We can (but some to many of us won't) agree about us homosapiens (humans) is that the word change scares us. I'm not talking about a political change or what we work (or dream) for to come into an abundance in our bank accounts. I'm talking about the change where we have to grow up, man up, make better decisions, take on responsibility(ies), and learn to stop keep the masks in our lives. Changes are something that we are afraid of seeing, of embracing, of walking into, and accepting. I know I am sometimes because I realize when one thing changes in my life, everything has to change. About 95% or more don't like and we don't like when people express views of changing "the way we do things." The Pharisees didn't like Jesus' message and come to find out, that some way of thinking hasn't changed much in 2013. Within the past couple of months, I've seen so much resistance to the change that He's bringing into the world (saved and unsaved) it's a dog-on shame. Why do we resist something that is made to better us? I know why. We don't like the inevitable, the unknown, the places and times we can't control. We don't like to have to let go of the past as well as the comforts of the present we worked so hard for to escape the hardships of our past; though we say we're working towards a better future (don't front). Food for thought, my friends, this is how we think and some of you may say, wow Dave, who are you to judge me? That means God's pricking tool is at work as He pricks me to write this (which I've tried to hold back for almost two weeks; the reason why I haven't posted a blog for so long). Change is essential for us to go to that next level in our lives. While the doors are open, why not move from where we are and walk through it? But we see that we have to leave those security features of messy friends, messy relationships, messiness, messy attitudes, messy bad habits, that we've become so accustomed to. Who woulda knew that thoughts like these are presently reigning in me and you (in correct terms, you and I)? I see more resistance to change more in our churches, more in our workplace, more in our school systems, more in our races, and more in our governments like never before. Like an old man tells me, some people who act idioticly intentionally create platforms from dissallowing necessary changes to make life better from happening. We are sabotagers of our own destiny that Christ desires so much to give to us. I think this is why Paul did so much in his life because he learned to adapt to wherever and whenever the Lord lead him. Now that sounds like an old tune by Robert Blair and the Fantastic Violinaires (extreme old school). We hate the fact we have to mature; meaning learning to trust God more in more tight situations, keeping our mouths shut when people have worked past the last strands our patience, and at times, you've got to pick up that book (Holy Bible) to input wisdom so we can overcome the comforts of laziness. Changes, changes in how we perceive things and how we treat even the worst of our enemies. Seeing our enemies can be closer to us because they put on sheep's clothing with the fairest of ease. Changes are in the air, can't you smell them? The call to maturity. The call to get closer, the call to leaving behind childish things? Even those friends we think are good for us but by our love they take advantage us and transfer poison, which is slowly killing our dreams. Then when our dreams are dead, oh now we realize they are, our supposed friends move on without apology, as we have to pray to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives. Don't be like me. Go ahead and accept the changes God is making in your life. We're all spiritual beings who have been given the power of free will to make a choice to listen to the voice of God or listen to the voice of the other lesser one(s).
Changes are necessary. Changes are good. Changes are God's purposes for man so that we don't become dependent on us. But that we learn to be dependent on Christ Jesus. Now let me leave so I can apply what I just shared with you all.
Til Next Time, FKA....
Psalms 90:1-12
1st Corinthians 13:11
Philippians 4:11-13
Sometimes, it's good to sit down and write down different thoughts in your head. Well, I got a lot of them and I'd like to share them with you all. Some of you may like it and some of you may think I'm a stupid man. Given from what I've been taught, experienced, and experiencing, you'll see I don't tell lies.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
David Overton,
Thoughts of David
Waco Waco
Friday, January 18, 2013
Listen To The Old Schools
I'm glad for the jobs I've worked in my recent work history. I've had the pleasure of taking in a lot people whom I refer to as the old schools. What are old schools? These are people both men and women who experienced things a newer generation hasn't. They have a lot of wisdom, insight, retrospect, and intellect new schools don't have. They go another route when they see danger rising rather than a younger dude who's inquisitive will keep on and get maimed. From handling finances, to treating your family right, to beating you down at the pool hall to help increase your acumen; they are priceless. Solomon said it best that we should never take down the landmarks our predecessors set. We are to look on them and listen to them even when it feels like they are telling us what's wrong with us instead of our accomplishments. This is what they are hear for to tighten our shot group and make us better. They are our groomers and shapers. I think many of us avoid being around them because they're always teaching us about some aspect of life mainly from their own experiences. Life on life as J'son would say. However, these are teachable moments we need to grasp because in these times we're living in, they are few, few, and in between. They can teach us a thing or two about how to be better husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, business people, students, etc. Me, even in my thirties, I'm around a lot of old schools. When I talk to my dad he'll spend about 2 hours telling me what and what not to do in my family life. My godfather will always tell me to take pictures because every part of life is precious and time is something we don't get back. My first and one year ahead of me cousin always tells me to live life to the fullest the way God instructs you to do. Even old schools at my job will share with you some jokes that most won't get but see hilarious! We need to stop stopping our ears to what they are saying and listen. Get our heads out of our third point of contact and listen. Whether they cuss like sailors or respectful in all their manners, dig through the coals to find the diamonds they hold. God is the giver of all wisdom and knowledge and He uses many people to store them. Let's not be like Balaam who refused to listen to a dumb donkey trying to keep us from doing something stupid. Let's not be like Rehoboam who listened to his peers rather than his elders concerning important issues. Let's be like Paul who sat at the feet of Gamaliel and learned many things about life from him. Let's be like Moses when his father-in-law Jethro was spitting game to him on how to structure leadership within the people of Israel. Let's be like Solomon who sat by the bedside of his dying father David to hear his experiences, wisdom, and the need to love God before anything or anyone else. These are the treasures of the old schools still hear today. They may walk a little slower than us and may be a bit frugal, but we will learn how to live well and long as them. They may seem strict and old fashioned in how they handle situations but look at the respect many give them. Some of them may be in the gutter but the pearls they hold inside and share with us will make our lives smooth as butter. They may walk with a gangster lean or tell dry jokes but I assure you they'll bless your life beyond measure. They are our mentors and warn us that history repeats itself; that those who experience will not get lucky if they don't listen to their instructions. So much to say about them. I thank God for the old schools in my life. You should be thankful, too. If you don't have any, well, I know what to ask God for concerning you. We need wisdom because it's the principal thing, ya heard?! Listen to the old schools, my friends. TRUST!!! snap, snap (rich Valley girl voice)
Special thanks to William "Dad O" Overton, Kevin Holt, Pastors "Q & C" Scott, Al McAllister, Jermaine "Lavar" Carmichael, My parents and Pastors "A&A" Scott, Starnes & Starnes, Beenie Freeney, Big Sam, and my music teacher William "Bassman" Mayo. You all have impacted my life in a major way.
Til next time, dgwo
Exodus 18
Numbers 22:22-35
1st Kings 2:1-4
1st Kings 12
Proverbs 22:28
Acts 22:3
Special thanks to William "Dad O" Overton, Kevin Holt, Pastors "Q & C" Scott, Al McAllister, Jermaine "Lavar" Carmichael, My parents and Pastors "A&A" Scott, Starnes & Starnes, Beenie Freeney, Big Sam, and my music teacher William "Bassman" Mayo. You all have impacted my life in a major way.
Til next time, dgwo
Exodus 18
Numbers 22:22-35
1st Kings 2:1-4
1st Kings 12
Proverbs 22:28
Acts 22:3
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Hurt People Hurt People
"Oh you injuring, oh you're injured, huh, hurt people hurt people that's what I heard..."
That's a lyric from a lyricist by the name of J. Johnson (The Struggle on ITunes). I really didn't hear this part of the second verse until I was going through some hurt myself. It's one thing to get wounded by your enemy but it's another thing to be wounded by those who say they love you. Jesus' own people cried for the Romans to crucify Him. Paul was chased down down by his own people. Anne Bolyn was betrayed by her own father as so she did to her own sister. Nothing hurts more and when we allow the hurt to fester we hurt other people. Now it becomes more than what we heard it becomes reality through our actions. There have been many people I've hurt in various ways than I can imagine. At times, I don't get much sleep and I pray to God for His forgiveness. Some people wonder why people do certain things. Why do fathers leave their families? Why do husbands divorce their wives to be with another woman who's using them for monetary gain? Why do kids kill other kids in schools? Why do women sleep with other dudes unprotected as they spread the virus? Why do certain rich people create laws to destroy the working class? One word explains it all; hurt. A bleeding heart ad a wounded mind will cause any one of us to hurt others. It breeds unforgiveness and malice. We become a god in our own right as we meet out punish to others we deem evil. We exact revenge. For others, we hurt people just because. Our hearts have become hard without love, emotion, or feelings to what we do to others. Hurt people hurt and it's getting worse day by day. When we're living hurt, we want to share the wealth of it. We see someone who's doing something with their life and what do we bleeding hearts do? We instigate something and finally get them to crack to lower themselves to our hurt. Now they lose everything the way we lost. That's a law of attraction for you, my friends. Our hurt drives even our loved ones who are trying to help us out of the pit away from us. Sometimes, this experience causes them to turn hard-hearted too and never seek to help anyone else again. Parents abandon their kids because their parents abandoned them. The list goes on, people. I hate to say it but Jesus was right. Evil will abound and the love of many of us will become cold. So what is the solution? Love is God, and God is love. Right now, I'm in a transition from my hurts to experiencing His love again. Of course the careless, vile, decrepit, and heartless side of myself doesn't want this to happen. However, for me to live is to live and experience His love. Love is the answer and if everybody doesn't get it, well that's ok. Everybody ain't feeling Jesus message but those hurt people who hurt people are tired of the hurt and want change. Jesus' love brings change when we allow ourselves to experience it. I know I've said a lot in this post. I'm just going through a healing process. I'm not the only one. One thing I will say, don't be like me, a man who at times when he is hurting looks to hurt anyone in my path. Learn God's love and do right by others; even on those who hurt you. This is what Jesus did, even as He was dying on the cross.
Til next time, dgwo
The Gospel of Matthew (that's right, the whole thing)
That's a lyric from a lyricist by the name of J. Johnson (The Struggle on ITunes). I really didn't hear this part of the second verse until I was going through some hurt myself. It's one thing to get wounded by your enemy but it's another thing to be wounded by those who say they love you. Jesus' own people cried for the Romans to crucify Him. Paul was chased down down by his own people. Anne Bolyn was betrayed by her own father as so she did to her own sister. Nothing hurts more and when we allow the hurt to fester we hurt other people. Now it becomes more than what we heard it becomes reality through our actions. There have been many people I've hurt in various ways than I can imagine. At times, I don't get much sleep and I pray to God for His forgiveness. Some people wonder why people do certain things. Why do fathers leave their families? Why do husbands divorce their wives to be with another woman who's using them for monetary gain? Why do kids kill other kids in schools? Why do women sleep with other dudes unprotected as they spread the virus? Why do certain rich people create laws to destroy the working class? One word explains it all; hurt. A bleeding heart ad a wounded mind will cause any one of us to hurt others. It breeds unforgiveness and malice. We become a god in our own right as we meet out punish to others we deem evil. We exact revenge. For others, we hurt people just because. Our hearts have become hard without love, emotion, or feelings to what we do to others. Hurt people hurt and it's getting worse day by day. When we're living hurt, we want to share the wealth of it. We see someone who's doing something with their life and what do we bleeding hearts do? We instigate something and finally get them to crack to lower themselves to our hurt. Now they lose everything the way we lost. That's a law of attraction for you, my friends. Our hurt drives even our loved ones who are trying to help us out of the pit away from us. Sometimes, this experience causes them to turn hard-hearted too and never seek to help anyone else again. Parents abandon their kids because their parents abandoned them. The list goes on, people. I hate to say it but Jesus was right. Evil will abound and the love of many of us will become cold. So what is the solution? Love is God, and God is love. Right now, I'm in a transition from my hurts to experiencing His love again. Of course the careless, vile, decrepit, and heartless side of myself doesn't want this to happen. However, for me to live is to live and experience His love. Love is the answer and if everybody doesn't get it, well that's ok. Everybody ain't feeling Jesus message but those hurt people who hurt people are tired of the hurt and want change. Jesus' love brings change when we allow ourselves to experience it. I know I've said a lot in this post. I'm just going through a healing process. I'm not the only one. One thing I will say, don't be like me, a man who at times when he is hurting looks to hurt anyone in my path. Learn God's love and do right by others; even on those who hurt you. This is what Jesus did, even as He was dying on the cross.
Til next time, dgwo
The Gospel of Matthew (that's right, the whole thing)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
I was reading something this morning and it really hit me hard. Still is. You have not because you don't ask and you don't have it because you ask in amiss to use what you ask for to please you. Ouch. But as I think further, this is how I've been for a long time. The heart of the message is motive. Motives are intentions, plans, or prospective plans we make in life to achieve a certain goal. Whether it's starting a family, expanding a business, or buying a new car, there are inner motives behind our plans. We all have motives whether they are good or bad. Some call them intentions. Others call them predilections. But in al, they sum up to be motives. Lately, my level of understanding has been getting upgraded through insights of introspection, retrospection, and observation. Just recently, an old school was telling me about a class he took a couple of years about how people operate. He told me that when we just sit back and look, we will see what's really in a man's heart. Now as I think on his words and much study, I believe those words are true. We have to be careful of our motives and the motives of others. Sometimes, we do things to impress others, to show our superiority over others , or rob others of great opportunities because of our selfishness and greed. We have to watch others by certain comments they make about us or certain situations. Some people will do good things for you but will only do things to get you off guard. Once they see you are open game, the knife slits the throat. Some of us have wrong motives and csn get away with a lot of hidden acts but God knows our hearts. if we don't check our hearts, bad motives will kill our life lines. Jesus would sit back and see what really was in men's hearts. He knew their thoughts because their actions spoke louder the words. Their words of self righteousness expelled wrong in their hearts. He referred to them teaching others so poorly to lord over others that they would become twice the devil in hell. He exposed their supposed piety for their community to give them a place of honor. But that's honor. In today's world people create laws, make business deals, or even share teachings only to enslave others for their benefit. This has been occurring since the beginning of time. If we're going to do things, let us do them only to bless others seeking nothing else in return. Let's have the right kind of motives that please God alone instead of always trying to impress the fair weather friendliness of man. When we pray asking God for something, let us learn to seek to do His will instead of trying to coerce Him to do our will. Most importantly, let's discipline ourselves from hurting others by our intentions of greed and power. Motives. We've got to watch them. They're deadly. Trust me.
Til next time, dgwo.
1st Samuel 18:1-15
Matthew 9:4
1st Timothy 4:16
James 4:1-4
Til next time, dgwo.
1st Samuel 18:1-15
Matthew 9:4
1st Timothy 4:16
James 4:1-4
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