"Oh you injuring, oh you're injured, huh, hurt people hurt people that's what I heard..."
That's a lyric from a lyricist by the name of J. Johnson (The Struggle on ITunes). I really didn't hear this part of the second verse until I was going through some hurt myself. It's one thing to get wounded by your enemy but it's another thing to be wounded by those who say they love you. Jesus' own people cried for the Romans to crucify Him. Paul was chased down down by his own people. Anne Bolyn was betrayed by her own father as so she did to her own sister. Nothing hurts more and when we allow the hurt to fester we hurt other people. Now it becomes more than what we heard it becomes reality through our actions. There have been many people I've hurt in various ways than I can imagine. At times, I don't get much sleep and I pray to God for His forgiveness. Some people wonder why people do certain things. Why do fathers leave their families? Why do husbands divorce their wives to be with another woman who's using them for monetary gain? Why do kids kill other kids in schools? Why do women sleep with other dudes unprotected as they spread the virus? Why do certain rich people create laws to destroy the working class? One word explains it all; hurt. A bleeding heart ad a wounded mind will cause any one of us to hurt others. It breeds unforgiveness and malice. We become a god in our own right as we meet out punish to others we deem evil. We exact revenge. For others, we hurt people just because. Our hearts have become hard without love, emotion, or feelings to what we do to others. Hurt people hurt and it's getting worse day by day. When we're living hurt, we want to share the wealth of it. We see someone who's doing something with their life and what do we bleeding hearts do? We instigate something and finally get them to crack to lower themselves to our hurt. Now they lose everything the way we lost. That's a law of attraction for you, my friends. Our hurt drives even our loved ones who are trying to help us out of the pit away from us. Sometimes, this experience causes them to turn hard-hearted too and never seek to help anyone else again. Parents abandon their kids because their parents abandoned them. The list goes on, people. I hate to say it but Jesus was right. Evil will abound and the love of many of us will become cold. So what is the solution? Love is God, and God is love. Right now, I'm in a transition from my hurts to experiencing His love again. Of course the careless, vile, decrepit, and heartless side of myself doesn't want this to happen. However, for me to live is to live and experience His love. Love is the answer and if everybody doesn't get it, well that's ok. Everybody ain't feeling Jesus message but those hurt people who hurt people are tired of the hurt and want change. Jesus' love brings change when we allow ourselves to experience it. I know I've said a lot in this post. I'm just going through a healing process. I'm not the only one. One thing I will say, don't be like me, a man who at times when he is hurting looks to hurt anyone in my path. Learn God's love and do right by others; even on those who hurt you. This is what Jesus did, even as He was dying on the cross.
Til next time, dgwo
The Gospel of Matthew (that's right, the whole thing)
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