You know something sparked me to write a blog today, right? Well, I ran across a book at a local Barnes & Noble, and ran into a book called, "The Lucifer Effect." As I was skimming through it, there was a question posed in one of the chapters, "can good people become evil?" Given my experiences within myself and other people, I quickly said yes. I thought to myself, anybody has the propensity to become an evil person, a monster, a devil. As some of you know, I love professional wrestling but the most exciting aspect I love is when people turn heel (become a bad guy). It's like they become unglued, unhinged, and will do whatever it takes to become the best. From sneak attacks, to public humiliation of their opponents, to acts of manipulation to draw in their prey to beat them. Wrestlers that fit the mode are Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Bobby Roode, and AJ Lee. It works like a charm. Some thinkers and writers believe nobody within themselves are good. I can agree with that too. But here's my take on it. We are human beings that possess various capabilities and sides to our human nature. One day, we can be the nicest guy helping everybody but another day, we rob our sisters and/or brothers. Wherever the wind blows, we go with it. The wind represents opportunities, chances, deals, platforms. Some of us, you know, with the "the entitlement: it belongs to me" attitude, will do whatever it takes to grasp the particular wind blowing that day. If that means screwing other people to get it, that's what we'll do. Good intentions and dreams in the beginning but down the line, something within us (or violently) changes. The cheers and acceptance from others get to our heads. "From the poor house to the penthouse" story embellishes our ego to the point our love of money and fame ruins them. Start off with words and deeds that's "for the people" but once we get a piece of the American dream", all that goes out the window. Helpers become dictators. Teachers become tyrants. Parents become abusers. Brothers and sisters become backstabbers. Spiritualists become cultists. Healers become murderers. Pastors become hirelings. Politicians become corrupt strategists. Writers become demonizers. Anybody, no matter how good we are, we all have the propensity to become evil. How do we stop the process? Well, it's going to take more than prayers, fastings, cliches, quotes, self help books, and "surrender self books" (ok that quote comes from a good friend of mine, Mr. Moore). I'll tell you what it's going to take. Waking up,in the morning and looking at ourselves in that bathroom mirror. Taking a real hard look at ourselves and see evil lurking inside of us that can tear up the world in a bad and selfish way. Admit to it find a way to tame that beast before we lose all control. Just my opinion, my friends.
Till next time.......
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