About 3 years ago, I read a book by Kirk Franklin called "The Blueprint". It talked about what he went through to become the man that he is now. In one part of the book, he talked about how life is like a garden. During certain times of the year, a homeowner has to check on his lawn and if he sees weeds growing, it's his responsibility to pull them out the ground. He also mentioned, lawn keeping isn't a one time event, it's ongoing. Anyone who owns a house or runs a lawn service knows what I'm talking about. It takes a lot of work. But here's a question I'd like to ask you all, my friends? Have you ever been at someone's house who didn't keep up with their lawn? Weeds are out of control? Tree limbs everywhere? Grass is up passed you knees? I know I have, especially when I was growing up. Where I'm from (North Carolina, what's up?!), there's an old saying about high grass. If you walk through it, you might get bit by a snake. When I was a kid growing up in Jack-round Tree Apartments in Kinston (ok, I'll represent you, too...), my friends and I loved to play in a big field next to the complex, especially during the summer time. Many times, the adults would tell us not to go over there ("..but the don'ts we did...-stole that from GZA, Liquid Swords,) but we didn't listen. There were many times kids would get bit by snakes, some poisonous, some non-poisonous. One time, me and a friend walked through there and saw one of those snake dead and burnt to a crisp. Of course, we was playing with it but in the back of my mind I thought, whoever killed the snake is gangsta! Whenever I would hear people talk about snakes, I would get scared. If someone gets bit by one, you might die. But as I got older, my fear of them greatly decreased. As I got older, I've had to deal with different types of snakes. These types of snakes I've had to deal with have two arms, two legs, and the ability to speak. I've had to take a lot of time to keep my "garden" looking good, healthy, weed free (thought some of them pop out when you least expect it it), and free from snakes. In my actual garden (lawn) at my house, I don't have that problem with the exception of the weeds (dog-on Augustine grass!). I've had problems with my life dealing with people who've been snakes. Recently, I've had to start sifting through the high grass of distractions, religion, feigned love, fake friendships, and weariness to find different types of snakes. I've had to deal with snakes that say they loved me but talk about me behind my back with other people who really love me (with the intent to turn them against me and ruin my reputation). I've had to deal with people who form relationships with me for the sake of manipulating me and controlling me (time, talents, and a whole lot of money). I've had to deal with people who I let coerce me into thoughts and belief systems that have no spiritual, intellectual, or earthly value. I've had to deal with people who present themselves as "angels of light" but really, cold blooded, conniving, and "venomous" snakes. I've had to deal with snakes that have spread their venom into the lives of my family, friends, and other loved ones. Since my generation (Gen-X) is the bridge between old school and new school, an old mob saying about people who are two faced and hide their true identity well are called snakes. They only come in the hidden parts of our weaknesses and distractions. They slide (creep) in "unawares" and turn your house of love, success, and fulfillment into a war-riddled environment. Snakes (or as super saved saiyan Christians would say - "Leviathan)" come into your life when it's lost focus, coil up, stare at you straight in the eyes (to seduce you), get you stuck, and then bites you. But the only way to prevent this from happening is that we have to stay on our P's and Q's. Every so often, we got to get that lawn mower, get that weed eater, get the fertilizer, get the weed killer or just hire somebody who can do it all for us if we lack the skill, and get rid of these snakes. When the grass isn't high and our "lawn" is kept, the snakes in our lives can't hide because now they're exposed for what they really are. My new saying is this, "I'd rather be friends with a snake that admit to being a snake than being friends with a snake that's hiding the truth that they are a snake". When dealing with snakes, you've got to confront them, cut their heads off with the truth (don't go out killing people now!), and throw them in the fire. Yeah, there's still more snakes in my garden I need to deal with now and will have to deal with in the future until I'm dead. However, I'm not going to punk out, let my grass get high, or be scared when it's time to confront a snake. I'm going to get my sword and take 'em out before I get poisoned, stuck, and my dreams dead. My friends, I believe you need to do the same.
Til next time, GDOW FKA DGWO (for now)......
Check out Jude 1:12-13....it's a monster.
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