Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hello, I'm A Devil

Almost a year ago, "someone" called my wife and said that I am "the devil." Well, let's see what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says about this word:

- an evil spirit
- an extremely wicked person
a person of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit; also  :  one who is mischievous
something very trying or provoking
severe criticism or rebuke
the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something

So, am I this type of person? Am I really the devil? This past week, I feel like I am. Let me tell you why.

Since I've been 6 or 7 years old, I've known that I'm different. I'm an oddity, unorthodox, open minded, irreligious, and an all around nice guy. Oh yeah, I am VERY opinionated.

Since leaving the Christian religion (thank God) and refuting every other religion there is in this beautiful world (including dogmatism), I've been catching it. Any of you who've been following my blogs for a minute, I've gone through a "wonderful change." I've got no problem outing pimp preachers, historical facts about religions (i.e.-King James "Version", who was an openly gay man), talking about different waves of relationships, and the list goes on. I've got this one newly former friend get out the pocket and I had to put him in his place. Now I understand, I am a devil.

I'm a devil in certain sub-cultures of American society because I share my opinion (based on facts) and won't downplay or mince my words to make you feel better. Obviously, for the past 2 year journey to finding what this life is really about, people haven't done so with me. I'm a devil to people who like to live in their fantasy world where they believe the world revolves around them. I'm a devil because I'm not into deceptive group thinking and proud of my individuality. I'm a devil because I'd rather tell people the truth than tell a lie. I'm a devil because I take whatever road brings me to where I need to be instead of being like other folks sticking to the "one way" route.

I'll be a devil but for real though, I'm an angel. I'm not deceptive. I can be problematic to certain sociopathic, dogmatic individuals. I only get real with criticism and rebukes when those same folks get out of pocket because they believe in what THEY'RE saying is all the way right. I'm only trying and provoking when certain situations occur. I've got notable energy but not reckless, mischievous, or dashing. I'm definitely not an extremely wicked person or inhabited with evil spirits.

I'm being called and treated like a devil or a person who's lost because one, I'm not a Christian (and loving it) and don't back down to bullshit. People forget, I'm an Overton, and we don't lay down, we get down (in a verbal sense, not a physical sense). I'm not the only in this world feeling this way. I think we really don't care what people think or call us. Actually, when I'm treated like and called a devil, it boosts the inertia of success in my life. The real devils are those judging people, manipulating people, and living a world in a control. Unfortunately, there are more of us than them.
In the famous singing sigh of Bobby Womack, "huuuh." "People fear what they can't understand, that's the just the theory of man..." - Nasir Jones

Well, I know my post today is a bit "off" but eat the meat and spill out the bones.

Till next time, "Devilish Disco Dave......"

Friday, April 24, 2015


Karma - (b)
  • : the force created by a person's actions that some people believecauses good or bad things to happen to that person
- Merriam Webster Dictionary

This morning, I got some information that put my life on cloud nine. However, it's unfortunate that other people in this particular person's surrounding has to suffer. I pray that God will take care of them but I don't have the same regard for this individual. I've told numerous people I know, some friend and some foe, that the big pay back was coming. Months later, the process is beginning and my soul is pleased to know this unrespectable individual is going to pay. Sure, David had many chances to make their life a living hell way more than what they made mine. I guess the nice guy in my heart is still alive and blocked my fingers from doing a "Deep Throat" (Watergate) operation. For the past few months, forgiveness has ran through my heart. I didn't choose to forgive so that God would forgive me. I chose to forgive so I wouldn't become a scumbag like them. It worked out pretty good for a soon to be 34 year old man from Duke Hospital. I've learned in life that when you lie, manipulate, steal, and finagle your way to get what you want at the expense of others, your demise is on the way. The funny thing is, this person is going to keep on til the day they die. Forget about hell, you're experiencing hell on earth in your mind. Every time they sleep, it's not a peaceful one. Everywhere they go, the pricks are digging in their heart. They can't think because the last bit of conscience they've got reminds them of the people they've screwed. Bit by bit, they're losing the crummy life they built. Soon, their kingdom will fall. Well, good riddance. So, if you're reading this blog, I warned you. I told you that you fucked  with the Williams-Overton-Royals bloodline. You may derail us but know this; a heat seeking missile will follow you until it hits you. I forgive you but that doesn't negate your impending judgment. Now I can live the rest of my long days in true "peace, rest, and abundance" God has been sending me emails to live. 

So my friends, if you can relate, break out your disco balls, turn on your Queen, Chic, and Bee Gees music, and shake your groove thing on the dance floor.

Til next time, "Disco Dave..."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Contentment Versus Searching

As a child of the 80s, I used to hear people say, "old dogs can't learn new tricks." Since then, I've learned for old dogs to survive, they just may have to. I've come to the conclusion that my life is on a new path, a new journey, a new adventure. Most of everything and everyone I've tried to hold onto are being forced by life's hand. We should all know that this life I'm referring to is God. For the past couple of days, I've been listening to Alter Bridge's Broken Wings circa 2004. This song explains what my life has been, what it is now, and what my life will be. It's been a hard and eventful journey and I've learned the only absolute truth in this life is life itself (and everything that comes with it). This includes the good, bad, and ugly. I'm seeing more people becoming content with how their life is with no aspiration to morph into someone better. A lot of Christians and Muslims alike are content with dogmatism (which has no place in this world). Some have never left their hometown in search of seeing what this big ole world has to offer. People are just content but I don't feel that same way. The world is ours and we have to take. Whether it's performing music, starting a company, or studying different cultures, your soul is searching for something. Your soul is searching for more. That's put of the creative juices God put inside each of us. When those juices stop flowing, we've got a problem, Houston. For me, contentment is boring, uneventful, very pungent. Searching is risky, challenging, and exciting. Contentment is the breeding ground of "playing it safe" and regretting it later when we've lost the ability to be in search mode.  I see how certain people I've met in my life are just everywhere but they were happy. Other people that were content with doing the same things day after day, year after year, are like a walking ghost floating through life. I think one of reasons why some are like this is from being scared of what other people are thinking, saying, or might say about them. As for me, I'm not afraid. I'm tired of living in fear and one thing is for certain is this:

"I'd rather chase heaven on this earth because being content will lead me into an entire life filled with hell."

People can say what they want about Jay-Z, Will Ferrell, and Lady GaGa, but these people are examples of searching versus contentment. They would've been content but they chose to "step out on faith" and take chances. Some chances may have caused them pain but look at where they are today. Guess what? They're still searching for more. What about you? What about me? What about us?

Are we going to stay content with the "four walls" of religious dogmatism, J.O.B. careers, and staying in the same town/state forever? Or are we going to be like animals when the seasons change and move; searching for another place to inhabit?

The choice is up to us.

Till next time, "The Wanderer......"

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can't Handle Truth But Love The Lies

I don't agree with Paul on a lot of stuff but I'll agree with something he talked about; the itching ears. Whatever "tickles" the fancy of an individual or a group of people, it's referred to as truth. It doesn't matter if this "truth" is factual or full of bullshit. I think for a person as myself, I need to know the validity of some things people tell me. Are these things coming across my desk the truth or a way to get me chained up with everyone else? 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a rebel and I don't care about being accepted by others (the in-crowd). One thing I'm not going to do is subject myself to lies. Lies give us comfort, hope, and keeps our social status up to par. But truth can do a whole lot more, once we get past the initial blows from it. Truth doesn't itch ears and it destroys doctrines, dogmas, and traditions with swiftness of a jab or body shot. Unfortunately, a lot of houses are built on lies. I think this is the reason why conformity is so bad and those who keep their individualism are looked upon as oddities. We're always going to have lies in our lives but the resolution of it is coming to truth. Some including myself may ask, what is truth? Whatever is irrefutable and indisputable. The numbers don't lie and the puzzle comes together. Lies on the other hand, well, they're the exact opposite of my descriptions of truth. Sometimes, I look at social media or the news and I say to myself, damn, a lot of people are fooled. I'm suspectible too. So ladies and gents, take time out of your weekly schedule to research those questions you have inside of you. We've got the information highway, Barnes and Noble, and public libraries filled with knowledge you're seeking for. Don't just people's word for what subject of interest, research it. If it comes back as bs or truth let them know. The universe was designed by a universal truth. It's up to us find it because lies are always looking to bind you.

Til next time......

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Hard Headed Never Learn

Let me say this for the record, I'm a hard head and a hot head. So, with this post, I can pull from my own experiences. There is another hard head I'd like to discuss, which is increasing in our society. This type of hard head never listens to reason. No matter how you present the facts to someone, hell, even if God came down from his throne, they won't listen. People nowadays rather cling to lies than accept truth. Hard headed people don't like reason, they only like doing what they want to do and how they want to do it. They base their own facts and circumstances on bullshit and when someone who actually knows what they're talking about; they get defensive. Hard heads always learn the hard way and no matter what you do or say to save them, it's not going to work. As the old schoolers say, "you can't make a horse drink water." For the past few years, I've been that one trying to save people from themselves. As my cousin Maine would say, "while you're trying to pull the noose from their neck, they're putting another one on you." There have been times when I've tried to kick knowledge to peope on different topics of friendship, religion, money, and family. About 95.2% of the time, I get the cold shoulder or the bullshit comments to cover the truth in saying. Have you ever gone through that? I'm pretty sure of that. I'm learning to suppress my emotions and to never get so involved, their bullshit becomes mine. If they want to go 100 MPH on a 25 MPH, go right ahead. Hard heads are everywhere and from time to time, we are too. 

Well, I'm glad to get that off my chest. Til next time....

Friday, April 10, 2015

To Every Ending There Is A Beginning

An old saying I used to here as a kid was, "when a child is born a person dies." How true it is, I wouldn't know but I think the business theory I learned from school backs it up. There's the start of a business, it's elevation, climax, and slide, and then downfall. I'm sorry, I'm basically talking about the economic cycle. But for every trough or depression, there is a rising. Jobs are added. Companies that used to be in the dumps, business is picking up (I.e.- Ford Motor Company). You get it, right? That's how life is. As I've said before many times, life is a river, it's full of changes. Nothing stays the same. Evolution is a real thing. It's the evolution of us as a person. For this to happen, certain things in our lives have to end. Certain teachings or belief systems have to live 6ft deep because they're not working for you or making you happy. The same place you've lived in for years is keeping you from living your life to the full. These people you call friends aren't seeing eye to eye anymore; so it's time for a drop off. Life is already a challenge as it is so why are we holding onto things and people making it harder? I can thank my dad for the talk we had recently. So ends a lot of things in my life and a new beginning arises. I believe it's that time we all need to re-evaluate our lives and things/people in it. Are they pushing me forward or keeping me back? It's up to us to see that.

Well, that's all I got for today. Happy Saturday.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Mad Writer Is Back....

I was watching this YouTube of a guy named "Rock-Solid" talking about his late father. Boy, he had a lot of anger towards him and rightfully so. I won't lie, I laughed a lil bit especially when he took a picture of his father, spit on it, and threw it on the ground. You know what, I don't blame him. For the past 30 years, people are getting more shiesty, conniving, and just evil. More sociopaths are on the streets than ever before. The funny thing is, many of us see these evil traits and defend these ass-munches. Some of you following my blogs have seen my vents about a lot of stuff from church hurt, to friends who were really my enemies, to the whole cop killings of young black men. After watching his video, something sparked me to write this blog and get back in the fight. I've caught some flack from different subjects I've talked about, mostly my fact-based opinion of the "Christian" community. People have told me to let the hurt and pain go. But every time I see a young'n brainwashed like I was, it comes again. Not that I'm living in the past but knowing what I need to do in the present and do my part to advertise for a better tomorrow. Just like Rock-Solid, it's good to vent. This not only frees yourself but those who read, watch, or listen to what you have to say. Truth doesn't come through people and systems that are built on lies. Truth comes through people and systems that plow through fear for the sake of honesty. So, from now on, I'm going to continue to say that the church as we know it is totally fucked up and not "God approved." I'm going to continue to cover  different aspects of life since others are doing the same thing, too. The first amendment of the US Constitution gives me the right to say what I want. If some of you don't like it, MIDDLE FINGER U (peace to Sauce Money). Watching this video set me free because it's better to talk things out than to be consumed by the wrong emotions. This leads to other situations that result in negativity. Writing is my therapy and hopefully to help others who've been what I've been through and are going through. This life isn't easy, man; however, the greatest lesson I've learned lately is this....

To love God is to love your brother.

This means doing your part. My part is talking about things people try to distance from for the sake of protecting their status in their perspective communities. I don't have that problem. 
Thanks Rock-Solid, I'm back in the game.

You'll hear from me soon......