Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Time To Come Out And Live

Now, David is not trying to get more views or attention for this post (mostly for the title). If you give me about 5-8 minutes, I will explain myself. More and more people from young to old are "coming out" (as the great song sang by Diana Ross, written by "Nard" and Nile Rodgers) as being gay. In my "religious days" I was preaching and teaching against homosexuality, just as any other "Christian minister" should do in his or her monologue in prison (oh sorry, church). Now, after my break out, my views have changed. No longer do I judge them, I love them, I accept them.
Better than that, I respect them. Why do I respect them? Because they are open and honest about who they are as a people. That's more than I say for myself and the millions (and millions-in The Rock's voice) of people on this planet. They're in Austin, in San Francisco, in the Big Easy, in Germany, they're everywhere giving the bird to stuck up, religious, judgmental, prideful, and masquerading humans pointing their fingers, shivering,and staring at them. Do I still cringe inside when I see two dudes kissing? Yes. Do I still have conflicting thoughts seeing girls looking like dudes? Yes. I'm still detoxing from the lavish American version of hypocritical Christianity. But I accept those people because they're human just like me. Each of us have a road we have to travel. I know mine in this point of my life is living that "vagabond life." Wandering, trying different things, researching different views, in search of the real David "Ruffin" Overton. I now believe God is in everything, everywhere, and in everyone. As I said before, who am I to judge someone else's "orientation?" I believe the point I'm trying to make here is that we all have "tendencies" about ourselves that are "frowned upon" in society. The question is, are we living our lives the way others are "telling us to live?" Or are we "stepping out on faith" to be what we are supposd to be? That's why I respect  the people "living out loud" as they can in the LGBT community. Now let me say this too, David ain't gay, I loooovee my chocolate delight by the name of Mrs. Overton. < I guess the whole scene with that man at the annual bull---- Cogic conference sparked this one off. > Be who you're supposed to be. Do what you're supposed to be doing. Only God can judge each of us and you'll be amazed at how many "religious" (judge mental) folks won't be joining the rest of us at the everlasting wedding party in heaven (Matthew 21:23-32-my favorite I used to shut religious folks up). -I'll be talking about this subject another time....

Well my friends, I've ran out of gas. I hope you enjoyed my tangent for today. 

Til next time.....

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