that day since the 80s, it's just not going to happen.

2. Life: If a black girl talks "white-ish" or expresses concerns of violence in the black co,,unity, they are called "Oreos" and coons. They're not black enough. Wow. And some of you can't lie because this actually happens in the black community.

3. Backstabbing/Lies: There are some of us in the black community that love to backstab and lie to get our way. As the O'Jays stated, for the love of money and fame, we'll take from each other. Do you think they were talking about the white man? Hell no. They were talking about the black community. We love to defame each other with lies to put ourselves on pedestals because we lack self esteem and love in our hearts.

4. Money: OMG, we'll rob, steal, kill, and destroy each other to get that green that changes in value every milli-second of the day. At times, we bait each other with these "better life now" business schemes and leaves others in financial ruin. And I'm guilty of what I'm about to say, we are so,e materialistic folks. If one has the latest gadget, we got to have it. With the more excesses we get is the more debt we incur. Therefore, we lose our buying powers and as one says this, they're called a coon or ignored. From Kinston to Compton. 

5. Services: Following our problems with money,WE LOVE FREE AND HATE TO PAY. For example, if a black man is looking for support from his own community let's say a car wash, he might as well get ready to get that support from other communities. Or for a hair stylist, they've got to put their feet down on the price of their services. If not, they won't make the money they're suppose to make. We'll pay "the white man" his money on or before time but when it's time to pay each other, "oh, I ain't forgot." Hmmmm....

6. Sexual Abuse: I myself having direct experience with this, sexual abuse is still a taboo topic. In the 80s, it was molestation of kids, forced homosexuality,  and AIDS. In the 90s, teen pregnancy, molestation, incest, and AIDS. Well, the 2000s, there's too many of this to name. I know this topic occurs in every race on the planet but I can only speak for mine. The black community is ready to condemn the LGBT community but becomes silent when it comes to the "taboo" sexual issues. 

7. Spiritual Abuse: Since most (I assume) people in the black community proclaim Jesus Christ is "truly the head of their lives", the same are experiencing spiritual abuse. Last year, the news talked about black pastors spreading the AIDS to their female congregants. We've heard of people like David Lee being "escorted" out of TD Jakes' church for exposing the truth about "tithing." We've heard one preacher misusing the words of Christ to justify his need of receiving funds to help pay back the loan on his new 65 million dollar plane (Creflo already got it folks). Since the slavery days, the black community have inherited (been brainwashed) the slave master version of Christ. And it just won't stop....

8. Love: We love rims. We love new clothes. We love new houses. We love pretence. We love fame. We love DNA (dick and attention....I've borrowed that from Mr. Sotomayor). We love mental slavery. We love the clubs. We love spending money. But you know what we don't love, each other. I tell my wife all the time, my few years in Princeton, NC was the only time I experienced hatred from another race. You know whose screwed me the most in the life, black folks. 

9. The White Man: I've heard throughout the years that the black community feels entitled to "40 acres and a mule." Guess what, keep dreaming. I know we've experienced a lot, police brutality, slavery, education, and this list goes on. Some things are for sure, we can't blame the white man for everything. We can't blame him for not educating ourselves through school, trades, the Internet. We can't blame him for not working from the bottom, adding to our work skills; thereby moving up. Nope, some of us want things to be given but unwilling to earn them. If anyone has the right of entitlement it should be the Native Americans. Read about the Trail of Tears and other atrocities brought upon them since America was "discovered." Oh yeah, you can't blame the white man for slavery. If the majority of us knew history, it was the dominant African tribes conquering and selling other tribes to receive for tools and luxuries of superiority. Hold that...

10. Black Pride: It's okay to have black pride but that doesn't mean the black community has the right to make itself superior to other races. This also means we shouldn't be thinking we're better than each other either. As my old platoon sergeant used to say, I put on my pants the same way you do. Duly noted, top.

Now, I do have black friends and we talk about this very frequently about the mind state of the black community. I really didn't want to talk about this but I was about to explode, my friends. Oh well...

Take it or leave it, till next time....


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Some Relationships Are Made To Be Broken

Letting go for people who love others is a hard thing to do. For some reason, those people who are supposed to receive love from others are cry devilish people. I just call them devils. Women stay with men who beat them with their hands and their words. Men stay with women who emasculate them with their selfish desires. Teenagers continue to call "acquaintances" friends who dirty their names through the school halls. Children are bullied by other children because they're not "normal." It's a sad cycle that's hard to break. But the cycle must be broken. We toss and turn in the beds of our minds trying to find a way to get the other party(ies) to love us and treat us the way we should be treated. We pray, fast, and buy others material things to show our allegiance to them. The end result equals more heartache and pain. When it's time to burn the bridge, we are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially bankrupt. We are left bruised and battered by the damage. As we suffer they continue on in life doing the same things done to us to other gullible and naive people. That's a damn shame. We may ask the question, "God, why me?" Here's your answer. It's called learning hard lessons and they must be shared with others in the same mess we were in. Life is a flowing river and anything stopping that flow must be removed. They say inertia is the driving force that breaks all limits and boundaries. For many of us, it's people and we have to make the hard choice to put these hurtful relationships to sleep. For good, mate. It has to be done and if not your life will amount to nothing. What if Diana Ross didn't break up with her former husband, she would've never made hits again. What if Princess Diana never left her husband, she would've never experienced happiness before he untimely death. What if Martin Luther never spoke against the Catholic Church, people would never have the freedom of thought in environments of religious oppression. What if Prince never challenged Warner Bros, his career would've been stifled. Why are we trying to reconcile or maintain relationships life is sending us emails to cut loose? They are too many other people on this planet who will love and accept us for who we are. Pick up your head and open you eyes, my friends.

Til next time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

An Eye For An Eye

It's written that we should turn the other cheek when someone "smites us." Sorry, this doesn't apply to every situation we face in life. Honestly, this doesn't apply to me. In certain situations, we've got to strike back at those who try to take away what's ours. Some of us who rather turn the other cheek stay stuck in situations facilitated by the perpetrators. Then, in a corner phrase, we say it's "the will of God." That's ludicrous to think that way. We get stuck in a position that's holding us back from living our lives while the perps are living theirs at our expense. Tell me somebody, does God Himself sanction this behavior? I don't think so. Look at what's going on in the world. The working class in certain urban parts of China are living in underground quarters and barely making it. While this is going on, the rich and powerful are living as royalty at their expense. Women who were sexually assaulted by the former head of the IMF are living with pain. What about him? Still living like a king. As more innocent US citizens are being profiled, wrongfully detained, and at times, murdered, those in power continue to break the codes of our amendment rights. Some people just pray to God about these things hoping He will magically work it out. A lot of times, that doesn't happen. He gave us a powers called initiative and reason. We have them to "fix" these issues in a diplomatic yet stern manner (I'm learning people, cussing folks out doesn't work either). When people play that game, we don't keep letting them do it, we strike back. Look at what happened in Baltimore, look at what Mayweather did to shut the haters down (including me), look at what Halle Berry did to keep the paparazzi in check. They didn't pray or fast about it. They didn't sit and wait for a miracle. They said, an eye for an eye. You see, people nowadays don't dig the 
k-nowledge until "guns go warm." It takes them feeling your "gangster" to see their behavior and "ethics" aren't workable for the "commonwealth (us). We're living in times when people just don't care so we shouldn't care to hit them right back. No longer should we get at folks who didn't cause our pain. We get at them that did and be proud we stood up for something when they feel "our heat." Many of us are afraid to do so because we've been brainwashed thinking we're going to hell for performing  "paybacks." I think God will give us a high five because we stopped being people's doormats. I live by this principle: "For anyone who does t stand for something will fall for anything (trust me)." I don't expect for everyone to understand this grown man talk. To those who do, you're not crazy. Live by the principle of an eye for an eye. Don't kill nobody or do some overzealous mess now (prison is real). Just hit them the perps where it hurts (heart, mind, and soul). Make them an example of what happens to those who try to stifle you and yours for their dishonest gain. You'll feel better in the end.

 Til next time, my friends.....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Be Your Own Person

We're living in the age of clones. When a popular or famous person does something, the masses fall suit. Whenever someone doesn't go the major route, he or she is "left out." They become the minority against the majority. They're not looking to be in conflict with others but you know how conversations go, right? You say something that's different from what everyone else is saying, you bet your penny you'll be hearing about it. "You're wrong." "But you have to look at it like this." And my least favorite, "The Bible says..." Being your own person isn't easy because deep inside, like everyone else, we yearn to be accepted of others. The problem grows when we seek affirmation from others and don't affirm ourselves. I've seen and known many people in my lifetime that are just doing what everyone else is doing with a smile on their face (eyes say something else). But I've got the gift of discernment; and it tells me those people are hating life. They're playing the game of life like everyone else instead of playing their position. Everybody's not King James or Queen Sharmell (WWE fame), maybe we're supposed to be us. Many of us think the same because that's what is accepted. Try having a mind of your win. Some of us have our hair the same; because that is what's accepted. Try wearing your hair differently. Many of us are living like other people are living, try living your own life (dreams, bills, plan, way of life). Somebody else's truth is not your truth. Your truth is not someone else's truth. The only objective truth is God and life on this earth. Man has to subject to them however these objective truths come to him (individually). 

I'm learning to be my own person and hate any form of conformity people try to swing my way. I hope you all begin the search that will (in the words of KillahPriest), "request the universe." Don't sit here living life on everyone else's terms. Live life on your own terms. You'll feel better when you get older.

Til ext time....

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Wicked Never Die

2015 hasn't been too kind to American society so far, primarily to those who are law abiding American citizens. The event that took place in Baltimore is a hint that the more things change, the more things stay the same. It's great that those cops are being indicted for the death of Mr. Gray but we should know this won't be the last. The case of Mr. Martin should've got the ball rolling on the "powers that be" to fixed a broken and unjust penal/legal system. I remember my 9th grade history teacher, Mr. Eddie King told us" you're going to see a lot things happen from this day forward." Boy, wasn't he right. Someone told me it his past Sunday that we should "turn the other cheek" when someone "smites us." My favorite to that, BULLSHIT." In today's world, it's "AN EYE FOR AN EYE." That's what's happening right now. How long are we supposed to forgive, pray about it, and give it God? How many more people have to get murdered by police using excessive force on the innocent? How many more lives have to be controlled so the powers that be maintain their thrones in ou society? How many more children have to put up with the public school systems' idocracies of education? How many more crooked religious leaders will get away with brainwashing and terrorism? I've come to believe now that the wicked never die. Yes, no human being has the ability to live forever but the systems they filter in society does. Yes, black people have the right to vote and equal opportunities beyond measure but prejudice and racism are very prevalent in slowing this down. Yes, women have to ability to make as much if not more than their male counterparts in the workplace. However, they are stifled from achieving this reality. How many more immigrants will be deported but still used to build and restructure the homes and highways we use? Somebody please answer my question? It seems like to be successful in this country, you have to be an asshole or sociopath to do so. That's a damn shame. Recently, I've had bouts with becoming the same but in my heart of hearts, I just can't do it. But my heart, mind, and soul realizes that the wicked never die. Somehow, they get away with murder, rape, lies in the court, unequal legislation, debauchery, and other excesses. In the process, innocent blood is being spilled and these jokers don't have regrets about it. Is this God's plan, for the righteous (people trying the play the game of doing right) to suffer? I don't know for sure but I do know it's the plan of the wicked. They will continue to be wicked and raise up more assholes to more than what they've ever done. I'm glad the people of Baltimore are rioting and hope they "burn that bitch down." The wicked don't care about lives, they only care about wealth (people, money, power, property, control). Unfortunately, the masses of America doesn't see that; due to ours faces being stuck on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's easy to be wicked but hard as hell being righteous. Wickedness requires no conscience, righteousness does; the ever growing tensions of man. So long as the wicked never die, the righteous will and no martial law will shut down the voices of reason. As Roman Reigns would say, "Believe That."

Til next time......