I was reading something this morning and it really hit me hard. Still is. You have not because you don't ask and you don't have it because you ask in amiss to use what you ask for to please you. Ouch. But as I think further, this is how I've been for a long time. The heart of the message is motive. Motives are intentions, plans, or prospective plans we make in life to achieve a certain goal. Whether it's starting a family, expanding a business, or buying a new car, there are inner motives behind our plans. We all have motives whether they are good or bad. Some call them intentions. Others call them predilections. But in al, they sum up to be motives. Lately, my level of understanding has been getting upgraded through insights of introspection, retrospection, and observation. Just recently, an old school was telling me about a class he took a couple of years about how people operate. He told me that when we just sit back and look, we will see what's really in a man's heart. Now as I think on his words and much study, I believe those words are true. We have to be careful of our motives and the motives of others. Sometimes, we do things to impress others, to show our superiority over others , or rob others of great opportunities because of our selfishness and greed. We have to watch others by certain comments they make about us or certain situations. Some people will do good things for you but will only do things to get you off guard. Once they see you are open game, the knife slits the throat. Some of us have wrong motives and csn get away with a lot of hidden acts but God knows our hearts. if we don't check our hearts, bad motives will kill our life lines. Jesus would sit back and see what really was in men's hearts. He knew their thoughts because their actions spoke louder the words. Their words of self righteousness expelled wrong in their hearts. He referred to them teaching others so poorly to lord over others that they would become twice the devil in hell. He exposed their supposed piety for their community to give them a place of honor. But that's honor. In today's world people create laws, make business deals, or even share teachings only to enslave others for their benefit. This has been occurring since the beginning of time. If we're going to do things, let us do them only to bless others seeking nothing else in return. Let's have the right kind of motives that please God alone instead of always trying to impress the fair weather friendliness of man. When we pray asking God for something, let us learn to seek to do His will instead of trying to coerce Him to do our will. Most importantly, let's discipline ourselves from hurting others by our intentions of greed and power. Motives. We've got to watch them. They're deadly. Trust me.
Til next time, dgwo.
1st Samuel 18:1-15
Matthew 9:4
1st Timothy 4:16
James 4:1-4
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