You guys can thank one of my best friends for the title of this blog. When you really think about it, it is one of the best feelings in the world. I think that I've learned that forgiveness is truly the best weapon. My old mentality is to get those who've done wrong to me and those I love back with a vengeance. But that's too easy, that's giving what enemies/haters want. I can say from "very personal experience", there are some haters/enemies wanting and praying for me to flip the handle. But I'm not going to do that. I'm too mature, wise, knowledgeable, and sophisticated to do that. I'm going to turn the other cheek and forgive those who've done me wronged me. For me now, it's eyes ahead. I'm not going to give my enemies/haters power over my life that should only belong to God alone. But the greatest revenge I can impose on them is forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't for them, it's for me. Now, that doesn't mean I won't forget the mess done to me. I am going to talk about it but with a forgiving and thoughtful heart. Look at Nelson Mandela and the South African government. He could have came out from prison and devoured it to dust but he chose to forgive them and spread the message of peace to all, including his enemies. He used the power of forgiveness to "heap coals of fire on his heads." What does that phrase mean? It's showing love to your enemies when you they're gossiping, trying to ruin your reputation, or financially rape you. When they see you doing this, the "sins" they've done against you begin to weigh heavily their minds. They can't sleep. Instead of seeing the great and beautiful image that others portray of them, they only see the low down, dirty, selfish, and evil person they really are. That's when the forgiveness' revenge takes hold. They either change for the better (admit to their wrongdoing) or drown the seas of regrets for doing you (and whoever else) wrong. Now, that type of revenge that's sweet. So to all who've done the Big O wrong, I love you and forgive you. But I caution you, forgiveness' revenge power will knocking at your door very, very soon. And all those I've wronged, forgiveness' sweet revenge came, straightened me out (and still is), and has made me a better man. Thanks for forgiving me and encouraging me to admit to my wrongs. Well, that's a lot of weight off my chest (for now), my friends. I hope this helps....
Til next time, The Pot Stirrer aka PSTD (PotStirrerStressDisorder)....
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