I remember my grandma used to say me to me, "what goes around, comes around." Well her and Aunt Edna both said it. 20 something years later, I see that "corner phrase" is more relevant in life than I've realized. I recently had a discussion with a good friend of mine and we came to a conclusion about the result of people's intentional wrongdoing, what my grandma and aunt used to say (and probably still saying, bless their sweet hearts). I can say from doing a lot of people dirty in the past, whether it was lying to cops, turning on people who had my best interest, or judging people prematurely, the same things happened to me. As one old friend from back in the day used to say, "it's reciprocal." It sure is. Nowadays, there are more mean spirited, heartless, straight emotionally sadistic people in the world today. They are blatantly and unrelenting in their actions and have much publications, scriptures, and excuses to condone their own behavior towards others. They find ways to rob from others of their time, money, and abilities (physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.). They attack folks they feel are a threat to their status, position, or prestige. Take for example King Saul. Due to his arrogance, pride, insecurities, and immaturity, he tried to kill a cool and honest mentee named David (wow, it's kind of ironic....). No matter what good David did to build Saul's honor and kingdom, Saul's jealousy led him to throw javelins at him. When people showed support to Daivd, Saul killed the. All and those who stood with them kept their mouths closed (in fear of facing the same fate). Although David faced "exiled", this thing called life through a force named karma caught up with Saul. A ghost by the name of Samuel said, "you'll be here with me in the grave." Lo and behold, all of Saul's sons died in a battle with the Phillistines. As he stood on the hill seeing his life has drawn to a close, he asks his helper to kill him but he refused. Therefore, Saul took the sword in fear of what karma was going to deal him (probably torture by his enemies for an extended periodKama of time) and killed himself. His helper followed suit. Karma is a mother------. Same people you see on top one day bites the dust like the Queen rendition due to the force of karma. The point is my friends, watch how we treat others because the same measure you give it, it'll get returned to you at the same level but in most cases, much higher. Learn to do others right just as others just as you want others to treat you. Think about it. So to all you people knowingly doing wrong to others, you're time is coming and karma is going to light you up.
Til next time, Karma's student.....
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